Rice Wife, Castle Tower

“That’s enough, you otaku who can’t cook!”

“You’re not much better!”

“If you can make three-color dumplings into black dumplings, you are the only one who owns the entire Teyvat!”

“And the nine-turn large intestine!”

“You actually still retain some of the original flavor?”

“Good guy, is this a brain circuit that normal people can have?”

“That’s all. You actually ate it yourself?”.

“Absolutely outrageous!”

“If you just can’t cook, forget it. After all, there are many people who can’t cook!”

“But look at you, do you look like a god?”

“Let the puppet general work every day, while he hides in a pure land eating three-color dumplings, drinking dumpling milk, and reading light novels!”

“I can’t wait for these three shops to open directly into the Pure Land!”

“How come there is such a otaku goddess like you in Inazuma?”

“I’m afraid that someday people from other countries will be fooled by using this three-piece suit!”

For Dan Fox, she has always been the only one who made fun of Ying!

Now after being”taunted” by Ying repeatedly for”rebelling against Tiangang”, she couldn’t bear it anymore.

She decided to let this guy know who is the god and god. The boss among the dependents!

So he turned on all the firepower.

This time, Ying was completely confused.


Ying was stunned for a moment and his mind went blank, he had no idea what to say.

On the side, Yingmei and Paimon heard this, and the smiles on their faces disappeared.

He turned to look stunned.

Damn it?

Has this fox exploded?

So fierce?

First, Ying kept teasing and teasing, and then Shenzi started to retaliate!


Is this going to be a drama about best friends turning against each other? interesting!

It’s so interesting~

The next second, Yingmei and Paimon looked at each other in understanding.

Then he sat a little further away.

Then I picked up snacks from the [Gourmet Tablecloth] and started eating melon while watching.

At this time, Ying also reacted.

“This fox is really going to rebel!”

Thinking of what the other party said before, she began to gnash her teeth.

But it was hard to refute!

She even felt that what the other party said made sense.

This was outrageous!

After realizing this, Ying quickly suppressed this idea , and then looked at Dan Fox with a bad look.

She must suppress this guy verbally today!

She must let her know the dignity of gods!

Gods are definitely not bullied by their relatives!

But the idea is good, but the reality is very skinny!

After thinking about it for a while, I still ended up with the same few words.

“you you you you……”

“You only hold grudges in a notebook!”

“You eightfold clamp!”

“Aunt Yae!”

When Chuanhu saw this, he was not to be outdone.

He put his hands on his hips and started to fight back again.

“You bastard who can’t cook!”

“All day long, I eat three-color dumplings, drink dumpling milk, and read light novels!”

“Damn it, Aunt Yae!”

“Damn it, you damn otaku!”

“Aunt Yae!”

“Damn otaku!”


For a moment, the two people, who were still good friends, started to fight each other.

It’s just that the way they fight each other is a bit like the quarrel between aunts on the street.

Yingmei and Paimon were stunned.


Who would have thought that the majestic Raiden General and the Yaeguji-sama would quarrel like this?

If the rice wives outside see this scene, their jaws will definitely drop in shock, right?


On the other side, people in the [Extraordinary Chat Group] are still discussing the video in the previous light screen

【Alice: It’s like jumping high in the toilet – too much (feces)】

【Alice: Look how many years that bastard can live motionless! You guys, I can’t cure you yet!】

【Alice: You guys, I can’t cure you yet!】

【Alice: Is this…a face growing on the mole? So scary——】

【Alice: Her face is full of wrinkles and she still looks so cute, it really comes from her heart!】

【Alice: Hahaha, I didn’t expect that the little fox could be so harmful to others in addition to crumbs!】

【Alice: There are so many good quotes!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: This… this, this, this, this, is this Mr. Palace Secretary? (Shocked.jpg)】

【Hutao: Ah, this hall master is cracked. Please give me a pair of eyes that have never seen this before.~!】

【Nilu: It’s hard to imagine what kind of mental state Light Screen was in to create this video! (Can’t laugh or cry.jpg)】

【Funina: As long as you don’t lose your life, the whole world will split for you! (dog head.jpg)】

【Arataki Yidou: Hahaha, I didn’t expect this fox woman to have such a vulgar side! I must come here every day from now on, hahahaha~】

【Nasida: Now I know, the one grafted this time should be this”Nanako”!】

【Xiao Gong: This voice is too brainwashed. Coupled with Mr. Gong Si’s behavior, it feels like it fits perfectly! All I can think about now is the previous video! (Can’t laugh or cry.jpg)】

【Wendy: Hey, another video that makes you feel uncomfortable even if you don’t watch it, has appeared! (dog head. expression)】

【Gan Yu: Huh? Where are the Son of God and General Thunder? Why haven’t I seen them come out in this situation now? (curious.jpg)】

【Yingmei: Ahem, the two of them are working together now……】

【Shadow: Huh? (smile.jpg)】

【Yae Shenzi: (smile.jpg)]

Although Shadow and Yae Shenzi were fighting each other, they were also paying attention to the light curtain.

