Chapter 631: Tinari: Traveler, I think you don’t understand at all! Sora: What do you want to do by getting so close?

Zhong Li:”Oh? The traveler has a good plan, I would like to hear the details.”

Dolly:”No, no, no, no matter how you look at it, you can only choose one of the two.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Indeed. Rich man:”Empty, so what is your choice?”” null:”(:) Rich man, first of all, I am not greedy for money, nor am I fond of beauty.”



Qingqing:”(.)Sora, just talk, you have to say it, right?”

Ms.:”Not good at beauty? hehe!

Servant:”I laughed!”

Puppet:”This guy is becoming more and more shameless!”” null:”(:) And compared to the current matter of”703″, I care more about my long-lost sister. If any of you help me find my sister, I will give this thing as a prize to someone!”

Rich man:”So you mean, you want one of us to help you find your sister before you plan to make this thing?” null:”(:)Yes.

The rich man said,”As expected, Traveler, you are very smart. I will lose this time.””

Navilet:”The traveler is really smart, and he probably saw that the rich man set up a trap to trick him. Zhong Li:”


Albedo:”In this case, the traveler doesn’t have to answer anything.”

Elhaysen:”That’s true.

Kaiya:”Hahaha, it really can’t trouble travelers.””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Nasida knew that travelers would definitely find ways to avoid the most important things.”

Ke Qing:”(.), this guy, I knew he would definitely avoid the problem.”

Yura:”Huh, I haven’t said anything nonsense yet, so I’ll bypass him first this time.

Yan Fei:”(mu), if I let you choose, you might as well not choose, right?””

Shadow:”丨丨What are you talking about? Why can’t I understand it?”

Funina:”Wait, wait, what are you talking about? Explain it to me quickly!

Arataki Yidou:”I don’t understand either. Why does this answer look so weird?” Didn’t you clearly agree before that you would either accept the rich man’s deal or choose not to accept the rich man’s deal? But why is it now necessary to help the traveler find his sister to obtain this super-energized crystal?”

Abedo:”Because this way he doesn’t have to answer questions, which means he doesn’t need to choose between his girlfriends and the servants.

Diluc:”Yes, this way you don’t have to answer both sides, and it’s equivalent to solving the problem itself in disguise. It’s a perfect solution.””

Fa Lushan:”o(╥﹏╥)oI also want to see the scene where the traveler is torn apart by the beautiful ladies on both sides.”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)That would kill someone, right?

Leila:”Such a scene is too violent.”…”

Colombia:”(???), that’s fine, as long as I didn’t take the initiative to choose those women. Noelle

:”Hey, hey, so now seniors won’t date beautiful executives?”


Funina:”(Object), why did you let this scumbag escape again!

Arataki Yidou said:”Hell, doesn’t that mean the traveler has solved the problem?”

Bennett:”Uuuuuu~ Why can Master Patriarch solve the problem so easily?” Why can’t I think of a solution at all just now?”

Ningguang:”(^) Kong, don’t think that you’ll be fine if you don’t answer. If you really have something to do with these fools and executives, you know the result.

Hutao:”That’s right!” Don’t think I don’t know you’re using your sister as a shield! Candice

:”When you talk about looking for a sister, I think you are looking for beautiful sisters everywhere!”” puppet:”(^.^), it’s hard to say otherwise. Lady

:”Indeed, don’t look at how many girls this scumbag has picked up along the way. I haven’t found any girls. There are a lot of other girls, right?”


Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, you’d better say that because you really mean to find your sister. If you let me know that you’re using your sister as a shield, you’ll be doomed!

Navia:”Hahaha, I think it’s probably a lie.””

Navilet:”Although it is very likely to be a lie, I have to admit that this answer is indeed perfect.

Zhong Li:” Indeed.”

Sora:”I was wronged. How could I use my sister as a shield?” I really want to find my sister!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~Daily injustice +1″

Dolly:”I feel comfortable, I feel comfortable! Xiao Gong:”

Kong, you’re the best!””

Jiuki Ren:”Sora, you’re the best!”

Zaoyou:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Doesn’t that mean that as long as you help find the traveler’s sister, Hayao can get the super-intensified crystal and get bigger? Great! Now Zaoyou finally doesn’t have to be a little kid anymore………”

Kelly:”(*^▽^*), Keli also wants to help! As long as she finds Brother Traveler’s sister, Na Keli can become a big sister and then marry Brother Traveler! Alice:”

Kelly?” ? ?

Wendy:”Empty, huh?” What? If you find one, can you still marry the traveler? Then if I find your sister, you know.”


Paimon:”(⊙⊙)?”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)



Kaiya:”Hahaha, this one is even more important.”

Dilu K:”Wendy, Master Fengshen is really begging you, can you be more serious?”

Kong:”Wendy, I understand you.*……%*……%……*%*……!”

Skirmisher:”It’s good to scold!”

Dain:”Swear the Seven Gods more, I like to hear it!”

At this time.

In the live broadcast room screen.

Elhaysen and Tinari became muscular brothers because of the super-energized crystal of Traveler 5.0.

After the two of them noticed the changes in themselves, they were also confused for a moment.

But it soon became apparent that the traveler was at fault.

The two looked at each other, and then suddenly laughed.

Then he slowly approached the traveler, and his eyes began to heat up.

Tinari and Elhaysen are now nearly two and a half meters tall, with huge bodies and muscles all over their bodies.

Standing in front of Sora, they looked like two huge stone pillars.

As the two of them continued to get closer, a shadow suddenly enveloped Sora.

Kong couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva and complained:

“No, why are you two so close? Tinari put on his eyes and said with a playful smile:


Elhaysen also smiled and said:

“I think you understand everything!”.

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