Chapter 683: Candice: Fire prevention, theft prevention, and traveler prevention! Fa Lushan: Oh my god, it’s so perverted!

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Traveler-san said he is a gentleman again?”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, I’m too lazy to talk to you.”

Navillette:”Why on earth, why are travelers so entangled in this word of a gentleman?”

Ms.:”The more people lack something, the more they like to find it!”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)Forehead…The traveler said: I’m not, I didn’t, don’t talk nonsense!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Traveler Sang Lightspeed has denied it three times in a row.” puppet:”(^.^)Madam, what nonsense are you talking about?”

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ That’s absolutely right.

Servant:”Haha, madam, you are absolutely right.”

Xiaolu:”Hahaha, I can’t refute this?”

Candice:”It really fits the traveler’s situation.”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, if you want to travel so much, you are really a gentleman who says you are a gentleman every day.””

At this time, in the live broadcast room, one day has passed.

On the way to Xumi Academy,

Sora and Kelai are cuddling together.

Kelai shyly leaned his head on Sora’s chest:

“Have you received a gift from the gods in this way? Kong stretched out his hand to rub Kelai’s head and comforted him softly:

“That’s right”

“In this way we receive the gift of God.”

After hearing this, Kelai slowly replayed what happened yesterday in his head, and his face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

Although he was very shy, it was more of an afterthought.

Kelai looked up at Sora, hesitantly expecting:

“That…Are you still going to hold the ceremony tonight?”

Kong’s face was neither red nor his ears red, and he said seriously:

“Of course, after all, the more devoutly we pray to the gods, the more the gods will bless us..”

“Um…”Kelai nodded shyly.

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene, the barrage exploded instantly.

Especially the girlfriends of travelers.

My lungs are about to explode!

Nelu:”Huh? How come one day has passed? And why does Miss Collet look so shy and even cling to the traveler so intimately?”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Nasida is also very curious.”

Funina:”(Dan)? The traveler must have done something!”

Clorind:”(▼ヘ▼)Sora, I’ve already seen it, you guy must have deceived Kelai into something! Come to Fontaine quickly, I will arrest you and bring you to justice!

Sai Nuo:”Why does Ke Lai have such a womanly expression?” Sora, what exactly did you do to Kelai?

Tinari:” This…No!!! Why does Ke Lai have this expression?!! Sora, traveler, what did you do to Kelai?!!”

Qin:”(Sang) Kong, didn’t you say you would never take action against Kelai? What is going on now? Why are you two cuddling together? Yan

Fei:”(Mu) Kong, and you said that the ceremony will continue tonight, right?” Ahhhhhhh, please come back to Liyue quickly, I will beat you up!!!”

Ke Qing:”(Dan)? Kong, ahhhhhh, I’m so angry, I’m going to kill you bastard!!!”

Amber:”O(Mouth) O Kong, you obviously have me, but you still attack Kelai, right? She is my best friend, ah ah ah ah, I really can’t stand it, just wait for me, I will go to Dao Wife right now and beat you up, you bastard!!!”

Yura:”(Dan)? Amber, pull me out, I have to deal with this bastard!!!”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kamisato Ayaka (blackened):”Sora, absolutely unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable!…+N

Columbia (blackened):”Sora, you lied to me again, right? Kill you!!!”

Lady:”Columbia, okay, hurry up and kill this scumbag!”

Puppet:”Brother Columbia, pull me up!”

Servant:”Columbia, remember to call me when you go, I want to go to the theater.”

Zaoyou:”(Ω-Ω), the adult world is so scary…”

Son of the Eightfold God:”(^) Sora, little guy, so you took action against Kelai? It’s obvious that I already have it, so how brave you are.”

Kujo Sura:”(Sara) Kong, you still take action against Kelai, right? You are dead!”

Barbara:”.o(╥﹏╥)Oh, it was obviously Barbara who came first, so why did you take action against Kelai? Noelle

:”﹏Sora, woohoo~ Senior cuddling up with other women in front of Noelle, making love to me, etc. Don’t want that kind of thing!””

Amber:”O(Mouth) O Kong, ah ah ah ah, I’m so angry. You obviously have me, but you still attack my best friend? And the most annoying thing is that you even brought trouble to my two best friends! If only one Youla is not enough, why not add a Kelai? Okay, okay, you want to play like this, right? If I don’t teach you a lesson, I won’t call you Amber!”

Kaiya:”Let me whisper, in fact, Amber, your group of best friends, including Kelai, have basically been ruined by travelers, hahaha.”

Albedo:” It seems…Really, Sugar, Rosalia, Barbara, Jean, Yora, Cole, Noelle, Lisa, Mona…They are all travelers…”

Tewa(Qianliao Zhao)Lin Jiang:”(*/ *)And there I am.”

Wendy:”Hey~ Me too”[]

Falga:”It’s over. Our Mondstadt has been harmed by travelers….”


Kawei:”It’s against the sky.”…”Phi”

Elhaysen:”Shocked me for a whole year!””

Dai Yin:”It’s too outrageous….”

Zhong Li:”Outrageous…”

Mandrill:”King Lianyan…Miss Zhong Li said this, which seems really outrageous.”

Falushan:”Oh my god, this traveler is so perverted. He won’t let any of Amber’s best friends go!

Candice:”I used to be fire-proof, theft-proof, and best friends, but now I’m fire-proof, theft-proof, and travelers!””

Nilu:”Pfft~ Hahaha, I’m sorry traveler, Nilu, I really can’t bear it when I see this.”

Ms.:”This damn scumbag deserves to die!”.

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