
Luo Chen was slightly surprised after seeing the conspicuous barrage in the live broadcast room.

We haven’t even begun to comment on Nasida yet. Why are they starting to attack the Ecclesiastical Academy one by one?

If we wait until the review is finished later, will it be okay?

But he was happy to see the outcome.

Considering the crimes committed by the Great Sage and the Order, no matter what the outcome, it would be an exaggeration.

It turns out that Nasida in the future still softened her heart after all.

After shaking his head, Luo Chen continued to speak.

“After finishing the brief background, let’s start with the official review!”

“The first item of serious review-past experience!”

“Like the previous three gods, let’s briefly review the past experiences of King Daci Shu and Nasida.”

“This will also allow the audience to better understand these two gods!”

“The time came to 2600~3000 years ago, yes, it was the familiar demon war again!”

“At that time, Meru was not divided into deserts and rainforests like it is now. At that time, it was all desert!”

“At this time, there are mainly three demon gods on the earth!”

“They are the Flower Goddess Nabu Malikata, the Red King Ahemal, and the Great Merciful Tree King Buyer.”

“Among them, the Red King is the strongest!”

“But when faced with such a charming demon god as the God of Flowers, he couldn’t resist the charm of the other party.”

“In the end, the Red King was obsessed with the charm of the Flower God and chose to go with him”

“Of course, the Flower God only regards the other party as a friend.”

“Later, the Flower God heard about the reputation of the Great Merciful Tree King.”

“After knowing that he was full of wisdom, he took King Chi to visit him.”

“At the banquet, after some business exchanges, the main topic began”

“The Goddess of Flowers asked three questions to King Daci Tree to test her wisdom.”

“At the same time, he is also secretly examining whether the other party has the ability to be his ally!”

“Regarding these three issues, we will discuss them in detail later!”

“In the end, King Daci Shu gave the perfect answer!”

“The flower god was amazed”

“Later, together with the Red King, they formed a solid alliance with the Daci Tree King!”

“The three gods work together to lead their people to eternal prosperity.”

“Just like the alliance between Morax, Hargentus and Maxius in Liyue!”

“In the following period, after eliminating other demon gods, Xumi was left with the three of them!”

“But then the covenant was not broken!”

“The Red King took the initiative to reject Sky Island, and then shared the rights with the other two!”

“At this point, Xumi in ancient times has entered a prosperous age where three gods co-ruled!”


After listening to the words in the light curtain, many people were surprised.

It turns out that Xumi was like this in ancient times!

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: Compared with the demon war period between Mondstadt, Liyue, and Daozhi, Xumi’s side seems to be extremely harmonious! (Surprised.jpg)】

【Paimon: Yes, Mondstadt has raised the flag of rebellion! The gods in Liyue are fighting! Inazuma has a big snake, a thunderbird, and other demons! Look at Sumeru again, there were not many demons who didn’t talk about it, and in the end they got along peacefully! (Can’t laugh or cry.jpg)】

【Alice: Tsk, tut, it’s so irritating that people are so different from each other! No, it’s the Demon God who is more annoying than the Demon God!】

【Wendy: Hey, I remembered that big snake again! It was really miserable. It met the old man and Balzeb one after another. If we had gone to Xumi, maybe things would have been different!】

【Coral Palace Xinhai: Your Excellency Fengshen said yes! Compared with the God of War and the General, the competitive pressure on Xumi’s side will be much smaller.】

【Goro: If that were the case, there would be no Umijima Island. (Can’t laugh or cry.jpg)】

【Sai Nuo: The Daci Tree King and the Flower God are relatively weak, but the Red King is quite good!】

【Candice: Yes, even if the Red King cannot compare with those two, he should be able to defeat Mr. Orobas!】

【Funina: Hey, let me tell you, you all think too much!】

【Funina: Xumi is a desert! Big snakes need to stay in the water for a long time!】

【Funina: I’m afraid it was”murdered” just like Villette as soon as it landed! (dog head.jpg)】


【In the end: It makes sense! So Orobas should go to Fontaine the most at that time! (bad smile.jpg)】

【Fox Sai Palace: Well, the big snake needs to stay in the water! Fontaine is the country of water! Well, it makes sense to go there! (funny smile.jpg)】


Funina was numb.

I didn’t expect that I would find my own way to have fun… but don’t tell me!

If the big snake comes to Fengdan, maybe the water god will really become it…

After all, the first generation water god is not very strong…

At this time, someone seemed to have thought of something, so he asked in the group

【Keqing: Wait! Although there are three gods co-ruling, in the final analysis, the Red King is the strongest!】

【Keqing: If that’s the case, then why was it the Great Ci Tree King who finally won the position of Grass God?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: There must have been an accident later, right?】

【Nasida: Yes, it seems to be related to a disaster, but the specific circumstances are not clear.】

【Elhaysen: Look at the light curtain! All the truth will be revealed here!】


With curiosity, everyone looked at the light curtain again

…… villa.

