Chapter 616: Sora: Come and kiss me! Funina: I’m disgusting, I really can’t stand it!

In order to test his idea, Sora used the elemental power of grass again and used the elemental power of thunder on the saplings that had not yet grown up. soon.

The saplings on the side began to grow rapidly due to the super-intensified reaction.

Sora’s eyes suddenly lit up.

But he knew that plants were different from people.

If the power of thunder element is simply injected into a person’s body, it may only produce a paralyzing effect.

Even if that person has the power of grass element, Kong thinks this is probably the case.

But even so, Sora didn’t intend to give up, thinking about making a growth-accelerating item that would allow humans to super-energize like plants when they go back.

When he thought of Yaoyao and Ke Lai, girls who had the eyes of gods but had not yet grown up, he couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

So he quickly left the”840″ and planned to go back to Xumi to make props to accelerate growth.

But at this time, the viewers in the live broadcast room still didn’t know what the traveler wanted to do, and everyone was sending comments out of curiosity.

Kavi:”What is the traveler doing? It’s just a jumping mushroom. Isn’t it normal to be able to activate it with the power of thunder element? Why do you have to use it on plants twice in a row?”

Kujo Sera:”What exactly is this guy planning to do? What to do?”

Jiuqi Ren:”I don’t really understand.”

Fa Lushan:”The strangest thing is that after he used super-strengthening on the jumping mushroom in front of him, he didn’t actually jump on it? It makes me obsessive-compulsive. I’m guilty of it all.”

Desiya:”Hahaha, it doesn’t jump after using it, it feels really weird.”

Arataki Yidou:”Wait, so what’s the point of travelers doing these things? I Why don’t I understand what he wants to do now?”

Bennett:”Is it possible that Grandmaster really just wants to use a super-excited reaction on plants?”

Sora:”(:)if not?”

Linette:”() I always feel like something is wrong.

Amber:”I think so too.””

Ms.:”Yes, no matter how you look at it, travelers don’t do anything other than pick up girls.

Servant:”Indeed.”” puppet:”(^.^), it’s hard to say otherwise!”

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ I have personal experience, it can be said that Sora is like that!

Sora:”Hey, that’s enough for you guys. I’ve tolerated you for a long time!” Are you still slandering me? Am I that kind of person? Please, I’m a gentleman, okay?”


Lady:”Song, are you still slandering me? Haha!”

Servant:”Song, you are a gentleman? You laughed.”

Puppet:”Originally, I have a good sense of humor, but when I saw this today, I couldn’t help but laugh.”

Colombia:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Tell me more, I like to hear it.

Kong:”It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it. It doesn’t change the fact that I am a gentleman.””

Ke Qing:”(.)Sora, day by day, you have to worry about your shitty gentleman, right?

Ping:”Hahaha, I can’t stand it any longer. Travelers are so interesting.””

Nasida:”O(∩∩)Ohaha~ Traveler-san is still so thick-skinned today.

Funina:”Song, you are the thickest-skinned person I have ever seen.””

Shadow:”() Kong, after so many years in Daozhu, you are still the most shameless person I have ever met for the first time!”

Eightfold God Son:”(^) Haha, now that I can even see the shadow, I’m really happy.

Disiya:”Nilu, I think the traveler has such a thick skin and is really suitable to be an actor. Why don’t you drag him to perform together?””

Nilu:”(*?▽?*)That’s what I thought before.” null:”? ? ? That’s all, if you don’t believe it, some people do!”

The rich man said:”Who on earth still believes that the traveler is a gentleman? Stand up for me!”

Dadali Duck:”Quack quack~ Hahaha, first of all, that person is definitely not me!

Captain:”Hahaha, no normal person would believe it, right?”

Falga:”Although our positions are different, I also support your statement this time.””(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiaolu:”Although I really want to believe it, the previous deeds of the travelers are really…”


Tewarin-chan:”Empty, O(∩∩)Ohaha~ I don’t believe in being a gentleman or anything like that.

Rooster:”If I believe that travelers are gentlemen, then I would rather believe that Dadali Duck is actually very smart.””

Dadali Duck:”(⊙⊙)? ? ? Gaga~ I am very smart to begin with!

Alice:”Pfft~ Hahaha, don’t so many people believe in Kong?” Noelle:”

No.”…Noel wants to believe that the senior is a gentleman!”

Barbara:”Since Sora said so, then Barbara is willing to believe Sora!

Sora:”Barbara Noelle, you two are really making me cry to death!” Quick, give me a mua! (3)╭?~!”


Barbara:”(*/*)With so many people watching the barrage, Barbara felt a little shy0….”

Fonina:”O(Mouth)O, I feel disgusted, I really can’t stand it!”

Kuki Shinobu:”(Sara)? Sora, Tetsume, are you having an affair with other girls in front of me, right?”

Kamizato Ayaka (blackened):”Sora, you know that Ayaka is here, but you still flirt with other women. This is absolutely unforgivable!!!”

Haoyou:”Haoyou also hopes that something will happen to the travelers this time!”

Kamizato Ayato:”I hope something happens to the travelers!”

Durav:”I hope something happens to the travelers!”

Fischer’s father:”I hope something happens to the travelers!

Diona:”Durav, please, stop playing tricks and go back to work, okay?””

Fischer:”Father Fischer, if you do this again, I will be really angry!”

Thomas:”Because the traveler saved me last time, I won’t say anything this time about hoping that something will happen to the traveler.””

Dolly:”Wait a minute, it’s outrageous not to mention it, okay? Arataki

Yidou:”Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Damn, Traveler, you really deserve to die. Why would anyone believe you?” And I’m a girl at 5.9, oooooooooooooo~ I really want to have a girlfriend who believes in me unconditionally, how can I fix this! Bennett

:”Woooo~ I wasn’t envious at first, but after Brother Yidou said that, I couldn’t help but become envious!”

Lei Ze:”No, no, no, even if you are not like that, you will still be envious!””


Wendy:”(*╯3╰)Song, I, I, I, I believe in you too! I want one too!”




Sutang:”Sister Fengshen is really…”

Albedo:”We, Mondstadt, are really hopeless.”

Falga:”﹏, I feel bad!”

Sora:”Wendy, get out of here, get out of here!!!”.

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