Hall of Rebirth

“Aping, it’s you!”

I finally exclaimed

“Haha, it seems you know me after all!”

When she heard that her friend recognized her, Grandma Ping was very happy.

However, she also felt that her current appearance was inappropriate.

So her heart moved.

The next second, with a golden light flashing, the white-haired and hunched body appeared. The old woman instantly transformed into a beautiful woman wearing a green dress.

Seeing this, people in the chat group exclaimed.

It turns out that Grandma Ping’s real body is so beautiful!

Especially Yaoyao, her eyes widened.

Is this his master??

Upon seeing this, A Ping smiled and touched Yaoyao’s head, then saluted Zhongli.

“I’ve seen the emperor!”


The emperor nodded with a smile on his lips.

He didn’t expect A Ping to come so quickly.

I guess Liu Yun is on the way too, right?

“A Ping, it’s really you!”

“But how did you become what you were before?”

After finally seeing her old friend, Zhong was overjoyed. He quickly pulled her aside and started chatting.

She had so many things to say to her after 2000, and the same was true for Aping.

Seeing this scene, Hutao I understand very well.

He said with a smile.

“After all, sister, you are here to chat”

“Me and Ke Qing and the others went out for a walk~”

As he said that, he trotted over to Zhongli and the others and started greeting them.

“Come on, let’s go out for a walk.”

Zhongli, Wendy, and Tevalin also understood instantly.

It’s really uncomfortable for them to get together with their best friends.

And they also have their own things.

Wendy and Tevalin are going to finish what they didn’t finish yesterday.

That is to say, they will be together. The soul of adventurer Stanley is brought back to Mondstadt.

Zhongli is going to reunite with his old friend Ruo Tuo.

As for the”happy” time with Wendy, that will wait until next time~

As for Hutao… she Decided to go and play with Xiang Ling and Guo Ba~

Hehe, teasing the Kitchen God must be fun~

So they all said goodbye and left.

Looking at the backs of Hu Tao and others leaving, they finally had a look of emotion on their faces.

“Hutao is such a good boy~”

After hearing this, Aping smiled and nodded.

It is true!

Otherwise, the emperor would not have stayed in the Hall of Rebirth for so many years.

But thinking that her old friend was right in front of her, she didn’t think much about it.

He took out the glazed lily in his hand.

When he saw the gift, his eyes lit up.

Then the two looked at each other and smiled.

Although they have been separated for more than 2,000 years, their friendship will not dissipate.

At this point, the light curtain It finally got dark.

After seeing this, everyone in the chat group was also satisfied.

Looking back on today’s comments!

I saw the heroic deeds of the Rock God!

I also saw the fun of this pair of gods and their dependents!

I also realized that after thousands of years The joy of meeting old friends again!

No regrets!


After being satisfied, everyone dispersed and started doing their own things.

After all, their lives still have to go on.~

…… villa.

Luochen also edited the video at this time.

After synchronizing it to the Teyvat continent as usual, he began to count today’s harvest.

“System, summarize today’s gains.”

After the words fell, the mechanical sound of the system sounded.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 1.82 billion emotional points!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for simultaneously obtaining [Resurrection of the Dead]】!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a bucket of [Unique Milk] simultaneously!”

“Ding! Resurrection of the dead: Each time a relative or friend who has a close relationship with the host is randomly resurrected.”

“Ding! Considering that the host is the owner of the system, this restriction is lifted!”

“Ding! The time interval is seven days, and the maximum number of resurrections is seven!”

“Ding! Unique milk: can remove all negative factors from the body”

“Ding! This reward is bound for use and cannot be transferred to others!”

“Ding! 【The dead come back to life】、【Unique Milk] has been distributed to the system space, and the host can receive it at any time.”

Resurrection of the dead?

Unique milk that can remove negative factors?

Luo Chen touched his chin and began to think thoughtfully.

The latter is somewhat similar to yesterday’s reward, both of which are life-saving things.

As for the former… it’s okay. He, the master, still gets some preferential treatment.

Otherwise, this reward would be a bit tasteless.

But it is different now.

Overall, Luo Chen is still very satisfied.

Then, he said to the system as usual

“System, let me see the rewards received by the reviewed person today..~”

After the words fell, the live broadcast of the previous light screen began to merge into Luo Chen’s mind.

Ruotu removes wear and tear!

Finally resurrected and met A Ping!

After reading it, he looked a little relieved. fine!

It seems that his review has brought some positive feedback there!

Some regrets were finally made up for!

Especially the latter!

Luo Chen still likes to die.

I also like the close relationship between this person and A Ping, which is similar to that between Boya and Ziqi.

Dust Song Pot, Dust Song Pot!

