Listening to the light curtain’s comments about the Jiaoling Institute, and seeing the various contemptuous remarks about the Jiaoling Institute in the chat group, some Xumi people in the chat group fell silent.

Although they were also members of the Imperial Academy, they could not refute it. on the contrary!

It is precisely because they are one of them that they can better understand those people’s madness for wisdom!

Just like what Light Screen said, the sages believe in the wisdom of King Daci Tree, not King Daci Tree himself!

So when the little Lucky Grass King lacked wisdom, he was abandoned.

Thinking of this, Sai Nuo, Fa Lushan and others also sighed in their hearts.

But fortunately, it’s not the most critical moment yet!

Everything is turning around!

… villa.

Luo Chen continued at this time

“Under such circumstances, this special opportunity comes!”

“On this day, Doctor Fools, the executive officer, came to the Order Academy”

“He brought a god’s heart and expressed that he wanted to use the research environment in the hospital!”

“And this heart of God is Baalzebul’s heart of God!”

“In the original future, the skirmishers did not return to Winter after taking the Heart of God, but instead joined the Doctor.”

“This is the scene where the doctor goes to the Order Academy!”

“The doctor wanted to do research, so he came up with the idea of ‘creating a god’’!”

“The Ecclesiastical Order wanted its own God of Wisdom, so it was moved.”

“As for skirmishers……”

“In previous comments by Balzebul, she mentioned that she made dolls.”

“At that time, the first doll failed, so the second doll was created, which was the Doll General!”

“And the first puppet is the skirmisher!”

“It can be said that the skirmishers were born to show the heart of God!”

“Regarding his situation, I will comment again when I have the opportunity.”

“Because of this, he was also moved!”

“Given the needs of each of the three parties,”

“So, we hit it off immediately!”

“Then, the ‘god-making’ cooperation began with each person’s own agenda!”


Hearing this, everyone in the chat group suddenly realized.

It turns out that”creating gods” is what it is all about!

It was not done by one side of the Order, but by three parties!


After all,”creating a god” is a big deal!

If the Order had such ability, it would have built it hundreds of years ago.

I won’t wait until now!

Castle tower.

After the light screen finished speaking, everyone present looked at Ying who was eating the three-colored dumplings.

Shadow blinked twice.

It seemed that something was inappropriate, so he quickly put down the three-colored dumplings from his mouth.

“Shadow, why did the doll you made become an executive of the Fools?”

At this time, Zhen spoke softly.


“I don’t know~”

Ying Hanhan scratched his head.


“After I made it, I found that it was too fragile”

“But after seeing him cry, I couldn’t bear to destroy him”

“So after placing gold ornaments symbolizing status next to him, he let him continue to sleep.”

“Thinking about it, maybe he woke up later?”

“So that’s it!”

Zhen nodded thoughtfully after listening.

She had already read the reviews of Ying and Shenzi.

While reading, she noticed that the skirmishers seemed to have a hint of hostility toward Ying.

But Ying’s actions were not inappropriate. place

“Think about what must have happened to this doll after it woke up!”

“Otherwise, I would never go to Zhidong to be an executive officer!” Zhenzi secretly guessed in his heart.

On the side, Shenzi said helplessly at this time

“Ying, when I asked you to deal with him, you didn’t listen.”

“Is it okay in the back?”

“Go directly to become the executive officer of the Fools!”

“You may have done so many bad things!”

“He almost even wanted to replace the Little Grass God as the new God of Wisdom!”

Hearing this, Ying became silent.

Who would have thought of this?

“Well, Son of God, it’s not too late!”

“At least it hasn’t caused trouble to His Excellency Xiaocao Shen.”

Hu Zhaigong shook his head slightly, then looked at Ying

“But it definitely won’t work if you don’t manage it.”

“Your Highness, are you ready to do this?”

Ying was silent for a while and then sighed.

“Since it was made by me, I will take it back myself.”

“According to the information in the light curtain, he should still be in Daozi now.”

“I don’t think it will take long.”

After saying that, the lightning on her body flashed slightly, and her figure left the castle tower.


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: Good guy, it turns out that the god to be created is a doll made by Ying before?! (Surprised.jpg)】

【Paimon: Yes, this is really unexpected!】

【Alice: As expected of the stinky-faced general! A puppet general managed Inazuma into a mess, and a puppet went to Xumi and became a”god”! (bad smile.jpg)】

【Wendy: Hey~ I understand! In fact, all this is Balzeb’s conspiracy!】

【Wendy: She deliberately let the skirmishers take away the heart of the Thunder God so that they could go to Sumeru to ascend to the gods!】

【Wendy: As long as the skirmishers can become gods, they can successfully take over Xumi!】

【Wendy: This means that Balzebul successfully controlled two countries! And these two countries happen to surround Liyue in the middle!】

【Wendy: If my guess is good! From now on, we will definitely learn the art of war from Daozhu and Xumi Liyue! Then use this to plot against other countries! (Serious.jpg)]

Seeing this, everyone in the chat group looked weird.

