
Luo Chen said with emotion

“When Balzeb was in a dilemma and didn’t know what to do,”

“At this time, the former Narukami Taisha Shrine Kosai Palace came!”

“After learning about Balzeb’s situation, she made her own promise”

“He will use all the power around him to take on the responsibility of guarding Inazuma and eliminate all worries for His Highness.”

“After hearing this promise, Balzeb felt relieved.”

“So after inquiring about the news, he hurried to Kanria”

“But now…it’s too late”

“What greeted her was the dying Barr.”

“After seeing this situation, Balzeb was filled with grief”

“But she also knew that her sister didn’t have much time, so she endured her grief and met Baal for the last time in each other’s consciousness space.”

“After the sisters said goodbye to each other, Baal gave his sister the Heart of Dreams and the Heart of God, which represents the position of God of Thunder.”

“After that, Balzebul did not stay in that sad place for long.”

“She preserved Barr’s consciousness space that was about to collapse, and then brought back Ina Wife”

“But after she came back, she found that there was a sacred cherry tree in Narukami Taisha Shrine.”

“In Balzebul’s impression, there was no such tree in Inazuma before. It seemed as if it suddenly appeared out of thin air.”

“But after asking the people around her, she was told that the sacred cherry tree has existed in Inazuma since ancient times.”

“This conflicting memory made her puzzled.”

“I won’t mention this for now, I’ll talk about it in detail later in my review.”

“At this point, Balzebul lost his closest relative who had lived with him for thousands of years.”

“But this is just the beginning……”

… castle tower


After hearing the words in the light curtain, Ying’s mind couldn’t help but recall the scene when he went to Canria.

She went there with hope.

But when he came back, he was full of despair…

But fortunately, thanks to the previous comfort from the Son of God, Shadow was not too sad.

It’s just that his eyes are a little sad.

But after hearing the light curtain’s subsequent words, her expression became slightly thoughtful.

Is it the sacred cherry tree…

She was indeed confused by the sudden appearance of the tree.

But because the disaster at that time had not yet subsided, we had to temporarily assume that it was caused by the real consciousness space.

Now that I hear what Light Screen says, it seems that it really has something to do with it.

On the side, Dan Hu also realized this.

But he couldn’t help but frown slightly

“Is it a real sacred cherry tree?”

“When was it planted?”

“Why are our memories so skewed?”

Shadow couldn’t explain these questions. For a moment, the two of them were even more confused.

On the opposite side, Yingmei and Paimon were also confused.

When they went out, a tree appeared inexplicably at home!

But that’s all! However, everyone said that this tree has existed since ancient times!

It is really bizarre!

At this time, Paimeng rolled his eyes and seemed to have thought of something.

He touched his chin and said seriously with a small face.

“Since only the memory of shadow is normal”

“Do you think there is a possibility that this tree was not actually planted, but was planted by a shadow?”

“As for why the film itself doesn’t know”

“Well, either her memory has been tampered with”

“Either she planted it in the future by traveling to the past, but the time for traveling has not yet arrived!”

Yingmei rolled her eyes cutely after hearing this.

“Let you stop reading light novels at Ayaka’s house, now you are starting to daydream!”

“How is it possible to travel through time?”

“If she could really travel through time, what kind of trees would she plant? Wouldn’t it be better to just save your sister?”

“Hehe~” After hearing this, little Paimon put his hands behind his back and looked a little embarrassed.

Apparently he also felt that his idea was ridiculous.

But after all, Shadow and Fox knew better.

So after hearing this, they looked at each other. One glance, and I feel thoughtful

…… villa.

Luochen continued

“Tragedy 2: The former palace secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine and the death of Barzeb’s friend, Kosai Palace”

“She, Gogochiyo, Baal, and Baalzebu often play cards under the cherry tree.”

“Similar to the relationship between Liyue Aping and Guizhuan, they have a very good relationship.”

“Hu Zhai Palace is a very interesting person”

“For example, she once made a bet with Gobaizang that the other party could not steal the Ming grass in the Thunder God’s backyard.”

“Therefore, he was successfully accepted as Thor’s subordinate.”

“For example, I like to tease people.”

“Therefore, he also got the joking name of the arsonist who loves his wife.”

“Don’t have too many deeds like this”

“He is a person with a more disdainful personality than Yae Shenzi”

“Perhaps it is precisely because the Son of God was brought up by this person that his character became what he became later.”

“However, even though Huzhai Palace is not popular on weekdays, it is still very serious when it comes to business.”

“Before the disaster came, she had already vaguely felt it”

“When facing her friends, the sadness and reluctance on her face became more and more obvious”

“When she saw that Shenzi was already a girl, Kosai Palace tricked her into taking the position of the Palace Secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine.”