In addition to”Ge Chen’s” name being reversed, it’s also a testament to the friendship between the two!

“The glazed lilies are finally in full bloom again~”

After sighing with emotion, Luo Chen looked at the biggest gain this time – emotional value!

“1.82 billion!”


His eyes revealed a deep surprise! He broke the record again!

And it far exceeded the previous record!

I am not surprised that it took him so long to review this time.

Everything is worth it!

Counting the 1.16 billion emotional values saved before, there are now a total of 2.98 billion emotional values!

Nearly 3 billion emotional values!

Seeing this number, Luo Chen became excited again.

There is only one third left before the advanced lottery. Two!

Come on, come on!~

In his excitement, he decided to do a few intermediate draws to add to the fun!

“System, come to three intermediate draws. Luo

Chen said cheerfully.

After the words fell, the mechanical voice sounded in his mind.

“Ding! Winning the lottery~”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing 2 million soft girl coins!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing one hundred glazed lilies that will never wither!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host [Vulcan ability template】!”

“Ding! 2 million soft sister coins, glass lily and [Vulcan ability template] have been issued to the system space, and the host can withdraw them at any time”

“The glass lily that never withers?”

There was a hint of interest in Luo Chen’s eyes.

A Ping and Gui Yuan’s traps are all right~

The two were ecstatic when they saw it~

Well, if there is a chance later, I will bring them to see~

But now…

Luo Chen got up and came The garden outside the villa.

Then he planted the glazed lily here.

Looking at the glazed lily blooming in the garden, he also had a smile on his face.

Then he looked at another reward

“System, fusion [Vulcan ability template】!”

As the words fell, a force with the breath of fire came from the void.

Then it fell into his body.

After a while, Luo Chen felt his physical condition again.

As before, the physical level has been strengthened again.

He no longer cared so much about this.

In comparison, what matters most is the fire element ability!

So, Luochen began to try the use of this elemental power.


It’s also a very useful skill~ such as hot dishes and setting off firecrackers~ (Dog Head.jpg)

After seeing the use of this cannon to kill mosquitoes, Vulcan was probably so angry that he came from Teyvat to fight with him.~


After playing with the fire element ability for a while,

Luo Chen returned to the villa again. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“System, open the properties panel.”

After he finished speaking, a virtual panel appeared in front of him out of thin air.

【Host: Luochen】

【Sentiment value: 2.68 billion】

【Abilities: Wind God ability template, Rock God ability template, Thunder God ability template, Grass God ability template, Water God ability template, Vulcan ability template!】

【Items: Gourmet Tablecloth, Sword of Vow to Victory, Enhanced Sky AK47, No Long Meatballs……】

“There are already six god ability templates……”

Luo Chen touched his chin and became interested.

It won’t take long to gather the seven gods.~

“Now let’s prepare for tomorrow’s review!”

Thinking of this, Luo Chen sat back on the chair and started to prepare.

Tomorrow will be the eighth review!

According to the previously planned route, this time the review will be about Inazuma God and his retinue.

That is, Kage and Yae Shenzi!

Tsk, tsk, this Yes, that’s unusual~[]

Who is the most popular among the current five gods?

Each has its place on the list during a specific time period.

For example, the Grass God Nasida in version 3.2!

Another example is the water goddess Funina in version 4.2!

But to put it all together, looking at the entire time period, it is undoubtedly the Rock God Zhongli!

But if it is more popular than the combined popularity of gods and dependents!

That must be the most numerous Kage and Yae Shenzi!

No way, who has the most 1sp?

Throughout the entire continent of Teyvat, the gods and their followers are all beautiful women, and only Inazuma is the only one!

Therefore, there are countless secondary creations and irregular ones!

As for the serious side… compared to Wendy and Zhongli, these two have some controversies.

Especially Shadow!

Although many 1sps are impressed by her appearance, they really cannot compliment her philosophy of governing the country.

The fact that Inazuma is so confused is the best proof!

But we can’t blindly belittle her!

As a reviewer, Luo Chen has to look at it as objectively as possible!

But overall, this is a rather troublesome role!

In addition, in addition to these two people, there is another person who needs to be commented!

That is the previous generation of Thor – true!

Their deeds are all related to each other.

Only all reviews can be considered a relatively complete review!

In fact, not only Inazuma, but also Xumi and Fontaine!

The gods have been changed!

Therefore, when commenting on these countries later, we must bring the gods of previous generations with us!


“Just the three of them: Zhen, Ying, and Shenzi!”

After recovering his mind, Luo Chen took a deep breath.

Then he started to get busy again.

It was another time-consuming preparation~

Time passed by, and in a blink of an eye, it was time for the daily live broadcast review again.

