
Luo Chen continued to speak with a smile.

“Let me tell you a few about Lannaro’s name.”

“For example, Lannana, Lanrama, Lanchatu, Lanfila, Lanapasi, Lanpakati, Lanparika, Landoxituo, Lanxiuti Kasha, Lanminali, Landani Shi, Lan Muhu Kunda……”

“There are at least 76 of them in total!”.

“In addition to the name of Lannaro itself, the name of the homeland where they live is also very strange!”

“The name of their homeland is Huanna Lanna!”

“In addition, there is a related tongue twister”

“From the south came Lan Lana. Lan Lana was practicing Langalali.”

“From the north came Nala Lana. Nala Lana was holding Patisaram in her hands.”

“Nala Lana, who is holding Patisalan, wants to take Lan Lana, who is practicing Langalali, to the tavern to find Lambard.”

“Lan Lana, who is practicing Rangarali, wants to take Na Lana, who is holding Patisaram, to Heng Na Lana”

“Nalan Lana couldn’t defeat Lan Lana, so she and Lan Lana went to Hengnarana to meet Lan Lana named Lan Rama.”

“There is a beautiful story involved in the tongue twister”

“We’ll talk about it later!”


People in the chat group were very curious about Lannaro’s name.

Even the light curtain feels unique!

However, after listening to it, many people in the group were immediately confused. who I am? where am I?

What am I doing?

This series of similar names directly caused their cerebellum to shrink.

I only know that there is”lan””、””Na” is two words!

But I can’t remember a single specific name.

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Barbara: This name, oh my god… I didn’t remember any of it… (face covering.jpg)】

【Keqing: I only know a Lan Mu Kunda! Because it is five characters, it is easier to remember……】

【Yae Kamiko: My reaction before hearing this: That’s it? My reaction after hearing this:? ? ? (bad smile.jpg)】

【Navia: No wonder even the light screen talks about twists and turns, it’s really a bit awkward! Most people really can’t handle it!】

【Yingmei: I even doubt whether I can tell them apart.……】

【Yingmei: And that tongue twister! It does not make sense? It split open!】

【Paimon: Huh? Is it difficult to pronounce it? Do you usually talk too little? (Doubt.jpg)】

【Paimon: I talk every day, and I’m very eloquent. I never feel like I’m going round my tongue!】

【Alice: Really? (dog head. expression)】

【Paimon: Humph! I’ll tell you a tongue twister, call the south……】

【Yingmei: Wait! This won’t work, you have to say it! You said, I’ll take a video!】

【Paimon: No problem! 】

Soon, a short video was posted to the chat group.

Everyone quickly clicked in to take a look.

I saw little Paimon looking confident in front of the camera

“Hum hum, I’m going to start!”

“From the south came Lan Lana. Lan Lana was practicing Langalali.”

“From the north came Nala Lana. Nala Lana was holding Patisaram in her hands.”

“Nala Lana, who is holding Patisalan, wants to take Lan Lana, who is practicing Langalali, to the tavern to find Lambard.”

“Lan Lana, who is practicing Rangarali, wants to take Na Lana, who is holding Patisaram, to Heng Na Lana”

“Nalan Lana couldn’t defeat Lan Lana, so she and Lan Lana went to Hengnarana to meet Lan Lana named Lan Rama.……”

After finishing speaking in one breath, Paimon’s figure began to swing in the air.

Head swaying from side to side

“This…this must be a dream”

“I…it seems like stars appear in front of my eyes……”

After he finished speaking in a daze, the next second, the small figure fell directly from the sky.

Fortunately, an arm caught him.

The video ends.

Seeing this, the people in the chat group burst out laughing.

【Alice: Hee hee, little Paimon, you can’t do this! (bad smile.jpg)】

【Yingmei: That’s right! It seems like your God’s Mouth is of no use!】

【Yingmei: If I hadn’t caught you, you would have fainted and fallen to the ground! (dog head. expression)】

【Paimon: One… I must be hungry because I haven’t eaten enough! Well, that’s right! That must be it!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Little Paimon is already very powerful, at least he can tell it completely, but I can’t do it… (face covering.jpg)】

【Charlotte: Me too~ (face covering.jpg)】

【Wendy: Hey, why not give it a try~ It’s a little game. 】

If this is the first time they enter a chat group, they may not be ready to do it yet.

But it’s been so long.

They are all very familiar with each other in the group.

In addition, there has never been a similar group game in the group.

The combination of the two, after seeing Wendy’s proposal, many people started to take action.

Soon, short videos of tongue twisters and Lanaro’s name appeared in the chat group one after another.

The atmosphere in the group suddenly became very active.

Most of them stumbled and spoke very stammeringly.

But there are also some people who say it very smoothly.

