Knights of the West Wind.

Qin and Lisa were having afternoon tea leisurely as before

, while happily watching the inappropriate comments in the light screen.

As the informal comments progressed, I couldn’t help but feel relieved in a happy mood.

Pleasure, because it is worthy of being a light curtain!

The angle of the non-serious review is still so tricky!

It makes people happy to watch.

As for heaving a sigh of relief…

Mond finally no longer fights alone!

After yesterday’s unseemly comments about the God of Wind, the image of Lord Barbatos not doing serious business has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

So much so that people from other countries looked at Mond in a strange way.

Jean felt it though.

But there is no way.

But now it’s better!

Their Fengshen is not the only one with a dishonest image!

And Liyue’s Rock God!

Mond finally has a brother who shares weal and woe!

This made Qin feel a lot more relaxed instantly.

Feeling relaxed, she reached out and picked up the hot tea cup and tasted the tea.

Get ready to enjoy it.

However, when I saw her mentioned in the light curtain���When Mond, Qin looked slightly stunned.

“Traveling to Mondstadt?”

“And Mondstadt extra money?”

“Could it be that…we Mondstadt are involved in Iwagami’s inappropriate comments this time?”

Across the way, Lisa said lazily after hearing the words.

“It is completely normal for people from other countries to participate in inappropriate reviews.”

“But this time……”

“Zhong Li……”

As she said this, Lisa held her hands in her arms, with a trace of curiosity flashing in her eyes.

“Not Zhongli, but Zhongli!”

“So…does it have something to do with Keli?”


When she heard this, Qin looked surprised.

No matter how much she thought about it, it was impossible for this little guy to be related to the Rock God, right?

But thinking of Villette, she fell silent.

These two people can be connected, and that little Keli It doesn’t seem impossible!

At least there is a word in the name that has a similar pronunciation!

“But what is the connection between Keli and the rock god?”

“You can’t just help take care of the children as extra money in the light curtain, right?”

Qin looked a little confused.

“This is not clear~”

“But judging from the style of the light curtain, I’m afraid it won’t be that simple~”

Lisa shook her head gently, and then looked at the light curtain in front of her. She looked a little expectant. Qin didn’t say anything after seeing this.


“I hope nothing too outrageous will appear.……”

After sighing, she also looked towards the light screen


Liyue, Palace of Rebirth


“Guest, are you traveling to Mondstadt again?”

After hearing the words in the light curtain, Hutao glanced at Zhongli who was sitting not far away in surprise.

Listening to operas, walking birds, eating delicious food, and dancing were not enough, and now he is traveling again?

This guy’s retirement life is quite exciting. Well~

Wendy was equally surprised.

But in comparison, he was more curious about the”extra money” mentioned in the light screen.

Thinking of this, he stood up and poured a glass of wine for the old man, and then carried it over with a smile.

“Old man, how did you get rich by going to Mondstadt?”

“Take me with you~”

“Now we are both gods without Mora, so we need to help each other.~!”

Zhongli:”……” travel?

Extra money?

If only it were that simple!

Although he didn’t know what”Zhong Li” meant.

But judging from the ridiculousness of the previous unscrupulous reviews, this must be another very outrageous review!

Thinking of this, he felt uneasy again.

Ignoring these two lively people, he directly took the drink and started drinking.

Ton, ton, ton, ton~

Walnut, Wendy, and Tevalin laughed when they saw this.

Then they all looked at the light curtain expectantly


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: Huh? Traveling to Mondstadt to make extra money? Is there any extra money like”Zhong Li” in Mondstadt? (curious.jpg)】

【Paimon: This… shouldn’t be extra money, right? It’s a bit like……】

【Funina: It’s a bit like”Navilai Da””、”Flexible in water”、”Such a homophonic pronunciation for”Baba Tuosi”!】

【Leosley: Hahaha, every time this happens, Villette will be pulled up and whipped!】

【Yonomiya: Miss Ayaka, too~】


【Kamisato Ayaka:……】

【Wendy: Hey~】

【Nasida: Looking at it this way, they are really similar. Zhong Li? Huh? I remember there was someone named Keli in Mondstadt, right? Everyone has a”Li””!】

【Kelly: Huh? Are you calling Keli? (curious.jpg)】

【Alice: Zhong Li? Keli? etc! It seems to be true! So you went to Mondstadt to help take care of my baby girl Keli? Zhongli】

【Alice: Hey, why is this so embarrassing?~】

【Alice: Next time I will take my daughter to Liyue to treat you to dinner.~】

【Zhongli:……】 take me Out to eat?

