
Luo Chen said with a smile.

“Regarding these two, let’s go one by one”

“First let’s talk about the badminton version of Nasita”

“The badminton here is somewhat different from the badminton in Mondstadt. It is a tool for sports.”

“The reason why Nasida is associated with badminton is because of this……”

With that said, Luochen posted four pictures in the live broadcast room.

The three pictures on the left, top, middle and bottom, are front, side and back photos of Naxi respectively.

On the right is badminton

Before seeing the picture, everyone still had doubts.

I don’t quite understand what the light curtain means.

But when I saw the pictures above, I instantly understood.

The front and side photos of the little grass god are not obvious yet.

But from the back!

The head is similar to the badminton one.

The clothes on the back are similar to the ones underneath the badminton ball.

It can be said that except for the color, the two look almost identical at first glance!

After realizing this, everyone in front of the light curtain was stunned.

Is this okay?

How the hell did this come together?

There is a turtle in the front, and a badminton version of the little grass god in the back!

Light screen, you are really a genius~!

… villa.

Luo Chen continued to smile and said

“Seeing these two pictures, I think you can initially understand the meaning of ‘Badminton version of Nasita'”

“But here is a video of ‘playing badminton’!”

“After reading this, you should understand better~”

After saying that, he opened a new video with an inexplicable smile.

Soon, there was new movement in the light screen.

In the background of the picture, Mondstadt City streets.

In the middle of the empty street, there was a Xuanji screen erected.

On both sides of the Xuanji screen, stood a harp.

At this time, Nasida walked up to one of the harps on her short legs.

At this time, the harp moved.!

She squatted down slightly and directly used her skill Wind Pressure Sword!

In an instant, the power of the wind element surged crazily.

After accumulating to a certain stage, Qin released it towards Nasida who was standing in front of her.


Nasida was directly knocked into the air.

Then she crossed the Xuanji screen in an arc and fell to the ground.

After playing q twice, she stood on the ground again.

At this time, the piano on the opposite side also moved!

Learn from it. The previous operation of Qin knocked Nasida over again.

Then, the two Qin began to repeat the operation of charging and flying.

It was just like Blue Star’s outdoor badminton activity ~ it lasted for more than a minute. After.

The video ends!


After watching it, the expressions of the audience in front of the light curtain were all wonderful.

Play badminton, play badminton~!

That’s how it works!

Treating the gods of a country like a ball…

Is this what a normal person can think of?

Even if it is an informal review, is it too unfair?

Now, they finally understood why the person inside the light curtain had an inexplicable smile on his lips.

What a bad taste~

Compared to people from other countries watching the excitement, the reactions of the Mondstadt and Sumeru people are interesting.

The former is weird!

Ah, it turns out that Captain Qin can not only tear the one-eyed treasure apart with his hands, but he can also hit gods as balls!

It’s so scary~

And the latter became a little angry!

If it was in the past, they might not have had any reaction, or their reaction might not have been big.

After all, the little grass god at that time had no sense of existence in their eyes.

But it’s different now!

After knowing the cuteness, gentleness, and greatness of the Little Grass God, they also woke up.

In addition to guilt and self-blame, he also began to gradually support and love this second-generation grass god!

Under such circumstances, they were immediately unhappy to see their gods being played like badminton.

Must take action! then,

【General chat group】

【Dina Zedai: Mr. Little Lucky Grass King is the god of our Sumeru, but your leader Qin of Mondstadt actually treated her…even treated her like that!】

【Dina Zedai: You are disrespecting God and blaspheming!】

【Lana: Is this freedom for Mondstadt? Is it too much freedom?】

【Rahman: To blaspheme our gods is to be against us! You Mondstadts must apologize to Xumi!】

【Parisa: That’s right! Your captain Qin wants to apologize to Lord Xiaocao Shen!】


Seeing these remarks, the eyes of people from other countries lit up.

Come to have fun?

So they all shut up and started eating.

The Mondstadt people were unhappy.

Is this all down to them?

It’s obviously an unfair comment from Light Curtain!

In addition, in the previous inappropriate comments, their Twarin went to attack Inazuma.

Didn’t the rice wife say a word?

You, Xumi, are the only ones with a lot of personnel! then,

【Lawrence: I say to everyone in Xumi, you can eat randomly, but you can’t talk nonsense!】

【Swann: That’s right! This is clearly an unfair comment from Light Screen, and it’s not true at all. How can you put this on the line?】

【Sarah: Yeah! Anyone who understands the inappropriate comments about Light Screen will understand!】

【Timaeus: Hum, if you can, go to the strange light curtain!】

【Margaret: Compared to the behavior of Captain Liqin of the Light Curtain, your Order and yourself are the most disrespectful and blasphemous, right?】

【Erin: That’s right! Now you know how to stand up for your own gods? What did you do early?】

【Wagner: I have never seen such a shameless person who receives favor from the gods but does not repay it!】


Mondstadt has a liberal atmosphere.

