Seeing his guest Qing simply admitting his mistake, Hu Tao’s expression turned strange.

Is this Zhongli?

She was afraid she had met a fake guest!

If people outside saw the emperor’s appearance, their jaws would drop in shock!

But I was surprised. How could I miss this opportunity that came to me?

Thinking of this, Hu Tao’s menacing aura disappeared instantly.

He then touched his chin and his eyes started to roll.


“Any request is OK?”

“Ahem, a kind-hearted person like the hall master would not embarrass a little guest like me too much.”

Zhong Li coughed twice.

We can’t guarantee this.

Otherwise, based on his understanding of the hall master, the other party will definitely make some outrageous demands!

So it’s better to play it safe!

Hutao rolled her eyes cutely when she heard this.

She knew that Zhongli was not that easy to let go.

But enough!

It was rare to get a little benefit from the other party!

As for the request…

She thought about it for a while, but she still couldn’t think of anything suitable.

After all, the”Emperor” she cared about most at the moment was She has already done so.

Thinking of this, she decided to keep this request.

Maybe there will be a place that needs this guy later.~

“Okay, this hall master knows!”

“But I haven’t thought about it yet, I’ll talk about it later!”

“As for today’s matter, Wendy and Tevarin have testified, guest, you can’t go back on your word~”

Hutao pointed to the fun-loving duo on the side.

Seeing this, Wendy and Tevarin patted their mouths repeatedly to reassure themselves.

“Hey, Hall Master, don’t worry!”

“As we testify, the old man in custody will never dare to go back on his word!”

Are you kidding?

There are very few opportunities to see the old man defeated!

Now that he has it, he must seize it!

Seeing this scene, Zhongli felt helpless.

He is also the God of Contract after all!

How could he not keep his word?

What kind of image does he have in the hall master’s mind…

Hutao nodded with satisfaction when he heard this.

Zhongli asked for it, blood profit!

Thank you, Emperor Yanwang!

Ah, no, thank you Light Screen~

“You sit here, and the master of this hall will come as he goes.”

With that said, Hutao turned around and walked out of the lobby.

But then she seemed to have thought of something, and she waved her hands casually with her back to a few people.

“Don’t worry, this hall master is not looking for trouble with the Yiguan girl.”

“I just asked her to buy that hairpin~”

That’s fine if she doesn’t know.

But now that she knows, Hu Tao naturally wants to help.

As for the money needed~

Hehe, just deduct it from that guy Zhongli’s salary Okay~

Thinking of this, her mood suddenly became wonderful. Her steps could not help but jump up and down~

When Zhongli saw this, he was relieved and at the same time he looked very pleased.

“The hall master is really reassuring when it comes to business matters.”

“If only it wasn’t such a headache……”

“Hey, if she didn’t have that quirky energy, she wouldn’t be Hutao herself~”

Wendy picked up the wine glass and shook her head.

After hearing this, she pondered for a while, then nodded gently with a smile.


“Come! Cheers to the old man for having such a unique boss~”


“And me~”

Meanwhile, near Northland Bank.

Dadalia was sneaking out of Liyue.

At this time, he had already disguised himself at Beiguo Bank.

If you don’t look closely, you won’t be able to tell that he is Dadalia.

The reason for doing this is because under the influence of the light curtain, all the people in Liyue know him.

If he didn’t change his outfit, he might be discovered by the Liyue people as soon as he went out.

By then, it would be really troublesome for him to leave!

But despite this, Dadalia also acted as normal as possible to prevent himself from appearing too suspicious.

In addition, he also always pays attention to the situation in the light screen and chat group.

I am afraid that there will be bad news about myself.

Anyway, as long as you change your mind, you can speak, and it won’t consume too much energy.

Unexpectedly, one actually came!

“I…I became Mr. Zhongli’s other wallet?”

After hearing the words in the light screen, Dadalia was stunned.

He had just met Mr. Zhongli!

How could he become the other person’s wallet?

With this thought, he slipped away and read on.

After reading , the corner of his mouth twitched.

Mr. Zhongli invited him to dinner, but the bill was sent to Beiguo Bank? Did he pay the bill?

Does Liyue have such a weird way of treating guests?


For Her Majesty the Queen’s plan, it’s not impossible!

Just Just like I paid for them in the light curtain before.

But what about the gift?

You give me a gift and I have to pay for it myself?


It’s really outrageous to open the door to Li Bu, it’s so outrageous!

If this guy is not Zhongli Sir, Dardalia is about to start scolding you!

If you don’t have money, don’t pretend to be rich!

But he was still depressed, and he felt happy in his heart.


“Fortunately, I know now!”

“Otherwise, if this continues, Beiguo Bank may have to collect a large bill!”

Beiguo Bank is not a hall of death!

Mr. Zhongli probably won’t be polite either. I

‘m afraid Her Majesty the Queen will…

Just as Dadalia was thinking this, he suddenly spotted a group of people out of the corner of his eye.

