The serious matter Luo Chen mentioned was the erasure of King Daci Shu!

In the original future, in order to completely eradicate taboo knowledge, she tried to get Nasida to erase herself.

In the end, she succeeded!

At the cost of being forgotten by the world, he solved the trouble for Xumi!

If he wants to comment later, he must tell this!

But in this case, King Daci Shu’s plan will definitely come to nothing!

Not only Xumi, but also Fontaine!

Fukalos’ plan will definitely fail!

Thinking of this, Luo~chen frowned even more tightly.

He admires and likes these tragic characters very much.

I also hope to bring positive feedback similar to that of Liyue and Dao Wife!

But Xumi and Fontaine are somewhat different from these two countries.

In order to eliminate the taboo and solve the crisis of the Fontaine people, the gods of these two countries have been planning for hundreds of years!

He even gave his own life!

If you can’t tell the truth, rush to comment.

It is true that all the people of Teyvat will be completely moved when they find out.

But then what?

The forbidden knowledge of Sumeru still exists!

Fontaine predicts that the crisis is still there!

The two of them will not thank the light curtain!

On the contrary, it will be very despairing!

Because for gods who love people like them!

There are things more precious than your own life!

It’s like a mother trying to save her child with her own life.

When you found out, you immediately stopped her and exposed her.

Others were deeply moved after learning that their mother was fine.

But her child died.

You think you are helping the other person, but in fact she doesn’t need your help at all!

In this case, not only will the mother not thank you!

In extreme cases, he may even hate you!

For her, her child is far greater than her life!

Unless, you can help this mother save this child.

Otherwise, in her eyes, your behavior is tantamount to”a murderer””!

“So we have to help King Daci Tree solve Xumi’s forbidden knowledge!”

“The rewards for the reviewee will be best used later!”

“If it doesn’t work, I need to take action!”

Luo Chen thought thoughtfully.

This is not the Holy Mother! It’s just for the sake of enlightenment!

In addition to gaining emotional value, his original intention of commenting is also to bring positive feedback to Teyvat.

If he just patronizes the comments without filling in the holes, the situation will become more serious. Oops, that goes against his true intentions!

And what’s the point of this comment?

Is it just to move everyone?

In addition, it’s also to gain emotional value!

Only when the surrounding environment is safe, can Xumi people have Focus on the light curtain.

Otherwise, if you are troubled by the magic scale disease all day long, how can you have the energy to watch other people’s lives?

The same is true for Fontaine!

“But how do I take action?”

“I also……”


At this time, Luo Chen suddenly reacted.

Didn’t he just obtain the [Light of Purification] and the [Teyvat Shuttle Talisman]?

The latter can go to Teyvat!

The former can solve forbidden knowledge!

Isn’t this right? ?

The rewards of this system are really appropriate benefits~

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that there is no need to skip Xumi anymore.

As for Fontaine… let’s wait until tomorrow~


“No problem!”

“Just the Great Cishu King, Nasida, and Lannaro!”

After recovering his mind, Luo Chen took a deep breath.

Then he started to get busy again.

A kind and touching god!

A pitiful, helpless and slightly controversial god!

It is worth preparing for it!

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye Time once again came to the daily live broadcast comment time.

After waking up, Luo Chen had a simple lunch.

Then he took a look at the mood value as usual.

This time the increase was still very scary!

With the blessing of eight videos , the emotional value has increased to more than 1 billion!

“More than 1 billion!”

“Counting the 5.09 billion saved yesterday, the total is now more than 6.1 billion!”

“”Tsk, tsk, what a wonderful day~”

Luo Chen stretched and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Now, let’s see what the harvest is like today!

I think it should be a lot of harvest~

After all, he has the power of the Great Ci Tree King. A giant killing move~

Thinking of this, he came to the study and sat down, and said softly:

“System, start the ninth live broadcast!”

Teyvat continent.

Since the end of yesterday’s review, there has been a huge movement on Inazuma’s side!

The original Thor is resurrected!

The first Narukami Taisha Shrine returns!

It can be said that the whole country is celebrating!

The whole country is so lively!

After Ying and his party saved Hua Sanli, they also divided into two groups.

Shadow, Zhen, Yingmei, and Paimon went to Zhen’s consciousness space.

They went there and planted that seed.

This is related to rice wife’s survival!

They have to make up for it!

The other three people…

Huzhai Palace, Hua Sanli, and Yae Shenzi went to perform the Great Sacrifice of the Divine Sakura first.

Then he went to see Wubaizo and ended the”hide and seek game” that had lasted for five hundred years.

At that time, Wubaizang was also stunned after seeing Huzhai Palace.

He said that this fox woman was poor, but there were tears in her eyes.

Huzhai Palace rarely made fun of him, but comforted his old friend.

Then he went to see his messengers Tianhu and Dihu.

