In the light curtain.

After the gusts of wind, a voice came from outside again

“The wind brings the seeds of stories……”

Paimon heard this and subconsciously took it.

“Time for it to germinate!”

But she quickly reacted.

Who is this familiar voice?

At the same time, Yingmei also noticed.

As for Zhongli, his eyebrows raised slightly

“Well? I heard the hall master correctly, are there any guests outside?”

“Guest, don’t be stunned, open the door for me!”

The walnut messenger summoned Zhongli.

Before Zhongli could react, the voice from outside came again.

“Don’t bother me, I’ll disturb you~”

After the words fell, with a gust of wind, the door opened.

Then, a figure walked in from the door.

It was Wendy!

“Finally invited me in, hello to all old and new friends~”

At this point, the acting duo successfully met!

Everyone at the dinner party was also present!

And Mandrill…

At this time, he was numb again!

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Wendy: Hey, it’s finally my turn】

【Hutao: Hey, Xiaozhong can’t do it! When guests arrive, they don’t even know how to open the door! (dog head.jpg)】


Little clock?

Seeing this title, all the immortals in the chat group were stunned.

Good guy!

In this continent of Teyvat, no one has ever dared to address the emperor like this!

You know, even the wind god next door calls the emperor”old man”!

Now someone actually dares to call it”Little Bell”?


If it were anyone else, the immortals would have launched an attack long ago!

But Hutao… this person’s identity is too special!

She appears to be the emperor’s boss, but in fact she seems to be the emperor’s daughter…

The emperor also cares for her.

Thinking of this close relationship, the immortals immediately gave up their other thoughts. pretend not to see

【Alice: Why didn’t you open the door proactively? With Morax’s strength, he might have discovered Wendy long ago!】

【Alice: Hehe, I’m afraid the door was sealed on purpose later, otherwise Wendy wouldn’t have used the strong wind to open the door.】

【Yingmei: So that’s what”finally invited me in” in that sentence means! (Sudden realization.jpg)】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Well, aren’t the Wind God and Iwa God close to each other? Why is this happening?】

【Nasida: No, maybe this is proof of the good relationship between the two seniors!】

【Fonina: Indeed! Otherwise, when the gods of one country go to another country, they are officially received, rather than with this easy-going attitude.】

【Yae Shenzi: I understand, hitting is love, scolding is love~ (Fox laughs.jpg)】



Hall of Rebirth

“Old man, I came all the way to see you, and you treat me like this?”

Wendy looked at Zhongli with resentment in her eyes.

Is it okay to block the door for guests?

“No, actually I didn’t notice it!”

“If you hadn’t made a noise outside the door, I probably wouldn’t have known you were here!”

Zhongli hugged his chest with both hands and said seriously.


I did not notice?

Would the mighty God of War not notice the arrival of his God of Wind?

Can the old man think of a more ridiculous reason?

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: Tsk, now Wendy is here, everyone for this dinner should be here too, right?】

【Alice: Two gods pretending to be mortals, one mandrill with the highest status on the surface! Insiders: Traveler and Paimon, a trouble-making Hallmaster Hu, and three newbies who don’t know about it!】

【Alice: Darling, just eight people are divided into so many camps! Interesting, so interesting!】

【Paimon: Hey, didn’t they notice that there were two people from the Seven-Heaven Statue on this table?】

【Funina: I don’t dare to move my chopsticks when I find out~ (dog head. expression)】

【Yae Kamiko: It doesn’t matter anymore~ Now I can’t wait to see the subsequent dialogue collision!】

【Wendy: Hey, me too~】

【Nasida: Me too~】

【Funina: Me too~】


In the light curtain.

Seeing Wendy, the host Hu Tao quickly stood up and greeted her.

After some compliments, Wendy Business sat down.

When I saw Xingqiu, I couldn’t help but be surprised.


“Isn’t this Teacher Zhenyu?”

But seeing the surprised looks from the people around him, he quickly changed his words.

“Ah…, after taking a closer look, it turned out to be Teacher Zhenyu’s book fan!”

“I met Xingqiu at a light novel book club before.”

“We really hate each other after meeting each other~”


Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

Xingqiu was originally looking at the light screen with a worried expression.

Although he did not participate, he was among the people participating in the dinner in the light screen!

Thinking of two hidden bosses at the table, he felt extremely nervous.

I was afraid that I said something wrong in the light curtain.

However, as he watched, another unexpected thing happened, which made him dumbfounded.

“Zhen… Teacher Zhenyu?”


Xingqiu never expected that the identities of the two bosses were not exposed, but his own identity was almost exposed!

No, it has been exposed!

Other people in the light curtain may be fooled by Fengshen.

But the people in the chat group are not Yes!

For a moment, he didn’t care about why others knew his identity, and quickly looked at the chat group.