He looked shocked..

Without enough time to express any emotion, he tightened his collar and quickly started to get out of the way.

This group of people is naturally Ning Guang and others.

They didn’t have Dadalia’s worries, so they cleared the way and arrived here quickly.

Of course, they were also distracted by the light curtain.

After watching this video in the rear light screen, the group of people’s expressions became strange.

Dadalia is the emperor’s wallet?

Then if they go to catch each other, wouldn’t they catch the emperor’s wallet?

Wouldn’t the emperor have no money to spend by then?

Seeing this, Ning Guang clenched his fists and coughed twice.

“Ahem, people still need to be arrested!”

“As long as Dadalia is in Liyue, the emperor’s money… ahem, the emperor can visit this… this foreign friend at any time”

“On the contrary, if he really escapes, the emperor’s money… the emperor’s friends will really leave!”

Listening to Ningguang’s serious words, Ke Qing, Gan Yu and others couldn’t help but laugh.

It’s enough to arrest people and target Beiguo Bank, but now they still want to let the emperor drain this executive’s wallet!

As expected of you Ah~

It’s really… great!

I must support it!

So they all agreed seriously

“Well, you’re right!”

“Yes, Ningguang is great!”


Then the group of people started walking towards Beiguo Bank


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: Huh? Real name”not worth mentioning”? What a strange name!】

【Paimon: Hey, hey, that’s not the point! Isn’t the point about the wallet?】

【Yingmei: Oh, yes, yes, a Hutao’s Rebirth Hall, a North Country Bank in Dadalia, the emperor is making a lot of money.~】

【Alice: Shengshengtang is a thousand-year-old store! Northland Bank, the largest bank in Teyvat!】

【Alice: With two people with such deep pockets, Morax’s retirement life is really nourishing! Much better than the Wendy’s next door!】

【Qin: Ahem, actually we in Mondstadt now have a special fund for Lord Barbatos.】

【Barbara: Yes, Lord Barbatos will no longer be short of money to drink in the future!】

【Wendy: Hey~】

【Yae Shenzi: Tsk, it’s just a pain for the two wallets here.~】

【Nasida: Fake the accounts? So…this is also a part of learning?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Ahem, it’s wrong to make false accounts! Lord Grass God can’t learn from it!】

【Yingmei: That’s right! It was Zhongli who taught the children bad things! Yan Feifunina, someone here is making false accounts! What crime should be sentenced? (Dog head. Expression)]

Seeing this statement, Yan Fei was speechless.

You big-browed, big-eyed executioner!

Want me to convict the emperor and his old man?

Why don’t you let me convict Tianli?

She is just a legal advisor.

It’s not like he was a real outlaw… but Fu Nina looked excited.

This is another rare opportunity to judge foreign gods! then,

【Funina: What? Someone is making false accounts? Then I, the God of Justice, must give a good judgment!】

【Funina: Death penalty, death penalty! Execute now! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Ruotuo Dragon King: Support! The dignified Morax actually cheated a little girl out of her money like this, he deserves death! (dog head. expression)】

【Alice: That’s right! If you dare to make false accounts today, you will dare to slander Hall Master Hu tomorrow, and you will drive Hall Master Hu out of the Hall of Purity the day after tomorrow! Must be judged! (bad smile.jpg)】

【Wendy: From now on, we will sideline Liyue and plan the entire Teyvat! So we must support it! (dog head. expression)】

【Shadow: Ahem, it’s not good to make false accounts, it’s wrong to make false accounts! Morax, you’d better be judged! (dog head. expression)】

【Nasida: Huh? Is that so? (Doubt.jpg)】


Seeing this, other people in the chat group looked strange.

After the last trial of the Wind God, is this the next trial of the Rock God?

The person involved, Zhongli,……

“these guys……”

He also looked helpless at this time.

If he knew what Blue Star said, he would definitely say something like this

【I really impress you guys! 】

But it is impossible to sit still and wait for death! then,[]

【Zhongli: Yan Fei, I want to hire you as my legal advisor for this matter.】

【Yanfei: No problem! It’s all on me! 】

To deal with the emperor?

Isn’t that possible?

Even if the emperor is guilty!

But helping the emperor deal with others?

That must happen! With this idea, Yan Fei instantly became full of energy when faced with such a hugely challenging legal matter!

【Yan Fei: Ahem, now I am Mr. Zhongli’s defense lawyer.】

【Yan Fei: First, the light curtain only said that Mr. Zhongli asked Miss Yi Guan for help, but it is still unknown whether the other party helped!】

【Yan Fei: Second, the statements made by Miss Alice and Mr. Fengshen are purely conjecture and cannot form an effective chain of evidence!】

【Yanfei: Third, this didn’t happen! You cannot judge Mr. Zhongli based on future events.】

【Yan Fei: Fourth, in order to form a trial, the most critical thing is the victim of this case, that is, Ms. Hutao! But she hasn’t spoken yet】

【Yan Fei: Hutao, do you want to sue Mr. Zhongli?】

【Hutao: Hey, it’s all a misunderstanding. How can there be any false accounts? My Keqing people are still very nice! 】

If it were normal, with Hu Tao’s quirky personality, he would have to tease Zhongli.

