
Luo Chen also became emotional after watching the video.

Heulia is a gentle and good demon.

It’s just a pity…

God loves people!

But people may not necessarily love God!

In addition, he was born in the wrong era…

After watching it, he also looked at the prominent barrage in the live broadcast room.

Luo Chen couldn’t help but become interested when he saw the discussion about Wan Yan inside.

Although it is a hypothesis, it does not make sense!

After all, these people have criminal records!

He also agreed with the view that”Nasida and Heulia are somewhat similar”.

Because the subsequent plot of”Original God” also proves this!

The minds of the Great Sage and the Order Council are all focused on the man-made new god!

The difference is that Nasida is a god!

There are some countermeasures!

And, she has travelers!

But Heulia, not…

After sighing, Luo Chen came back from his thoughts.

Then he said to the live broadcast room

“After watching the video just now, I think everyone already has a certain understanding of Heulia.”

“The life of this gentle devil was undoubtedly miserable.”

“In the process of giving in step by step, I retreated my life to the end.”

“Although she was not Morax’s friend, her passing also made Morax understand one thing.”

“In the war between demons and gods, we cannot settle for just one corner.”

“If you give in and don’t take the initiative, others will bully you!”

“Even the people you protect will betray you in the end!”

“And then, the death of the friend also accelerated the process!”

“Kill, kill, seal, seal”

“At this point, Liyue became the first country to decide the winner in the Demon God War!”

Hearing these words in the light curtain, everyone in the chat group also had a lot of emotions.

It is indeed the case!

There is such a miserable example in front of you!

You also know that there is no way to retreat!

To a certain extent, Mo Heulia also contributed to the name Lux, the”God of War”.

… villa.

Luo Chen continued to speak at this time.

“The second serious comment says a bit too much.”

“Now, let’s continue our review”

“Seriously comment on the third item – the contract!”twenty three

“I mentioned it before when reviewing Barbatos, the God of Wind.”

“The seven earthly rulers on the continent of Teyvat all have their own ideas, and the corresponding countries will also display corresponding customs.”

“Barbatos’s is freedom!”

“After yesterday’s review, I think everyone has a certain understanding of its freedom.”

“Today, we will review Morax’s Contract!”

“In the city of Liyue, what Morax values most is the contract!”

“Like simply bartering with money!”

“For example, a contract signed between businessmen!”

“For example, when he established Liyue, he personally established the law!”

“It can be said that Liyue is full of the charm of contract.”

“Just like the freedom in Mondstadt next door!”

“As the saying goes, there is no rule without rules!”

“After having the contract, all transactions are in order”

“The most typical one is business!”

“There are often intrigues among people, so how can we protect our own interests?”

“It’s a contract endorsed by Morax!”

“With such a guarantee and matching execution strength, transactions can be orderly.”

“Business activities will be vigorous!”

“It can be said that Liyue Port can now become the most prosperous commercial center in Tiwat, and the spirit of the contract is indispensable!”

“Under this concept, the Liyue Seven Stars of the past dynasties have also been working hard for this purpose.”

“For example, constantly filling in various legal loopholes”

“But for Morax, there is only one law that stands above all else!”

“That is – the contract is concluded, and those who eat rocks shall be punished by eating rocks!”

Hearing this, people in the chat group nodded repeatedly.

【Diluc: Indeed! With a contract, fairness can at least be guaranteed to both parties.】

【Paimon: On the surface? What about behind the scenes? (curious.jpg)】

【Kaia: Well, it depends on the intentions of both parties in the transaction. If you don’t have any bad ideas, then of course it’s best! If so, then it depends on whose method is superior.~】

【Paimon: Ah, it’s so troublesome. It sounds overwhelming. Hey, I’d better be responsible for eating!】


【Ning Guang: There is no doubt about the importance of the contract! Otherwise, the entire market will be in chaos, and it will be the people themselves who will suffer.】

【Dadalia: Our North Country Bank adheres to the contract, otherwise no one would dare to deposit money here!】

【Yae Shenzi: Yes, this saves me a lot of things~ Otherwise, it would take a lot of effort to manage Yae Hall】

【Dolly: Hey, thank the God of Contract! I hope I can earn more mora in the future~】

【Funina: The Contract Country is well-deserved! But what I’m more curious about is the punishment!】

【Funina: I broke my promise, will I really eat rocks? (curious.jpg)】

【Navelle: Ms. Funina, this is just a way of saying it. For example, Miss Wan Yan in the previous light curtain was punished by being told the truth!】

【Wendy: Hey, you can eat it if you want~ The old man doesn’t have much, just rocks!】

【Funina: Ahem……】

… villa.