In such a situation, there is also a set of techniques for criticizing people.

The Sumeru people are deeply”bound” by wisdom.

So I was speechless for a while after being retorted.

After all, they were really wrong in the past!

Moreover, how dare you confront the light curtain?

Don’t want to live?

Seeing this scene, the Mondstadt people looked bored.

That’s it?

You fell down before I could do anything~ With your strength, you still dare to go mad at them in the group?

Who gave you the courage?

After this battle, people from other countries also understood.

The Sumeru people are fine with internal strife!

But when it comes to attacking people externally, he’s a little bad at it.

But Mondstadt is a bit more powerful!

It seems that unless it is absolutely necessary, there will be less conflicts with Mondstadt in the future.

Otherwise, if you can’t fight back, it will be embarrassing!

Or throw it to the entire continent of Teyvat…

After being silent for a long time, the Xumi people became a little aggrieved.

【Dina Zedai: But that is our little Lucky Grass King after all!】

【Dina Zedei: Seeing her being played like a badminton ball by people from other countries, can we, as a people, just watch?】

【Dina Zedei: Let me ask you all in Mondstadt, if it were your Fengshen instead! Would you rather he be beaten like a badminton? 】

Treat Fengshen as a badminton?

Of course the Mondstadt people would not agree!

In other words, if it were any god, the people of the corresponding country would not agree!

This is a matter of face!

With this thought, they seemed to understand the Xumi people’s thoughts.

And just when the Mondstadt man was about to speak, at this moment,

【Master Mao: Do you think there is a possibility that if it were Lord Fengshen, he himself would be willing~ (dog head. expression)】

【Tian Tiezui: In terms of universal rationality, Mr. Fengshen may indeed have such a temper! (dog head. expression)】

【Zheping: No, no, no! Judging from Mr. Fengshen’s free-spirited nature, after seeing the fun of this sport, he might have been eager to replace Mr. Xiaocaoshen himself! (dog head. expression)】

【Luzeni: Ahem, that makes sense! (dog head. expression)】


Seeing this, the Mondstadt paused in his speech.

Because their Lord Barbatos seemed to have such a temper…

Thinking of this, they suddenly became silent.

The Xumi people looked weird.

I asked if you, the people, would be willing to be replaced by your god of wind.

As a result, Fengshen himself took the initiative.

Ah, this… what do you want them to say?

I can only say that he is worthy of being the Baba Tuosi-sama who is not doing anything serious~



But on the other side, the Knights of the West Wind.

Qin, one of the parties involved, was elegantly drinking afternoon tea with Lisa.

But after seeing this scene, poof~ a mouthful of tea spurted out.

But she didn’t bother to wipe the corners of her mouth, but stared at the light screen in shock.


“Can this also harm me?”

Although it was the God of Grass who was beaten like a badminton, she is a god after all!

And she who behaved like this to a god…

Thinking of this, Qin couldn’t help but cover her mouth. It was obvious that Mond and Xumi were separated by a hundred thousand. Eight thousand miles!

She obviously has nothing to do with Xumi!

But she didn’t expect that Lisa, who had been related to Xumi, was fine, but she was involved.

The wind pressure sword…

Put it before, Qin would be killed She didn’t expect that one day she would be called disrespectful to the gods because of this…

If she had known, she would never have practiced this move.

Opposite her, Lisa leaned on the chair and her expression became playful.

“Gee, I didn’t expect the wind pressure sword to have such an effect.”

“Play the gods like badminton, Qin, it’s awesome~”

“As expected of our Qin leader in Mondstadt~”

“Lisa, stop teasing me.”

Qin smiled bitterly.

She felt that she was in trouble.

Hey, she had to explain clearly.

Otherwise, she might cause some unnecessary problems…

Thinking of this, she looked at the light screen again.


Qunyu Pavilion

“So this is playing badminton?”

“Sure enough, the angle of light curtain’s improper comments is still so tricky~”

After watching the video of light curtain, the corners of Ningguang’s mouth also slightly raised.

Thinking of one of the parties involved, the smile on her face became even bigger.

“I just feel sorry for my pen pal.~”

“Miss Qin is probably going to have a headache now!”

Hearing this, Ke Qing and Gan Yu on the side looked strange.


Pity Miss Qin?


She is indeed a little pitiful! She was persecuted by the light curtain inexplicably~

But you are not much better?

See you. Ning Guang didn’t seem to notice it, and Ke Qing couldn’t help but speak.

“I said Ning Guang, didn’t you notice anything wrong?”

“Shouldn’t it?”


“Something’s wrong?”

Ning Guang looked stunned for a moment.

