Chapter 618: Kelai: Traveler, what do you want to do? Sora: Be obedient and intensify it!

Kaia:”Hahaha, I really can’t stand it when I see what I just woke up.”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Traveler-san finally came out.”

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, you just woke up, right? I’m too lazy to complain about you! Tell me, what are you studying?”

Empty:” Um…Just synthetic crystals, no big deal.”

Ms.:”Real or false? Do you have enough time to make something like this? I do not believe.

Servant:”I don’t believe it either.”

Sora:”Really, why are you lying to me?””

Xiao Gong:”It feels a bit suspicious. Hutao

:”() Kong, so what is the use of the crystal?””

Empty:” Um…It’s useless, it just looks good.”

Haoyou:”Real or false? Why does that thing feel wrong to me?”

Disha:”Yeah, my intuition tells me the same thing, that thing is definitely not simple.”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^) Kong, what you said had better be true, otherwise, haha, you know.

Doctor:”No need for intuition. Even I have never seen that thing before, and I can’t even analyze what it is for a while. Do you think this kind of thing can be simple?” Captain:”

Oh?” Even a doctor can’t analyze it in a short time? This is interesting.”

Elhaysen:”Although it is not yet clear what the purple-green crystal in the traveler’s hand is, but by inferring the causes and consequences in the video, it is not difficult to figure out that this thing in the traveler’s hand is definitely not simple. Rich man:”That’s true. Although I don’t know what the thing in the traveler’s hand is, the businessman’s intuition tells me that there is definitely something wrong with that thing, and it can definitely cost a lot of money.””

Dolly:”(^.^), indeed, after all, that crystal looks so beautiful. If Dolly and I had this thing, I could sell it for a big price the next day as long as I put it on the name of the one made by the Traveler Boss himself~.”

Ningguang:”It’s indeed good-looking. Although I don’t know what function it has, it is indeed a product that can be sold for a lot of money.”

Keli:”(^.^), Keli also thinks it’s beautiful!”

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Nasida also thinks it is very beautiful, and instinctively feels that this thing has some effect on me.”

Wendy:”Huh? You actually think so? That’s really interesting. Zhong

Li:”I have been traveling downstream for many years and have never seen crystals like this before. I am very interested in this thing. It would be great if the travelers could tell me.”

Mandrill:”Song, please tell me what this thing is?””

Empty:” Um…This thing really has no effect, it just looks good, so please stop asking! Oh, by the way, it’s so early in the morning, everyone is sleepy, so it’s better to go back and take a nap, otherwise, you will be sleepy when you go to work. Ha~ I’m a little sleepy too, I’m going to sleep first, everyone! And remember, don’t ask me if something happens, I won’t wake up!”


Hayao:”Even if you didn’t say it, Hayao would have fallen asleep. However, Hayao feels that you asked us to go back to sleep for no reason, which makes me feel very suspicious!”

Kano Nana:”Haayu, what is it that even if you didn’t say it, we would have fallen asleep? Go to sleep, cheer up and work hard!”

Yae Shenzi:”(^) Sora, I’ll talk to her about Zayou later. You, on the other hand, have never said what this thing is. Is it possible that once this purple-green crystal is used, it will have any bad effects?”

Lady:”Definitely!” Puppet:”


Keqing:”Kong, where are the people?”

Xinhai:”Song, are you really going to sleep?”

Ye Lan:”Paimeng, where is Kong?”

Paimon:”丨丨He went to sleep and was already snoring.”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, hell, I really went to bed.”

Arataki Yidou:”Are you crazy? You fall asleep at the speed of light?” This is awesome!”

Bennett:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuahah, I am not envious at all of being able to fall asleep at the speed of light.

Lei Ze:”Bennett, you envy everything, right?””

Wendy:”Hey, I really want to fall asleep with the traveler at the speed of light.”

Mika:”It’s hard to stretch….”

Abedo:”Just get used to it…”

Sugar:”Even so…”

Diluc:”Sora, please fulfill Master Fengshen’s wish.”

Rosalia:”Diluc???” (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Tewarin-chan:”Diluc Ke???”

Kaiya:”Hahaha, even Mr. Fengshen and the sworn brother didn’t complain about what they said. It seems that the traveler really fell asleep.”

Yan Fei:”Again, he said that this thing has no effect. If I ask, You’re still pretending to be asleep, it doesn’t look right no matter how you look at it!”

Ke Qing:”`(.), what he said had better be true, otherwise, hum!”

Kamizato Ayaka:”(^) As long as it’s not used to pick up girls, I can forgive Ayaka.”

Barbara:”(*^▽^*)So does Barbara!”

Noelle:”o(▽)oNoelle believes that seniors will never do those things!”

Qin:” () I hope so.”

Little Deer:”Wait, now the traveler has finally stopped, as if he has gone somewhere.

Dyne:”It’s true.””

In the picture in the live broadcast room,

Kong ran to the outskirts, not knowing what he wanted to do.

He looked around at the lush forest, recalling that Kelai seemed to be nearby.

After searching carefully, something suddenly appeared in front of him. Two cute and smart figures appeared.

Taking a closer look, Kong was surprised to find that Yaoyao was actually chatting and playing with Ke Lai.

Without even thinking about it, he immediately walked over with the purple-green crystal in his hand.

As Tatata The sound of footsteps came.

Ke Lai and Yaoyao both turned to look at the visitor. When they noticed that it was a traveler, they were both surprised and said:

“Traveler, why are you here?”

Kong played with the purple-green crystal in his hand, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a sinister smile:

“If the grass element and the thunder element can make plants grow bigger”

“Then you two…Hehe~”

Ke Lai and Yaoyao looked at the traveler’s sinister smile, and they immediately blinked their beautiful eyes and said in circles:

“Traveler, what do you want to do?”

“Why do you feel like you’re smiling so strangely? Kong still smiled evilly and said:

“Hehe~ Two little cuties, be obedient!”

“Try this!”

“Give me a super boost!”

Having said that, he slightly tightened the purple-green crystal in his hand.

In an instant, the purple-green crystal burst out with unparalleled light, covering Ke Lai and Yaoyao.

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