For example, Wendy, Zhongli, Zhen, Nasida, and Funina!

Such as Mona, Walnut, and Yae Shenzi!

And Elhaysen, Tinari, and Farushan!

After realizing this, the people in the group suddenly became curious.

【Yingmei: What a guy! You gods are really awesome!】

【Wendy: Hey~ I’m the best bard in Teyvat.~】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, these are nothing compared to complex contracts.】

【Zhen: It’s quite interesting! But government affairs are much more complicated than this!】

【Nasida: Well, maybe it’s because they are my dependents, and they feel very relaxed.~】

【Funina: Humph! I am the most popular star in Fontaine! Lines are such a trivial matter~ (waving hands.jpg)】

【Yae Shenzi: There is a saying that it is not scary to pretend to be in matching clothes. Whoever is ugly will be embarrassed! Gee, it seems like there is a god missing~ (bad smile.jpg)】


Shadow fell silent.

She also recorded a video saying tongue twisters before.

But there was some stuttering.

She thought everyone else was like her.

As a result, all my colleagues who are gods are extremely smooth!

Not only gods, but also many ordinary people performed quite well!

Now, her former Thor has become the Joker!

This makes Ying, who has always been very competitive, a little depressed.

“No~々 !”

“I will definitely practice again when I get back!”

“We absolutely cannot lose to them!”

Ying secretly made up his mind.

At this time,

【Paimon: It’s just a god, why are the others so powerful!】

【Hutao: Hum~ The leader of this hall is a well-known dark limerick poet of the alley style in Liyue! This tongue twister is a joke~ (waving hand.jpg)】

【Mona: Because my name is very long, I’m used to this kind of tongue twisting.】

【Amber: Very long? How long is that? (curious.jpg)】

【Mona: Astorogis Mona Megistus! Mean astrologer Mona! (Proud.jpg)】

【Barbara: Thirteen words! This is the first time I have seen such a long name!】

【Noelle: It’s still a bit hard to read! No wonder Miss Mona is good at this tongue twister!】

【Yae Shenzi: What I said is trivial.~】

【Elhaysen: Compared to those complicated languages, tongue twisters and Lanaro’s name are very easy.】

【Fa Lushan: This should be easier for the scholars of the Teaching Council, right?】

【Tinari: Agreed���】




That’s really embarrassing!

Disgraceful to the scholars of the Academy~

After the simple game, everyone looked at the light screen again

…… villa.

Luo Chen continued to speak at this time.

“After going through these previous names, I think you all have a certain understanding of how tongue-twisting Lanaro’s name is.”

“Next, let’s continue with the serious review!”

“The second item of serious review – past experience!”

“Time goes back thousands of years, when Xumi was still in the period of the Demon God War”

“After the Daci Tree King parted ways with the Red King, he came to the Water and Sky Jungle.”

“Here, she sang the song of origin that is closest to the world tree”

“Then he successfully summoned the original King of Enlightenment Tree”

“A beautiful and plump pomegranate grew on the King Jue tree”

“The seeds inside are the first batch of Lanaro!”

“In order to facilitate the audience’s understanding of the subsequent comments, let me first talk about the characteristics of Lanaro!”

“1. Memories and dreams!”

“All living things have these two items!”

“But for Lannaro, this is the strength of their fight!”

“Excessive use can cause amnesia!”

“Such as langala pear!”

“This is the power of Lannaro, which can be used to resist the dead domain!”

“And it comes from their memories!”

“If other Lannaros inherit the memory of this Lannaror in some way, then they will also use Langalali!”

“2. Salan tree, Hengsu fruit, the only true thing!”

“When Lanaro is dying, they will compress all their memories and dreams into a seed.”

“Seeds or long-lived lannaros can grow into [salan trees]】”

“A dream space will be generated inside the tree, and the dreams and memories accumulated by Lannaro during his lifetime will be condensed into [Hengsu Fruit].】”

“Among them, [Juewang Tree] is the king of [Salan Tree]!”

“Naturally, the fruit it bears is the advanced version of [Hengsu Fruit], which is [The Reality of Weiye].】”

“When humans are deeply eroded by the energy of the dead realm and almost die, only this fruit can save their lives!”


Seeing this, many people suddenly understood.

It’s a little complicated, but in a nutshell.

Memories and dreams are the power of Lanaro!

The more memories there are, the stronger Lanaro’s power becomes!

If you consume too much, you will lose your memory!

In addition,

Lannaluo can grow into [Salan Tree]】,【[Salan Tree] will bear [Hengsu Fruit] on it.

Among them, the king of [Salan Tree] is [Juewang Tree]】,【The King of Jue tree will bear the fruit of”Weiye Zhishi”.

These two fruits are very powerful and have magical effects!

After figuring it out, everyone was surprised.

