After listening to the words in the light curtain, all the Teyvat people were filled with emotion.

Since the light curtain review, many people have had tragic experiences.

For example, Miss Navia!

In the original future, her parents and servants were gone.

For example, Mr. Navilette!

Two of his loyal subordinates sacrificed their lives for justice more than four hundred years ago!

For example, Lord Fengshen!

One of his friends died fighting for freedom!

For example, Lord Yanshen!

All his friends passed away, and those who were sealed were sealed.

These make many people sigh.

Originally, they thought this was miserable enough.

But I didn’t expect it to be even worse!

A disaster took away all the sisters and friends around Mr. Thunder God!

It even caused Inazuma’s entire country to suffer heavy losses and almost destroyed the country!

In the end, Thor almost became a polished commander!

It can be said that this person has lost almost everything he could lose!

It seemed that the gods were not as dazzling as they imagined.

Gods also have their own sadness and helplessness.

If people from other countries are just sighing with emotion, then the mood of Inazuma is a bit complicated.

【General chat group】

【Gogo Genjiro: Hey, Grandma Jindai had no choice back then.……】

【Sachiko: Shodai-sama, Saimiya-sama, Chiyo-sama, youkai, the shogunate army… The shogun has lost and carried too much.】

【Shibamon Jiro: I had heard about the disaster five hundred years ago before, and I knew that it caused a lot of damage to Inazuma, but I didn’t expect it to be so serious! Almost caused the rice wife to destroy the country……】

【Tianmu Fifteen: If it were not for the General, I am afraid that the country would really be destroyed.】

【Zheping: So there is such a past! From this point of view, the General also saved our Haiji Island! (sigh.jpg)】

【Inoue: Everything the shogun does has its own light curtain review! As a people, what we need to do is to always follow the footsteps of the General, just like five hundred years ago!】

【Caizang: The Changdao is magnificent, and the gods are eternal! Fight for the General, fight for Ina Wife!】

【Watanabe: The Changdao is magnificent, and the Narukami is eternal! Fight for the General, fight for Ina Wife!】

【Matsumoto: The Changdao is magnificent, and the Mingshen is eternal! Fight for the General, fight for Ina Wife!】

【Owada: The Changdao is magnificent and the Narukami is eternal! Fight for the General, fight for Ina Wife!】

【Taro Maru:%%***】


Seeing the familiar buzz in the chat group, people from other countries also felt emotional.

Meng Liyue had been in this situation before.

Now it’s Inazuma’s turn!

Perhaps the previous rice wife was in various confusions because of the [Lockdown Order] and the [Eye Hunting Order].

But really get over it.

With the current situation of united efforts, maybe the eternal paradise of five hundred years ago will be restored again.

Hall of Rebirth

“Hey, Balzebul……”

After listening to the words in the light curtain, Wendy sighed with a rare expression.

After all, this person can be regarded as one of his and the old man’s old friends.

Seeing the sadness in her, he felt very complicated.

On the side, Zhongli did the same.

Even compared to Wendy, he felt deeper.

Because he also experienced the death of his friends.

It can only be said that compared to Balzeb, his situation is slightly better.

Moreover, he chose to face it!

But this old friend chose to escape!

As a result, as Light Screen said, he embarked on a path of paranoia.

In addition to these two Lao Deng, another person and two dragons also had sighs on their faces.

At this moment,

Hutao seemed to have thought of something and frowned slightly at Wendy and Zhongli.

“From Wendy to Ke Qingyou, and then to this God of Thunder”

“Why do I feel that Light Curtain’s God Commentary series is becoming more and more sad?”

“Looking at it this way, will the sadness of the gods such as the God of Grass and the God of Water be greater?”

Hearing this, Wendy and Zhongli both fell silent.

They really don’t know much about this.

After all, the countries behind them are all second-generation gods.

They have little contact.

But judging from the trend of light curtains Look, maybe this is really possible.

I just don’t know what kind of tragedy it will be.

The atmosphere in front of me was a bit heavy, and Hutao also realized that his topic was a bit inappropriate.

So he quickly changed it

“Stop talking about this!”

“Come on, come on, drink!”

“Wendy, I would like a bowl of Lao Baigan!”


“Hall Master, this wine is a bit strong, I’m afraid you can’t bear it.”

Zhongli comforted him when he saw this.

“Huh, don’t underestimate this hall master!”

Hu Tao cutely shrugged her nose.

As long as it’s not outrageous drinks like vodka or vodka, there’s no drink that Hall Master Hu wouldn’t dare to drink!

Zhongli felt helpless after hearing this.

I just hope that the Hall Master won’t get in trouble later.

Rice Wife, Heavenly Leader Follows

“Woohoo, Sir General… Sir General, you are so pitiful……”

At this time, Kujo Sora was sobbing constantly on the desk, his face covered with tears.