When they saw Yingmei trying to report secretly, they immediately stopped in a tacit understanding, and then all looked over.

They can fight each other!

But it doesn’t mean you can say it in the group~

Looking at the meaningful looks cast by the two people, Yingmei and Paimon were on pins and needles.

So he quickly waved his hands and said

“Don’t worry, we don’t know anything!”

“That’s right, we didn’t see anything!”

After saying that, the two people quickly looked at the light screen.

【Yingmei: Ahem, they are drinking tea and chatting!】

【Paimon: Yes, yes, we had a lot of fun talking!】

【Wendy:? ? ?】

【Zhongli:? ? ?】

【Nasida:? ? ?】

【Funina:? ? ?】

【Alice:? ? ?】


People in the chat group had black question marks on their faces.

Are you sure you’re not kidding me?

It’s good that these two people don’t fight now, and they still have fun chatting?

If that’s the case, why did they send that [smile.emoticon]!

As we all know, this expression always means bad intentions in the group!

For example, Villette once said to Leosley!

Apparently, something is going on with Raijin and Yaegomiyaji right now.

But Yingmei and Paimon didn’t say anything.

It made everyone in the group feel itchy.

So I can only keep guessing in the chat group

…… villa

“Shadow and Son of God? Luo

Chen couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows after seeing the conspicuous barrage in the live broadcast room.

He estimated that they were probably fighting each other.

Then the sisters turned against each other!

It’s a pity that he couldn’t see such a scene with his own eyes ~

After all, he was the chief culprit The culprit!

First, he asked Tan Fox to train Ying, and then asked Ying to punish Dan Fox! It really caused a lot of anger~

After secretly saying a pity, he smiled at the live broadcast room and said

“Okay, that’s the end of the unfair comments about Yae Shenzi.”

“This concludes today’s review!”

“After that, I will upload the live video as before”

“Tomorrow we will continue the review of the Genshin Impact character series~”

“Stay tuned~”

After saying that, Luo Chen closed the live broadcast room.

After watching the screen go black, he took a breath.

Compared with yesterday’s details, there are actually some things that he has not said today.

For example, Yingbao The classic meme – a milky knife!

But considering that this public execution was a bit bad, he gave it up. It’s somewhat of a pity~

“Forget it, when I meet Ying one day, I will make some inappropriate comments about her in private~”

Luo Chen shook his head and didn’t think about it any more.

Then he started editing the video.

After solving this problem, he It’s time to prepare for the review of the next god!

Nasida, the little grass god!

This is a pitiful, deplorable, and pathetic character~ but it is also a slightly controversial character~ and it is worth preparing for it!


Teyvat continent.

Shadow and Yae Shenzi could not help but feel relieved after seeing the light curtain dim.

Today’s suffering is finally over~

Although it’s not much, it’s really hard to bear~

The character is completely destroyed…

Thinking of this, the two best friends subconsciously glanced at each other.

Well, I checked the look and found that he is an”enemy”!

So the next second, the two started fighting each other again

“Aunt Yae!”

“Damn otaku!”

“Aunt Yae!”

“Damn otaku!”


On the opposite side, Yingmei and Paimon also continued to eat.

And the people in the [Extraordinary Chat Group] also reacted at this time.

Seeing that the discussion was fruitless, I gave up and started talking about today’s content.

【Yan Fei: Oh, where is our good student class representative A Ren? (dog head. expression)】

【Kuki Shinobu: It’s coming, it’s coming~】

【Kuki Shinobu: Today’s summary is as follows:】

【Kuki Shinobu: A serious review about the lightning general Balzebul——”main experience”、”Sad color”、”eternal”、”gods love”!】

【Kuki Shinobu: Irregular comments about Thunder General Balzebul——”Keep your word”、”no mora”、”Cooking Demonstration (Nine Turns of Large Intestine)”、”Daily life of a stay-at-home girl”!】

【Kuki Shinobu: A serious review about the Yao Shenzi, a descendant of the Thunder God.——”Things from childhood”、”Sophisticated”!】

【Kuki Shinobu: Indecent comments about Yae Shenzi, the descendant of the Thunder God.——”crumbs”、”Things from childhood”、”Yae Aaiko”!】

【Arataki Yidou: Ninja did a great job! (Thumbs up.jpg)】

【Wendy: daily summary (×) repeated whipping (√) (dog head. expression)】

【Alice: Huh? Why did the stinky-faced general only make four inappropriate comments? Is this too little?】

【Navilette: Indeed! The god of wind and the god of gold have six items and seven items respectively! There’s a lot of difference!】