0 ···Asking for flowers···· ····

Then he subconsciously recalled the video in the previous light screen.

It didn’t matter if she didn’t want to. With this thought, she realized something was wrong.

The distance used for playing badminton in the video is actually Xuanji screen?

This is her thing!

Previously, her attention was focused on the”badminton” that was being played, so Hei subconsciously ignored it.

After Keqing reminded her, Ningguang finally reacted.

Suddenly, the smile on his face froze.

There is a saying that the smile never disappears, it only moves from one person’s face to another.

When Ke Qing and Gan Yu saw Ning Guang’s expression, they both had smiles on their faces.

“Tsk tsk, if Miss Qin is the ‘mastermind’, then you are the ‘accomplice’’!”

“So Ningguang, you are in trouble, you are in big trouble~”

Ke Qing touched her chin and began to analyze seriously.

“Lord Ningguang and Miss Qin are indeed pen pals~”

“It seems like I’m going to have a headache now~”

Gan Yu covered her mouth and said with a smile.


Listening to the banter between her two bad friends, she felt a little tired.

She was obviously not the one being criticized, but she was inexplicably persecuted twice.

The first time was during Tevalin’s inappropriate comments.

She was crawling on the ground because she objected to the Jade Pavilion smashing Paimon.

In the end, he was dragged away by the guards…

The second time, he was disrespecting the gods with Miss Qin!

She provided the venue configuration, and Miss Qin was responsible for starting the fight…

Thinking of this, Ning Guangren felt numb.

You can replace the light curtain with something else as a spacer~

Why do you need to use her Xuanji screen?

It’s better now…

Ningguang rubbed her temples with a headache, and then looked helplessly towards the light curtain.

.. 0 0


Xumi, Jingshan Palace

“This…this is me?”

Nascida was dumbfounded after reading the content in the light screen.

She never thought that one day, she would be connected with sports.

And then she was beaten around like a badminton…

This is too outrageous. Right?

It’s true that you never know what will happen in the next second. It’s so magical~

While Nasida was in a daze, Yingmei and Paimon looked at this large”badminton” in tacit understanding after reading it.

Not only did they look at each other, they also stood up and circled around Nasida twice.

Especially when they walked behind each other, they stayed for a few seconds.

After looking at each other for a long time, Yingmei looked amazed.

“Good guy!”

“It really looks like it!”

“If Nacida’s clothes were white, they would be exactly the same!”

“After all, I also played badminton in another world, and I was very good at it!”

“Why didn’t you notice it before?”

As she said that, she slapped her head in annoyance.

It’s just that others don’t know about badminton.

But she knows!

It shouldn’t be~

Paimon was deeply convinced after hearing this.

Obviously she also agreed with Yingmei’s first half. In one sentence!

What is this if it’s not badminton?

And after hearing the second half of the sentence, she rolled her eyes and then laughed evilly.

“Are you good at badminton?”

“Tsk tsk, do you think you want to play Nasida like a badminton ball like the piano in the light curtain?”

Hearing this, Nasida suddenly woke up from the daze.

Then she shrank her head and looked at Yingmei with a look of fear.

Although Yingmei was very kind to her, she would not harm her!

But this is not harm.!

It’s fun!

It’s really hard to tell with the disdainful temperament of the executioner~

It’s just inside the light screen, but in reality, she doesn’t want to experience the kind of being knocked into the air, then somersaulting in the air, and falling to the ground. The feeling of two blows…

When Yingmei saw this, she slapped Paimon’s little face angrily.

“Look at what you said?”

“Are you that kind of person?”

After the words fell, Paimon and Nasida nodded simultaneously like chickens pecking at rice.


Oh my god, are the reputation ratings so bad now?

After holding her forehead as she had a headache, she looked at Nasida helplessly.

“You need a wind pressure sword to play badminton!”

“I don’t know how to use wind to crush a sword, so don’t worry, Nasita.”

Can’t use the wind to press the sword?

After hearing this, Nasida patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s not going to be good or not!

As long as she doesn’t know this trick, even if Ying wants to, she won’t be able to play badminton with her.

However, the next second, Paimon’s words made her tremble again.

“its not right?”

“Although Yingyou cannot use the wind to press the sword, after resonating with the Seven Heavens Statue of the Wind God,”

“You should be able to use the Wind Vortex Sword and the Wind Breath now!”

“I remember that both of these have the effect of blowing away.~”


After hearing this, Yingmei also reacted.


She knows these two moves!

Although it’s not as easy to use as the Wind Pressure Sword, it’s not too bad~

Thinking of this, she chose He raised his eyebrows, and then looked at Nasida who was aside.


Don’t come over~!

…… ps: I finally bought a soft handle!

It’s really comfortable to use the handle~

With the help of Bai Lu, I finally scraped Cocolia to death~

I’m so happy~!


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