Completely unparalleled heroic spirit.

Just like the fans on Blue Star who feel sad when they see their idol sad.

Even better!

In the past, she was very loyal to the General.

But he didn’t understand the general.

Saying this through the light curtain, she finally understood now.

The first generation of Raijin Shin-sama, Kozaimiya-sama, Gogochiyo-sama, Sasa Yuri-sama, relatives and friends who have been with you for thousands of years!

Loyal monsters and subordinates of the shogunate army!

Countless people of believers!

It turns out that the General has lost so much!

No wonder the General is so persistent in his pursuit of eternity!

In the past, Kujo Sora chose to carry out the Eye Hunting Order because of his loyalty.

But now, she deeply understands the reason.

It is precisely because I have lost so much that I don’t want to lose anymore!

Only then would I want to keep this rice wife in the best eternity!

Of course, this concept is wrong now.……

“No, it shouldn’t be wrong!”

“It should be that the way of pursuing the road to eternity is about to change!”

“But no matter what, I will follow the General as always and always listen to her orders!”

“The general will never be allowed to face the situation where no one can help him like he did five hundred years ago!”

Kujo Sora wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and her eyes became firm.

Thinking of this, she felt extremely regretful in her heart.

If Lord Daitengu had not left back then, but chose to stay and assist Lord General.

Maybe everything about Inazuma would be gone now. It’s different… ugh……

“But all this has passed, there is no point thinking about it”

“The focus now is still on the General’s side.”

Kujo Sora shook his head, and his eyes became thoughtful.

I think the general must be very sad after hearing these stories now…

Does she want to comfort her?

But how to comfort her?

Well…bring some delicious food over there. ?

After all, the general seems to like eating three-color dumplings…

But which three-color dumplings should I choose?

After thinking for a while, Kujo Sora had no idea.

So he looked at the light curtain.

Maybe he can start from here find the answer……


【Extraordinary Chat Group] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Nacida: Lost her sister who has been with her for thousands of years, lost her friend who has been with her for thousands of years, lost her loyal generals and shogunate troops, and lost a large number of people who believed in her……】

【Nasida: These experiences are really too heavy, and it is really difficult for Senior Balzeb. (sigh.jpg)】

【Nacida: Is this another price for becoming a god?】

【Funina: Yes, almost everything that can be lost is lost. Under such circumstances, it is really miserable to have to endure the pain to govern the country. 】

Nasida and Funina originally thought their experience was very uncomfortable.

But now compared with this person, it seems like…that?

Why not be imprisoned for five hundred years?

Why not hide it from the world and pretend to be a god for five hundred years?

At the very least, they were the only ones who suffered.

No need to experience the pain of losing a loved one!

Of course, Nasida and Funina were the only ones who didn’t know what was going on.

If they knew the tragic fate of King Daci Shu and Fukalos, they might not think so.……

【Alice: Hey, actually the point of these tragedies is not how miserable they are, but how powerless they are!】

【Alice: The stink-faced general probably wanted to save his sister first, and then come back to save his wife.】[]

【Alice: It’s a good idea. Both sides wanted to save him, but in the end no one was saved!】

【Alice: It’s too late for my sister to go there, and it’s also late for Inazuma to come back here! Everyone close to me is gone!】

【Alice: It would be fine if General Stinky Face’s military power is mediocre, but the other party’s strength is top-notch… (sigh.jpg)]

Seeing these remarks, people in the chat group were stunned for a moment. right!

It seems that is indeed the case!

Needless to say, Kage’s martial power goes without saying!

The corpses of Orochi and Muxiang Basama are still there!

They are probably among the top ones among the Seven Gods.

But just like this, I can’t save anyone around me!

No one was saved!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t help but feel a deep powerlessness in their hearts.

If the gods are like this, what about them?

And at this time,

【Yingmei: Humph, Alice is wrong! If you feel powerless about your situation, it’s not that force is useless! It can only be said that your strength is not strong enough!】

【Paimon: Oh? So the question is, what kind of strength is enough? (dog head. expression)】

【Barbara: Lord Barbatos or the God of Rock? (Guess.jpg)】

【Wendy: No no no! My strength is very weak, the old man can shoot me away with one shot! It’s still the old man! (dog head. expression)】


【Zhongli: With���Generally speaking, my strength is similar to that of Balzebul. This gap is not enough to solve everything, otherwise……】

【Zhongli: So it is at least the strength of the Seven Gods or above! Like the Dragon King!】


【Tvarin: Don’t look at me! I am the best……】

【Ruoduo Dragon King: Morax and I are about the same strength……】

【Villette: If I take back the power of the water dragon, it should be stronger than the Seven Gods! But not enough! Otherwise that year……】

