
After shaking his head, Luo Chen continued to speak.

“King Daci Shu’s plan is to unify human wisdom!”

“Then use this power to solve the disaster!”

“To do this, she built a system called ‘The Void'”

“The current Void Terminal of Xumi is a tool created by the Order Academy on this basis.”

“With the ‘void’ system in place, King Daci Shu successfully integrated human wisdom.”

“Then he contributed all his strength”

“After a two-pronged approach, the abyssal erosion of the World Tree was finally almost completely resolved.”.

“However, this time, King Daci Shu was not as lucky as he was thousands of years ago!”

“Back then, she just used up most of her strength, and then her body shrank.”

“But this time, I was infected by forbidden knowledge!”

“In the end, like the Red King, he fell!”

“There is some content in it, but I won’t mention it here. I’ll talk about it in detail later!”

“After the death of King Daci Tree, Xumi’s disaster is coming to an end.���”

“With the help of the Forest King, Lannaral, the Order, and some Kanria people,”

“Xumi finally put an end to the disaster!”

“But the price is also heavy!”

“They lost the forest king, they lost a lot!”

“Most importantly, they lost their god – King Daci Shu!”

“Later, although there was a second-generation grass god Nasida,”

“However, he was imprisoned in Jingshan Palace by the Imperial Academy in the name of ‘protection’.”

“It wasn’t until the arrival of travelers five hundred years later that everything changed!”

“With the help of travelers and some people, Nacida finally escaped from the prison”

“Then he successfully solved the remaining forbidden knowledge and the abyss power of the Grass Dragon Apep.”

“At this point, Xumi ushered in a new chapter~”

The people in the chat group were enjoying themselves.

After hearing this sudden ending, everyone felt bad

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: Isn’t it? Is this gone? ?】

【Paimon: Yes! The events during the Demon God War and the Kanrea Period were described in great detail. How come they were just mentioned in one brush stroke right now?】

【Nilu: I also want to know how the little grass god came out and how he solved the forbidden knowledge.~!】

【Kelai: It feels like something is wrong~】

【Wendy: Hey, don’t you think this is a bit similar to yesterday’s first serious review?】

【Zhongli 22: Indeed! When I reviewed the experience of the Barr sisters yesterday, I also covered a lot of content in the front and briefly touched on it in the back!】

【Funina: I remember because the important turning points of Inazuma are all in later relationships, so I will expand on them in detail in the subsequent reviews.】

【Navilette: It seems that Sumeru’s side should be similar!】

【Alice: Huh? That makes sense! Many times, the more common things are skipped, the more important things are hidden inside!】

【Shadow: But what could it be?】

【Shadow: What could be greater than the disaster in Camria? (Puzzled.jpg)]

Ying was a little confused.

In her opinion, the disaster of Kanria five hundred years ago was already the most terrifying thing!

All her relatives and friends are dead!

The country I protected was almost destroyed!

If it weren’t for the light curtain, she wouldn’t have been able to undo all of this!

【Zhen: Maybe it’s not as harmful as the disaster five hundred years ago, but it’s definitely very important to Little Lucky Grass King and Xumi!】

【Lisa: Maybe it’s another turning point.~】

【Hutao: Wow, after hearing what you said, this hall master is feeling very itchy now!】

【Yae Shenzi: Don’t worry, I think the light curtain will be revealed soon.~】

【Barbara: looking forward to it~】

【Keqing: Looking forward to it~】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Looking forward to it~】

【Navia: Looking forward to it~】


“Is this an important turning point for Xumi and me?”

Seeing the information in the chat group, Nasida fell into deep thought.

What happened to make it so important?

Did she come out to regain control of the Order?

Or did she solve the remaining taboo knowledge?

Or maybe she helped Cao Cao Dragon?

Nacida frowned slightly.

Although these things are important, they are not as scary as the group said!

“Could it be…that it has something to do with King Daci Shu?”

Suddenly, a thought popped into her mind.

That’s right!

Only this person will have an extremely important influence on herself and Xumi!

But the problem is, hasn’t the Great Merciful Tree King fallen?

This was personally certified by Light Curtain Oh!

Nasita was puzzled. She couldn’t figure it out.

So she gave up and looked at the light screen.

She believed that the light screen could give her a definite answer!

So did the other Sumeru people. So!

It’s a matter of their own country, and they look extremely serious at this time!

… villa

“Is this a turning point~”

Luo Chen also looked a little emotional when he saw the prominent barrage in the live broadcast room.

It is indeed the case!

In the past, the origins of gods were amazing!

Either elemental elves or from outside Teyvat!

But In Sumeru!

But an artificial god appeared!

Although it was just a false god!

Although it failed in the end!