【Kujo Sora: This shows that the general is a serious god among the seven gods! Light curtain certification! (Proud.jpg)】

【Kamisato Ayaka: As expected of the shogun!】

【Hutao: It also shows once again how crooked Ke Qing and Wendy are! (Standing hands.jpg)】

【Zhongli: Ahem, actually that’s not the case!】

【Zhongli: According to universal rationality, gods and their descendants should be one!】

【Zhongli: Although Balzebul has few inappropriate comments, she has many dependents! Generally speaking, it’s pretty much the same as us! (Serious.jpg)】

【Wendy: The old man is right! (dog head. expression)】

【Nasida: Yeah, what the two seniors said makes sense! (dog head. expression)】

【Funina: Yes, that’s the truth! (bad smile.jpg)】


Ying Ben felt a little happy after seeing that he was a little more serious than other gods……..

But after seeing this, my mood suddenly became bad.

So he rolled his eyes at the fox across from him angrily.

“It’s all your fault!”

“Let’s make our crookedness almost the same as those two.”

Xi Hu was speechless when he heard this.

If you have the ability to compete with others in governing the country?

What’s the use of being a god compared to being a serious person?

Isn’t this brain too stupid?


【Shadow: It’s all because this fox is so crooked, there are two more than Valin and Reduo Dragon King!】

【Shadow: Otherwise, you two will definitely be more serious than Barbatos and Morax!】

【Yae Kamiko: Hum, that means I’m more popular than them~!】

【Yae Shenzi: It’s just a shadow of you. You can’t compare to others in governing the country, and you can’t compare to others if you don’t comment seriously!】

【Yae Shenzi: Oh wow, how pitiful~】

【Tevalin: That’s right! Yaegomiyaji is right!】

【Ruo Tuo Dragon King: What you say makes sense!】

【Wendy: Hey, you’re absolutely right! (dog head. expression)】

【Zhongli: The truth of the world! (dog head. expression)】


After seeing this, Ying was stunned.

The country is not run well, she confirms this!

But since when are half-hearted reviews something that makes people proud?

Aren’t you proud of those who didn’t comment seriously before?

Also, why do everyone support Tan Fox?

On this point, it’s easy to understand!

Tewarin and Jodora are the”idols” who support them”、””Big sister”!

This is a matter of stance!

As for Wendy and Zhongli!

They made so many inappropriate comments, so naturally they had to say good things to themselves~

The more inappropriate comments they have, the better~

So they all agreed. The Son of the Eightfold God comes.

At this time,

【Alice: Hey, don’t argue~ If you ask me, you can’t even compare to my carving master! I, the Thunder God of Liyue, have six unfair comments!】

【Alice: Did you see that? This is the true God of Thunder! (dog head. expression)】

【Yae Shenzi: That’s right! Whether it’s cooking or making casual comments, the carving master wins! This is the real God of Thunder! (bad smile.jpg)】

【Yingmei: Master carver, come to Dao Wife, this is your destination~ (dog head. expression)】

【Paimon: Come on, come on, after this is done, Dao’s wife returns to Liyue! (dog head. expression)】



At this moment, not only Ying 0.2 was numb, but Ke Qing was also numb.

Why do you think you want to involve her?

Can’t you just let her eat in peace?

If you keep joking like this, she might even believe it…

So A-Qing quickly changed the topic

【Keqing: Ahem, what the hell, I only have six items! Maybe there will be more to come! Then that person will be the real God of Thunder! 】

As expected, this topic quickly attracted the attention of people in the group.

【Barbara: Currently, the only one with more than six categories is Yan Shen! It must be difficult to want more later, right?】

【Hutao: Yes~ The seven improper comments can indeed be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented! You’re really good, guest~ (bad smile.jpg)】

【Zhongli: Ahem……】

【Yingmei: Not necessarily! I think the little grass god can fight!】

【Paimon: Yes, she is the god of grass, the god of sex! He will definitely win the first place! (dog head. expression)】

【Navilette: And Ms. Fonina! I think she is no less generous!】

【Clolinde: Lord Villette is right! (Serious.jpg)】



Who wants this leader?

They didn’t want to be immoral…

However, there was a lot of interest from people in the chat group.

So the discussion started with great interest.

At this moment, a mechanical sound suddenly sounded in the minds of everyone in Teyvat.

【Ding! End of review~】

【The person reviewed will receive a random reward】

【Rewards include but are not limited to food, strength-enhancing items, resurrection props, wear and tear removal and other magical items. 】

Hearing this, the people in the chat group were stunned for a moment.

Then he suddenly reacted.

Is this the reward coming?

After realizing this, they all stopped.

The same goes for Kage and Yae Shenzi!

Their eyes were filled with tension and anticipation.

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