Chapter 646: Xinhai: Don’t worry, everyone, I’ll take care of him when I get back! Funina’s plan!

Sora:”I’m not, I don’t have it, don’t talk nonsense!”

Funina:”(Dan)? Sora, are you still talking arrogantly here? Come on, tell me what the traveler just said!”

Kaiya:”Song: If you want me, I will choose B. I like B the best!”

Diluc:”Song: If you want me, I will choose B. I like B the best!”

Xiaolu:”Song: If you want me, I will choose B. B, I like B the most!”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙), the more he listened to these words, the weirder Paimon felt.” null:”(:) Don’t think too much. I don’t mean anything else. I really just like the answer B. Clolind:”

() Do you really think we are fools?” Charlotte:”

It’s”Nine Eight Three”!” Sora

:”Go, go, go. I’m not the only one who said that answer B is correct. Didn’t Tinari also say it?””

Paimon:”(*), yes, Paimon remembers it very clearly too!”

Tinari:”Ahem, actually I have said this too. Please don’t talk about the traveler. He is really innocent.”

Kavi:”This is true. Tinari also said before that the answer B is very possible.”


Dardali Duck:”Quack quack~ Hahaha, that’s what I said, but Tinari is Kelai’s master, and the choice B itself is called Tinari’s apprentice. He himself said that this answer is the most suitable. There’s nothing wrong with Ke Lai’s nickname or anything like that! But the traveler is not like this. He just said that he simply likes B. Why don’t you all taste it?

Skirmisher:”I can’t say about other people, but the travelers must have come out deliberately to trick people!”

Xing Qiuzi:”It’s just intentional. I have personal experience. I know it best!” Chong

Yunzi:”﹏Woooooo~ I won’t say anything. Everyone will know when they see how I turn into a woman now!”” null:”(:) That’s your choice too, what does it have to do with me?

Kaiya:”Hahaha, travelers are now like scumbags who leave after picking up their pants!”

Doctor:”Hahaha, what nonsense are you talking about?”

Sora:”I’m not, I didn’t, don’t talk nonsense!”

Lady:”He himself is like this, okay?”

Servant:”It’s me!”” puppet:”(^.^), that’s me!”

Navilet:”Although I say that, it is my choice anyway. I think this is still due to the problem of you who gave the wrong answer.”

Xing Qiuzi:”o(╥﹏╥)o, I know it too, but I just can’t let go! Chong

Yunzi:”﹏, wuwuwu~ me too!”

Lady:”(Dan) Can no one teach this traveler a lesson?””

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Don’t worry, I will teach him a lesson!”

Xinhai:”(^) Deal with him later!”

Qin:”(*), this Kong Tiantian is so naughty, it’s really time to deal with him! Yelan:”

Okay, okay, it seems everyone has this idea!”

Ningguang:”Everyone, just do it, I’ll be fine!”” walnut:”(^.^), I have no problem either!”

Yan Fei:”(^)Hit him casually, just don’t hurt his vitals!” null:”(⊙⊙)Ah this…”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ There’s something good to watch now!”

Shadow:”Looking forward to it!”

Eightfold God Son:”(^)fine!”

Wendy:”Hey, you want to hurt travelers or something, don’t do that kind of thing!

Sora:”Wendy?” ? ?

Diluc:”Get used to it!””

Funina was furious after seeing the traveler jumping around wildly in the live broadcast room. She just felt that this guy was so annoying!

Why did she choose to trust the traveler in the first place? ?

Oh, right…It seems that what Tinari said was also taken into consideration by him.

Ahem, but no matter what, travelers still have to bear certain responsibilities!

There is no running away!

Funina thought that the traveler might still be watching the barrage in front of the screen with a smirk on her face, and she couldn’t help but tremble with anger.

I thought that I must teach this guy a lesson if I have the opportunity in the future!

But he also knew that the most troublesome thing now was not to teach the travelers a lesson.

Instead, the punishment in the live broadcast room should be solved first.

Funina looked at the countdown in the live broadcast room, and she couldn’t help but feel a little scared.

I know that if I still fail to find someone to help solve this punishment before the countdown ends,………

You may encounter even more horrific punishments than now.

Funina even vaguely felt that there might be life-threatening punishments.

Thinking of this, she suddenly swallowed her saliva and began to think anxiously about who she should choose to help solve the punishment. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

What about that guy Villette?

Well, he is the supreme judge of Fontaine, and he is the water god.

I’m afraid it’s not good for this to spread, right?


It doesn’t look good, right?

After all, Clolinde is also his subordinate.

If he forcibly chose her, wouldn’t he be criticized by other Fontaine people when he returned?

No, no, my reputation isn’t always that good.

If we are criticized again for using power to suppress others, then our reputation will probably be even worse.


Ah this…

She is a reporter!

Although she is definitely willing to choose Charlotte, she might write a big news story in the evening.

It’s as if the current travelers are being complained about by her every day in Fontaine’s Steam Bird Daily.

Some of those news are irritating even when I see them.

If Charlotte is really chosen, she will definitely write a short composition.

What other beauty products are there in Xigwen?

No, no!

They are so pure, kind and lovely, how can they be allowed to play this kind of game?

Don’t talk about others, I am afraid that I will be the first one to be unwilling in 2.6!

The other seven gods?

That’s not a good idea, is it?

We all work together. If we do this in the future, how can we meet again? o(╥﹏╥)oWoooo~ It’s over now.

Who should I choose?

The more Funina thought about it, the more distressed she became. She just felt that it was all the traveler’s fault!

If he hadn’t specifically hinted that answer B was the right answer, how could he have chosen the wrong answer?

It’s all his fault!

Otherwise, how could I play this kind of guessing game where if I lose, I have to take off my clothes!


Take it off after losing?

Funina suddenly had an idea! correct!

Then it’s okay if she doesn’t lose?

Anyway, I can use secret methods to temporarily improve my luck, and there is no way I can lose in guessing games!

When the time comes to choose the bastard Traveler, wouldn’t it allow him to strip naked and embarrass himself in the live broadcast room?

Hahahahaha, I am such a genius!.

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