“Then he left Narukami Taisha Shrine and went to the castle tower.”

“The reason is also very simple”

“The catastrophe of great changes in the sky and the earth is coming. This body must fulfill its duty to protect the people and creatures on his side, so it must get to the general’s side as soon as possible.”

“Finally, disaster strikes!”

“When Balzeb was in a dilemma and couldn’t do anything, Hu Zhai Palace stepped forward and took the initiative to share the worries.”

“She asked His Highness to go without worries and she would do everything in her power to protect Ina Wife.”

“Before leaving, he also gave Balzebul his final words of wisdom.”

“Don’t be blinded, don’t be shaken, and always walk on the path you believe in”

“Huzhai Palace hopes that his motto can help his friend and future disciples of Mingshen Temple to resist more lies and block more evil thoughts!”

“Obviously, she probably guessed Barr’s ending.”

“After that, Balzeb left, and Huzhai Palace also started its own actions.”

“First, she went to find Wubaizo”

“Because she was worried that in order to protect the forest, the other party would stand up and fight against a powerful enemy that was absolutely unbeatable, and die as a result.”

“So he tricked the other party into playing hide-and-seek, making it hide, and told it to hide well and not to be found.”

“After that, she repeated it again and again, it must be certain… No matter what happens, it is her seduction spell. Don’t be deceived or fooled.”

“After that, Huzhai Palace began to fulfill its promise to Balzeb”

“She set up barriers everywhere to protect ordinary people from disasters.”

“But she herself, in the end, was swallowed up by the dark disaster while fighting against it because she was protecting Narukami Island.……”

“Because Huzhai Palace is the mistress of the White Fox clan”

“After her death, the sky foxes and earth foxes who followed her turned into statues one after another.”

“They want to conserve their strength and wait for the day when the mistress comes back again”

“Then I can walk with him in the grass of the White Fox Field again”

“As for the Five Hundred Treasures……”

“This person listened to the advice and successfully escaped the disaster in the hide-and-seek game with Fox Zhai Palace.”

“But I don’t know how long it took, and it finally felt something was wrong.”

“We promised to hide and seek, but the search seemed to take too long.”

“So they started making a fuss everywhere”

“He even stole things that Shenying Dazu needed.”

“The Sacred Cherry Tree is a ritual to cleanse the body of the sacred cherry tree.”

“If you do not clean it regularly, it will have a huge impact on Inazuma.”

“This ceremony is hosted by the Kaimei Shrine”

“Wubaizang didn’t know the inside story, he only knew that this thing was very important to Huzhai Palace”

“So I wanted to use this to attract the other person to come out.”

“But he made a big mistake”

“Finally, he was sealed into a stone by Yuigami Harunosuke who was passing by.”

“This means that I haven’t recovered my true body for five hundred years.”

“There’s no waiting to find it in Hoshizhai Palace either!”

Speaking of this, Luo Chen sighed in his heart.

Personally, he still prefers that Wubaizang knows the truth.

He also knows that Hu Zhai Palace is dead.

After all, it is just simple, not stupid. (Read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After so many years, some mistakes will always be found.

As for why I complained to the traveler about being sealed later, but did not ask the other party to release me…

Maybe, it is also avoiding it.

After all, as long as I don’t After leaving the seal, as long as he doesn’t go to Huzhai Palace, his friend will always be alive!

After regaining his consciousness, he continued to speak.

“Finally, after five hundred years, Huzhai Palace is back”

“But didn’t come back”

“After the disaster was calmed down by Balzebu, her thoughts and memories returned to the land of Narukami Island and condensed into filth.”

“Then by chance, a certain filth turned into a flower.”

“She was born from the memory of Huzhai Palace, but she is different from the memory and will of Huzhai Palace.”

“The duty of her existence is to assist the son of man, that is, the traveler, to complete the Great Sacrifice of the Sacred Sakura.”

“Finally, Shenying Dazu was successfully completed!”

“And as filth, she eventually dissipated in the flower stamens, like a dream!”

“In the end, only a fox mask was left”[]

“I am separated from you, and I don’t know when I will return. I am like the dew in the morning!”

After sighing slightly, Luo Chen continued.

“During his lifetime, he tried his best to protect Narukami Island with his own life!”

“After death, the memory remains, once again clearing away the filth for Ina Wife!”

“Hu Zhai Palace fulfilled her promise to her friend Balzeb!”

“It’s a pity that the farewell on that day will last forever!”

“At this point, after the death of his sister, Balzeb lost another close relative and friend!”

After saying this, Luo Chen played the mission video of Shenying Dazu in the live broadcast room.

It was also to give people a deeper understanding of Huzhai Palace and Huasanli.


The video is a bit long, but everyone in front of the light curtain is watching silently.

After reading it, everyone felt disappointed

Castle tower.