Good guy, you have a lot of imagination!

But don’t tell me, it seems to make some sense!

As expected of Barbatos, whose main job is a bard!

But…you made the wrong choice!

Who in the group doesn’t know that Balzeb is a naive straight otaku?

Say anything!

If I say I’ll cut you off, I’ll cut you off!

If I tell you to leave the castle tower, I will never do anything in advance!

Fengshen, if you change someone else, they might really believe it!


【Shadow: Don’t pay attention to this guy, he probably drank too much!】

【Shadow: @Na西达, little grass god, I’m sorry, I’ve caused you a lot of trouble because of my mistake!】

【Nacida: It’s okay, Senior Balzeb!】

【Ying: Yeah, if you need help in the future, you can tell me!】

【Nasida: Okay, thank you, Senior Balzeb! (Happy.jpg)]

After Ying Zai apologized to the little grass god, he started to fight.

【Shadow: @小兵, you are in Dao Wife, right? 】

But the skirmishers didn’t reply.

【Shadow: @ scattered soldiers, don’t say anything, right? It doesn’t matter! Because I will find you soon! (Smile.jpg)]

Upon seeing this statement, the soldier’s heart suddenly trembled.


His previous premonition came true!

Even scarier than he imagined!

It was actually Balzebul who came to arrest him personally!

“Damn it~!”

The skirmishers gritted their teeth.

Thinking of a god chasing him behind him, his hair suddenly stood up.

He didn’t have time to think too much and started running like crazy.

Seeing this scene, many people in the chat group looked strange.


Is this a bit familiar? oh!

I remembered!

It’s Madam and Dadalia!

The former escaped from Jean’s hands, but was on Mond’s wanted list~!

The latter was directly caught by Mandrill and thrown into prison.

Is it now the turn of the skirmishers?

But the power of catching people is getting stronger every time.

From the acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind, to an immortal, and now to a god!

The skirmishers might not be able to escape now.

After realizing this, both the lady and Dadalia were so happy that they went crazy!

As a grudge opponent of Skirmishers, shouldn’t this be a good round of ridicule?

【Woman: Hahaha, today is such a good day~】

【Lady: @人兵, weren’t you still laughing at me at that time? What now?】

【Lady: Sure enough, Rice Wife shouldn’t go! In the original future, if you ran away, I would die!】

【Lady: But now it’s completely the opposite~ (bad smile.jpg)】

【Dadalia: Hahaha, finally I’m not the only one in jail! welcome!】

【Dadalia: You have today too!】

【Dadalia: Don’t be mute, speak up! Oh, I forgot, you are still running away! Ha ha ha ha~】

【Dadalia: I still like your unruly look~ (dog head. expression)】


Seeing the comments that flooded the screen, the soldier’s expression turned ugly.

He now finally understood how the lady and Dadalia felt at that time.

But now I can’t be bothered to reply.

It can only be said that karma is retribution~

The skirmishers laughed at how happy the lady and Dadalia were before, but now they are so embarrassed~

The captain, rooster and other fools and executives saw this and fell silent.

Originally, they planned to blame the stragglers.

But it’s not necessary now.

As for the other doctor… considering his terrifying strength, several people also kept silent.

Let’s leave it to the Ice Queen!

…… villa

“Shadow went to catch some stragglers?”

Looking at the conspicuous barrage in the live broadcast room, Luo Chen also raised his eyebrows. It seems that the skirmishers will follow in the footsteps of Dardalia.

I just don’t know how the Shadow Council will deal with it.

He shook his head and put his curiosity aside. After thinking about it, he continued to speak.

“After the cooperation, the Order Council spent a lot of time building the body of the god based on skirmishers.”

“Later, he used the reincarnation of the Flower Goddess Festival to harvest dreams to maximize the output power of the void.”

“The Flower God’s Birthday Festival was originally held to celebrate the birthday of the Great Ci Tree King.”

“After his death, the event was held on Nasida’s birthday.”

“But as Nasida disappeared from the public, not many people were willing to hold it.”

“Only some people in the Grand Bazaar maintain this custom”

“Although the scale is small, it has persisted!”

“It can be called the staunchest believer of the Little Grass God!”

“In the original future, this Flower Goddess Festival had 168 reincarnations.~”

“Having said this, you may be a little confused and don’t know what is going on.”

“Let me explain it in detail here”

“In a previous review, I said that in order to deal with forbidden knowledge, King Daci Shu developed the ‘Void’’”

“Then use this to unify human wisdom!”

