“Harm, it’s okay~”

“But that’s it……”

Yingmei waved her hand casually.

Then he sat cross-legged on the ground and sighed softly

“Although I haven’t experienced anything in the original future, this feeling that the whole world doesn’t know and only you know,”

“It’s so uncomfortable!”.

“What’s more, Nasida, you are still my friend!”

“Maybe I wanted to tell you the truth several times along the way, but in the end I had no choice but to hold back.”

Hearing this, Nasida pursed her lips and was a little silent.

It seemed like this!

What happened to her was certainly tragic.

But in the end, she still forgot about it.

Although she felt some feelings afterwards, she didn’t remember such a heart-wrenching injury. It hurts.

It feels quite irresponsible!

Only Travelers, people from another world, remember it!

But in order to protect the World Tree, I can’t share it with anyone!

It’s so squeezed in my heart that anyone else would feel it It was very depressing.

On the side, Paimon was even more sad after hearing this.

He is obviously the best guide and best partner for travelers!

But at this time, he can’t share the other’s worries.

Thinking of the helplessness and frustration in the future travelers’ hearts. Depressed, she felt a little sad in her heart.

But there was nothing she could do! Who told her to be Teyvat too!

At this time, Yingmei looked at the light screen, thinking of her last comment, her tone became complicated

“Witnesses come to witness; rememberers live to remember!”

“The light curtain said, this is the reason why I came to Teywat Continent!”

“But the significance of witnessing history is too profound and huge!”

“I can’t afford this responsibility, and I don’t want to take it!”

“I’m just an ordinary girl, I just want to know about my brother~!”

Her original purpose of traveling to Teyvat was just to find Kong!

But judging from the information exposed by the light curtain, she was involved in so many things due to a combination of circumstances.

If you don’t know the so-called meaning, that’s it. Just treat it as something you see, hear, and enjoy in life!

But now that I know it!

Yingmei instantly felt that the responsibility on her shoulders became heavier!

She cannot bear the responsibility of a whole world!

In addition, she also felt a little uncomfortable.

She always felt like an invisible hand behind her was pushing her to witness all this!

It makes her feel a little wrong when looking at the things and people around her now!

It seems to be from a pure third-party perspective!

This made it seem like there was an invisible barrier when she communicated with friends like Qin, Xiangling, Ayaka, and Nasida!

Yingmei doesn’t like this feeling 997!

In the eyes of Nasida and Paimon, the traveler sister has always been a positive, optimistic and fun-loving person.

This was the first time they saw each other’s weak expression.

I don’t know if it was infected by Nasida from before.

Feeling that something was wrong with her initial sage state, Nasida thought for a while and said with a smile.

“Ying, you are not an ordinary girl~”

“Which ordinary girl will be awarded the titles of Mondstadt’s ‘Honorary Knight’, Liyue’s ‘Friend of the Immortals’, Inazuma’s ‘Captain of the Second Swordfish Squadron’, Xumi’s ‘Original Sage’, and Fontaine’s ‘Honorary Senior Researcher of the Academy of Sciences’. ?”

After hearing this, Paimon waggled his little finger and echoed again and again.

“Yeah yeah!”

“Which girl can speak ill of the God of Wind, make fun of the God of Rock, fight with the God of Thunder, go to the toilet with the God of Grass, and judge the God of Water like you?”

“You are a well-known executioner in the Teyvat continent!”

Hearing these repeated compliments, Yingmei’s eyes lit up.


It seems like this!

Thinking of this, Yingmei suddenly raised her forehead slightly and put her hands on her hips.

You are so awesome!

Seeing”Crangying” return again , Nacida and Paimon looked at each other and smiled.

At this time, Yingmei seemed to have thought of something, and said with a smile

“Hey, I almost forgot!”

“Witness, that was my responsibility in the future!”

“There is a light curtain now!”

“This is much more reliable than me!”

“So I no longer have to shoulder this inexplicable responsibility!”

“I will honestly inquire about Kong’s whereabouts, and then go back to Liyue to open a coconut milk shop!”

She didn’t forget that her original goal was to open a coconut milk shop!

But she didn’t expect that after going around in circles for so many days, there was no movement at all.

She had to start it quickly!

“That’s right!”

“Open a coconut milk shop!”

“Start in Liyue and progress to other countries!”

“Step by step, we will become bigger and stronger and create greater glory!”

Paimon also cheered when he heard about making money.

“Open a store?”

Nascida pondered for a moment, then said with a smile.


“I will leave you the best store location in Xumi City!”

When they heard this, Yingmei and Paimon’s eyes lit up.

They hugged Nasida directly into their arms.~

“Wow, Nacida, I love you so much!”

“Me too, me too~”


For a time, the atmosphere in Jingshan Palace became active again.

At the same time, [Extraordinary Chat Group].

After a period of buffering, at this time, the people in the group finally came to their senses.

