Chapter 604: The battle situation reverses! Xinhai: This is a good opportunity! Sora pretending to look at the scenery!

Everyone looked up at the position of the water droplets flowing against the current, and suddenly found a beautiful, pure and flawless figure slowly falling from the sky.

Her figure was extremely light, as if like a fish swimming in the sea, she slowly flew down onto a broken ship.

Xinhai’s expression was extremely indifferent, with a gentle smile, his beautiful eyes staring at the battlefield, resolutely looking like he was strategizing.

After countless people witnessed its appearance, their hearts froze.

Wulang, who was in the middle of a fierce battle, just shook off the enemy and immediately noticed Xinhai’s arrival, his face couldn’t help but be filled with surprise:

“Lord Coral Palace!”

Not only Wulang was happy.

The other rebels were even more ecstatic after seeing Xinhai’s arrival.

In an instant, the rebels no longer felt as depressed as before, and their morale suddenly rose!

“It’s Mr. Coral Palace!”

“Lord Coral Palace is here, we are definitely safe this time!”

“Thank God, with Mr. Coral Palace here, we will definitely be able to get out of the predicament this time!”

“This time we have Coral Palace-sama and Traveler here, so we can’t lose no matter what!”

Xinhai saw that the soldiers were in high spirits and high in fighting spirit, and he nodded slightly and smiled. He only felt that his choice at this time was indeed the right one.

Xinhai knew that he had time to talk to the rebels who were hiding behind him. This time It was impossible to lose the battle.

So she waved slightly and shouted to the battlefield ahead:

“Just wait, my ambush soldiers”

“Now is the time!”

After hearing Xinhai’s shouting, the soldiers hiding in the land, woods, broken boats, and shoals immediately rushed forward one by one, intending to go straight to the battlefield in an encirclement manner.

Wan Yezi also jumped out of the broken boats, She quickly drew her sword and rushed towards the battlefield while running.

She looked back at the sea of her mind and couldn’t help but said solemnly:

“You really can keep your composure, Master Military Advisor.”

After thinking about it, Wan Yezi rushed into the battlefield, holding a sharp knife, and began to continuously attack the shogunate army.

“Hopefully you can afford the mercenary price!”Having said that, Beidou, who had been waiting for a long time and was bored, couldn’t help it anymore. He picked up his big sword and jumped directly into the battle. He used the thunder element to strike the dragon and kill the surrounding shogunate troops. The blast was so strong that he was blown away on the spot.

When Goro saw Wan Yezi and Beidou coming, his face was surprised and happy:

“Thousand leaves (aeec)!”


Wan Yezi just defeated an opponent, turned around and said yes:

“Long wait, old friend. Beidou laughed loudly and said:

“Goro, stop talking nonsense and chop me down quickly!”

Some shogunate troops failed to notice the sudden changes on the battlefield. Before they could react, they were quickly defeated by the rebels who had been ambushing them for a long time. At this moment, the battle situation was directly reversed by Xinhai’s ambush..

The soldiers of the shogunate army instantly changed from the original posture of great victory to the successive defeats.

The defense line that had advanced a lot began to shrink at this time.

Kujo Sora frowned, his expression extremely solemn.

Faced with such a battle situation, She already knew that she was at a disadvantage in this battle.

It would be difficult to see a chance of victory if she stayed any longer. It would be better to retreat, which would reduce losses.

But even so, she couldn’t help but feel dissatisfied and completely unexpected. The situation that was a great victory just now turned around so quickly.

This made Kujo Sora couldn’t help but bite his red lips and shouted:


The shogunate troops who were struggling to support themselves began to flee quickly after receiving Kujo Sora’s retreat signal. Kujo

Sora, on the other hand, continued to use elemental power arrows to protect his own personnel. After retreating, she saw that everyone had almost run away. After taking a deep look at Kong for the last time, she thought for a while, and finally left the place without saying anything, without looking back.

Seeing the shogunate army fleeing, many The rebels couldn’t help but want to take advantage of the victory and pursue the victory.

Even Wulang was like this. He ran directly to Xinhai and asked anxiously:

“Lord Xinhai, please order me to lead the troops in pursuit.”

But at this time Xinhai did not issue an order for him to continue chasing the shogunate army. He just shook his head slightly and explained:

“Don’t chase the poor enemy. We still don’t know how many reinforcements they have in the rear.”

“If we catch up rashly, we might be the ones ambushed this time.”

“Although our rebels seem to have won, in the long run, even if we catch up without an ambush, we will only end up with 1,000 injuries to the enemy and 800 losses to ourselves.”

“Being able to repel the shogunate army this time is already the best outcome.”

“It would be inappropriate to pursue him any further.”

“In that case, we can finally throw away the breathing space we just got. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After Wulang heard this, he felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, and he woke up from the joy of his victory.

He was so ashamed that he lowered his head and apologized:

“Sorry, Lord Coral Palace, it was me who got the upper hand. Xinhai shook his head slightly:

“No need to apologize.”

At this time,

Kong, Paimon, Beidou, and Wan Yezi also put away their weapons and slowly came to Goro and Xinhai.

Xinhai looked at Kong, and his fair little face was happy again. He was angry again.

After all, Sora had joined his own lineup, and he was swinging a knife at his former lover Kujo Sora.

This already showed that his heart was towards him.

But to think that this guy is such a scumbag, and he is everywhere Girlfriend, Xinhai was so angry.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but give Kong an angry look.

Seeing Xinhai’s expression, Kong didn’t know what she was thinking, and the old face turned slightly red, cough He coughed twice and said nothing, just pretending to look at the scenery around him.

Seeing him like this, Xinhai couldn’t help but snorted and wanted to say something harsh about this unreliable guy.

But thinking of Wulang and Wan on this occasion, Ye Zi, Beidou and other rebels were all there, which seemed inappropriate.

Xinhai had no choice but to take a deep breath and planned to let it go for the time being.

She looked at Paimon, Beidou and the others, and smiled slightly:

“Thank you for your help, otherwise our resistance would still have some headaches this time. Paimon chuckled and said:

“It’s okay, just give Paimon more food! Kong pinched Paimon’s round face and complained:

“It seems like you have been watching the show from the beginning, right?”

Paimon didn’t get angry when his face was pinched. Instead, he hugged Kong and smiled flatteringly:

“Hehe~ Aren’t we two of the same mind?”

“Your action is equivalent to my action. Beidou laughed loudly and said:

“Hahaha~ It’s about helping or not, don’t say these words, I am a mercenary, as long as the money is in place, everything is easy!”

Wan Yezi thought of the death of his best friend and couldn’t help but remain silent for a moment. Finally, he shook his head helplessly and said:

“It’s all my own choice”

“Where can I help?”

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