【Villette: So the Dragon King’s strength is definitely not good enough, at least it has to be improved! And above that, it’s the law of heaven!】

【Yingmei: That’s right! In the world of Teyvat, if you want to be able to handle your situation perfectly, you must at least have a strength that is close to or even comparable to the laws of heaven!】

【Yingmei: Just like five hundred years ago, Ruoying’s strength was the same as Tianli! She can definitely be saved!】

【Yingmei: You can even directly prevent Zhen from going to Kanria! Tianli would never dare to say anything!】

【Yingmei: Of course, if your strength is stronger than Tianli! For example, the person in the Harmony Screen can really walk sideways on the Teyvat continent! (Dog head. Expression)]

Seeing these remarks, many people in the chat group also smiled bitterly.

Is it reasonable?

That makes so much sense!

But the problem is that the laws of nature are not cabbage!

How can strength be so easy to obtain?

But being interrupted by Yingmei, they felt much better.

However, Ying listened to these words.

“That’s right!”

“The reason why I can’t do anything is just because I’m not strong enough!”

“If it’s strong enough, nothing will matter!”

“Well, let’s practice hard again after everything settles down!”

Ying thought secretly.

But now… she looked at the chat group

【Kage: Kamisato Ayato, you must have heard all the previous comments from Light Curtain, right?】

【Shadow: Chiyo is not a traitor, he is a hero who has made contributions to Inazuma!】

【Shadow: true���She, as well as Saigu, Sasa Yuri, as well as the monsters and shogunate soldiers who sacrificed for Inazuma, you must record it clearly and truthfully】

【Shadow: We will formulate a corresponding compensation plan in the future.】

【Kamisato Ayato: Yes, General! I will handle it properly】

【Kamisato Ayato: It’s just…just what should I do with Miss Hanasari? 】

Seeing the three words”Hua Sanli”, Ying’s expression became complicated.

Once it’s taken care of, there’s no chance of regret.

But it won’t work if you don’t deal with it.

After all, the other party was transformed from filth!

For a moment, she didn’t know how to deal with this person who seemed like a friend but was not a friend at all.

Hey, it turns out that the strength is still not enough…

On the side, Shenzi saw this and started to speak directly in the group.

【Yae Shenzi: The Narukami Taisha Shrine is responsible for the Kamizakura Taisha. Your society does not need to interfere with its implementation.】

【Kamisato Ayato: Yes, Miyaji-sama! ]

Yingmei and Paimon also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this.

They really didn’t want this kind and gentle witch to disappear.

I am separated from you, and I don’t know when I will return. I am like the dew in the morning!

So touching

“Son of God, what are you going to do next? Paimon said curiously.

Hearing this, the Son of God was silent for a moment, then shook his head slightly.

“Not sure, let’s talk about it later.”

If you can save this girl, that’s the best!

If you can’t save her, then let her see her off in person.

Yingya probably guessed what his friend was thinking.

He didn’t say much, just sighed quietly in his heart. He breathed a sigh of relief.

And everyone in the chat group was so moved after seeing Ying’s order.

【Arataki Yidou: Woohoo, Chiyo-senpai is a great hero! Thank you, General!】

【Kujo Sora: Thank you, General!】

【Qi Liangliang: Thank you, General!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Thank you, General!】

【Coral Palace Xinhai: Haiji Island was spared thanks to the action of the General. Thank you, General!】


【Shadow: We are all rice wife, there is no need for this, this is what they deserve! Ina Wife still has a lot to do now and needs your help!】

【Yae Shenzi: Don’t worry, Kage! You won’t be alone this time! I’m with you!】

【Kujo Sora: And me! I will always follow behind you!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: We will always serve the Shogun!】

【Qi Liangliang: Me me! And I! But now I will only deliver express! (Sorry.jpg)】

【Xiaogong: Ahem, I can only make fireworks.……】

【Arataki Yidou: Hahaha, there is also me! Recasting the glory of Rice Wife, uh, Ah Ren, how do you say the last sentence?】

【Kuki Ren: It is our duty to do so!】

【Arataki Yidou: Yes, yes, yes, it is our duty to restore the glory of Ina Wife!】

【Coral Palace Heart Sea: Kaijijima is also a part of Inazuma! Naturally, it is also obligatory!】

【Goro, Lord Coral Palace is right!】


Looking at the unanimous speeches in the chat group, Ying was stunned.

This scene is so similar!

They are also all useless wives waiting for something to happen!

But five hundred years ago, there was no one around her.

There is only confusion and pain.

But five hundred years later, there are many loyal and reliable people around her!

Full of hope!

Thinking of this, Ying pursed her lips slightly.

“Really, I seem to understand somewhat what you mean by eternity.……”

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