【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: Isn’t it? Need to learn 20 languages before graduation? ?】

【Paimon: You two were joking, right?】

【Ke Qing: The key point is”that is”、”easy”……】

【Xiaogong: Is this the world of the boss? So scary~ (trembling.jpg)】

【Layla: Huh? Does the Teaching…Does the Teaching Academy have such graduation requirements? (Shocked.jpg)】

【Kavi: Of course not! Or not all!】

【Kawei: The reason why the two of them want to learn 20 languages is because they are intellectuals!】

【Kavi: After all, the epistemological school is the school that studies language! ].

Seeing this, everyone in the chat group suddenly realized.

That’s what happened!

But this is also very scary!

It’s amazing if the average person can master two or three languages!

Not to mention at least 20 languages?!

Graduation is too difficult!

And this is from the intellectual school!

If the other five schools of thought can be as famous as this one, they will definitely not be any simpler.

It was really scary~

Yingmei also realized this at this time.

I was immediately happy.

Fortunately, I didn’t insist on being a great sage before!

Otherwise, I’m afraid it will be difficult for me to graduate…

It would be really embarrassing if this were to happen.~

…… villa.

Luo Chen continued to speak at this time.

“I briefly introduced the Order Academy. Now you should have a relatively basic understanding of it.”

“Put aside ‘god-making’’、‘Don’t look at the crooked points of imprisoning the gods, but look at them only from the point of ‘wisdom’.”

“The Teaching Council still has some research results!”

“Such as the benefits of abundance! The elemental power inside can make crops harvest abundantly!”

“Another example is remelted tablets! The pressure of the explosion can be used to push the potion out of the alchemy device to provide combat assistance.”

“These have brought a lot of help to Xumi!”

“Next, let’s focus on the Void Terminal!”

“This should be regarded as the largest research result of the Order Academy!”

“Although the void was invented by King Daci Shu, this is the final product they perfected on this basis.”

“With this, knowledge can be unified and subdivided!”

“After ordinary people wear the Void Terminal, they can connect with the Void and query the knowledge they need.”

“As I said before, having knowledge does not necessarily mean having wisdom!”

“But to be wise, you must have enough knowledge!”

“So 27 knowledge is very important!”

“But now, ordinary people can obtain knowledge quickly and conveniently!”

“From this point of view, no country in Teyvat can compare to Sumeru!”

“There is nothing wrong with calling it the ‘Kingdom of Wisdom’!”

“But it’s a pity that the starting point was good, but later it went wrong!”

“For example, the Void Terminal’s response is based on the identity of the people!”

“Different identities can acquire different ranges of knowledge”

“In this way, the usefulness of the Void Terminal is greatly reduced.”

“In addition, the people are too dependent on the void!”

“Essentially, this is a tool for gaining knowledge!”

“This is to save time and make it easier for you to think!”

“But there is laziness in human nature!”

“With such a convenient way, many people gradually gave up thinking about”

“Putting the cart before the horse!”

“They even became superstitious about the authority of the void!”

“When self-awareness conflicts with emptiness, the idea of self will be given up!”

“This point has been clearly demonstrated in the original future plan to save the Little Lucky Grass King!”

“At that time, those people in the Teaching Academy were used by Alhaysen to play around in the void terminal!”

“I have played the video before, so I think you may still have an impression!”

“Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for the Teaching Council to make any breakthrough in academics!”

“Even if the Great Merciful Tree King is reborn, it will be useless!”

“Because many people have completely given up thinking!”

“Naturally, I no longer have the qualifications to pursue ‘wisdom’!”

“This is also one of the reasons why Nasida turned off the void later!”

“When facing the unknown and without knowledge, pursue it! Just go create!”

“It is precisely because of ignorance and the lack of ready answers that humans are curious!”

“Only then can we pursue it!”

“Only then can I ask questions!”

“Only then can you create!”

“Only then can the weak defeat the strong!

“Just like in the original future, Nacida relied on the wisdom of the people and united with the travelers to defeat the God of Opportunity!”

“This is the wisdom that humans should have!”

“Instead of just waiting for Void’s response, I will only wait for the blessing of the Great Merciful Tree King!”

“In that case, the Xumi people are just giant babies on the road to ‘wisdom’~”

As he said that, Luo Chen looked a little emotional.

This situation is so similar to the situation on the Blue Star Internet!

Compared with the Void Terminal, The Internet can acquire more and more exciting knowledge!

Gradually, many people slowly gave up thinking.

When some people realized this, they started to put down their mobile phones and read books, but found that they could not calm down at all.

But Blue Star The people are different from the scholars of the Imperial Academy.