After the video was played, the four people’s expressions were extremely complicated.

“Hey, Lord Saimiya……”

Shenzi imagined that he had made some jokes before, such as settling a score with Hu Zhai Palace.

But in the end it turned into sighs.

She really couldn’t bear to treat such a gentle person.

On the side, Ying stared at the light screen and pursed his lips.

Judging from her vigorous posture, it was obvious that she was feeling a little uneasy.

After a moment of silence, she spoke softly

“In the light curtain, Hua Sanli said that if Zhai Gong had been around people like Traveler, he might have survived.”

“Son of God, if I had not gone to Kanria, if I had stayed to protect Rice Wife”

“Does it mean Zhai Gong will not die?”

“Can Chiyo, the shogunate soldiers, and the people survive as much as possible?”

Kamiko was silent for a moment after hearing this.

It is indeed the case!

If Youkage, the strongest combat power, had been there at that time, Inazuma’s losses could definitely be reduced a lot.

In this way, perhaps Saimiya-sama and Chiyo would not be able to He will die.

With the help of so many people, Kage may not be on the road to autism.

But there are no ifs in history!

And that’s not how logic works!

“Shadow, you don’t need to think that way”

“No one can blame a sister who wants to save her sister!”

“This is human nature!”

“If you don’t even take care of your only relative, then who would dare to believe in this divine lover?”

“Who dares to trust and believe in this god without hesitation?”

“So in this matter, you did nothing wrong and there is no need to blame yourself!”

“It can only be said that at that time no one thought that this disaster would be so big.……”

Yingmei and Paimon nodded after hearing this.

Apparently they thought so too.

No one will respect a relative who doesn’t care about themselves!

But despite this, Ying’s mood at this time was also uncomfortable.

Saigiya used his own life to protect Ina-wife for her and her sister.

Even five hundred years later, he still helps Inazuma eliminate filth in the form of flowers.

Even though she learned from the traveler that she failed to manage Dao’s wife well and put Dao’s wife in the flames of war, she tenderly said that as long as she 617 walked on the path of faith.

The more Ying thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became.

Subconsciously, he clenched his fists and made a”crunching” sound.

She used to study martial arts so carefully.

In order to protect Zhen and his friends.

But what now?

There is really no way to save him!

Zhai Gong didn’t even save him!

Ina’s wife was still managed to a complete mess by herself.

So what’s the use of this martial arts?

“I…I can’t do anything, I can’t do anything……”

Shadow lowered his head.

She felt a deep powerlessness.

Uncontrollably, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

Opposite, Yingmei and Paimon wanted to ask about the solution in Hua Sanli.

After seeing the experience of getting along with each other in the light curtain, they did not want to see this tragic person pass away.

But after seeing Ying’s situation, he suddenly stopped talking.

After seeing Shenzi quietly shaking his head at them, the two of them nodded slightly to indicate that they understood.

Seeing this, Shenzi nodded slightly, and then looked at his friend beside him.

Seeing the other person crying, she felt a little uncomfortable.

His Highness was once so strong!

This was the first time she had seen the other party be so helpless.

But the Son of God did not stop him.

Through previous experiences, she also knew that her friend had too much sadness and self-blame in his heart.

And these have not only not decreased during the five hundred years of autistic life, but have increased in number!

That’s why those previous comforts didn’t have much effect.

It can only last for a short while at most.

In this case, why not let His Highness have a good cry?

Crying is not something to be ashamed of!

The Water Dragon King still cries often!

As long as you can talk out the negative emotions in your heart, that’s fine!

“My friend, cry, cry as much as you want~”

“After crying, it will be fine!”

“This time, yes it’s getting better!”


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Wendy: I protected my wife with my life during my lifetime, and I still do so after my death! Hey, what a respectable person!】

【Zhongli: I am separated from you. I don’t know when I will return. I am like the morning dew. What a poem. What a pity for this young lady in Hua Sanli.】

【Nasita: In Huzhai Palace and Huashanli, there are some similarities to the two servants of Miss Navia.】

【Charlotte: Yes, Miles and Silver protected Miss Navia during their lifetime and saved her again after their death! 】

Seeing this statement, Navia also felt the same way.

What a resemblance!

But she was slightly luckier than the God of Thunder.

Because she still has a chance to make amends.

But that one… can only depend on luck.

Thinking of this, Navia couldn’t help but feel grateful in her heart

“Light curtain, thank you!”

【Alice: Navia is lucky, she still has a chance! But the bad-faced general……】

【Kamisato Ayaka: But the shogun will never see this Saimiya-sama again!】

【Xiao Gong: More than that! And that five hundred treasures!】

【Kirara: Hmm… do you think Gohyakuzo-senpai knows about Lord Saimiya’s situation? 】.

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