But it really opened a new door for the people of Teyvat!

In addition, there is the Great Merciful Tree King!

In the past, Xumi and even the Tiwat continent have the reputation of the Great Merciful Tree King!

Even if he passes away, he will still be remembered!

But after that, everything changed!

There is no more Great Mercy Tree King in the world!

After secretly sighing in his heart, Luo Chen when he spoke again

“I talked about the experience of King Daci Shu and Nasida before.”

“Although it is said that there are two people, the emphasis is actually on King Daci Shu!”

“Come to think of it, you all have a certain understanding of the past of this gentle god.”

“Now let’s focus on the little Lucky Grass King Nasida!”

“The second serious comment – miserable!”

“Yes, tragic!”

“When I reviewed Morax and Balzebul before, I used the word ‘tragedy’, but here it is ‘misery’’!”

“One word difference, but the meaning is somewhat different”

“The reason why I use this word to evaluate the Little Grass God is mainly because she is really miserable!”

“Next, let’s give a good review!”

“One of the tragedies, the caged bird!”

“Five hundred years ago, King Daci Shu was infected by forbidden knowledge because he protected the World Tree.”

“Finally fell!”

“Afterwards, the sages found the new grass god Nasida in the rainforest and brought her back to the Order.”

“In order to celebrate the return of the gods, they called each other”Little Lucky Grass King””

“And let her live in Jingshan Palace”

“Because Nasida looks very similar to the Great Ci Tree King who shrunk thousands of years ago”

“In addition, he is the new god of wisdom.”

“So the sages have high expectations for it”

“I hope she can be as wise as the Great Ci Tree King!”

“But later, they discovered that the Little Lucky Grass King in front of them was different from the Big Ci Tree King.”

“Not only does the other party not have the wisdom of the other party, but it is similar to ordinary children!”

“This time, they suddenly woke up”

“They finally realized that King Daci Shu had passed away!”

“So in the name of ‘protection’, he was imprisoned in Jingshan Palace!”

“After that, the sages used Nasida’s divine heart to maintain the movement of the void.”

“Nasida at that time……”

“He has neither the power of gods nor superior wisdom.”

“He’s just an ordinary kid with no chance of becoming a god.”

“Coupled with the deliberate cover-up by the Imperial Academy, she gradually disappeared from the public in Sumeru.”

“Finally became a caged bird!”

Speaking, Luo Chen posted a picture of Nasida in the Jingshan Palace in the live broadcast room.

In the picture, the small figure is wrapped in green light.

It matches the surrounding cage-like buildings.

What is it if it is not a caged bird?

Afterwards, Luochen did not stop and continued to speak.

“From then on, Nasida began her five hundred years of lonely confinement life.”

“She is interested in games”

“But the Order will not satisfy her”

“In desperation, she could only choose to request some wood and tools”

“Then make various toys yourself”

“After a brief period of satisfaction, she felt empty again because there was no one to play with her!”

“In the end, I could only put the toys in the toy box”

“Afterwards, Nacida used the knowledge she learned from the void to construct a beautiful dream.”

“In the dream, there are colorful birds flying in the sky, mushroom pigs sleeping under the water, white radishes growing on apple trees, and crystal butterflies with wings of different colors.”

“Full of fantasy and lively childlike interest”

“In this little paradise without being disturbed, Nasida was extremely happy”

“But from another perspective, isn’t this a kind of sadness?”

“If she wasn’t too lonely in reality, why would she bother to create such a dream?”

“It is precisely because of this experience that Nasida will be able to respond to travelers and Paimon’s requests later on.”

“Help if you are busy, or take the initiative if you are not busy!”

“For example, I went to help them find clues about their blood relatives again and again.”

“It wasn’t just that Traveler and Paimon broke her out of her cage”

“It’s also because they are her only true friends!”

Kamisato Yashiki


After hearing the words in the light curtain, Yingmei felt heartbroken.

Previously, she only knew that Nasida had been imprisoned for five hundred years.

But she didn’t know exactly what it meant.

Now I finally understand!

No one talks to her, no one plays games with her.

I can only make toys for my own entertainment!

In this way, he was treated perfunctorily by the Order Council.

In the end, I can only place all my longings in dreams.

But as the light screen said, if the reality is not too lonely, why would she do this?

More importantly, although Nacida is a god!

But when he was born, he was an ignorant child!

Thinking of this, Yingmei’s previously suppressed anger flourished again.

Damn the Order!

She couldn’t wait to kill these guys now!

On the side, Paimon is the same!

He kept stamping his little feet and looked very angry.

If she really had the ability to beat up Tevarin in an unfair review, she would have stepped on those sages now!