After the death of Kitsune Palace, these foxes turned into statues in order to preserve their power.

After returning from Huzhai Palace, they recovered their bodies again.

So, three big foxes and a group of little foxes took a leisurely walk on the White Fox Wilderness.

Afterwards, the group of seven people returned to the castle tower.

Yingmei and Paimon have the consciousness of being outsiders.

So he said goodbye and left, preparing to help Linghua pick up Xiangling.

Then go shopping together!

Anyway, the castle tower pays for it, so if you don’t go shopping, you won’t be able to go shopping!

The remaining six people began to reminisce about old times.

After understanding what happened in the past five hundred years, Zhen, Huzhai Palace, and Hua Sanli were all a little bit sad.

Afterwards, Ying told everyone his plan.

Sinner’s edict + abdication!

Then as a Kagemusha, he will be by Zhen’s side again!

Her attitude is very firm!

The others wanted to try to persuade him, but seeing this scene, they couldn’t speak anymore.

Zhen was silent for a while, and finally agreed.

They are all sisters after all!

It makes no difference whether you are the God of Thunder or your sister is the God of Thunder!

When Yae Shenzi saw this, his eyes lit up.

He immediately handed over the position of Palace Secretary.

The reason is also very appropriate!

Five hundred years ago, she took over the position of palace minister because Master Zhaigu had something to do.

Now, Lord Saigiya is back!

Of course she has to give it back!

Anyway, she can’t do it again!

It’s so boring~

It’s better not to run your own Yaeido.

Then I lived a wonderful life with Ying, reading light novels, eating fried tofu, and chatting and joking in the group~!

Hu Zhai Palace was also confused.

I just came back and you let me continue working?

She is not a workaholic like Mr. True!

So he rolled his eyes and immediately fooled Hua Sanli.

In the end, he was successfully deceived into being the new Palace Secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine!

After seeing it, Zhen, Ying and Yae Shenzi silently gave a thumbs up.

Sure enough, when it comes to cheating, it has to be you!

Subsequently, the news was sent directly through the castle tower and Sanfengxing.

The current general of thunder and lightning, Balzebul, issued an edict to take the blame for not managing Dao’s wife well in the past five hundred years.

Then announced his abdication!

Return the priesthood of General Thunder to his sister Baal!

At the same time, the current Narukami Taisha Shrine Yae Kamiko announced his resignation!

And Hana Sanri takes up the position of the new Narukami Taisha Shrine!

These two pieces of news were like a thunderbolt, causing an uproar among the people of Daozuma!

Then word quickly spread throughout Inazuma.

Their emotions at this time were extremely complicated.

Emotions such as disbelief, sigh, reluctance, etc. are all mixed in my heart.

In the end, I can only choose to support the General and the Eightfold Palace Secretary!

That night, the streets and alleys of Inazuma were filled with slogans such as”The road is magnificent and the gods are eternal”!

This is the most sincere cry in their hearts!

Even if these two abdicate, they are still the generals and palace ministers in their hearts!

On this day, I saw that the time was approaching noon.

Ying and other six people came to the castle tower again.

Now, Zhen, Hu Zhai Palace, Hua Sanli and others already know the information about the light curtain.

I also knew the existence of that stalwart.

Also joined the chat group.

So they are here to gather and watch together at this time.

“Are you always like this?”

Looking at the three-color dumplings, dumpling milk and other snacks and drinks prepared by Ying,

I couldn’t help but smile.

“Of course!”

“Watching the light screen reviews, eating delicious food and drinking drinks is really one of the great enjoyments in life!”

Ying said with a smile.

After her sister’s friend was resurrected and relieved of her responsibilities, she became a lot more relaxed and cheerful.

On the side, Shenzi also took the call with a smile.

“Ying is right, and with the light screen’s serious and unserious comments,”

“Not to mention how good your appetite is~!”

“Everyone else in the chat group does this~”

“Of course, the premise is that you don’t encounter a nine-turn large intestine like Ying!”

When they heard about the Nine-turn Large Intestine, Zhen, Huzhai Palace, and Hua Sanli all laughed.

After joining the chat group, they also saw Ying’s comments.

Naturally, they also knew about the terrifying Nine-turn Large Intestine!

Thinking of Ying’s cooking Looking so embarrassed, for a while, the castle tower was filled with a happy atmosphere.

After Ying saw it, the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

These guys!

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don’t bully my poor cooking skills!

Xiangling Da The chef has come to Inazuma. She is at Kamisato’s house now.

After this review is over, she will go to study hard!

I’ll see if you have anything else to say by then.

But now…

I have to change the subject quickly.

If she kept laughing like this, she would have to find a place to get in.

So after taking a look at the chat group, she coughed twice and said

“Ahem, travelers have already posted delicious food in the group, which also means that today’s review is about to begin.”

