Chapter 690: Sora: I really just want to go to the toilet! Keqing: You are really hopeless!

Kelai was stunned:

“Did I hear it wrong…Amber, you said you are Sora’s girlfriend too?”

Amber’s mind was a little confused and she could only nod blankly.

After receiving the affirmation, both Ke Lai and Amber were confused and couldn’t react for a while. They were stagnant in place.

And Kong Seeing this, he also felt bad.

When he wanted to run away, he found that Kelai and Amber had pinched his hands at all times and had no intention of letting him go.

Kong was full of worries. Khan coughed and said:

“Ahem, I suddenly feel like I want to go to the toilet.”

“Can you let go of your hands first and let me relieve myself?”

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t hold back after seeing this scene.

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, the car rollover scene I was most looking forward to finally appeared!”

Ping:”Hahahaha, the traveler finally has this day!”

Amber:”O(Mouth) O Kong, ah ah ah ah, you big bastard, you actually dared to lie to me, and you also picked up my best friend, I absolutely can’t get around you!!!”

Ms.:”The most outrageous thing is that this bastard still wants to find an excuse to run away!

Servant:”This scumbag is really hopeless.”” puppet:”(^.^), the show is about to begin!”

Rich man:”Haha, now I just want to see how the travelers solve this Shura field.”

Rooster:” I just want to see the traveler being beaten by these two women.”

Dadali Duck:”Quack quack~ Hahaha, your thoughts are exactly the same as mine!”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Sora, hey, hey, this little cutie like you really likes this kind of thing, right? Stealing your bestie, right?”

Zaoyou:”(⊙⊙), I remember that at that time, wasn’t sister Gan Yu the traveler’s lover? I still remember that Sister Gan Yu was Lord Shenzi’s best friend, but in the end Lord Shenzi took action against Sister Gan Yu’s boyfriend Traveler…”

Son of the Eightfold God:”(^) Zaoyu, do you think about it more seriously?”

Haoyu:”Oh, oh, I remembered it wrongly. It seems that the traveler attacked Yae Shenzi first. It’s exactly the same as now. Uh-huh, this traveler is really a bad guy, Hayao.” I feel so worthless for Yae Shenzi-sama!

Thomas:”Pfft~ Hahaha, what a change of words at the speed of light.”

Xiaolu:”Hahaha, Lord Shenzi is still very scary.””

Luye Nana:”Haoyu, haha, who told you to talk nonsense.”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Hayao, that’s so well said, please remember to say it in the future.”

Haoyou:”o(╥﹏- -)o, Zaoyu knows.”

Ke Qing:”(Dan)? Kong, I knew that you, a bastard, would always get involved with women wherever you go!”

Gan Yu:”(﹏) Sora, I’m angry, I’m really angry!”

Barbara:”o(╥﹏╥)o empty, oh oh ~ obviously there are Barbara, why go outside to mess with flowers! Noelle

:”﹏Uuuuu~ Senior flirted with other girlfriends in front of Noel, and there was even more than one woman. Don’t do that kind of thing!””

Falushan:”Oh my god, I knew the traveler would definitely take action against this Kelai, but now he’s overturned.”

Candice:”(▼ヘ▼)Now I just want to see rivers of blood!”

Clolind:”() I want to see the Traveler torn apart by Amber and Collet.

Leosley:”Hahaha, tearing it up is too outrageous.””

Funina:”Okay, okay!””

Xigwen:”(^.^), eat melon, eat melon!

Kaiya:”Hahaha, what did the former traveler say?” Diluc:”

Song: Please, I am a gentleman, why would I attack Amber’s best friend Cole?” Xiaolu:”

Song: Please, I’m a gentleman, why would I attack Amber’s best friend Kelai?” Thomas:”

Song: Please, I’m a gentleman, why would I attack Amber’s best friend Cole?””(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Keqing:”(.)Kong, are you still a gentleman? You will definitely not take action against Kelai, right?”

Kamisato Aya (blackened):”Sora, absolutely unforgivable!!! Absolutely unforgivable!!! Absolutely unforgivable!!!…+N

Youra:”(Dan)? Sora, I really can’t stand it anymore. Even if I want to run away in my heart, I still have to find an excuse to run away in the video, right?”

Asking for flowers 0

Navia:”Hahaha, this Travelers are so scumbag, I can’t stand it anymore.”

Leyla:”I feel a bit scumbag too….”

Condensing light:”(^) Sora, aren’t you very good at explaining it? Now explain to me what is going on? Hutao

:”(Dan)? Kong, if you can’t explain it, you’re doomed!”

Kujo Sora:”(Sara) Kong, I shouldn’t have let you go at that time. I had to beat you up no matter what!””

Xiaogong:”O(Mouth) O Kong, where is the person? Come out quickly!!!”

Qin:”(.)Paimon, you know it!”


Amber:”Paimon, what did he say?””

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)Forehead…The traveler said: I was wronged, I didn’t lie, I really just wanted to go to the toilet.”

Amber:”O(Mouth) O Kong, ah ah ah, I really can’t stand it anymore, who asked you this!”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, if you can’t explain it, just ask something that doesn’t answer the question, right? Okay, okay, if you want to play like this, then when I catch you, it will be harder than forcing me to treat you harder!”

Yura:”(Dan)? Kong, you are really hopeless!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ You really deserve to be a traveler-san.”

Zhong Li:”Travellers are masters at pretending to be confused.”

Wendy:”o(▽), I saw that they were all resigned to being defeated.”

Shadow:”丨丨Barbatos said this, it seems really outrageous.”

Alice:”Hahahaha, I can’t stand it anymore. This guy pretends to be confused. It’s natural for him to pretend to be confused. The chapter comes.”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)Forehead…Traveler said:(^.^), it’s an award, but it’s actually not that great. Xiao

Gong:”(Dan)? Kong, you are so shy. Who praised you?” We are talking about you!!!

Yan Fei:”Ah ha ha ha ha, I really can’t stand it anymore, why do I have such a stupid boyfriend!”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, you are really, really, really hopeless!”.

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