Thinking of the comments and video content in the light screen, they became extremely emotional.

【Barbara: So that’s it! Sure enough, there is a big move, it really is a major turning point… (sigh.jpg)】

【Alice: I once heard that there are three ways for creatures to die!】

【Alice: The first is to reach the end of life and die naturally!】

【Alice: The second kind is that the body rots and disappears from the world!】

【Alice: The third type is social death, completely forgotten by the world!】

【Alice: The Great Merciful Tree King is now ready!】

【Keqing: But the last one is the most important! When no one in the world remembers you anymore, that is the real death! (Sigh.jpg)】

【Kamisato Ayaka: He has sacrificed so much for his people. He is truly a gentle and great god!】

【Kelai: When I was a child, I wanted to ask God loudly many times why she let me go through so much suffering!】

【Cole: Now I understand!】

【Kelai: Gods also have their own helplessness! Even, they are still silently carrying the burden for us!】

【Kelai: It’s me who doesn’t know what’s wrong! He obviously didn’t do anything for the gods, but he always wanted to repay him! (Self-mockery.jpg)】

【Kelai: If it is to exchange for the recovery of my demon scale disease, then I would rather refuse!】

【Kelai: Because a person like me is not worthy of the selfless and tender love of King Daci Shu! (purse.jpg)】

【Amber: Collet……】

【Tinari: Hey……】

【Nelu: I don’t know why the gods of Teyvat love people! But judging from our Xumi situation, it seems that we are really not worthy… (sigh.jpg)】

【Sano: That’s right! Both the Great Loving Tree King and the Little Lucky Grass King love Sumeru! But looking back at Xumi……】

【Fa Lushan: On the other hand, Xumi imprisoned the Little Lucky Grass King and disrespected the gods! On the contrary, the country’s governance is in chaos! It really goes against the grace of King Daci Shu!】

【Candice: We desert people, hey… owe a huge debt of gratitude to King Daci Shu!】

【Elhaysen: Don’t be so downcast!】

【Elhaysen: We should be proud to have such a great god! This is Xumi’s honor!】

【Elhaysen: Because of this, we cannot live up to the kindness of King Daci Shu! Only then do we have the obligation to put Xumi back on track! 】

Seeing Elhaysen’s words, the Sumeru people in the chat group suddenly became energetic.

That’s right!

That’s it!

It is their honor to have such a god!

Not only should they not belittle themselves, but they should be proud of them!

Even try your best to respond to this love!

Just like the people of Mondstadt and Liyue!

The first step in the current response is to overthrow the Jiaolingyuan and welcome the little Lucky Grass King!

Thinking of this, these people looked at the Jiaoling Academy with stern eyes!

At this time,

【Zhongli: If King Daci Shu sees your reaction, he will be pleased!】

【Zhongli: It is precisely because of people like you that she will love without hesitation! Even at the cost of being forgotten!】

【Zhongli: But saving the World Tree involves not only Xumi, but also the entire continent of Teyvat!】

【Zhongli: All the creatures in Teyvat Continent should be grateful to her for surviving the disaster five hundred years ago!】

【Wendy: Hey, the old man is right! On behalf of all the creatures in Mondstadt, I would like to express my gratitude to King Daci Shu!】

【Zhongli: On behalf of thousands of living beings in Liyue, I would like to express my gratitude to King Daci Shu!】

【Zhen: On behalf of all living beings in Daozhu, I would like to express my gratitude to King Daci Shu!】

【Nasida: On behalf of all living beings in Sumeru, I would like to thank the Great Merciful Tree King! Xumi is proud of you!】

【Funina: On behalf of all the creatures in Fontaine, I would like to thank the Great Merciful Tree King!】

【Alice: On behalf of myself and my baby daughter Keli, I would like to thank the Great Ci Tree King!】

【Yingmei: I am not from the continent of Teyvat, I am just a traveler from a foreign land, but here I would like to pay my highest respect to the great god, King Daci Shu!】


This behavior of gods thanking gods from other countries is the first time this has happened in a chat group!

Not to mention, the gods from all over the world came together!

However, this is what King Daci Shu deserves!

Seeing the wind god, rock god, thunder god, little auspicious grass king, water god, traveler and other important figures expressing their gratitude to the big loving tree king, all the

Sumeru people in the group were also moved to tears.

I am even more proud of King Daci Shu!

At the same time, I also secretly made up my mind!

Once upon a time, Xumi was proud of you, the Great Merciful Tree King!

I hope that one day in the future, you will be proud of the God of Xumi!

After these vigorous remarks, the sentimental atmosphere in the chat group was completely gone.

