Chapter 681: Puppet: Hey hey~ Little Kelai, you can’t escape from my grasp! Servant: It’s me!

Wendy:”Kavi??? Why are you stealing my lines?”

Zhong Li:”6!” Mandrill


Kaiya:”Hahaha, stealing my lines is the most outrageous thing!”

Kavi:”Wait a minute Wait a minute, why are you all looking at me like this? I’m really just trying to save Kelai. I’m not what you think, Master Fengshen!”

Twarin-chan:”() Don’t pay attention to what he said, he That’s it.”

Amber:”O(Mouth) O Kong, ah ah ah ah, you big bastard, what on earth do you want to do to Kelai, she is my best friend!”

Yura:”(Dan) Kong, I will never forgive you. You actually taught Kelai this kind of knowledge, right? Just wait for me!”

Yun Jin:”627″”Song, really, I’m angry too!”

Kuki Ren:”(.)Sora, Tieme, the two of them must go to a quiet room together to hold the ceremony. You really want to fight, right?”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Sora, what exactly is this ceremony? If you don’t make it clear, I will go to Haiji Island to find you now.”

Kamizato Ayaka (blackened):”Sora, if you don’t come out again, Ayaka, I will be really, really, really angry!!!”

Zaoyou:”(Ω-Ω), Ayaka-sama is so scary…”

Toma:”Haayu, I’ve said it several times, but even if it’s true, you can’t say it out loud!”

Kujo Sora:”(Sora) Sora, you’re still pretending to be dead, right?”

Dolly:”(^.^), now it’s time for Paimon to take action! Kaiya

:”Hahaha, I still remember that Paimon came out just now. I didn’t expect that she would be asked to deliver the message again now.”

Ping:”Haha, who made that Traveler guy so naughty that he even got him banned in the live broadcast room?”

Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhenjun said:”It’s hard to stretch.”…”

True Monarch Cutting the Moon and Casting the Yang:”Until now, I still can’t understand why the traveler did this.”

Navilette:”The traveler’s thinking is different from ours. Maybe he has his own ideas.”

Leosli:”Hahaha, is that so? I think the travelers just want to escape by being banned.”

Xiao Gong:”(▼ヘ▼)Paimon, get that guy out quickly!”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)Forehead…The traveler said he is busy and has no time to reply to you. If anything happens, come back to him tomorrow.”

Zhong Li:”6!


Albedo:”I don’t have time to tell you so much to Paimon?…”

Diluc:”It’s difficult to stretch…”

Kaia:”Hahaha, travelers know how to seek good luck and avoid disaster.”

Dyne:”This traveler…”

Bai Shu:”Haha, it would be the most outrageous to ask him tomorrow.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Traveler-san is indeed so good.”

Jiuki Ren:”Paimon, that’s what he said, right?”

Amber:”O(Mouth) O Kong, ahhhhhh, I’m so angry!”

Yura:”(Dan)? Sora, damn it, it’s a good thing you’re not with me, otherwise I have to deal with you?”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Xinhai, I remember you were not by Sora’s side. Can you let him come out and explain?”

Xinhai:”(^), don’t worry, Lord Shenzi, as long as I’m here, he can’t pretend to be dead. If he still does this for less than three seconds, haha~”

Albedo:”It sounds like something very dangerous will happen to travelers.”

Kamizato Ayato:”I hope something happens to the travelers!

Arataki Yidou said:”I hope something happens to the traveler!””

Durav:”I hope something happens to the travelers!”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)Forehead…The traveler said: I just woke up, what happened?”

Xinhai:”(^) Kong, I’ve been watching you make breakfast, where did you just wake up?”

Yura:”(.)Sora, I know you don’t sleep at all, so why are you just waking up? This is a complete lie!”

Jiu Qi Ren:”Song, Tie Baa, you just woke up, right?”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, the most outrageous thing is just waking up!

Falga:”This traveler, hahaha, I can’t stand it anymore.””

Funina:”(Dan)? This traveler is really full of nonsense!”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, I’m too lazy to complain about your bullshit. You just woke up. Please explain to me what the hell is that ritual of yours?”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Miss Keqing is truly worthy of being the traveler’s girlfriend. She is already so familiar with the traveler’s routines that she is too lazy to complain….”

Bai Shu:”Haha, I can see that Miss Keqing really heard too much.”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)…The traveler said: Oh oh oh, the ceremony you just said was a very ordinary prayer ceremony. What’s the problem? Hutao

:”(Dan) Kong, are there any other questions?” In your ceremony, you said that two people should be in a quiet room, or a man and a woman with Kelai, what do you think?”

Funina:”(Dan)? Kong, a man and a woman are alone in the same room, and you’re saying it’s a common ritual? In all my life, I have never heard of any ritual that requires two people to do it in a quiet room.

Beidou:”Hahaha, no matter how you look at it, there is something very fishy in it.””

Ms.:”In my opinion, this ritual must be that the traveler tricked Kelai into entering the room, and then ate her up, a girl who didn’t understand anything!”

Puppet:”Song: Hehehe~ Little Kelai, you can’t escape my grasp!

Servant:”Hahahaha, Sandone, your imitation is too much like a traveler!””

The rich man:”It’s me! Skirmisher:”

It’s me!””[]

Dadali Duck:”That’s me!”

Barbara:”o(╥﹏╥)Oh, it was obviously Barbara who came first, but why did you go to find another woman, Sora? Noelle

:”﹏, wuwuwu~ Senior and 1.4 other women are alone in the same room. Don’t do that kind of thing!””

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)Forehead…The traveler said: I am wronged. How could I do such a thing? The ceremony I am talking about is really just a very ordinary and pious prayer ceremony. You see, it is just like the kind of worship in Liyue. Is there anything surprising?”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ +1 for daily injustice!

Dadali Duck:”Zhong Li, does Liyue really have this kind of ritual?”

Zhong Li:”It is true that there are Liyue, but I have never heard of such things as a single man and a widow.”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, there is a ceremony to worship gods, but there is no such thing as a man and a woman alone, right?” Zhong Li:”


Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, aren’t you very good at explaining it? Explain to me now?”.

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