Luo Chen continued to speak at this time.

“Finished talking about Morax’s contract concept”

“Now let’s summarize”

“As the God of Contracts, Morax has made countless contracts over thousands of years.”

“It can be roughly divided into the following categories:”

“The first type is an ordinary contract”

“For example, when he was Morax, he established the law himself!”

“For example, when Zhongli, the guest of the Palace of Purity, made a contract with others,”

“The second category is the contract with the immortal”

“During the establishment and development of Liyue, Morax signed a contract with a group of immortals”

“To protect Liyue together!”

“For example, Liuyun Borrows the Wind, Cuts the Moon and Builds the Yang, Lishan Overlaps the Water, A Ping, etc.”

“For example, Mandrill and other yakshas”

“Also like Gan Yu!”

“She responded to Morax’s call back then and signed this contract that lasted for thousands of years!”

“Although Gan Yu was quite happy doing what he did, he had to say that Morax had the potential to be a ruthless boss.~”

Hall of Rebirth.

After hearing the words in the light curtain, everyone in the lobby, one god and one dragon, all looked at Zhongli.

“Tsk tsk, let such a cute girl sign a contract for more than three thousand years.”

“He is indeed a black-hearted boss.~”

“Why haven’t I learned how to do it~”

Hu Tao sighed with emotion.

By the way, should she learn from her guest guest and give him a 3000-year contract?

But if this is the case, with the speed at which this guy spends money, I’m afraid The backside of Shengshengtang was really going to close down…

So Hutao quickly gave up the idea.

Thinking about it carefully, the best migrant worker is Gan Yu!

He works hard without complaining and still enjoys it.

It’s a pity.~

“That’s it!”

“The old man is too inappropriate!”

“I can’t even stand it!”

Wendy nodded in agreement.

After saying this, she drank the drink in her hand happily.

Then she closed her eyes and thought about it for a while, then poured another glass with a smile.

After hearing this, Zhongli and Tewarin looked speechless..

Others can say it.

But you are not qualified!

Miss Qin’s comments are still there!

There are also the Gunnhild family and the Legenfund family!

Without these two loyal families, how can you be like this? Fishing leisurely?

I’m afraid I don’t have to put out fires everywhere…

But when he thought about what was happening in the light curtain, Zhongli looked a little apologetic.

“Indeed, I owe this child”

“I don’t know how to make it up to her either”

“It’s easy!”

Wendy heard this and stretched out her wine glass to touch it, then said with a smile.

“What does a little girl need?”

“Of course it’s love!”

“Just give her the whole wishful husband!”

After hearing this, Zhong Li started to think thoughtfully.

Wishful husband?


It seems to be a really good suggestion!

Although he has no intention of doing this, as an elder, he is naturally willing to see the younger generation live a happy life.!

But it seems that a wishful husband is not so easy to find!

If you don’t ask for anything else, you must at least have good appearance and good character.

And then you have to understand this child Gan Yu!

But in these 3700 years, no one can fully understand her.

Even her The same goes for Master Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be the”loneliness” mentioned in the light screen review!



Light screen?

Thinking of this, Zhongli’s eyes lit up.

This one can do it!

Appearance, character He is top-notch in terms of sex and strength! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

More importantly, he understands Gan Yu!

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have helped the child out of confusion with just one comment!

But Gan Yu Yu seems to be a bit high-spirited.

But these are not important!

The biggest problem is that one is in Liyue and the other is in an unknown world.

“But given that person’s situation, he might come to Teyvat one day.”

“By the time……”

Thinking about this, Zhongli’s lips slightly raised.

He raised his hand and drank all the wine in the glass.


“found it?”

Wendy raised her eyebrows when she saw this.

The old man had a frown just now.

Now he suddenly laughed.

There must be something going on![]

“Well, it’s this one!”

Zhong Li gestured to the light screen in front of him with his eyes.

Wendy was slightly surprised when she saw it.

Then she also became thoughtful.

… villa.

Luochen continued

“The third category is the contract between Morax and all the people of Liyue!”

“The establishment of Liyue originated from this contract!”

“Under this contract, Emperor Yanwang and Liyue walked together and experienced more than 3,700 years together.”

“And now, or in the original future, he will draw up the final contract”

“It is also the contract that ends all contracts!”

“Under this contract, there will be a test”

“If the Liyue people pass, Morax will abdicate.”

“From now on, Liyue will be the Liyue of Liyue people!”

“That is to say, Liyue can truly enter a country ruled by humans.”


Hearing this, everyone was shocked except for some immortals who knew about it.