But now I got a request from the other party, and I couldn’t be more satisfied.

So he stopped teasing her and instead helped her.

【Yan Fei: Well, very good!】

【Yan Fei: The summary is as follows: The defense has insufficient evidence that Mr. Zhongli made false accounts, and the victim, Ms. Hutao, did not sue, so this trial is not strong enough!】

【Yanfei: Under such unclear circumstances, you are demanding a trial from us! Caused serious mental harm to our Mr. Zhongli】

【Yan Fei: For this, you must compensate us with sufficient financial compensation!】

【Yanfei: Otherwise, I will sue you all! Let you know that the chat group is not a lawless place! ]

Seeing this, the people who had spoken earlier looked a little embarrassed.

Good guy!

They just have fun.

Morax, are you serious? then,

【Alice withdrew a message!】

【Wendy retracted a message!】

【Shadow withdrew a message!】

【Ruotuo Dragon King withdrew a message! ]

Seeing this, Funina was dumbfounded. what’s going on?

All withdrawn?

Then should she, the God of Justice, withdraw or not?

Thinking of that”outlaw gangster”, she finally withdrew with a guilty conscience.

Last time, he looked like he was going to send her in.

If we continue this time, I’m sure it will really happen!

So far, Fufu’s two trials of gods have all failed!

But it also reminded her.

If you want to judge the gods in the future, you must win this lawyer Yan Fei to your side!

On the other side, seeing this ending, other people in the chat group screamed 666!


Last time, I helped Fengshentongue fight against the gods and successfully defended the opponent!

He even almost sent the Water God in!

This time he helped the Rock God defeat all the gods and demons!

Successful defense again!

“”Forced” these people withdrew the news overnight.


Too strong!

He is worthy of being an”outlaw maniac”!

After two classic”battles”, Yan Fei also followed Sai Nuo and Xiang Ling and once again gave the message to the chat group Everyone was deeply impressed.

And unlike the other two, this one has very practical skills!

Maybe he will have a chance to use it in the future!

Hall of Rebirth

“Old man, that’s awesome~”

“I didn’t expect you to come up with such a move~”

Wendy winked at Zhongli.

“Each other~”

Zhongli smiled slightly.

There was no way~

Who allowed Liyue to have so many talented people?~

【Zhongli: Yan Fei, thank you very much!】

【Yan Fei: Dijunke (Okay, okay) is angry! It is Yan Fei’s honor to contribute to the emperor!】

【Zhongli: Public is public, private is private! As for the reward this time… Well, just leave it in the Hall of Rebirth. You can just come and pick it up later.】

【Yan Fei: Huh?】


【Hutao: Is it too late for me to regret it now? 】

Others couldn’t stop laughing after seeing this.

Hall Master Hu will not sue you. If you change hands, just put the bill in the Hall of Rebirth!

As expected of you~

【Zhongli: Ahem, then send it to Beiguo Bank!】

【Hutao: Okay, this is okay! Hey, did you hear that? Yanfei】

【Yanfei: No problem! I’ll get it later!】

【Yingmei: Gee, this new wallet is so easy to use! (bad smile.jpg)】

【Son of the Eightfold God: Even if the sky falls, Dadalia must pay~ (bad smile.jpg)】

【Alice: Not only that, I, Dardalia, will pay for everyone’s purchases today, so get me excited.~】

【Wendy: Oh oh oh oh~】

【Dadalia:? ? ?】

【Rich man:? ? ? 】

I really thank you~

【Dadalia: No, Mr. Zhongli, I’ve invited you to dinner and asked you to give me gifts. We’re all friends. How do you treat me like this? (depressed.jpg)】

【Nilu:”Please give me a gift”? So awkward……】

【Xingqiu: Wait! I remember the gift was”coiled dragon and carved phoenix chopsticks”, right? this……】

【Barbara: Huh? Is there any saying for this gift? (curious.jpg)】

【Yun Jin: Ahem, in Liyue culture, dragon and phoenix chopsticks are a kind of wedding supplies. It means a perfect match, a perfect pair, and a child early.……】

【Barbara: Hiss~】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Hiss~】

【Nilu: Hiss~】

【Navia: Hiss~】


Hearing Yun Jin’s explanation, everyone in the chat group took a deep breath.


This”coiled dragon and carved phoenix chopsticks” still has such a meaning?

In this case, why did the Rock God give it to Dadalia Gong, whom he had just met?

Isn’t this… somewhat inappropriate?

Could it be……

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