Northland Bank.

Like other executives,

Dadalia came to Liyue with the mission of capturing the heart of the Rock God.

But after arriving, I didn’t have much clue.

The only progress is to meet a knowledgeable person.

That is, Zhongli, the guest at the Hall of Rebirth!

He originally thought that after getting to know the other party, he would inquire about the deeds of Emperor Yanwang.

But who knew that the light curtain would come at this time!

After understanding the magic, he and the employees of Northland Bank, like everyone else, started paying attention every day.

I hope to find some news about the rock god from this.

Judging from the results.

Found it indeed!

Yanshen is the Mr. Zhongli he knows!

This is simply a big trough!

After Dadalia found out, everyone was numb.

Ask the Rock God for information about the Rock God, and then plan to capture the opponent’s God’s Heart!

What is tooth extraction?

This is it!

This is much scarier than saying in front of the Rock God,”Do you understand Prince Yan or do I understand Prince Yan?”

Every time I think about it now, Dadalia feels that she is really brave!

However, what he didn’t expect was that the frightening incident was far from over!

“O…Osair was summoned by me?”

Dadalia was stunned.

Damn it!

Am I so brave?

Although it is to force the rock god out, are you sure you won’t be hacked by the Liyue people after doing this?

In the bank, other employees were also shocked at this time He looked at his executive officer with admiration again!

Summoning the Demon God in the land of the God of War.

The young master is really fierce!

Feeling the sight of his men, Dadalia’s face darkened.

He was shocked.

But he thought about it carefully. , and found that this is really something he can do!

First, he was confident that the situation was under his control.

But who knew that this was a scam from the beginning!

Then he thought that he could deal with travelers!

Who knew that after the Demon King was armed, he would He was no match for the opponent!

After being hit twice, his mentality began to become unbalanced. He was strongly dissatisfied with being teased.

In addition, he had to complete the mission of Her Majesty the Queen, so in that state, he broke the seal of the demon god Osel It’s not surprising that it’s open

“Hey, it’s a shame I made fun of you lady before.”

“Now it’s better, I’m a clown!”

“She really got it right!”

“This is trouble.”

After thinking about it, Dadalia held his forehead and sighed.

It’s all right!

Although it has nothing to do with him, it was done by himself in the original future.

But Liyue definitely doesn’t think so.

Don’t even think about it, it’s inevitable Will cause trouble for him!

093 This is much more serious than the fools who made trouble before

“No, I can’t stay any longer!”

“Gotta leave quickly!”

“Otherwise, you won’t be able to leave!”

Although Dadalia doesn’t like to use his brain very much, it doesn’t mean that he is stupid.

Why don’t you run away and wait to be arrested and go to jail?

So he quickly packed up.

At this point, he has also followed in the footsteps of the lady.

As for the Queen The task… with the emergence of the light curtain, it is almost impossible to complete!

Outskirts of Mondstadt.

After the lady left Mondstadt, she rushed all the way to Liyue.

Mond could not complete his mission, so he could only find a way to make up for it from Liyue.

But now, as the video in the light curtain is broadcast.

Her plan was ruined again!

“Alas, it seems that Liyue’s mission can’t be completed either.”

The lady looked at the light curtain and sighed.

She knew a lot more than that idiot in Dadalia.

Because Her Majesty the Queen had told her everything before she left from Solstice.

As long as she cooperates with the rock god, The God’s Heart of Rock God can be said to be in the bag!

But now with the exposure of the light curtain, the original plan must have failed!

Not only can’t you get the Heart of God, but you may also lose an executive!

After all, it’s about releasing the Demon God. Things… as long as they are from Liyue, they will not let it go!

They don’t care if it is a test from Prince Yan!

They will only think that it is the work of fools!

“It seems that there is no need to go to Liyue.”

“So where to go now?”

The lady pinched her chin and began to think deeply.

Dao Wife?

According to the original plan, she was going to Dao Wife after going to Liyue.

But now…

Excuse me!

She still wants to live a few more years!

What about Xumi?

The doctor was in charge of that place.

Considering that she and the other party could not get along, the lady also ruled out this option.

In this way, only Fontaine and Nata were left.

After thinking for a moment, the lady couldn’t help but sigh.

“That’s all, let’s go to Fontaine first.”

“If something goes wrong again, we will go back to Solstice.”

After shaking her head, she changed direction and started heading towards Zhidong.

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Xiang Ling: You were the one who released Osel? (Rage.jpg)】

【Yanfei: Okay! Finally found the culprit! I’m going to send you to jail! (Abominable.jpg)】

【Mandrill: Are all the executives fools?……】

【Ningguang: Mr. Dadalia, you tried to seize the emperor’s heart of God, and even broke the seal of a demon god, which brought immeasurable disaster to Liyue!】

【Ningguang: You, Beiguo Bank, and the fools behind you must give us, Liyue, an explanation!】

【Keqing: Liyue is not that easy to bully!】

【Gan Yu: Punishment for several crimes, death penalty!】

【Funina:? ? ? 】

Why did you steal my line?