They have no idea of pursuing wisdom.

So it’s not a bad idea to be happy however you want.~


Originally, the Sumeru people had already fallen into deep thought after hearing the understanding of”wisdom” from the Great Merciful Tree King in the light curtain.

And gained some insights.

Life is the most important!

Wisdom is just a means!

So there is no need to pursue it blindly!

At this time, after hearing the comments about”Void Terminal” in the light curtain, they fell into deep thought again.

Light Screen seems to be right!

In these years, they have indeed relied too much on the void.

No matter what kind of confusion you encounter, the first thing you do is not think about it, but think about searching for the answer from the void.

It’s really convenient and effective most of the time!

Because there is an answer in the void!

But many times there is no answer!

But at this time, they wanted to think about it, but found it difficult!

Because I am used to”getting something for nothing”!

Therefore, from this point of view, they have not made any major academic breakthroughs in the past five hundred years, unlike King Daci Shu.���relation!

It’s just my own fault!

At this time, they thought of the words in the light curtain again.

When facing the unknown and without knowledge, pursue it! Just go create!

It is precisely because of ignorance and the lack of ready answers that humans are curious!

Only then can we pursue it!

Only then can I ask questions!

Only then can you create!

Only then can the weak defeat the strong!

Only then can we use our actions to help Master Kusanagi defeat the newly born God of Opportunity!

This is the wisdom that humans should have!

But in the past five hundred years, they lost this point because they were too dependent on the void!

So that in the end he went down a wrong path!

Thinking of this, many Sumeru scholars finally came to their senses.


They were wrong!

Fortunately, it’s not too late now!

Then, they looked at the light curtain, and then stood up slightly!

This is their gratitude to the light curtain for waking them up!

…… villa.

Luo Chen continued to speak at this time.

“After reviewing the Jiaolingyuan, it’s the turn of Little Lucky Grass King.”

“Compared with the previous two, Nasida’s situation is somewhat special.”

“She does not have the thousands of years of experience accumulated by King Daci Shu, nor does she have the many manpower of the Teaching Academy.”

“She is just a poor god who was imprisoned not long after she was born!”

“The only way to obtain knowledge is through the void!”

“So Nacida’s understanding of wisdom is still exploring and growing.”

“This is understandable!”

“You can’t expect Nasida in such a state to be as wise as the Great Merciful Tree King!”

“This is unrealistic!”

“To blame, I can only blame the Order Academy for not giving her a chance to grow!”

“But even so, Nasida also has her own outstanding display of wisdom!”

“Next, I will show you two places.”

With that said, Luo Chen controlled the mouse and started to play the video.

Soon, the picture in the light screen began to flash.

Video 1: Nasida VS Dr.

In the picture, the background is Jingshan Palace.

At this time, Nasida, Traveler Yingmei and Paimon returned to Jingshan Palace again after erasing the remaining consciousness of King Daci Shu.

“Do you remember… what just happened?”

Yingmei said.

“What just happened?”

Hearing Yingmei’s words, Nasida was slightly surprised.

Then she dragged her chin with her little hand and recalled

“We just used the power of two God Hearts and successfully established a connection with the World Tree from five hundred years ago.”

“Finally, the remaining pollution in the World Tree was eradicated.”

Seeing this, Yingmei suddenly understood.

Nasida had indeed forgotten the story about that person.

Only she still remembers!

Could it be… because she doesn’t belong here?

After hearing this, Paimon nodded again and again, and then looked towards Yingmei

“Yeah, what’s wrong?”

“Ying, weren’t you here just now?”

Hearing this, Yingmei couldn’t help but frowned slightly. She didn’t even remember Paimon?

Has everyone really forgotten the Great Merciful Tree King?

Then should she tell everyone the truth?

But right here At this time, something unexpected happened!

A burst of”stabbing”���”La” hypnotic sound wave attacked the three of them.

Nasida resisted, but the other two……

“what sound?”


Yingmei felt dizzy, and a wave of sleepiness came over her.

The whole scene started to shake.

She couldn’t help but cover her forehead with her hands.

But in the end, he couldn’t resist his body’s reaction, and Paimon fell to the ground and fainted.

But before she fainted, she saw Nasida who was suddenly alert!

I heard the constant sound of footsteps! and a vague figure……


Everyone in the chat group was originally curious about Nasida’s highlight performance.

And after seeing this, I was immediately shocked

【Yingmei:? ? ?】

【Ying Mei: I was attacked again?】

【Paimon: And me! What’s going on? 】

Both of them are numb!

Last time in front of him, Nasida was stabbed in the body by a guard!

Now he was attacked and fainted by an unknown person again!

