
“These two people……”

Seeing the barrage of exchanges between Ying and Shenzi, Luo Chen felt a little amused.

This is probably the only case in Teyvat where gods and their relatives love and kill each other so much.

But Ying actually issued a sinful edict and abdicated?

The Son of God also abdicated?

This actually surprised him.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

The original shadow is not suitable for governing the country.

Previously, being the God of Thunder was just a helpless move!

Even if I have figured it out now, I still have a long way to go to become a qualified god.

Rather than doing this, it is better to hand it over to Zhen who is more suitable to govern the country!

At the same time, it can be regarded as an explanation to its own citizens.

As for the Son of God…

I guess he just wants to be lazy.

“But after she steps down, who will succeed her as the Palace Secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine?”

“Fox Palace?”

“That woman doesn’t seem like someone who would continue to do this.……”

Luo Chen was a little curious.

But several conspicuous barrage prompts that followed also cleared up his doubts.

【Zhen: The majestic existence in the light curtain, thank you for saving Ina Wife from fire and water, thank you for saving my life!】

【Zhen: If you give me orders in the future, I will definitely go all out!】

【Huzhai Palace: The majestic existence in the light curtain, thank you for your life-saving grace, allowing me to meet Ina Wife five hundred years later!】

【Foxsai Palace: If you come to Inazuma in the future, please allow me to be your guide. You will definitely have a perfect and comfortable trip to Inazuma!】

【Hua Sanli: I was originally filthy and took human form, but it was your gift that gave me new life! At this point, there is only one person from”Hua Sanli” above Teyvat!】

【Hana Sanri: Now, I have assumed the position of the Palace Secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine! From now on, I will definitely cherish this hard-won new life and protect my wife forever!】

【Hua Sanli: Hua Sanli will also keep your kindness in mind and never forget it! If you are sent for anything, I will not hesitate even to the death! ]

Seeing this, Luo Chen understood instantly.

It was actually the new Narujin Palace Secretary who took office in Hua Sanli!

This…this is really a road that I have never thought of!

But don’t tell me~

This person’s personality is the kind of serious and responsible~

It’s really suitable!

Hu Zhai Palace and Tan Hu are well connected~

Seeing the speeches of the three miserable people who were stabbed, Luo Chen was filled with emotion.

Such as 21 so good~!

“Thanks to all five for the tip!”

“You’re welcome, live well!”

“Five hundred years have been lost, so let’s see more of Inazuma’s scenery in the future.~”

“In addition, I will remember what you said~”

After a slight joke, Luo Chen coughed twice and his expression became serious.

“Ahem, after saying hello, we will start our daily business!”

“That is – a review of the Genshin Impact character series!”

“The person I want to comment on today is,”

“The first grass god of Xumi – the Great Merciful Tree King!”

“The current Grass God of Xumi – Nasida!”

“The descendant of Sumeru Grass God—Lana Luo!”

Although after three previous reviews of gods, everyone had already guessed that this time it would be Sumeru’s Grass God.

But in view of the sudden skip last time, the people of Teyvat were not sure until the last moment.

Until now, everyone has finally decided!

This time it’s Sumeru!

No skipping!

After seeing this, all the Xumi people suddenly became excited.

Although there are unserious reviews, there are also serious reviews!

They have too many questions that need answers!

And this time it concerns their two generations of gods!

【General chat group】

【Dina Zede: Great! It’s finally our turn, Sumeru! The Big Ci Tree King and the Little Lucky Grass King will definitely be recognized by the light screen! (Excited.jpg)】

【Pigar: Needless to say, King Daci Shu is a great god! As for the Little Lucky Grass King, he was imprisoned by the Order in the past, but this time he can finally appear in front of everyone! (Excited.jpg)】

【Amal: That’s right! This damn Order, let me see how you cover it up! (angry.jpg)】

【Rahman: The Little Grass God will not comment, but the Great Merciful Tree King… is great? Haha, what a big joke!】

【Rahman: King Daci Shu was just the culprit who stabbed us when the disaster happened! The death of the Red King and the near-annihilation of our desert civilization were all thanks to the Great Merciful Tree King! (angry.jpg)】

【Niveda: Shut up! Don’t be rude to King Daci Shu! King Daci Shu would never do such a thing!】

【Tamara: That’s right! King Daci Shu is so benevolent and great! Without her, there would be no Xumi now!】

【Gorshan: Are you desert people so rude?】

【Rahman: Oh, what does this have to do with my desert? We are not the subjects of King Daci Shu!】

【Lana: You……】


It was originally an exciting chat group, but because of Rahman’s hateful remarks, the desert people and the rainforest people began to attack each other.

Even crazier than the fight between the Inazuma shogunate army and the rebels before the war ended!