“Let’s go and join in the fun.”

Hearing Ying’s words, Zhen and others also looked over.

· ·······Asking for flowers··· ······

As expected, Traveler, Hutao, Guizhu, Funina and others began to show off their delicious food.

“Traveler is really positive. Is she like this every day?”

Hua Sanli said curiously.

After seeing the legendary mission about herself, she is now extremely interested in Traveler and Paimon.

If it hadn’t been for the many things she had just done when she took office, she would have wanted to meet those two..After all, this was her only friend in the future!


“Whenever it’s time to leave a review, she posts delicious food in the group”

“It has become a tradition.”

Shenzi smiled and nodded.

But at this moment, she suddenly blinked, with a hint of cunning in her eyes.

“Except yesterday”

“Because she couldn’t handle the black dumplings prepared by Ying for the travelers.~”

“This is it!”

As she said that, she took out the black three-color dumpling from the Eye of God.

The traveler and Paimon didn’t eat this yesterday, so she secretly saved it. Just kidding~

This is Ying’s dirty stuff~

Can it be thrown away easily?

It would be so interesting to show it out from time to time~

As expected, after seeing this black colored dumpling, several people suddenly looked strange.

The next second, there was another burst of sound in the castle tower There was a burst of laughter.

When Ying saw this, his face turned dark.

Damn Yae Aunt!

Wait for me!

Sooner or later, I will feed you a nine-turn large intestine!


At the same time, the atmosphere in the chat group started to get heated after Yingmei and others warmed up the atmosphere with delicious food.

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: Oh, after the usual food sharing, it’s time for our sleeping dragons and phoenixes again!】

…………. 0

【Paimon: @Wendy@Navilette, what did you gain today?】

【Wendy: Oh? Am I actually one of the Wolong and Phoenix chicks? The evaluation is quite high~]

Previously, because Zhuge Liang was mentioned by Light Screen, Alice also popularized the matter of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix in the chat group.

Not only loyal but also knowledgeable!

He is a very powerful person!

Even, because it was too powerful,”Wolong””、”These two gifts of”Feng Chu” transcended the title of detachment and became a kind of praise!

Although Wendy is a god, she is also very satisfied with such praise.


【Alice: No no no!”Wolong”、””Feng Chu” is a compliment separately! But together it is a derogatory meaning.~】

【Alice: It means that the strength is too weak, or too showy and silly! (bad smile.jpg)】

【Wendy:? ? ?】

【Villette:? ? ? 】

Wendy and the Navilites were dumbfounded.

What’s going on?

Two such complimentary words come together like this?

If Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong heard this, they would be so angry that they would crawl out of the ground!

Now they all look depressed.

You know, you are not the queen of the chieftain, but you also have a title.

You may want to refute it.

But thinking about my luck in getting wine and water…

I suddenly lost my mind.

【Ying: Don’t be silent, tell me quickly, what kind of wine and water did you randomly get today?】

【Wendy: Mine is”Gin”……】

【Nacida: Gin? I remember we mentioned a winery in another world last time in the group, right? I mentioned gin above.】

【Yae Shenzi: More than that! The shadow is still”Tevat Gin”~ (dog head. expression)】


You still have the nerve to say that!

【Funina: Huh? Is this really a coincidence? But does this wine have any strange effects?】

【Wendy: Ahem, after drinking it, you can identify the traitors around you for a period of time!】

【Alice: Ah this……】

【Hutao: Although it’s a bit out of tune, it seems to be of some use!】

【Yingmei: Darling, if Gin knew about this wine, he would be absolutely ecstatic!】

【Zhongli: It’s okay, there’s another one here! @film】


Shadow rolled his eyes angrily.

Thank you so much!

However, Ying is not interested, but others in the group are!

After all, who here is not in a high position?

Such people naturally care more about the loyalty around them.

Especially those who do private things in private, they care even more! then,

【Kaia: Ahem, Lord Barbatos, how about you trade some to our knights?】

【Yelan: Sir Fengshen, is this a drink deal? I will collect precious wines from all over Liyue for you!】

【Sano: Your Excellency Fengshen, if you are willing to trade, I am willing to exchange with you the treasured card summoned by the Seven Saints!】

【Clolinde: Your Excellency Fengshen, if you are willing to trade, I am willing to collect the fine wine of Fontaine for you!】

【Kamisato Ayato: Mr. Fengshen, if you are willing to trade, I am willing to collect Inazuma’s wine for you and exchange it with you!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: In addition to what my brother said, Ayaka can provide you with the convenience of [any door]! It is convenient for you to travel around Teyvat!】


Looking at the series of transaction requests in the chat group, Wendy blinked.

In fact, he had no intention of trading before.

After all, this is wine from another world!

If you miss it, it’s gone!

But at this moment, his mind changed!万.

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