【Woman: Haha, I told you a long time ago that you will not end well! Dadalia】

【Lady: Sorry, this is the young master’s personal behavior and has nothing to do with the Fools and Zhidong!】

【Skirmisher: Hahaha, one takes out the heart of the wind god, and the other releases the devil god, you really have them!】

【Doctor: They have a point! It really has nothing to do with fools!】

【Rich man: The young master is a temporary employee of Beiguo Bank and has no close relationship with Beiguo Bank.】

【Rich Man: So just target him directly. Please don’t embarrass Beiguo Bank. 】

Dadalia is preparing to run away.

After seeing the ridicule from his colleagues in the chat group, the corner of his mouth twitched.

You know, yesterday, he was still a member of the ridicule.

Unexpectedly, he would be ridiculed in a blink of an eye.

Now, he finally realized what the lady felt back then.

But we can’t suffer the loss of being dumb!

The rebuttal is still necessary!

【Dadalia: Ahem, everyone, please allow me to quibble, ah, no, I’m just trying to justify myself.】

【Dadalia: First! This was done by me in the original future and has nothing to do with me!】

【Dadalia: I am innocent!】

【Dadalia: You can’t use the future to judge me now! There is no such law in Teyvat!】

【Dadalia: Second! Are you mocking me? Wait! You won’t end well either! ]

Seeing this, other people in the chat group had weird expressions.


Why is this scene so familiar? oh!

It seems like this happened yesterday as well.

At that time, Qin attacked the lady and needed an explanation from the other party.

Then there was infighting among the executives, who started taunting each other.

Then came the lady’s rebuttal.

Compare it, good guys~

The words of these two people cannot be said to be similar, they are exactly the same!

Yesterday, who would have imagined such a scene!

What a turn of events!

Is it possible that with the comments of the light curtain, the fools and executives from other countries will become really popular one by one?

If so!

That’s a joke~

【Lady: Haha, you can also imitate my speech. Don’t worry, I’m very stable now!】

【Skirmisher; you don’t have to worry about my affairs, just mind yourself!】

【Doctor: Oh? The end? I’m really curious~】

【Rich Man: Let’s talk about the outcome later! But the young master has nothing to do with the Bank of the North, so please don’t involve the Bank of the North.】




Qunyu Pavilion

“Come on, let’s go to Northland Bank now!”

“This executive committed such a big thing in Liyue.” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“If he were allowed to escape successfully, Liyue would become a joke! Ningguang stood up and looked at Keqing and Ganyu and said seriously.


“Yes, Lord Ningguang!”

Ke Qing and Gan Yu nodded.

Then the three of them rushed towards the Northland Bank with their troops.

But even if they did this, they knew they couldn’t really do anything to Dadalia.

Because strictly speaking, the other party really No crime was committed!

The actions in the light curtain are from the future!

No country’s laws can use future events to condemn present people!

Even the righteous country Fontaine!

Because this is too outrageous!

This will It will have very serious consequences!

It will also have a great impact on Liyue’s legal system!

The three women are all (ceaf) smart people, so they naturally know this.[]

And if you really want to talk about it, this matter still has something to do with the emperor.

If Dadalia is really punished severely, some people with ill intentions may use the opportunity to implicate the emperor.

If this is the case, it will be troublesome!

But it definitely won’t work if we don’t deal with it!

After all, what the other party did was really too much!

They were simply joking with Liyue’s safety!

If you are not careful, Liyue may really suffer a serious blow.

Of course, this was when they didn’t know that the emperor was still alive.

So the best solution is to capture Dadalia.

He was then briefly imprisoned.

This is a lesson to him.

Come to think of it, no one would say anything.

Then they used this incident to put pressure on Beiguo Bank and the Fool!

Let Liyue take advantage of other things!

That’s what Jean from Mondstadt next door thinks.

It’s a pity that they couldn’t catch the lady


【Ning Guang: Whether Dadalia’s matter has anything to do with the Fools is not something you can tell in just one or two sentences.】

【Ning Guang: We will investigate clearly!】

【Ningguang: During this period, Beiguo Bank and the fools in Liyue need to accept me.���supervision】

【Ningguang: Otherwise, I have reason to suspect that you have evil thoughts towards Liyue.……】

Seeing these remarks, some foolish executives in the chat group frowned tightly.

The Fools and Beiguo Bank were still targeted after all.

But there is nothing we can do.