“The specific method is to use the void to harvest the dreams of the people of Sumeru.”

“This is also the reason why Master Xumi couldn’t dream!”

“But everything is to clear the forbidden knowledge of Yggdrasil, so it is worth it!”

“As for why Master Xumi still can’t dream after the death of King Daci Shu……”

“That was naturally taken away by the people from the Teaching Council who borrowed the void device!”

“For example, this time it is used to perform the calculation of ‘creating a god’!”

“But they are still under the influence of the Order Council and are proud of it.~!”

“I can only say that I was deceived~”

After saying that, Luo Chen controlled the mouse to play the 3.0 Flora Festival plot.

However, he deleted some unnecessary content and played it at 2x speed.

So it is not very long.


After watching the video, everyone was stunned.

How can you still play like this?

Isn’t this”void” too magical?

But people from other countries just watch the fun, but people from Xumi just look in the mirror!

After knowing the truth about the void device and the dream, they were all shocked, scared and angry.

【General chat group】

【Vigal: What? Our dreams were actually taken away? (Frightened and angry.jpg)】

【Salal: Damn it! I also listened to the deception of the Ecclesiastes, thinking that not dreaming was really rational, but it was all a lie!】

【Lotus Tower: The Great Merciful Tree King has no choice but to save the World Tree! But what is the reason for the Teaching Council? Why harvest our dreams?】

【Neijia: It’s probably to make it easier for them to use it, such as creating gods!】

【Jute: You have reminded me that the void device is their method. Whoever loves this thing will wear it in the future, but I don’t dare to use it anyway!】

【Tahir: Me too!】

【Dina Zedai: Everyone, the Order is completely corrupt! For the so-called creation of gods, regardless of our lives!】

【Dina Zedai: If Mr. Little Jixiang Wang hadn’t helped us, I would have died, and many others would have died!】

【Dina Zedai: Only Mr. Little Lucky Grass King truly loves and protects us!】

【Dina Zedai: Only Mr. Little Lucky Grass King can lead us to a new future!】

【Dina Zedei: So, everyone, lend a helping hand! Let the Imperial Academy release Mr. Little Lucky Grass King!】

【Rahman: That’s right! Even a desert person like me can’t stand it! You guys can still endure it?】

【Rahman: Lord Little Grass God is the inheritor of the spirit of the Great Merciful Tree King. You have been ungrateful for five hundred years. Do you want to continue now?】

【Rahman: Are you worthy of the Great Merciful Tree King? 】

Seeing these remarks, the Sumeru people were stunned for a moment.

The next second, they couldn’t help but clenched their fists.

That’s right!

The Order House is in decay!

The Imperial Academy is so superior that they don’t treat them as human beings!

Not only did he take away their dreams, but he also wanted to murder their lives!

On the contrary, Mr. Little Lucky Grass King, who usually didn’t pay much attention, stood up to protect them!

Thinking of this, their fists clenched tighter! yes!

They are ungrateful!

So, it’s time to take a stand!

Thinking of this, the Xumi people began to walk out of their homes one by one.

Then slowly walked towards the direction of the Order House.

When the people in the Imperial Academy saw this scene, they were immediately horrified.

He quickly began to gather people to guard.

But the general trend is gradually taking shape and it can no longer be resisted!

The only thing missing is the upcoming opportunity!


Xumi, Jingshan Palace


“Using the Flower Goddess Festival to harvest dreams, and even almost costing people their lives?”

“How dare people from the Order Academy?”

Seeing this, Nasida clenched her hands into fists, her little face full of anger! She was even angrier than before!

For her, she loves her people more than she loves herself!

This time, the Order House really touched her rebellion. Scales!

On the side, Yingmei sighed

“The desire to create gods has made them desperate.”

Those 168 reincarnation festivals made her feel terrified just watching them.

She was afraid that she would hear”Didi” in the future.——”The voice can’t help but shiver all over.

It’s so scary~

Paimon is the same.

But looking at Nasida’s reaction, she quickly said

“Nasida, what are you going to do?”

“How to do it?”

Nasida clenched her fists and said angrily.

“I want a public trial!”

“I want to learn from Fontaine, I want to learn from Villette and the water god Fukalos,”

“I will publicly judge the Order in front of all the Watts!”

“I want them to pay the due price for their stupid behavior!”

After hearing this, Yingmei and Paimon looked at each other, and then nodded.

“Nasida, go ahead and do it, we will always support you!”

“That’s right! After all, I am your first sage~”

Nasida’s face gradually calmed down after hearing this.

Then a happy smile appeared on her face

“Well, my original sage!”

“Nice to have you~!”

But when she talked about the”original sage”, the unanswered question from the past once again appeared in her mind.

Why was the traveler her original sage before and then no longer?

It’s really strange.

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