You’d better not come over here……

【Ning Guang: Ahem, it shouldn’t be helping to take care of the children, otherwise the key words would be related to taking care of the children.】

【Yae Kamiko: What could that be? There’s no way he’s pretending to be Xiao Keli, right? (funny smile.jpg)】

【Yingmei: Pretending to be Keli? etc! Could it be…(Shocked.jpg)】

【Paimon: Hiss~ No way? (Shocked.jpg)】

【Nasida: Ah this… (Surprised.jpg)】

【Funina: Darling, this… (Surprised.jpg)】

【Alice:? ? ?】

【Kelly: Huh?】


The comment was made as a joke.

However, many people in the chat group were immediately shocked after seeing it.


It seems possible!

It is a light curtain after all!

The angles are very outrageous!

I just don’t know what kind of acting method it will be…

Thinking of this, everyone stopped discussing it and quickly looked at the light curtain with their own strange moods.

And Zhongli……

“Playing the role of a little girl?……”

He subconsciously muttered to himself.

He had done similar things in the past.

For example, I wandered around Liyue Port in various identities and experienced the situation among the people.

But never played a little girl.

I don’t know what happened to this inappropriate comment…

Thinking of this, Zhongli became a little nervous again.

How pitiful!

He had never been in such a mood during the Demon God War.

This is really… ah……

…… villa.

As Luo Chen operated twice, a new video soon appeared on the light screen.

【Zhongli: Da da da~]

As soon as he entered the screen, a burst of cheerful music sounded.

“Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump~”

“Thump thump thump thump~”

“Deng Deng Deng Deng~”






“Thumb thump thump thump thump~”

With the accompaniment of music, scenes of huge font labels began to appear on the screen.

【worldly leisure】

【God of Contract】

【star rock destroyed】

【The emperor without wallet】

【You should lend him some mora】

【Very handsome brown】

【Hall of Rebirth】

【It’s a pity to miss it, it’s worth buying】

【Liyue has the poorest combat power】

【Are you talking about that big boy?】

【Zhong Erzhu】

【This is the choice of fate]

After this series of dazzling labels, the video officially got to the point.

The background is on the steps in front of the Knights of the West Wind.

At this time, Morax appeared on the screen.

But this is not the previous dragon form Morax, but a normal human image. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s just that this human form is slightly different.

At this time, Morax no longer had the sharp dragon eyes before, replaced by Keli’s round and cute big eyes.

In addition, the mouth is also opened very wide.

If these characteristics were placed on a little girl, such as Keli, she would be adorable.

But when it comes to Morax… there is a strong sense of strangeness and abstraction!

Seeing this scene, the people in the chat group couldn’t help but darken their eyes.

I go!

Is this Morax?

Is this the famous God of War in Teyvat?

This is even more outrageous than the previous rock god in dragon form!

Immediately, everyone had a strong urge to complain.

But seeing the light screen continue to flash, they temporarily suppressed their emotions and continued to watch.

In the light curtain, the picture continues.

At this time, Morax looked back and found the traveler sister.

He suddenly said curiously with his own Zhongli version of childish voice.


“Are you here to play with Zhong Li?”

“Then you should be the lookout!”

“If you see Captain Qin, tell me immediately.~”

“Hey, let’s go~”

After saying that, Morax happily stretched out his hands and ran outside.

At this time, the cheerful background music also sounded rhythmically again.

“thump thump thump~”

“thump thump thump~”

“Thumb thump thump~”

Then a line of big characters appeared in the center of the screen

【Zhong Li: The poor rock king emperor. A frequent visitor to Wanmin Hall and Xinyuexuan Overlord Restaurant, and a credit master in Liyue. 】

Then, the scene changed and came to the wilderness of Mondstadt.

Under the cheerful music, Morax kept beating the Qiuqiu people with wide eyes.

From time to time he says”Ha Yi””、”ha”、””Hey”.

Seeing that the fight was almost done, he directly released his ultimate move.

“Bounce bomb!”

“This time I chose the enhanced firepower type when not frying fish!”

It directly petrified the surrounding Qiuqiu people and other monsters.

Under the bomb, the surrounding grass began to explode continuously.

Sparks were set off!

Upon seeing this, Morax stretched out his hands and ran happily inside..While running, a figure appeared in front of him.

This figure was the person he feared the most—Captain Qin!

At this time, the background music also stopped abruptly at the right time.

“Lily, you should know the consequences, right?”

Qin put her hands on her hips and her eyes became sharp.

Then, the scene turned and the camera came to the outside of the confinement room of the Knights of the West Wind.

As the clock time slowly passed, the confinement time finally ended.

At this time, the door opened.

A person looked at Morax, who tilted his head and made cute finger movements, appeared in front of the door.

