Chapter 672: Sora: The children all know that I am a gentleman, don’t you believe it? Alice: Hahaha, I can’t stand it anymore!

Dolly:”Damn it, this sleep clock can actually be immune to all attacks while sleeping. Isn’t this incredible?”

Yae Shenzi:”Do you sleep on a regular basis? You don’t have to be disturbed or attacked by others. It feels really good..”

Amber:”It feels like a very good prop.”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! What, the live broadcast room actually rewarded such a heaven-defying thing, Zaoyu wanted it so much, wanted it so much!”

Fa Lushan:”By the way, I remember that this girl Laila usually suffers from sleep problems. This time with this tool, she really doesn’t have to worry about any sleep problems.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Yes.”

Elhaysen:”I have also heard about Laila’s frequent insomnia.”

Kavi:”I’ve heard that too, but I didn’t expect that her most urgent wish is to have a good night’s sleep?”

Seno:”05 I didn’t expect this either.


Dishiya:”Haha, from this gift, we can see that Laila’s inner wish is indeed very urgent to have a good sleep.”

Zao You:”(Dan)? Hey, you guys, don’t underestimate sleep. Sleep is a major event in life, and insomnia is the top priority! If you can’t sleep, you will be very tired at the end of the day!”

Laila:”(*/ *)Uh-huh…That’s it.”

At this time, news suddenly came from the live broadcast room

【The Q&A session is over!】

【Start loading the following video!】

【Amber’s best friend! 】

After seeing this title, Amber took the lead in sending a barrage.

Amber:”(^.^), ah, I really didn’t expect that I would be such an important person in Kelai’s heart. He was even nicknamed Amber as his best friend. It’s really embarrassing.

Qin:”Well, we can also see that Kelai really likes you.”

Kaiya:”Haha, after all, if Amber hadn’t been there, we still don’t know what Kelai would be like now.” Diluc:”


Yura:”This is true.”

Lisa:”Humph, if you think about it, it makes sense that Colei likes Amber the most.”

Amber:”(^.^), I don’t really like you, I’m just a good friend.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ I think the name of the video is called Amber’s best friend, so it seems that the video to be waited for must be about the friendship between Amber and Kelai!”

Yura:”I think so too!

Keqing:”The names are all like this, they should be pretty much the same!””

Nilu:”(*), it’s great to have my own close friends.

Shadow:”A close friend?”…”

Leila:”I really want a best friend.”

Paimon:”(^.^), Paimon just heard the traveler whispering: If you don’t have a best friend, you will have a boyfriend!”



Shadow:”() This traveler should have used his distance to capture him at that time!”

Yae Shenzi:”(^) Sora, you little guy, I know what kind of gentleman you are at the top, but in your heart you like pretty people when you see them, right?”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, you’re finished, I told you, even the resurrection of the King of Rocks can’t save you! Hutao

:”(Dan)? Kong, you’re so skinny, aren’t you? I’ve already made your coffin, and I’m just waiting for one of the sisters to send you over!” Yan

Fei:”(Dan) Kong, as expected you deserve the death penalty!””

Jiu Jiao Shu Luo:”(.)Sora, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot, right? Okay, okay, just wait for me!”

Kavi:”Hahaha, travelers are so outrageous!

Xiaolu:”If you don’t have a close friend, you have a boyfriend. It’s really awesome!”

Kaiya:”Haha, what kind of traitor is Paimon?” Alice

:”Haha, she really said something about Paimon!””(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Captain:”Song, I suggest a strict investigation of the third generation of Paimon!”

Dardali Duck:”Song, I suggest a strict investigation of the third generation of Paimon!”

Xeno:”Song, I suggest a strict investigation of the third generation of Paimon!

Lisa:”Haha, I feel like Sora would have said something if he hadn’t been banned.””

Diona:”(^.^), I was wronged!”

Qiqi:” Please…I am a gentleman.”

Dolly:”(*), how could it be possible to say those words?”

Baizhu:”Pfft~ Hahaha, I’m sorry traveler, I didn’t expect that what these children said would be so like you.

Nilu:”Pfft~ Hahaha, Nilu, I can’t hold myself any longer.””

Haoyou:”Pfft~ Hahahaha, what you said sounds too much like what travelers said, right?”

Kelly:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ It seems that everyone is familiar with Brother Traveler.”

Ke Qing:”(.), which also just shows how talkative he is.

Mona:”It’s really hopeless to make Keli and the others remember anything. It’s useless.””

Qin:” Indeed…”

Lady:”This scumbag deserves to die!”

Servant:”Hearing these words, I know that this man is a top scumbag.”

Puppet:”(^.^), it’s hard to say otherwise. After all, travelers are gentlemen and so on, so it sounds like they are talking nonsense.”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙), the traveler said: I was wronged, I am really not a scumbag967! Please, it’s hard for me to be the most honorable man in Teyvat. Even Keli and the others know this, but you guys call me a scumbag. I really can’t stand it!”



Early pomelo:”(⊙⊙)?”

Kaia:”Hahaha, I can’t stand it anymore. My family said that Keli and the others know that Traveler is a gentleman and so on. I really can’t stand it anymore!”

Keli:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ As expected, he is still the familiar traveler brother.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Travelers, you are the pistachio of our live broadcast room! Alice

:”Song, hahaha, I’m going to laugh so hard I can’t bear it. I still have to say that I’m a gentleman, you’re the real deal!””

Ke Qing:”(.)Empty, day by day, if you don’t worry about that bitch of a gentleman, you will die, right?”

Kamizato Ayaka (blackened):”(^) Sora, Ayaka, I’m not angry at all, so come back to Ayaka quickly. Ayaka has prepared a lot of delicious things for you.”

Zao You:”Can those foods be eaten?…Forget it, Zayou won’t say anything anymore. Thomas

:”Haoyu, haven’t you finished talking?””

【Video loaded!】

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【Amber’s best friend! 】.

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