It’s true that it has given people from other countries a lot of knowledge!

At this time, they also had a preliminary understanding of how chaotic Xumi was secretly.

But at the same time, many people felt that this scene was somewhat familiar.

It seems to have appeared in the chat group before.

Soon, they remembered.

Isn’t this exactly the same as what Wan Yan said in Liyue earlier?

One shouted that it was the Rock God who assassinated the Salt Demon God!

One person claimed that King Daci Shu destroyed the desert civilization of King Chi!

This moment is exactly like that time~ how similar!

However, the final truth is that the Salt Demon God was not killed by the Rock God, but by the people he protected!

With this in mind, perhaps there is a secret to the desert.

In order to keep the chat group clean, other people quickly tried to dissuade them.

【Master Mao: I said, would you all stop arguing? Don’t you remember what happened with the Demon God of Salt in Liyue?】

【Tian Tiezui: Yes! At that time, the man named Wan Yan swore that the rock god was killed by the emperor? The results of it? But that’s not the case at all!】

【Zheping: This incident fully proves that my assumptions or rumors are unreliable! 80% of the time in your desert there is a different situation.】

【Timaeus: So stop arguing and wait to see what the light curtain says! Then everything will be revealed!】

【Xavier: Yeah, that makes absolutely no sense!】


Seeing these series of speeches, the people on both sides who were having an intense quarrel also stopped.

【Dina Zede: That’s right! That’s how it should be!】

【Dina Zedai: You deserters don’t remember the previous history at all, and then relied on rumors to place the blame on King Daci Shu!】

【Dina Zedei: Now we don’t want to quarrel with you, so as not to make people from other countries laugh!】

【Dina Zedai: This matter must have nothing to do with King Daci Shu! When the truth is revealed, I hope you can apologize for your rude words and deeds! 】

Seeing this, Rahman and other desert people were hesitant to speak.

If it had been the boss before, they might not have cared about this.

But now that they calmed down, they suddenly realized that it seemed to make sense…?

Now Aru Village is full of survivors among the people of Chiji.

Don’t remember the complete history of the desert at all!

They don’t believe gods can make mistakes!

But in fact, gods make mistakes!

For example, Inazuma’s Thunder God!

They just relied on wishful thinking and some rumors, thinking that King Daci Shu was responsible!

The behavior of the woman named Wan Yan was exactly the same as before!

But it turned out that Wan Yan was wrong!

That being the case, is it possible that they are wrong too?

Thinking of this, the desert man’s thoughts began to waver.

Everyone fell silent.

Finally Rahman spoke and responded.

【Rahman: Humph! Let’s wait until the light curtain review is over! 】

Other desert people also nodded secretly.

Previous examples have proven that light curtains are absolutely reliable and trustworthy!

Even if it is an informal review, there is still a certain level of care ~

So, they just need to wait for the review from Light Curtain!

As a result, all the people in the desert looked at the light curtain.

The Rainforest Man didn’t respond much to this, and also looked at the light screen.

Seeing this scene, people from other countries also breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally it stopped.

However, there is no official review yet, so the smell of gunpowder is just there.

This is the first time I’ve met him.

I’m afraid it will be even more exciting later.

Either a fight breaks out, or one party realizes their mistake.

Let’s see what the truth behind the light curtain review is!

Thinking of this, people from other countries also looked at the light curtain.


Sumeru, Teaching Order

“It’s the Great Merciful Tree King, did you hear it? It’s the Great Merciful Tree King!”

“Haha, finally we have arrived at our Great Ci Tree King!”

“If the Great Merciful Tree King can be resurrected, he will surely lead us to the path of wisdom again!”

“That’s right!”


At this time, the place was filled with excited cheers.

Every member of the teaching academy is very happy for the Great Ci Tree King in the light curtain!

As for Nasida and Lanaro, they were directly ignored by them.

But the reason for joy is not that this gentle and great god can be reborn!

But I am happy that I can be given wisdom by the God of Wisdom again!

Not only them, but also the Office of the Great Sage in the Teaching Council!

“Haha, I finally didn’t skip it this time!”

“Finally arrived in Sumeru!”

Azar is so happy now!

The light curtain skipped over Sumeru before, causing them to lose a chance to become stronger.

Now this heaven-shattering wealth is finally coming to them!

Thinking of the rewards that the light curtain may bestow, I think of

He was so excited that King Daci Tree might be resurrected!

However, at this moment, the words of a sage on the side made him frown deeply.

“Great Sage, this review is mainly about Little Lucky Grass King”

“Now there is an undercurrent surging among the people in Sumeru, and they are asking us to release her, openly or covertly.”

“If the Little Lucky Grass King gets a decent reward this time, with the cooperation of both parties, I’m afraid……”

When the great sage heard this, his expression suddenly turned unpleasant.