Then he spread his arms again and ran out happily.

“Hey hey, da da da~”

The cheerful and relaxing background music also started playing again.

“Thump thump thump thump~”



Then Morax happily beat the Qiuqiu people in the wild again


“Ha Yi~”


Under the fireworks exploding in the sky, the innocence of”children” was fully displayed.

After more than ten seconds, the music finally came to an end.

With the words”Let’s go fry fish together next time”, the video ended


After reading it, all the Teyvat people in front of the light fell silent.

Previously, they thought that although the dance of the rock god in dragon form was abstract, it was more magical!

But right now this… image is abstract!

Discourse abstraction!

Action abstraction!

Everywhere in the light screen video reveals abstraction and rawness!

Even without the previous unfair comments, this alone is enough to collapse the mighty and domineering image of the God of War.

Sumeru is really empty, the grass god is in the human world~ especially the people of Liyue!

They really couldn’t connect the emperor inside with the emperor in reality.

Just like the Mondstadt people next door.

The mood is extremely complicated.

But people from other countries don’t have such thoughts.

After being shocked, I immediately started to”feel” in the chat group

【General chat group】

【Lawrence: Ahem, I didn’t expect Liyue’s Yan Shen to receive such extra money in Mondstadt. Ahem, not bad! (dog head. expression)】

【Harry: Yes, yes, indeed, haha~haha, sorry, no disrespect to the gods, I usually don’t laugh, but this time…hahaha~】

【Zheping: There’s nothing I can do about it. There’s such a devilish dance in front of me, and there’s such a bad image in the back. Ordinary people really can’t resist it. Pfft, hahaha.~】

【Dina Zedai: No wonder the relationship between Fengshen and Yanshen is so good. Ahem, it turns out that they are so in tune with each other when it comes to not doing serious things! (Dog head. Expression)] 637 [Moneo: Is this the life of gods fishing and retirement? Love it~ (dog head. expression)】

【Effie: Huh? What about the Liyue people? Why don’t you talk or laugh? Don’t you like to laugh? (dog head. expression)】

【Master Mao:……】

【Tian Tiezui:……】




Mondstadt, Knights of the West Wind, Chamber of Detention.

Although Xiao Keli has been honored as the new”Wind God”, there is still a more”powerful” Captain Qin!

So he was still”suppressed” in the solitary room.

But fortunately, with the existence of the light screen, she won’t be as bored as before.

At this time, after watching the video in the light screen, Xiao Keli’s eyes widened cutely.

Without him!

Because this big brother Zhong Li is in exactly the same situation as her!

Everyone is afraid of Captain Qin!

Everybody loves fried fish!

They are all locked up in solitary confinement!

They can even make bouncing bombs too!

The similarities between these scenes brought a huge shock to Xiao Keli!

This was the first time she met such a person!

After being shocked, Xiao Keli suddenly became excited

“Wow, this big brother Zhong Li is just like Keli!”

“He must be a great person!”

“Later, I asked my mother to take me to this big brother to play and fry fish together.~!”


Thinking of that happy scene, Xiao Keli’s eyes showed a look of expectation.

At the same time, the group leader’s office next door.

After reading it, Qin and Lisa had weird expressions.

With their familiarity with Keli, they can naturally tell what’s going on inside the light curtain.

If you replace the rock god in the video with Keli, wouldn’t that be the daily life of little Keli?

My previous guess was correct, it was indeed related to Keli!

But now it’s the big-eyed rock god… everything becomes abstract and raw!

“Gee, our leader Qin is really awesome.~”

“Even the mighty rock god is afraid of you~”

“You even put me in a solitary room~”

At this time, Lisa laughed out loud and joked.

In response, Qin rolled her eyes angrily, and then looked at the light curtain with emotion.

“This is not a serious review……”

“Should it be said that it deserves to be a light curtain?……”

As expected, the light screen never disappoints them every time…

I just feel a little emotional about the rock god next door!

Obviously the image in serious reviews is so good!

But now…

I’m afraid it’s completely collapsed!

On the other side, Lisa was convinced after hearing this.

She even felt that compared to the previous round of unfair comments, this time the gods were even more powerful!

If nothing else, Yan Shen will not be the last to suffer!

As for whether he was the most severely persecuted… then you have to look at the comments on the following gods.

…… ps: Thank you again [Tianqi] for the 2000vip reward!

Thanks to Mr. [Xiao Ling] for the 1,000 VIP points reward!

The young author is grateful!

I wish you all good luck and make more money!

Finally, the new January has arrived, and the little author is begging for a wave of monthly votes!

Please be kind to all my readers.

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