After waking up, Luo Chen simply ate Had lunch.

Then I took a look at the sentiment value as usual.

This time it was another terrifying increase!

With the support of seven videos, the sentiment value increased to more than 800 million!

The sentiment value was higher than most live broadcast comments in the past. Much higher!

This is the accumulated charm~

“800 million~”

“Counting the 2.68 billion saved yesterday, the total now is 3.48 billion!”

“Finally exceeded 3 billion!”

“What a wonderful day~”

Luo Chen stretched himself, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Now, let’s see what today’s harvest is like!

Thinking of this, he came to the study and sat down, and said softly:

“`System, start the eighth live broadcast!”


At the same time, the continent of Teyvat.

Over the past few days, it has become a habit for people from various countries to read the reviews of the light screen on time.

So when the time came, they reflexively put down what they were doing, prepared snacks and drinks, and started eating melon and watching the show.

It is worth mentioning that

Yingmei and Paimon were invited to the castle tower at this time.

Finally, I was invited to A Ping’s home.

After Liu Yun arrived with Shen He, they also lived there together.

As for Ruotuo, he transformed into a little girl and followed Zhongli back to the Hall of Rebirth.

In addition to these two people, Wendy and Tevalin also came back after finishing their work.

At this point, the gods and their relatives from Mondstadt and Liyue have gathered in the small Rebirth Hall!

It was so terrifying~

But when Hutao saw this, not only was he not depressed, but his eyes lit up.

A proper workman!

It’s still at the level of a god~

Now the Hall of Rebirth is about to happen~

As the number of people increased, the chat group became lively.

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Funina: Oh, everyone, how about lunch. Have you eaten yet? Look at this water god’s little cake~】

【Funina: Picture.jpg】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Delicious snacks! (picture.jpg)】

【It’s sunny; hey, it’s another ordinary day of eating beef offal~ (picture.jpg)】

【Finally: Hehe, A Ping, Liu Yun and I made this little dessert! (Picture.jpg)]

Well, I have finally joined the chat group now!

【Kelai: Hey, my pocket cake! (picture.jpg)】


As usual, people from various countries began to compete for delicious food.

But suddenly, someone noticed something was wrong.

Huh? its not right!

Didn’t Travelers and Paimon start group tours in the past?

Where are they today?

【Alice: Traveler, where are you? over slept? Yingmei Paimon】

【Wendy: It’s already noon, so I shouldn’t have slept until now. I remember they went to Rice Wife yesterday, right?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Yes, they were guests at my house yesterday, but they had already left for the castle tower before. They should be here now, right?】

【Hutao: Oh, yes, it seems that the God of Thunder wants to treat the travelers to dinner!】

【Barbara: As expected of a traveler, he actually allowed General Thunder to cook in person!】

(Wang Wang’s) [Xiang Ling: My sister Paimon, how are General Thunder and Lightning’s cooking skills? Is it tasty? (curious.jpg)】

【Nilu: Come on, take some photos and show them!】


Castle tower.

After seeing the comments in the chat group and looking at the black food on the plate in front of them,

Yingmei and Paimon’s mouths twitched.

General Raiden’s cooking skills?

Take photos?

This is really difficult for them……

“Little guy, oh no, it’s aunt, oh no, it’s a traveler, hurry up and eat”

“This is the shadow’s intention~”

“It won’t taste good if it’s cold!”

Opposite, Dan Hu Dan Dan encouraged him.

Ying nodded quickly at the side.

“Yes, yes, they are all freshly baked and hot~”

This is something she has improved after the last incident.

Ying You is confident that she will never be poisonous!

After hearing this, Yingmei and Paimon subconsciously swallowed I drooled.

I thought it was delicious food, but I didn’t expect it to be something like this!

Are you sure there will be no problems after eating it?

If you had known it, you wouldn’t have come…

They couldn’t bear such an intention!

Thinking of this, the two of them We exchanged glances and then made a decision

“Hahahaha, I suddenly felt that it was not good to let Ying come to treat us.”

“After all, you are a god!”

“How about this, I’m here to treat you!”

“I have [Gourmet Tablecloth], you can eat whatever you want, as much as you want.”

With that said, Ying Mei was about to get the props.

But Ying shook his head at this moment.

“You come to the castle tower as guests, you are guests!”

“Is there any reason to treat guests?”

“It’s up to me to treat you to this meal!”


Yingmei wanted to say something more when she saw this.

At this time, Ying raised his eyebrows.

Then lightning flashed around her, and then she pulled out Dream Yishin from her mouth.

Then there was a”clang” sound and it was slapped directly on the desk.

She didn’t say a word, but it was more effective than any words!



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