Chapter 606: The plan of fools! Lady’s arrogance!

“But I didn’t expect you, traveler, to actually come to the sea of heart.”

“You even took action against your lover, you are so awesome! Kong complained in a dumbfounded voice:

“I didn’t count on taking action.”

Wan Yezi nodded and said:

“Indeed, otherwise considering your strength, Traveler, General Kujo Sora might really not be able to stop you.”

“And no matter how you look at it, you have no intention of hurting her.”

“In addition, you were wanted by General Thunder because you saved people. If you had not come to the resistance, the situation might have been even worse.”

Paimon put his hands on his hips, his chubby little face a little angry:

“That’s it!”

“That General Thunderbolt didn’t say anything, he just chopped us off. It’s so irritating!”

“No matter how”one hundred and seven” it is, let’s make some sense. Beidou laughed and said:

“Hahaha~ How can we mortals easily understand the thoughts of gods?”

“but…”Beidou suddenly���He became serious and said solemnly to the sky:”No matter where you are now, if you have difficulties, you can always come to me!”

Wan Yezi also said seriously:

“me too!

Kong said happily:”Thank you!””

He is the kind of person who will treat others well as long as they are kind to him.

Since Beidou and Wan Ye are like this, if he has the opportunity in the future, he can also help appropriately.

Sora and Paimon After chatting with a few people, they also knew that time was running out now.

After saying goodbye to each other, they all left the place.

Sora and Paimon also came to the beach, planning to find Zheping to go to Haizhi Island.

Tatatata ~

The light boots stepped on the wet sand, leaving footprints one after another.

The sea breeze caressed Sora’s face, and the slightly salty smell made his nose itchy.

Sora looked up and found Zheping The boat had already been prepared at the beach, and before he could say hello,

Zheping, who noticed his arrival, waved and shouted:

“Traveler, here!”

“I’ve got the ship ready!”

“Let’s go to Haiji Island quickly!”

The purpose of Sora and Paimon was this, and naturally they had no intention of refusing.

So they boarded the boat and quickly headed to Kaiji Island.

Kaiji Island.

There were illusive and shadow-like transparent foam floating around, in the blue and Against the background of the clear river water, it looks even more dreamy.

After crossing the lush woods, what comes into view is huge pink shells standing in the mountains. The magnificent and huge shrine on the palace wall stands under the huge shells.

Sora Along with Paimon and Zheping, they quickly arrived at this place.

After walking a few steps, Sora heard a girl’s voice that was as beautiful and refreshing as the spring water coming from the front.

“No matter what, food and grass are the top priority, and there can be no mistakes.”

“Now that the conflict between us and the shogunate army is becoming increasingly fierce, we must prioritize ensuring stability in the rear.”

After hearing this, a Coral Palace sergeant nodded heavily and said:

“Yes, I will think of another way!”

Xinhai’s delicate and jade-like face, with white teeth and red lips, and a charming face showed a dignified expression at this moment:

“Don’t worry, with the previous batch of supplies, I’m also starting to expand the army.”

“Thank you for your hard work when we were short of manpower. The situation should improve in the future.”

After hearing this, the sergeant said happily:

“Expand the army?”

“That’s great. Although I don’t know who is funding us behind the scenes this time, it’s really a big help.”

“And with the arrival of travelers, our resistance’s chances of making a comeback are getting bigger and bigger this time!”

Xinhai’s pink and jade-carved face showed a look of helplessness and joy.

Although Kong was really a bit scumbag.

But no matter what, she was more happy than angry when Kong arrived.

At this time, her heart Hai’s peripheral vision suddenly glanced at the door of the shrine, and she vaguely seemed to see a figure.

She turned her head to look, and her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

“null!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Is this Zheping? Your boy has also come to Haiji Island?”The sergeant had a look of disgust on his face, complaining that Zheping would immediately turn back into the weak Zheping he was before without the Eye of God.

But just after he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that the traveler and Paimon were also here.

He immediately exclaimed and hurriedly went up Welcome before:

“Isn’t this Traveler and Paimon?”

“I didn’t expect to meet such a great person, what a blessing it is to meet him!”

“Zheping, why did you bring Traveler and Paimon here?”

After Zheping heard this, he immediately smiled bitterly. He didn’t expect that the treatment between himself and the travelers was so different…..

He explained helplessly:

“Mr. Coral Palace asked me to bring them back, and I am responsible for bringing them here.”

The sergeant heard that it was Lord Coral Palace who called Traveler and Paimon back.

Thinking of the relationship between Traveler and Lord Coral Palace, he also understood it and immediately interrupted:

“Haha, so that’s it”

“You two came all the way, there must be something urgent.”

“I won’t bother you too much. You can come and sit here if you have time later.”

“Mr. Coral Palace, I will take my leave first.”

After saying that, he left here.

Paimon looked at the sea in his heart and said curiously:

“Xinhai, I just seemed to hear what you were talking about about funding, what is that? Xinhai explained:

“Not long ago, someone wrote to me saying that he was willing to support the struggle in Haiji Island and sent a large amount of supplies.”

“Thanks to this, we can finally freely recruit troops and fight against the shogunate army on the frontal battlefield.”

“Are you willing to support Haijijima’s struggle?…”Kong was slightly lost in thought, and soon thought about the people who funded the battle between Kaijijima and the Shogunate Army.

It must have been done by fools.

After all, funding the weaker side’s army will allow the war to continue and continue to consume the strength of both sides.

Although it is said to be funding, in fact the Fools themselves can also benefit hugely from this war in 5.3.

Firstly, it is the evil eye, and secondly, it is the special trade that the Fools and the Heavenly Leaders pursue and determine.

It can also be used to please these two followers, and it can also cause wars, find opportunities to confront the gods, and use this to threaten to obtain the Eye of God.

This woman’s plan is not very clever, but it still works to a certain extent.

It’s a pity that her arrogance led her to overestimate her own strength, which was the only failure of her plan.

But no matter how hard she tried to obtain the Eye of God, she was eventually intercepted by the traitor, Skirmisher.

Of course, this is all a story for later.

Unaware of this, Paimon just felt happy that someone was helping him for free:

“It turns out that someone is sending carbon from thousands of miles away. This is really great! Xinhai was stunned for a moment, then he laughed dumbly and said:

“Although I have my doubts about this… but Haiji Island is not rich, this supply is indeed a timely help.”

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