Chapter 636: Sora: Whoever kisses me, I will tell her the answer! Navia: Empty? ? ?

Seno:”Indeed, there is still a dead zone in Xumi now. Without the help of the rangers, Xumi will be covered by the dead zone in a short time.”


Tinari:”Well, so the presence of rangers is particularly crucial. If the dead zone is not cleared regularly, Xumi’s situation will become more and more dangerous.” Zhong Li:”It seems that other countries also have their own Question.”

Wendy:”Hey, every family has its own sutras that are difficult to recite~”


Nasida:”(Ω-Ω)Yes, it is.”


Tinari:”But this matter is too far away now. Let’s focus on answering the question of what is Collet’s nickname.”

Albedo:”Then”980″, it seems that the answer has confirmed both of them. He has something to do with Kelai. One is A. Daochenglin trainee ranger B. Tinari’s apprentice.”

Zaoyou:”o(▽)Hehe~ Then Zaoyu understands, the correct answer lies in these two choices, right?

Arataki Yidou:”I understand too!””

Tinari:”I don’t know very well, but these two answers are indeed quite consistent with Kelai.

Fa Lushan:”Kong, do you know what the answer is?”

Navia:”Yes, the traveler answered successfully three times in a row and understands women’s hearts so well. He must know the answer.”

Clolind:”I don’t know what others say, but from the traveler, I feel that he can guess the answer with a high probability.””

Linette:”() I think so too!”

Barbara:”(*^▽^*), of course, the space in my house is amazing!”

Noelle:”(^.^), I can definitely guess what the seniors said!”

Ke Qing:”(*)Empty, so what is the answer? Let me tell your wife!”

Xiaogong:”(^) Sora, do you really know the answer?”

Kujo Suluo:”Kong, where are the people?

Hu Tao:”Are you pretending to be dead again?””

Yan Fei:”(.), nine times out of ten it is for sure!”

Jiuki Ren:”Paimon, you know!”

Paimon:”(^), Paimon received it!

Kaiya:”Hahaha, what kind of traitor is Paimon!””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Little Paimon is still so interesting today!”

Nilu:”(^.^), Paimon is so cute, I really want to rub her little face!” null:”(:) Just woke up, what happened?”

Yura:”This guy is really hopeless.”

Qin:”(.)Sora, I can’t help but complain about you. You just wake up every time, right? Are you sleeping intermittently?”

Baizhu:”Hahaha, intermittent sleep and so on, it really describes the situation of travelers.”

Xigwen:”o(**)o If Traveler-Sang is sick, you can come to me in prison and I can help you treat him.”

Leosli:”Haha, with the current reputation of travelers, I am afraid that he will be able to live here when he comes. It is estimated that a lot of people will hope that he will live there all the time.

Navilette:”That’s true.””

Zhong Li:”Haha, Mr. Leosley seems to have guessed the public’s psychology.”

Funina:”(^^)—Yes, yes, this scumbag should be put in jail!”

Xigwen:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Hey, my original intention at the beginning was just to cure diseases.”

Funina:”(^^) You take care of yourselves, and let Leosly take care of the rest!

Sora:”Funina?” ? ?”

Ms.:”Okay, okay!” This scumbag should be caught and sent to jail!

Servant:”It’s hard not to support it!”” puppet:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ That’s great!”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙), but the traveler did not break the law, so he will be arrested. You are unjustly accusing him!”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Navilette:”Travellers did not commit any crimes in Fontaine, so we cannot arrest travelers in the name of illegality. There is no doubt about this, although we do Travelers cannot be arrested for crimes committed by other countries, but if gods order the arrest of travelers, we can also use this to carry out transnational law enforcement. Leosley:”

Haha, this is indeed true. Travelers have committed many crimes in other countries. I heard that travelers have openly resisted General Thunder recently. If he really escaped to Fontaine, We can really use this to help Inazuma capture him.”

Funina:”(^o^)/~Great! Sora, did you hear that? We can catch you!”

Shadow:”() I agree with this. If people from other countries catch travelers, they can immediately bring back Dao Wife and I will compensate her………”

Son of the Eightfold God:”(^) Hey, hey, the little guy looks like things are going to be bad this time.”

Noelle:”o(╥﹏╥)o, no, you can’t arrest seniors!”

Fa Lushan:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! , obviously at the beginning we just wanted to ask Sora what the answer was, and why the topic got here. Sora, if you are caught, traveler, I will go over and visit you!

Candice:”I will observe three minutes of silence!””

Navia:”o(╥﹏╥)o, Traveler, why are you…”

Charlotte:”﹏, I will write news about the traveler for a year to mourn him.”

Dudali Duck:”Quack quack~ Hahaha, although the traveler is a bit scumbag, he is indeed not worthy of death. , eh, why did he…”

The rich man:”Hahaha, it makes me feel bad too.”

The lady:”Hahaha, so good!!!”

Zaoyou:”(Ω-Ω), traveler…Zaoyou will remember you! Dolly :”


(╥﹏- -)o, Nilu also wanted to cry.”

Wendy:”Hey, I’m already crying~”


Kai 2.4:”Hahaha, Master Fengshen is real, I cry to death!”

Tevarin-chan:”I am touched!”



Sora:”(.), why is it based on my being arrested? And why do you, one by one, make it seem like I’m not here?

Navia:”Hahaha, I won’t play anymore, so do you know what the answer is?””

Fa Lushan:”(^.^), tell me the answer quickly!”

Barbara:”(*^▽^*), Barbara also wants to know the answer. Noelle:”

Noelle too!”” null:”(:) I will tell her whoever kisses me!”

Fa Lushan:”Empty? ? ?

Charlotte:”Empty?” ? ?

Navia:”Empty?” ? ?”.

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