Chapter 625: Charlotte: The man silently sheds tears while the woman cried! Funina: Traveler, you don’t even let men go?

Lady:”Damn it, this guy really didn’t take action against Yaoyao and Ke Lai?”

Servant:”This…How can this be?”

Puppet:” Crazy, this world is crazy!”

Fa Lushan:”Oh my god, did I see some fantasy? Why wouldn’t the traveler take action against such beautiful Yaoyao and Ke Lai?”

Navia:”(⊙⊙), I also felt like I was seeing hallucinations.”

Funina:” Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!”

Dadali Duck:”Quack quack~ It’s fake, I don’t believe it, it must be fake! Arataki

Yidou:”How could Traveler, who is the biggest scumbag in Teyvat, not take action against Yaoyao and Kelai?” There must be something wrong with this video!”



Sora:”Nonsense, this must be true!”

Kaiya:”Hahahaha, if the travelers don’t attack women, you are all dumbfounded, right?”

Barbara:”(*^▽^*), I knew Sora would never lie to Barbara!”

Noelle:”(^.^), Noel believed that the senior was indeed right, and the senior did not take action against Yaoyao and Ke Lai.”

Dolly:”Traveler boss, he is really, I cry to death!”

Charlotte:””Shocked!” Men will be silent for a while after watching it, and women will cry after watching it! Teyvat’s most affectionate man actually gave up on the woman this time and turned around and left? What horrifying facts are hidden behind this? If you want to know the truth, please watch today’s Steam Bird Daily!””

Kaiya:”Hahaha, men will be silent after watching it, and women will cry after watching it. What the hell is that?” Mona

:”Charlotte, what the hell is the title? Why do you feel like you always use the word”shock” in it?”

Charlotte:”(^.^), because of the word”shock”, many people watched it.

Clolinde:”Get used to it!” Every day in the Steam Bird newspaper, there is always a column with the word”shock” in it.

Dolly:”What the hell is the steam bird shocking?”

Charlotte:”Hahaha, does Steam Bird shock the department?” It sounds interesting too.

Leosley:”But it seems that Miss Charlotte is already used to picking up travelers’ wool.”

Navilette:”Indeed, the latest column published by Miss Charlotte contains information about travelers.”

Funina:”It seems to be true. Is it possible?”…”

Charlotte:”(*/*)Ahem, Lord Water God, I don’t have any other strange intentions towards travelers. You must not say anything nonsense.”

Funina:”I haven’t said anything yet….”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ But speaking of it, Traveler Sang didn’t take action against Yaoyao and Ke Lai today. It’s really amazing!

Candice:”Shocked me for a whole year!””

Fa Lushan:”Shocked me for a whole year!

Navia:”Shocked me for a whole year!”

Sora:”What a shock!” Isn’t it normal for me to do this? Please, I’m a gentleman. Isn’t it normal not to attack women casually? Why are you all so shocked?”

Ke Qing:”(^) I didn’t flirt with others today, and I did really well, so this time I won’t complain about you, what a bullshit gentleman you are.”

Qiqi:” This is not…Are you still complaining?”

Baizhu:”Haha, Qiqi, you don’t tell me when you see through it. Ning Guang:”

Hmph, it’s okay, but this is what he should do.”

Yan Fei:”That’s right!”” walnut:”(^) Kong, keep it safe for me, remember?”

Gan Yu:”(*^▽^*), but it’s great that he didn’t take action against Yaoyao or anything. If Kong really takes action against Yaoyao, then I don’t know what to call my little sister.

Shen He:”Indeed!”

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said:”It’s true.””

Yao Yao:”o(╥﹏–)o, the traveler ran away, why did he run away?…”


Ping:”Haha, Yaoyao and Xiangling who want to come to our home have never encountered the murderous hands of travelers. It is indeed the best.”

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun:”My home The two of them were eaten up and wiped clean by the travelers….”

Gan Yu:”(*/*), Master, stop talking, it’s so embarrassing.”

Shen He:”(*/*)”

Asking for flowers

Yaoyao:”(*?▽?*)Oh, by the way, Yaoyao was photographed by a traveler before, so she must have been poisoned, right?”

Paimon:”(⊙⊙)Forehead…It seems so?

Sora:”This doesn’t count, does it?” Anyway, there is no close contact, and this is just taking pictures!”

Yao Yao:”(﹏) Forget it, forget it!” null:”(⊙⊙)?”

Xing Qiuzi:”Hahaha, so Xiangling has been attacked by travelers. After all, she ate the original nine-turn large intestine made by Keqing because of travelers!”

Keqing:”Ahem Cough, can you please stop mentioning this matter?”

Yun Jin:”Hahaha, I’m sorry Xiangling, when I recall your expression when you ate the nine-turn large intestine, I really can’t help but want to laugh.”

Xiangling:”(﹏) Ahhhhh, I told you that it’s not the original nine-turn large intestine! I, Xiangling, really didn’t get the answer!”

Xing Qiuzi:”(^^)?I’ll punish you by eating it again!”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Chong Yunzi:”(^^)?I’ll punish you by eating it again!”

Xiaolu:”Wait a minute, what should be of concern now is not why the travelers suddenly gave up on attacking Yaoyao and Kelai, and instead went to look for Tinari and Elhaysen?

Paimon:”Yes, why would the traveler do that?” There are two beautiful ladies in front of me, but instead of choosing, I choose two men?

Kavi:”Song, what do you want to do, traveler?” Why did you leave Yaoyao and Ke Lai alone and come to find Tinari and Elhaysen? Sainuo

:”Song, although I don’t want you to do anything to Ke Lai or Yaoyao, but it is still reasonable, but now you are actually going to find Tinari and Elhaysen?” These two are men!”

Funina:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Traveler, have you finally stopped even men?”

Elhaysen:”Wait a minute, I suddenly have a bad feeling. Traveler, are you really coming to find us?

Tinari:”Traveller, don’t come here!”!! Sora:”

(Dan)? What are you talking about? I don’t like men!””

Wendy:”Empty, 嘤嘤嘤.

Sora:”Wendy, get out of here!””.

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