Sure enough, everyone in the group was discussing this topic at this time

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Hutao: Teacher Zhenyu? Judging from Wendy’s posture, could this be Xingqiu’s hidden identity?】

【Xiang Ling: We met at a light novel book club…could this be Xingqiu’s pen name? (Surprised.jpg)】

【Chongyun: Pen name? Um, I don’t think I’ve read any of Teacher Zhenyu’s novels. (embarrassing.jpg)】

【Arataki Yidou:? ? ? No way? You don’t even know Teacher Zhenyu?】

【Kuki Shinobu: Teacher Zhentama wrote a book called”Shen Qiu Shi Sword Record”. This book is very popular in Inazuma.】

【Yae Kamiko: Is this book available or published in my Yae Hall? Good results!】

【Yingmei: Wait! Xingqiu is a novel written by a Liyue person, but you Liyue people don’t know about it, but everyone knows about Dao Wife? ? (Surprised.jpg)】

【Xiangling: This……】

【Walnut: cough cough……】

【Chongyun: I really don’t know……】

When Yingmei said this, the three of them felt a little embarrassed.

Xingqiu, on the other hand, felt a little helpless when he saw this.

Faced with this situation, he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Originally he wanted to keep it a secret.

But now that my identity is exposed, let’s just make it clear.

【Xingqiu: Actually, this is what happened】

【Xingqiu: I wrote a martial arts novel based on my own experience, which is”The Record of Shen Qiu Picking Up Swords”. However, the Liyue publishing agency thought the setting was too outrageous and the plot was cliché and rejected it.】

【Xingqiu: I was not convinced at the time and thought that the publishing house was not right, so I secretly printed a few copies and put them in Wanwen Collection.】

【Xingqiu: In the end, no one really saw it……】

【Xingqiu: As for what happened next, I’m not too sure. But later I found out that Inazuma became a big hit】

【Yae Shenzi: What happened next was like this. A rice wife merchant saw this book when he was passing by Liyue. He thought it was good and brought rice wife back.】

【Yae Kamiko: Maybe it’s in line with Inazuma’s taste, and it became a hit instantly. 】

Seeing this, the people in the chat group suddenly realized.

So that’s it!

My own books are not subject to���It is loved by people in its own country, but it is sought after by people in other countries.

This is a serious matter, but you can’t blame anyone.

After all, reading is a matter of taste!

It can only be said that this book”The Record of Shen Qiu’s Picking Up Swords” really attracted Mrs. Dao!

After figuring this out, another question posed before everyone.

That is, no one else knew Xingqiu’s identity, so how did Wendy know?

Thinking of this,

【Xingqiu: Wendy, Mr. Fengshen, how did you know my pen name?】

【Wendy: Huh? I do not know~】

【Kurumi: It seems like we might have met at a future light novel convention.】

【Nacida: Light novel club? Didn’t I just say that this book was published in Inazuma? Maybe there was such an event held there, and Barbatos-senpai went there. 】

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.


It seems like this is really the case!

First go to Liyue, and then go to Daoji.

This wind god is really free~

But Mrs. Ina’s brows jumped wildly.

You know, in the previous unfair comments of Guangmu, this guy was doing all sorts of things in Dao Wife!

Although this is not a serious review!

But this man is Barbatos!

Maybe you can actually do something weird! then,

【Shadow: Barbatos, if you want to come to Rice Wife, I will make a three-part agreement with you!】

【Shadow: Don’t steal the dog, don’t run away with the rice wife on your back, don’t let me pursue my dream! By the way, no drinking allowed! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Kamisato Ayato: Shogun-sama is right! ]

Qin, Barbara and other Mondstadt people immediately covered their faces when they saw these remarks.

Is the reputation of my own Fengshen so bad?

Even before I went to other countries, I was already subject to various restrictions.

But they were too embarrassed to defend Lord Barbatos.

Because this is indeed what might happen……


【Wendy: Protest! This is not three chapters of your agreement, it is clearly four chapters! And I am obviously a serious person, how could I do such a thing?】

【Shadow: Oh, then let’s make four chapters!】

【Shadow: I don’t know whether it’s serious or not, but you did do those things in the light curtain!】


It’s bad~

Feng Ping was murdered~

Of course, only he himself knows whether he was really harmed or not!

【Wendy: Ahem, Balzebul, we are old friends too. You see, otherwise, I will abide by the first three items, but the last one is drinking, can you be more lenient?~】

【Wendy: Hey, not being able to taste your Rice Wife’s wine is a huge loss! After Ying saw this, he pondered for a moment and spoke.

【Shadow: Okay, you can drink! But limited edition! When you leave, I will give you some wine!】

【Wendy: Hey, thanks~]

Wendy felt happy when she heard that she could drink again.