Prince Yan is going to abdicate?

Liyue wants someone to treat her? ?

If we talk about it before, the people of Teyvat, especially the people of Liyue, might have had various thoughts after hearing this.

Such as shock, disbelief, hesitation, uneasiness, confusion, fear, etc.

But now, all that is really left is fear!

Without him!

Previously, when reviewing Yuhengxingqing, Guangmu mentioned the situation of”people rule”.

At that time, everyone listened and thought carefully.

Then, they came to a conclusion!

On the continent of Teyvat,”human rule” is almost impossible!

Even if”human rule” is forced, I am afraid that there will be a huge price to pay due to various situations later!

On this point, the old rules.

Just look at the history of Mondstadt next door!

What a miserable old man~

No one wants their descendants to be the oppressed ones!


【General chat group】

【Master Mao: The emperor…the emperor is going to abdicate? Isn’t it? Did I hear that correctly? (Shocked.jpg)】

【Tian Tiezui: That’s right! This is what Light Screen said, and it shouldn’t be wrong.】

【Lao Gao: But”man-governed” doesn’t work. Can we really face so many problems? What should we do then?】

【Han Xue: Yes, yes, without Lord Yan, how can we deal with those enemies!】

【Yixuan: Woohoo, Lord Yan, we can’t live without you! How can we live without you?……】


【Ying’er: Don’t panic! First of all, if this is really the emperor’s wish, all we have to do is respect it and implement it!】

【Ying’er: Secondly, the light curtain talks about the situation in the original future. Now, maybe there will be changes.~】

【Uncle Tian: Yes! Don’t panic or worry, everyone! If the emperor has the latest instructions, we will notify everyone immediately!】



Qunyu Pavilion

“Emperor Ju… would actually abdicate, and then… let the people of Liyue rule?”

When Ke Maomao heard the words in the light curtain, she looked in disbelief.

You know, in the past, her ideas were all made fun of.

She never expected that the person who supported her the most would be the Emperor!

Even In the end, Liyue really entered the category of”human rule”!

This was something she never dared to think about.

On the side, Ningguang and Gan Yu were equally surprised.

Obviously they did not expect that the emperor had such thoughts.

But Being as smart as them, they reacted quickly. They also solved many previous doubts.

For example, why was the emperor assassinated?

It was probably related to his test!

For example, why were the immortals so furious when they heard about the emperor’s assassination?

But it calmed down later.

He must have gotten the inside story from the emperor.

As for what the test was… it was probably the demon god Osel!

Only by successfully defeating a demon god can it be proved that Liyue can be”ruled by humans”!

But Now Ningguang, Keqing, and Ganyu also know it.

In the future, they, Traveler, and Immortal will defeat Osel.

Although the performance is perfect, is it really the Liyue people’s own strength? ?

If there were no travelers and immortals, would they have been able to successfully defeat Ossel?

The three of them knew this.

After a long silence, they looked at Ke Qing

“Keqing, what do you think of the emperor’s thoughts?”

“What do you think?”

When Keqing heard this, she smiled bitterly and shook her head.

“If it were me before, I would definitely be very happy and very motivated”

“But now……”

“There is only worry and hesitation”

“After all, the more you know, the more you have to consider.”

“But think about it, the emperor’s thoughts will also change, right?”

After hearing this, Ningguang and Gan Yu also nodded lightly.

Teyvat is a place where strength is judged after all!

“”Rule by man” is just a beautiful dream.……


Hall of Rebirth


“Zhongli, are you giving up?”

After Hutao heard this, he stood up from his seat in shock.

Zhongli couldn’t laugh or cry after hearing this.

“Hall Master, what does it mean to give up the pick?……”

“This is just returning Liyue to the people of Liyue.”

Hu Tao rolled her eyes cutely when she heard this.

“Just pay it back”

“Have you ever asked the Liyue people if they want it?”

After Wendy and Tevalin heard this, they looked at each other in surprise.

These words…

How come they are so similar to the conversation they had in Mondstadt before?

When Zhongli saw this, he put down his tea cup and said softly with a smile.

“Then Hall Master, do you want Emperor Yan to abdicate?”

“Of course I do! Hu

Tao said with a smile.

“Without the constraints of the position of Emperor Yanwang, you can work hard to help our hall master~”


…… ps: In the afternoon, the young author is working hard on coding!

Suddenly, a junior high school classmate came to Weixin and said that she had a best friend…

The young author was stunned for a moment, and then when he realized what he was doing, he slapped himself!

I haven’t finished coding yet!

Are you still thinking about this?

Damn me!.

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