Chapter 620: Keli: Keli also wants to grow up and become the girlfriend of Big Brother Traveler! Funina: Death penalty!

Ning Guang:”Yao Yao and Ke Lai look like they are now in their twenties.”

Baizhu:”Looking at it this way, they are indeed very similar to Cao Lei’s super reaction. Intensification reaction, after all, super-intensification reaction itself can catalyze plant growth, but it can catalyze the growth of a child from a lolita level to this level all of a sudden. This purple-green crystal is really outrageous!”

Wendy:”Hee hee, It’s really outrageous! If more people with child-like bodies like Yaoyao use it, everyone can quickly become a big sister. In this way, the mass production of big sisters can be completely realized.”

Arataki Yidou:”Oh oh oh!!! Big sister mass production, this..-.This is great!

Bennett:”Uuuuuu~ Why can Master Patriarch know everything?” Now he has actually come up with such a heaven-defying prop or something, wow wow wow wow, I am not envious at all!

Lei Ze:”Don’t you look envious?””

Charlotte:”Wow~ The beautiful big sister is mass-produced. If it is true, then travelers would be so happy!”


Sora:”Charlotte, just say it, what does it have to do with me???”

Navia:”Hahaha, traveler, weren’t you asleep? Why are you suddenly up again now?”

Sora:”You Tell me!”

Clolind:”Who said you made this thing? It’s none of your business.”


Xiangling:”Wow! But Yaoyao has become too big. Is this thing really so easy to use?”

Funina:”It’s indeed a bit big….”

Kuki Shinobu:”A lolita directly transforms into a beautiful big sister, and a girl transforms into a royal sister. It’s really unbelievable when you look at it this way.”

Xinhai:”If we use this thing, wouldn’t it be the same?…”


Fa Lushan:”(⊙⊙)”

Pansy:”(⊙⊙)” walnut:”O(Mouth) O Kong, get this thing from you quickly. I want to use it myself….Ahem, I have to destroy it myself! Ping:”

This traveler is really…He actually made Yaoyao and Miss Kelai suddenly grow up to this point. What on earth did he want to do?

Candice:”Is it possible that the travelers enlarged these two people just to pick them up?””

Falushan:”Oh my god, if it’s true, that traveler would be so outrageous!


Captain:”I need a word that is more outrageous than birth!””

Cock:” No more! There is no adjective that is more outrageous than birth!”

Paimon:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ It’s true, travelers don’t like small ones.

Sora:”I’m not, I don’t have it. Don’t listen to Paimon’s nonsense!”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, what kind of traitor is Paimon!” Nilu:”

Pfft!” Traveler-san denied it three times at the speed of light today.”

Nasida:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Only like the big ones? Nasida was shocked for a whole year!”

Dolly:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Dolly was shocked too!

Sora:”What are you two so shocked about?””

Nasida:”(*/*), Nacida thought that Traveler you liked even the little ones.”

Dolly:”(^.^), indeed.”

Kong:”(Pan)?, I don’t like small ones, I like big ones!!!”

Dolly:”(^.^), it’s small and very cute, don’t you really like it?”

Nasida:”(*/*)Hmm, indeed.”

Kelly:”(*^▽^*), that’s right!”

Xigwen:”o(▽)oYes!” null:”(⊙⊙), what are you talking nonsense about? Charlotte:”

Excuse me!””A big event that shocked the whole of Teyvat!” The traveler actually admitted that he likes the beautiful big sister who turned from a little girl. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality? If you want to know the truth, please watch today’s Steam Bird Daily! 》”


Sora:”Charlotte, you’re good enough! What do you mean I like the beautiful big sister who turned from a little girl? Can you please stop using such ambiguous lines! Can’t you just say I like the beautiful big sister?” (Watching the violence) For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Charlotte:”(^.^), then the title won’t be impactful enough! And just ask, are all the beautiful big sisters transformed from little girls?” null:”(.), play this set for me, right? Okay, okay, don’t let me catch you!”

Charlotte:””Shocked!” The traveler actually publicly stated that he was going to warn Miss Charlotte, the most beautiful reporter of Steam Bird Newspaper, that she would be caught and included in the harem?””

Asking for flowers.

Sora:”Charlotte?” ? ?”

Navia:”(⊙⊙), Traveler, are you serious?…”

Clolinde:”(⊙⊙), Traveler, are you going to take action against Charlotte? Do you even want to tell the whole world?”

Charlotte:”(^.^),Yes, it is! I knew that travelers had been coveting my beauty for a long time, and this time I finally caught it!

Sora:”Charlotte, hey, why did I say that!””

Funina:”O(Mouth) O Kong, you actually want to put your hand into our Fontaine and give me the death penalty, the death penalty!”


Son of the Eightfold God:”(^) Kong, you little guy actually made the lovely Yaoyao become like this. Not only did you want to pick up Miss Charlotte! You really pretend I’m not here, right?

Shen He:”Angry!”!!”

Gan Yu:”(﹏) Kong, really, you already have me, why do you still attack Yaoyao and Ke Lai? And what’s going on with Charlotte? Please explain to me!”

Amber:”(Sara) Kong, really, I’m angry, Kelai almost grew up watching me!!!”

Rosalía:”It’s not enough that the traveler has Amber as his girlfriend. He also went to find her best friend Yula. Now it’s even more outrageous. He even wants to take down Cole?

Ms.:”You still pick up girls in public. This scumbag deserves to die!”

Servant:”Linette, you must not fall in love with this scumbag!” Linnie

:”Linette, that’s right, you must not fall in love with a traveler, otherwise, brother, I will cry to death!””

Kamizato Ayato:”Uuuuuuuuah~ As Ayaka’s brother, I’m already crying!”

Linette:”() Linni servant, of course not!”

Qiqi:”o(▽)oIf given…If Qiqi, wouldn’t Qiqi…Wouldn’t it be possible to become a big sister?”

Xiang Ling:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! It seems so!”

Zaoyou:”Σ(⊙▽⊙!!! Doesn’t that mean that if this thing is given to Zaoyou, Zaoyou can immediately become a beautiful big sister?”

Keli:”Keli also wants to grow up and become the girlfriend of Big Brother Traveler! Alice:”

Kelly?” ? ?

Qin:”Kelly?” ? begging?”.

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