As for the limited edition? we’ll talk about it then~


After discussing this topic, everyone did not forget the important point at the moment.

So I turned my attention back again

In the light curtain.

After Wendy’s high emotional intelligence covered it up, she looked at Zhongli who was sitting aside with a faint look.

Zhongli’s eyes dodged when he saw this.[]

He coughed twice, then looked over

“Ahem, so this is an acquaintance of Young Master Xingqiu?”


“And Mandrill should also recognize me, right?”

“We just had a chat not long ago~”

As she said this, Wendy turned and looked at Mandrill sitting on the other side.


Seeing Wendy’s gaze, Mandrill’s expression twitched.

After finally trying to organize the sentences, he said helplessly


“The New Year is approaching, and the closer we get to the Lantern Festival, the more evil things are ready to move.”

“On the eve of the festival, I happened to be patrolling the Dihuazhou area, and then I happened to meet this person.……”

Speaking of this, Mandrill looked at Wendy and became speechless.

Unlike the emperor, he did not know the current identity of this wind god.

What if I make a mistake and get exposed?

Wendy understood immediately when she saw this, so she pretended to be helpless and reminded her

“It’s only been a few days and you forgot?”

“My profession is a bard~”

“Well, yes, it’s the bard!”

“At that time, he was playing in Dihuazhou, and the music… was melodious and beautiful.”

“I… couldn’t help but listen for a while longer”

Seeing this, everyone in the chat group except Mandrill became happy.

【Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun: Pfft, the Great Sage of Conquering Demons never talks much. He probably said all his words for a year in this moment.】

【Yingmei: It can be seen that he is trying very hard to organize his words. I am afraid that this paragraph will not���It burned up his CPU.】

【Nasida: cpu? what is that?】

【Yingmei: You can simply understand it as the human brain!】

【Nasida: Oh, so that’s it! (Sudden realization.jpg)】

【Gan Yu: A boss, a boss’s boss, a savior, this dinner is not easy~ (dumbfounded.jpg)】

【Tewarin: We have to cooperate with them as much as possible, and we can’t expose the identities of these two people. It’s too difficult.~】

【Yae Shenzi: Mandrill: I was so scared at the time~】

【Alice: Hahaha, this is a high-end game~】

【Funina: It seems like she is criticizing Morax, but in fact she is persecuting Mandrill. Just like when Navia bombarded the Dragon King!】



In the light curtain.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Zhongli reached out and touched his chin, pretending to be suddenly enlightened.

“So that’s it, I understand.”

Then he turned to Wendy and said seriously.

“I am Zhongli, and I am currently working in Shengshengtang. I am very happy to meet you, my new friend!”

“Yeah, yeah, his boss is me.”

“If you are dissatisfied with Ke Qing’s work, you can tell this hall master~”

Hu Tao then took over the words and said with a smile.

“No wonder~”

Wendy suddenly realized after hearing this

“Only such a smart and reliable boss can recruit such powerful-looking subordinates! Hearing such high-EQ compliments, Hutao was extremely happy.

He immediately got up and walked behind Zhongli, smiling and saying

“This guest of mine is really great!”

“Knowing astronomy from above and geography from below, we know everything from ancient times to the present.”

“But he speaks a bit maturely”

“I even thought he was some immortal who was paying a private visit in disguise~”

Having said this, she walked to the side of Mandrill again, with a curious expression on her face.

“Hey, the Great Sage?”

“You are an immortal, tell me, is this possible?” elf:”……”

He was silenced.

He just came to eat.

Why does everything involve him?

But it happened that all those involved in him were big shots!

Not answering is no good.

After finally trying his best to organize his voice, he avoided it.

“Sorry, I have little knowledge and have never heard of……”

Seeing this, the people in the chat group were very happy again.

Happy people like Hu Tao and Yingmei laughed so hard that they bent over and burst into laughter.

And the person involved is Mandrill……


“Fortunately it’s not me……”

Mandrill looked at the scene in the light screen, his face full of joy.

Just looking at it is overwhelming. It’s really hard to imagine the scene.

He couldn’t help but sympathize with his future self.

… in light curtain

“Eh, is that so?”

Wendy pretended to be stunned, and then looked at the old man aside again.

“I am somewhat familiar with Mr. Zhongli’s name.”

“I heard people in the tavern talking about a polite young man who came to Mondstadt but refused to drink. He just ordered a cup of hot tea that was not easy to drink.”

After Zhongli heard this, he hugged his chest with both hands and said

“Having said that, I also remembered it”

“Mond seems to have a number one artist”

“It is said that he is elegant and easy-going, and his works are vivid and lively.”

“It is no exaggeration to say that he is the best bard in Mondstadt!”

The two old friends started talking to each other in business.

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