He paced back and forth subconsciously.

After a while, he stopped and waved his hand

“Don’t worry, it shouldn’t be a big problem”

“Looking at the previous rewards from the gods, they were all resurrection-type.”

“Little Lucky Grass King is probably the same this time!”

“If this is the case, with a group of thirty people here, they will not be able to make trouble at all”

“Even if the little Lucky Grass King really gets a reward that can improve his strength, it will be difficult to get out of it!”

“You know, that is the power left by King Daci Shu!”

As he spoke, Azar’s face became more and more confident.

The sage also felt that it made sense.

But then he suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said

“Great Sage, there is one more question!”

“If King Daci Shu is really resurrected, how will he view our current behavior?”

“In a sense, we are……”

The sage didn’t finish his words, but Azar already understood.

This time, his face turned ugly again.

I was just happy that King Daci Shu might be resurrected, but I forgot about such an important thing.

Now they are disrespecting God and trying to blaspheme!

Haven’t you seen that people from other countries are mocking them openly or secretly?

The light curtain is even more obviously biased!

If the Great Merciful Tree King is resurrected, their fate may not be much better…

From this point of view, how can this be a world-shattering wealth?

It’s clearly a reminder of death!

For a moment, the atmosphere in the Great Sage’s office became strangely quiet.


Xumi, somewhere outside the teaching court.

At this time, two figures were looking coldly at the members of the Order who were in a carnival not far away.

“Are they not happy about the possible resurrection of King Daci Shu!”

“They are happy that the God of Wisdom can bring them wisdom after his resurrection!”

“There was not even a mention of Little Lucky Grass King!”

Seno hugged Hung with both hands and said expressionlessly.

On the side, Elhaysen leaned on the railing and also hugged Hung with both hands.

“Perhaps you have discovered that the Order Council does not care who the god is!”

“They simply long for the power of wisdom that the God of Wisdom can wield!”

Seno fell silent after hearing this.

After a moment, he turned around and looked at Elhaysen

“To be honest, although I had some dissatisfaction with the Order, I never expected that 680 you would be the first to take action!”

“Not only did they contact me, but they also contacted so many people privately!”

“Very simple!”

“Because the Order of the Order is a little sick right now!”

“They seem to be planning something secretly”

“If we continue to let it go, things may go beyond the rules!”

“As for what it is, it is probably something that requires travelers to help in the future!”

“Once the country’s rules are broken, everything will go wrong”

“I don’t want my life to be broken!”

“Things haven’t happened yet, but when the opportunity comes, it’s the most suitable opportunity!”

Elhaysen shrugged.

Of course, there is actually another reason.

That is, some words in the previous chat group affected him.

Although he thinks he is a rational person.

But as long as he is a human being, how could he not A little emotion?

As a Sumeru people, we are deeply favored by the Great Mercy Tree King.

But they indulged the Little Lucky Grass King and was imprisoned by the Teaching Council.

This is retribution for the Great Mercy Tree King!

There was no way before, but now the time for change has come.

Naturally, he will no longer sit idly by!

Rescuing the little Lucky Grass King will be beneficial to himself and the entire country of Sumeru!

After hearing this, Sai Nuo nodded lightly.

Being able to eradicate the root cause before it happens, naturally It’s the best!

Without continuing to dwell on this, he spoke again

“Have you made arrangements for everyone else?”

“Well, the thirty-man group has been dissatisfied with the Order for a long time, so they easily agreed to our request.”

“Tinari, senior Falushan, Nilu and others are all ready in Xumi City”

“And Disiya”

“I asked her to persuade the Gilded Brigade”

“After all, one more person means more power”

“However, the difficulty may be a bit high.”

Hearing this, Sainuo couldn’t help but sigh.

“There is no way, the desert side has always had a hostile attitude towards the rainforest.”

“indeed so!”

Elhaysen nodded.

But then the conversation changed.

“But I don’t think the Daci Tree King Society has anything to do with the destruction of the Red King civilization.”

“On the contrary, with the benevolence of this god, perhaps he helped the other party back then!”

“It was just forgotten because of historical gaps.”

“If the follow-up review of Light Curtain can reveal these long-standing truths, maybe Desiya can succeed.”

Seno was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then sighed again.

“If so, that would be great”

“By the way, where is the Little Lucky Grass King?”

“Already contacted!”

“Lord Grass God already knows everything and agrees with our plan!”

Elhaysen smiled slightly.

Naturally, they couldn’t contact the Little Lucky Grass King.

But there is a chat group!

However, the chat group lacks confidentiality when discussing this matter, and it is easy to leak.

So they gave a slight hint in the group.

Let The other party contacted them privately through the void device.

At this point, they successfully contacted the Little Lucky Grass King.

The plan was completed!.

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