After all, it was too thoroughly exposed this time.

It’s really impossible to take the blame.

With the posture of this Tianquan star, I’m afraid he will have to pay a lot of price this time.

As for Dadalia?

Wish yourself luck~


In the light curtain.

At this time, the video continues to play.

Everyone stopped their discussion when they saw this, and then started watching again. in the screen.

After Dadalia summoned Osel, he ran away.

When Yingmei saw that something was not going well, she did not chase Paimon with her, but rushed towards the battlefield.

Then he and the immortals gathered in the Jade Pavilion.

Be prepared to deal with your enemies!

However, Osel is not that easy to deal with.

With the power of one person, he suppressed the immortal, Yingmei, and Ningguang’s group. awesomeness!

Seeing this, everyone in the chat group was also filled with emotion.

So many people can’t even take advantage of Osel if they join forces.

This is Osel who has just released his seal and whose strength has not yet reached its peak!

Looking at it this way, the Rock God could directly suppress it with a rock spear!

So terrifying~

He is indeed a God of War!

In the light curtain.

The scene continues.

Under Ossel’s wave of force, the final machine was completely destroyed.

So far, Liyue has repeatedly used effective counterattacks.

And just then, she came!

Ningguang made a decision that went against his ancestors. Oh no, it was a difficult decision.

“I…want to give up Qunyu Pavilion!”

After the words fell, everyone had a look of surprise on their faces.

But after a moment of silence, they all understood.

Then, the Jade Pavilion flew to Osel’s head.

Then, with the power of a group of immortals and Yingmei, it Falling from a high altitude, he suddenly attacked Osel below!

Boom~ accompanied by a huge roar and a mushroom cloud that covered the sky.

Osel was successfully suppressed and returned to Guyun Pavilion!


【General chat group】

【Master Mao: I’ll go! It turns out that in the original future, this is how we won!】

【Ying’er: Master Ningguang’s Jade Pavilion is too scary, isn’t it?】

【Uncle Tian: I thought Ningguang’s Qunyu Pavilion was a simple residence, but I didn’t expect it to have such powerful power! (Sentiment.jpg)】

【Tian Tiezui: This situation reminds me of the emperor’s heavenly movements! What a similarity!】

【Zhiqiong: So, this is… Tiandong Wange?】




Ningguang and others had just come down from Qunyu Pavilion.

After seeing the picture in the light curtain, everyone was shocked.

Their first reaction was,

I’m going!

Are these jade pavilions so fierce?

Actually smashed Osel back to the bottom of the sea?

The second reaction was disbelief.

As people who knew Ningguang, they were very aware of Ningguang’s love for Qunyu Pavilion.

It’s not too much to call it a treasure!

In the end, I gave up without any hesitation!


At this time, Ning Guang looked at the picture in the light curtain with a somewhat complicated mood.

She didn’t expect that her Qunyu Pavilion would end like this!

She could also realize how difficult it was for herself in the light curtain to make this decision.

But, it’s worth it!

After coming back to her senses, she saw everyone’s expressions and said calmly.

“All for Liyue!”

“If an enemy commits another crime again, so what if he destroys another Qunyu Pavilion?”

Hearing these words, the people around looked at Ningguang with admiration.

Not everyone can be so decisive!

As expected of Lord Ningguang!

“It seems that you are more than just a business negotiator~”

Keqing smiled.

Through this incident, she also had a little change in her view of Ningguang.

Ningguang did not speak.

After taking a deep look at the picture on the screen, , raised his head and said softly

“Time waits for no one, let’s go to Beiguo Bank quickly”

“Yes, Lord Ningguang!”


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Xiangling: Hiss! These jade pavilions are too scary, right? (Shocked.jpg)】

【Hutao: Good guy! What about the castle in the air that was promised? As a result, you created a whole”Heavenly Movement””?】

【Yan Fei: If this falls, won’t Liyue be gone?】

【Wendy: Hey, now I know why the Jade Pavilion was thrown in”Paimon vs. Tvarin”!】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, since we can hit Osel, we can also hit Tvarin. (Serious.jpg)】


【Kelly: Wow, what a big bomb! Keli likes it!】

【Alice: Hehe, I like your mother too! Why didn’t I think of getting a bomb like this? Learned, learned!】

【Keli: Mom, when the time comes, we will also make a bomb like this, a big bomb that can fly in the sky!】

【Alice: Hehe, okay, okay~】


【Yingmei: It’s broken!】

【Paimon: Huh? What’s wrong?】

【Yingmei: You chose the wrong rock god! Compared to Keqing, Ningguang is the serious second-generation rock god! (dog head. expression)】

【Funina: It seems so. After all, the sky moves ten thousand… pavilion! (dog head. expression)].

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