Luo Chen continued to speak at this time.

“Just like the alliance between the three Morax”

“When we form an alliance, everything is so perfect!”

“But after the unexpected arrival, it was shattered instantly!”

“The same goes for the three gods on Sumeru’s side!”

“But they are not accidents, but man-made!”

“The source of all this originates from the Goddess of Flowers~!”

“For a period of time after the three gods ruled together, the desert of Xumi was peaceful and full of happiness.”

“Just like Inazuma’s ‘Eternal Paradise’ for a certain period of time!”

“However, at this time, the goddess often showed a sad sigh.”

“Upon seeing this, King Chi stepped forward and asked why.”

“So the Flower God told him some stories about Sky Island.”

“Then he was warned not to trace the owner of the fourth shadow, which is Tianli!”

“Don’t peep into the secrets of the sky and the abyss!”

“Otherwise, a terrible disaster will happen!”

“But how to say it~”

“Some people take advice!”

“But for some people, the more you don’t let them do anything, the more they will do whatever they want!”

“That’s what the Red King is!”

“After hearing what the Goddess of Flowers said, a trace of ambition was born in his mind!”

“That is – to unify the wisdom of thousands of mortals into one, to unify thousands of dreams and rights into one!”

“To put it simply, it is to integrate the wisdom of all people to open up a new path!”

“The purpose is to free mortals from the control of gods!”

“And this requires the help of those forbidden knowledge and power!”

“For the Flower Goddess,”

“Through these words, she saw the possibility of transcending the rules of the world!”

“But I saw a doomed ending!”

“After warning to no avail, the Flower God acquiesced to the Red King’s behavior and kept the secret for him!”

“Because she believes that if there is hope in this world, it must be in humans!”

“Do you even think when will humans realize that gods are superfluous to them?~”

“In short, these two are masters who want to be ‘ruled by men’!”

“However, they are still too naive, or too idealistic!”

“After all, God loves the world, but man does not necessarily love others!”

“Human beings have beautiful things, but they also have extreme greed and madness!”

“For example, Mondstadt in the old aristocratic period!”

“For example, in the desert after the death of this demon god”

“If the Red King and the Flower God see this, they may regret their past thoughts.”

“In short, at this point, the two demon gods started a secret rebellion plan!”

“And this also doomed them to a tragic end!”

“It also left a huge mess for the Great Merciful Tree King and Xumi!”

Speaking of this, Luo Chen paused for a moment.

After taking a sip of water, he continued to speak.

“Before the rebellion plan started, the Flower God went to find the Great Ci Tree King.”

“Inform him of the future he predicted – the abyss will submerge the entire world!”

“After warning, she separated a piece of spiritual light from her body and gave it to the other party.”

“In order to protect the mortals after the disaster strikes!”

“King Daci Shu agreed!”

“After doing all this, the Flower God began to help the Red King get up!”

“Use yourself as a bridge, use the oasis as the price, and let the craziness of the Red King disappear in the dazzling light!”

“At this point, the flower god, one of the three gods, died!”

“But she has no regrets, even this is what she pursues!”

“Because in her philosophy, the purpose of blooming flowers is a glorious death!”

“Death can add a bitter flavor to the lost joy, making it appear more intensely in endless memories!”

“Simply put, death makes it easier for others to remember you!”

“Sadness touches people’s hearts even more!”

“Although the Flower Goddess was sacrificed, the result was a success!”

“The Red King successfully obtained the forbidden knowledge!”

“But a storm suddenly arose, and the sky was filled with yellow sand. The original paradise was also buried by the wind and sand.”

“There are also two demon gods left in Xumi!”

“And then, the covenant was officially broken!”

“The Daci Tree King and the Red King began to part ways because of the death of the Flower God and their different ideas!”

“Since then, the two have taken different paths!”

“The former began to create rainforests, and the latter began to study forbidden knowledge!”

“Let’s talk about the Great Merciful Tree King first!”

“The path she chose is to create a rainforest and fill the land with wisdom and happiness!”

“She first found a corner and sang a tune close to the ‘Song of the Source'”

“The Juewang Tree responded to her call and grew out of the ground.”

“Later, King Daci Tree said that humans are very smart but lonely and wanted to increase their friends.”

“Then, a pomegranate grew on the King Jue tree.”

“There are many seeds in the pomegranate. After the seeds fall to the ground and take shape, they turn into little elves like cabbage.”

“That’s Lannaro!”

Hearing this, all the children in Xumi became excited.

Because Lannaro is their friend!

Most of the adults were suddenly at a loss.