This Lannalo clan is really a bit magical.

…… villa.

Luo Chen continued to speak.

“I think everyone now has an understanding of Lannaro’s characteristics.”

“Then let’s continue with the serious review!”

“The first Lannaluo born was called Lanmu Hukunda!”

“It belongs to the intelligent Lanaro”

“With its help, King Daci Shu successfully created the Faluna Divine Machine!”

“It is precisely because of this machine that Xumi gradually gave birth to a rainforest under the rain.”

“Otherwise, Sumeru is still a desert now.”

“In addition to Lan Mu Kunda, there are many Lan Na Luo”

“Among them, Lan Disuo is undoubtedly the strongest among Lan Na Luo!”

“It uses Langalali, which can easily kick over and seal the huge ruins machines and ruins guards.”

“々` Compared to now, during that period, Lannarro got along with humans extremely harmoniously.”

“Both adults and children can see Lanaro”

“The two races help each other and build the rainforest together”

“Lanaro learns songs from humans and turns them into his own”

“The two races jointly established a nursery in [Jueshu Hall]”

“During that period, everything was so beautiful!”

“It can be said to be the golden age of Xumi’!”

“Until the disaster of Kanria five hundred years ago came!”

“Now, time comes five hundred years ago!”

“As the disaster broke out, Canria’s ruin machines and ruin guards poured out of the desert.”

“The force of erosion begins to erode Sumeru’s rainforest”

“Naturally, the original homeland of the Lannaro clan, Huannallana in the past, was also destroyed.”

“Under the distraction of King Daci Shu,”

“At this time, a special person appeared!”

“He is the traveler’s blood relative—���null!”

“After he arrived, he helped Lannalo repair the Faluna Divine Machine.”

“For this reason, he was called ‘Narafaruna’ by the Lannaros.’!”

“Then Kong helped clear away the disaster in the rain forest.”

“Even in order to allow the rain forest to recover better, he also left behind the artifact Wuyu Yima and the cup of life Yanjia Yuma that guarded the artifact.”

“Later, Sora participated in the Sans Souci Festival in Lannaro”

“He cooked food with the Lannaros and told them about his sister.”

“The Lannaros thought that the relationship between brother and sister was very good, so they imitated it one after another.”

“After the Ashoka Festival, the village chief Ramlaja prepared a vaya and gave it to the rebels.”

“But because of this, I lost my memory of Sora”

“Sora was in great pain after knowing”

“Later, Sora and Lanaro began to take action against the Dead Realm.”

“In the end, the core of the Dead Zone was successfully defeated.”

“But they couldn’t completely eradicate it”

“In desperation, the Lannaros chose to seal it!”

“In order to ensure safety, they constructed four layers of seals to seal the Death Realm in their former hometown – the former Huana Lanna.”

“The first seal: Lanmu Hukunda transformed into the [Salan Tree] and suppressed the source of the dead domain!”

“The second seal: Lan Disuo and many Lan Naluo worked together to set up a barrier!”

“The third level seal (Qian Zhao Zhao): the memory runes of Lan Na Luo, Lan Laji, Lan Yama and Lan Maha.”

“The fourth seal: the Gate of Huanna, the original King of Jue tree!”

“So far, the Lannaros have successfully restrained the expansion of the Dead Zone!”

“As for empty……”

“He left after sealing the Death Realm”

“Nothing is left but a forest book”

“Including his name!”

“There are many records of forest adventures written on it.”

“There is such a sentence in it:”I ran away. If possible, I hope not to be resented.”’”

“Regardless of Kong’s true purpose, objectively speaking, he did save Sumeru.”

“Without his help, it would be difficult to explain everything.”


Xumi, Jingshan Palace.

Yingmei was listening to Light Screen’s explanation of Lanaro with great interest.

After hearing”empty”, her eyes suddenly widened.

What? null? elder brother?

He actually went to Xumi five hundred years ago?

This was the first time she learned about Kong after Nasida searched for the World Tree.

So she quickly listened.

After hearing what Kong did for Xumi, Yingmei nodded with satisfaction.

Not bad~

This guy finally did something serious!


When you see him in the future, just beat him a little gentler~!

However, after she heard Guang Mu’s last words, her expression froze

“I ran away. If possible, I hope not to be resented.……”

“This… what does this mean?”

“Could it be that Kong…did he do something bad to Xumi or Lannalo?”

Thinking of this, Yingmei’s expression became a little uneasy.

She clenched her hands involuntarily.

On the side, Paimon also felt that something was wrong.

Take away the reality of Weiye!

He didn’t leave his name!

He left the forest book.

It says”Escape””、”Don’t hold grudges!

It’s suspicious no matter how you look at it!

But seeing that something was wrong with her sister, she quickly flew forward to comfort her.

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