Did you say that I am very awesome?

Why are you so bad all of a sudden?

【Qin: Someone must have wanted to talk to Lord Little Grass God alone, so that’s why Traveler and Paimon fainted.】

【Ning Guang: Miss Qin is right! However, the figure was too blurry and could not be distinguished clearly.】

【Dadalia: It’s the Doctor! It must be him! As the executive officer of Fools, he can be recognized at a glance!】

【Desiya: Doctor? How can it be? Didn’t the traveler and I watch him leave? (Shocked.jpg)】

【Diluc: Ha! Doctor, this guy is very cunning! Maybe all of you are confused by him!】

【Tinari: It’s possible! But why did this guy suddenly backtrack? Is it to save the stragglers?】

【Alhaysen: No! Judging from the behavior of several fools and executives in the light curtain stabbing each other and the bad relationship between several people in the group, it cannot be for stragglers!】

【Elhaysen: On the contrary, it might be for the heart of God!】

【Ayato Kamisato: Heart of God? Referring to the situations of Mondstadt, Liyue and Daozhi, this should be the case!】

【Yae Shenzi: Hey, you have been abandoned~@ scattered soldiers】

【Dadalia: Hahaha, congratulations~】

【Woman: Haha, so happy! There are times when you are abandoned!】

【Skirmisher: Shut up! (angry.jpg)]

The skirmishers’ faces turned dark.

These guys!

Damn it, damn it!

【Alice: It’s broken! The doctor is as powerful as a god! Nasida is probably no match for him!】

【Wendy: Hey, judging from the results, there must be no problem.~】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, the Little Grass God is now at a disadvantage. But if you hand over the Heart of God directly, it should be fine, but……】

【Zhen: But the light screen said that this was the highlight moment of Nasida’s wisdom! She obviously took the initiative!】

【Shadow: But with such a disparity in combat power, how did Nasida take the initiative? (puzzled.jpg)】

【Funina: Yes! Especially travelers and Paimon might become hostages! (dog head. expression)】



Is this the God of Justice?


But don’t say it!

It seems that this is really possible! broken!

I am the burden?

Thinking of this, Yingmei and Paimon suddenly felt bad.

I originally wanted to protect Nacida, but I never expected that it would become a bargaining chip for the enemy to blackmail Nacida!

“Ouch, Nacida, I can’t help you!”

“Woohoo, I, the original sage, failed too much.……”

Yingmei and Paimon burst into tears.

When Nasida saw this, she smiled and comforted her.


“You are my best friends!”

“If I could trade the heart of God for your lives, it would be more than worth it!”

After hearing this, Yingmei and Paimon were extremely moved.

They hugged Nasida directly from left to right.

Wuwuwu, my Nasida~

Nasida was a little dumbfounded.

After shaking her head, she was thoughtful. She got up.

She was thinking, if she was in that situation now, how could she take the initiative at the scene from a weak position?

“The Doctor Wants the Heart of God……”

“heart of god……”


“Could it be……”

Nasida suddenly thought of a possibility and her eyes became inexplicable.

Would you actually do that?

This is really not in line with her style!

“Nasida, have you thought of that?”

Yingmei noticed the change in Nasida’s expression and became curious.

“Well…just keep reading. Nasida pursed her lips and said.

This is hard to explain.

Yingmei and Paimon couldn’t help but look at each other in surprise.

There is something wrong!

Thinking of this, the two of them quickly looked at the light screen.

Xumi, the border

“Facing me with a weak position, you can still take the initiative!”

“I’m really curious about your methods, God of Wisdom~”

The doctor looked at the light screen with a hint of interest in his eyes.

It seems that he should finally obtain the heart of God. I just don’t know what twists and turns there will be in the process~

It’s really interesting~

The people in the chat group were in the same situation.

So, they looked at the light screen one after another, their eyes full of expectation~


In the light curtain, the picture continues

“this sound……”



Noting that something was wrong, Nasida quickly looked at Yingmei and Paimon.

After seeing them unconscious, she suddenly felt something bad.

At this time, a figure walked over slowly.

“After waiting here for so long, I finally found the opportunity to be alone with you!”

“The precious time wasted is still somewhat valuable!”

Doctor, come on!

“Executive of Fools, what did you just do?”

Nasida put on a vigilant posture and questioned loudly.

“It’s just a sound wave that can quickly bring unsuspecting people into dreamland.~”

“Sure enough, it has no effect on gods!”

“Those things studied by sages are only a little interesting, so I just picked them up and tried them out.”

The doctor smiled slightly.

Then, he looked at Yingmei and Paimon who were fainting on the ground.

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