These three words seemed to hit the deepest part of their souls.

They had a vague feeling that they seemed to have been in contact with this elf named Lanaro.

But I can’t remember anything.

This made them feel dazed for a while.

… villa.

Luochen’s words continued to sound in the live broadcast room

“The first Lannaluo born was called Lanmuhukunda”

“It’s very smart!”

“With its help, King Daci Shu successfully created the Faluna Divine Machine.”

“This is a machine that can change the weather”

“Under the abundant precipitation, today’s rainforest gradually formed!”

“Later, a tiger was born from the rain”

“King Daci Tree established friendship with him, and the tiger became the king of the forest, that is, the king of the forest!”

“Dominate rainforest creatures other than humans”

“After creating the rainforest, the Daci Tree King did not forget his agreement with the Flower God.”

“So he cultivated that spiritual light into the divine bird Simoge”

“Let him guard the boundary between rebirth and death, waiting for the day when the predicted disaster will come!”

Having said this, Luochen paused again.

After giving the Teyvat people some time to digest, he continued.

“After talking about the path of King Daci Shu, let’s go back to the path chosen by King Chi.”

“Because what he wanted to do, judging from the results, brought serious harm to the Great Ci Tree King and Xumi!”

“It also left a huge mess!”

“After the Red King learned that the Flower Goddess died, he wandered around the place where she died.”

“He is preparing to build an eternal oasis here!”

“Then build a mortal kingdom around the eternal oasis!��

“So he took the lead to find the Dragon of Grass, Apep, who was dormant under the yellow sand at this time!”

“I want to make a deal with him!”

“Compared to Tevalin, Ruoduo Dragon King, and Navilite, this one has always had thoughts of rebellion against the sky!”

“Under such circumstances, One God and One Dragon quickly reached a deal”

“Apep allows the Red King to build an eternal oasis in his territory”

“But as a price, after its death, all knowledge will belong to it!”

“This is also an insurance made by Red King for his own behavior and for Sumeru.”

“Of course, looking back, this layer of insurance failed!”

“After the transaction, the Red King returned to the place where the Flower God died.”

“He used the power of the underground sky nails to successfully build an eternal oasis”

“Where time is stopped and the most beautiful moments do not flow”

“Later, the Red King found the Flower God’s dependent – Zhenling!”

“He promised to resurrect the Flower Goddess!”

“With this, Zhenling was successfully subdued!”

“After that, the Red King chose Felicis, a great town spirit, to be the manager of the oasis to protect the eternal oasis.”

“Then send the Zhenling Lilupal to the people to choose a mortal king!”

“The former is well done!”

“But the latter~”

“This town spirit has caused huge commotion in the mortal kingdom.”

“In the end, in the process of revenge, he failed to control the power of the abyss, allowing the abyss to swallow up the mortal kingdom!”

“Considering that this review is irrelevant, I won’t talk about it for now and will talk about it later.”

“After issuing the order, the Red King began to retreat behind the scenes and turned his attention to studying forbidden knowledge.”

“Not only for the original ambition, but also to resurrect the flower god!”

“Just like that, I don’t know how many years have passed”

“The Red King wakes up from the sea of sand”

“After discovering the evil deeds Lilupal had done, he split his soul into seven parts in a rage!”

“Then seal it in seven places”

“But it doesn’t change anything!”

“The once magnificent and fertile mortal kingdom was buried by the yellow sand.”

“The Red King may have realized his mistake, so he promised his people that he would take them to an ideal country without sorrow.”

“This country is called – Aru!”

“However, even as the people of the desert believed in it and were building in full swing, the Red King was still obsessed with the study of forbidden knowledge.”

“In the end, just like the Zhenling Lilupal, the power of the abyss went out of control!”

“But this time the dark power poses a greater threat!”

“The uncontrolled power spread rapidly in the desert, bringing huge disasters to Xumi”

“A Ru is destroyed!”

“At this time, the scene where the three people once discussed Taoism appeared in the mind of the Red King who was infected by the abyss and was on his deathbed.”

“At this moment, he finally woke up!”

“It turns out that what he wanted was never a paradise for all sentient beings!”

“It’s time to talk about Taoism with the Flower God and the Great Merciful Tree King!”

“It’s a pity, it’s too late to regret~!”

“Finally, in order to quell the disaster, King Chi used his remaining sanity to seek help from King Daci Shu.”

“Then choose self-destruction!”

“Not long after, Apep appeared!”

“It is here to fulfill the previous deal with the Red King!”

“So he swallowed the Red King and his knowledge in one gulp!”

“This time, the source of the power of the abyss was also absorbed!”

“And the abyssal power that spread out was also eliminated by the Great Ci Tree King”

“However, everything comes with a price!”.

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