At this time, Nasida spoke again

【Nasida: In the original future, Sumeru was saved by erasing the existence of the Great Merciful Tree King!】

【Nasida: But now, with the light curtain, this method won’t work!】

【Nasida: Of course! Even if the light curtain has no effect on this, I don’t want to use this method anymore!】

【Nasida: Sumeru doesn’t want to, doesn’t want to, and can’t forget this great god!】

【Nacida: Senior Barbatos, Sir Navilette, if the rewards after this review are not effective, if you randomly find suitable wine and water, I hope you can trade them to us Xumi first!】

【Nasida: We will pay a price that satisfies you!】

【Wendy: Hey, our thanks are not just words!】

【Wendy: If you can randomly find a suitable wine, there is no need to trade, just give it away!】

【Villette: It’s the same here!】

【Nasida: Thank you both very much! 】

Seeing this, Nasida finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The light curtain was rewarded by reviews!

Barbatos-senpai’s water from another world!

That wine from another world, Lord Villette!

Triple insurance!

In this way, there will be a way to save Xumi or the Great Merciful Tree King!

Seeing this scene, other people in the chat group also looked happy.

The result couldn’t be better!

In the past, they all thought about the fun of watching Wendy and Navilette, a pair of sleeping dragons and phoenixes.

But now, they sincerely hope that these two people can be lucky enough to transform from African chiefs to European emperors!

A god like Daci Shuwang should not end like this!

After having triple insurance, everyone feels a lot more relaxed.

For a moment, the atmosphere became lively again.

We also started to discuss the details in the previous light curtain review.

Suddenly, Alice seemed to think of something and said in surprise

【Alice: Wait! A question suddenly occurred to me!】

【Alice: First of all, this is my random guess, please don’t take it seriously! (dog head. expression)】

【Alice: That’s right!】

【Alice: After the Little Grass God wiped out the Great Merciful Tree King, everyone’s perceptions in Teyvat changed. In their opinion at that time, there was only one God in Xumi from beginning to end!】

【Alice: The reason why it becomes smaller is because of the energy consumed five hundred years ago.】

【Alice: Plus the Traveler is no longer the original Sage!】

【Alice: So is there a possibility that it was not the Great Merciful Tree King who was erased, but Nasida? (dog head. expression)】

【Alice: Wouldn’t it be more reasonable to contact previous clues? (Dog head. Expression)]

Seeing these remarks, everyone in the group was stunned.

It was not the Great Kind Tree King that was erased but the Little Grass God?

The next second, they all gasped.


This guess is too scary, right?

You can’t even think about it!

It’s scary to think about it!

【Nilu: Impossible, a gentle god like the Great Ci Tree King would never do such a thing! (Serious look.jpg)】

【Yingmei: First of all, the light curtain is definitely not wrong! Secondly, you yourself said that your perception has changed! In fact, the Daci Tree King must have disappeared! (roll eyes.jpg)】

【Paimon: That’s right! This is purely over-interpretation and conspiracy theory! (Hold with both hands.jpg)】

【Zhongli: From a common sense perspective, after King Daci Shu was forgotten, there were certain gaps in many people’s memories.】

【Zhongli: In order to make up for this gap, World Tree will transfer the deeds of the Great Merciful Tree King to the Little Grass God.】

【Zhongli: That’s why the above cognitive changes occurred!】

【Zhongli: Of course, this will also have some subtle effects on the little grass god.】

【Wendy: Hey, the old man is right!】

【True: Morax is right!】

【Shadow: That’s right!】

【Funina: There are many words on it, but it’s right! (dog head. expression)】

【Kelly: Mom, Nasida didn’t disappear! (angry.jpg)】


Seeing a series of comments in the group, Alice quickly said

【Alice: Ahem, I don’t mean anything else! Sorry, little grass god! (Sorry.jpg)】

【Nasida: No problem~ This is indeed a very interesting topic. ]

Nasida was indeed not angry.

She even hoped that what Alice said was true.

In the original future, if she could be sacrificed in exchange for the new life of King Daci Shu.

She’d rather do it that way.

But… of course, the best result is that both she and King Daci Shu are reborn!

This used to be a fantasy!

But now, anything is possible!

Afterwards, everyone in the group discussed again for a while.

Seeing the light curtain move again, they quickly looked over.

…… villa

“Was it the Little Grass God who was erased instead of the Great Ci Tree King?……”

Seeing the conspicuous barrage in the live broadcast room, Luo Chen also fell into deep thought.

There were many similar discussions after versions 3.2 and 3.3.

For example, Nacida’s tone of voice changed!

For example, Nacida’s attitude towards travelers has changed!

For example, Nacida became evil!

Etc., etc!

Suddenly the rhythm soared!

However, in Luochen’s view, these are conspiracy theories and over-interpretations!

After all, in a 12+ game, the main storyline can’t be that outrageous!

Of course, it also has something to do with Lao Mi himself!

If it weren’t for some loopholes in the plot, these criticisms wouldn’t have arisen!

Similar are some of the plots in Fontaine.

All I can say is that it’s an old tradition.

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