But when he thought that he was less than one-fifth of the strength of the wild boar, Paimon instantly drooped his head.

But then I thought about it, fighting is not okay, but companionship is okay!

Thinking of this, she quickly looked at Yingmei

“Yes, Nasita must be very lonely now.”

“We can’t wait any longer, let’s go over and accompany her now!”

“Well, it’s best to bring some delicious food and drinks.”

“good idea!”

Yingmei’s eyes lit up after hearing this.

That’s okay!

As a friend!

How can you not be by her side when the other person needs a partner the most?

Have a drink with her~

As for food and drink……

“No need to bring those!”

“Ye You【Gourmet Tablecloth】!”

The young girl patted her chest, her expression full of confidence!

With this artifact in hand, let’s ask who in Teyvat has more delicious food than her? does not exist!

“Yeah, I almost forgot about this!”

Paimon scratched her head in embarrassment. She had been treated too much recently, and she almost forgot that she still had this prop at home!

Now that this aspect has been solved, now it’s just a matter of going!

Thinking of this, Yingmei and Both Paimon looked at Kamisato Ayaka.

Seeing this, Ayaka chuckled and nodded.

“Don’t worry, just leave it to me!”

“Hee hee, I’m sorry to bother you, Ayaka!”

“But this time there is no need to tell the group, we want to give Nasida a surprise!”

Yingmei said with a smile.


Then the group said goodbye to Xiang Ling and others, and left through [Any Door].

But they did not go directly to Jingshan Palace.

Instead, they went to find the Seven-Heaven Statue of Xumi first.

Yingmei guessed that a war might break out today.!

So it is necessary to resonate again to improve the strength!

After doing this, the three of them went to the Jingshan Palace.

In Nacida’s shocked eyes, a door suddenly appeared in the green light curtain, and then Yingmei and Paimon Walked out of it with a smile.

“La la la, Nasida, we’re here to see you~ Are you surprised or surprised?”


“Well, with us here, you will never be alone!”


At this time Nasida still didn’t understand what was happening.

It was her only two friends from the future who came to see her!

Thinking of her past experiences, she looked at the two people in front of her who were looking at her with smiles.

Nacida pursed her lips.

Tears fell unconsciously from the corners of his eyes.

This is the first time she sheds tears!

But it’s not sad, but touching!

“Ying, Paimon, me……”

When Yingmei and Paimon saw this, they looked at each other and smiled.

One person took out the [Gourmet Tablecloth] and started making delicious food, and the other started to comfort him.

“Hee hee, Nasita, don’t cry! When good friends get together, smile more!”

“Yes, yes, come and try this fried carrots with honey sauce, Mondstadt’s most famous delicacy!”

“And this coconut milk! It’s the one mentioned in Gan Yu’s unserious review, it’s delicious!”

“And there’s this three-color dumpling! movie favorite~”

“Hey, let me tell you another secret, she makes black colored dumplings herself.~”


【Behind any door, Linghua looked at this warm scene and smiled.

He didn’t disturb this small gathering among friends.

After gently closing the door, he left quietly.

But unlike the cold Jingshan Palace when we arrived, this place was full of laughter and laughter.~


Momang Palace

“Did it turn out that the five hundred years of life of the Little Grass God were so miserable?”

Funina looked at the”birdcage” in the light curtain with a somewhat complicated expression.

She thought that the God of Thunder was already in dire straits, but she didn’t expect that the God of Grass was not much worse.

Thinking about her situation again, she couldn’t help but feel a little confused. She smiled bitterly.

Although she was not imprisoned, she was always on guard.

One was lonely for five hundred years! The other was nervous for five hundred years! She also had no friends around her who could tell the truth!

She was really in the same boat~

Thinking of this, Funina couldn’t help but feel kind to Nasida.

On the side, Villette was thoughtful after noticing Funina’s expression.

Then she smiled softly and said

“Since we are neighboring countries, we should move around more”

“We can go to Xumi as guests, or we can invite them to come to Fontaine”

“At that time, Ms. Funina can take the little Lucky Grass King around.”

Hearing this, Funina’s eyes suddenly lit up.

This is okay!


She couldn’t help but feel a little expectant in her heart.

…… ps: Thanks to [Xingkong Haoh] for the three consecutive rewards!

The young author is grateful!

I wish you good health and make more money!

I’m a bit unlucky today, my computer is broken!

The new computer is still on the way, so I can only use my mobile phone to code!

It’s so troublesome to check and write at the same time!

In addition, the ideas are a bit confusing and the writing is stumbling.

I haven’t finished writing a chapter until now…

Guys, I have to think about it later, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable to write.

So today there is only one chapter of 5000 words!


Guys, take a rest early!.

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