
Luo Chen continued to speak.

“There are actually many more stories about Yaksha”

“If you are interested, we will open a column to comment on it later.”

“So far, three of the five Yakshas under Morax were dead and one was wounded! The remaining person almost died”

“Even if he survives, he will still be plagued by karma all day long.”

“I can only bear it alone and silently”

Wangshu Inn

“Brother Fushe, Minu, Cutan, Yingda……”

Listening to Guangmu’s comments about Yasha, Mandrill’s memory also became blurry.

In his mind, he subconsciously recalled the happy times with them in the past.

That was the most comfortable time in his life.

But in an instant, the scene changed.

Happy times disappear.

Instead there were scenes of grief.

That was the scene where Yakshas killed each other due to being infected with evil thoughts!

In the end, Fa Nan killed Mi Nu!

Then she herself was seriously injured and died!

Ying Da went crazy and died!

And the eldest brother Fushe disappeared and became a nameless Yaksha!

Thinking of these painful experiences, Mandrill knelt on the ground with his head lowered and his heart aching.

These are his relatives!

But it ended in this way…

However, at this time, he thought of something.

He quickly looked up at the light curtain, his eyes full of expectation.

“By the way, there’s also a light curtain!”

“Although the hope is slim, there is still a chance!”

“Maybe Mi Wrath, Cutting Down, and Ying Da can be resurrected!”

“And Brother Fushe!”

“When I get news from the light curtain later, I will definitely look for you!”

“Then bring you back!”

Thinking of this, Mandrill’s expression became firm.

Yasha shouldn’t have ended in this way!

They should see with their own eyes the Liyue they once protected!

Hall of Rebirth

“The Yaksha clan……”

Thinking of these former subordinates, Zhongli’s expression became a little complicated.

Liyue’s current achievements are due to these Yakshas.

But no one lived to see it.

The remaining mandrill.

I also live alone in Wangshu Inn all year round.

Then he still adhered to his duty and exterminated evil spirits for Liyue.

But fortunately Mandrill is still alive!

Thinking of this, Zhongli looked at Wendy, who was facing the tea with a bitter look on his face, and thanked him softly.

“Barbatos, thank you”

“If it wasn’t you, maybe he would be……”

“Damn it, old man, it’s just a casual thing.”

Wendy smiled and waved her hands when she saw this.

Then the conversation changed.

“Of course, if you really want to thank me, old man, how about giving me a bottle of wine?”

“I’m really not used to your tea~”

In fact, he still has a bottle of fine wine with him.

It’s from another world!

But chewing wine…

Wendy hasn’t decided whether to try it yet.

Zhongli Wen Yan was stunned for a moment.

Then he smiled and nodded.

“As it should be!”

As she spoke, she prepared to stand up, but at this moment, a figure trotted over.

The person who came was naturally Hutao.

She put three bottles of wine on the table next to her with a clang, and then said with a smile.

“Wendy, here, this is what I asked you to do!”

“If it’s not enough, talk to this hall leader!”

“Take charge!”


“The boss is so awesome!”

“Thank you boss, thank you boss!”

“I wish the boss a prosperous business!”

Wendy’s eyes straightened up when he saw the wine.

After thanking him, he couldn’t wait to pick up the wine and taste it.

Business is booming?

Hutao felt very comfortable when he heard this.

If you can speak, speak more!

This drink is not in vain

“Hall Master, you……”

At this moment Zhongli looked over.

A little surprised to see the other party, Hutao put his hands on his hips and said with a smile

“The Great Sage of Conquering Demons has paid so much for Liyue, and was saved by Wendy before.”

“It is appropriate for the master of this hall to express his gratitude to the people of Liyue.”

“not to mention……”

“Hehe, he is your subordinate, and you are my subordinate!”

“Doesn’t this mean that he is the subordinate of this hall master?~”

“As a boss, you should be even more grateful!”

“That’s right!”

Wendy gave a thumbs up while tasting the wine.

Affirmation from the God of Wind!

After hearing this, Zhongli smiled and nodded gently.

“Then I will bring a mandrill to thank the hall master!”

“You’re welcome~”

Hutao waved his hand casually.

Then he jumped to his seat.

Looking at the other person’s leaving back, Zhongli’s face was filled with relief.

Although his own hall leader was often out of tune..

It also makes it difficult for him to deal with it from time to time.

But he is never ambiguous on business matters.

Otherwise, he would not be able to support such a large death hall at such an age!

The old hall master has a good granddaughter.~

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: Oh? Was it some guy who didn’t do anything serious and saved Mandrill? I’m really curious who it is~ (bad smile.jpg)】

【Paimon: Yeah, who is it? Totally unguessable~ (Spreading hands.jpg)】

【Alice: Oops, it’s so hard to guess~ Could it be the King of Rocks? (dog head.jpg)】

【Kujo Sora: No, I (cddh) think it’s the General! (dog head.jpg)】

【Nilu: I guess it’s Lord Little Grass God! (dog head.jpg)】

【Clolind: Ahem, I think it might be our Lady Fonina! (dog head. expression)】

【Wendy: Hey, that’s right. Who is it? Which decent, handsome, kind and gentle man saved Mandrill? (dog head. expression)】

【Tevarin: Ugh~ Barbatos, you drank too much, right?……】


【Mandrill: Thank you, Lord Fengshen.】

【Wendy: You’re welcome~ Your boss’s boss has already treated me to a drink as a thank you gift!】

【Mandrill: The boss…the boss? 】

Mandrill was a little confused.

Isn’t his boss the emperor?

That Dijun’s boss… is it the law of heaven?


【Hutao: Hehe, it’s me, the hall master. If you have any guests in the future, you have to introduce me to the hall master.~】


Well, this is indeed the boss of God King.

Still the kind that gives the emperor a headache……

【Mandrill: I understand, thank you Miss Hutao】

… villa.

Luochen began to summarize

“Lost two friends, Gui Zhi and Marcusius”

“He personally sealed his family and comrade-in-arms, Ruotuo Dragon King”

“Lost an immortal subordinate like Yixiao Dao Tianzhenjun”

“Lost four loyal and fighting Yasha subordinates”

“In addition, there are other immortals and subordinates, as well as the Qianyan Army fighting for them!”

“All these things also bring some sadness to this god of war.”

“Although Morax is a god, he also has his own feelings!”

“After witnessing the passing of all my old friends, my heart gradually became tired.”

“It also indirectly paved the way for his original decision in the future.”

Speaking, Luo Chen’s tone was full of emotion.

Except for Mondstadt because of the relationship with Novice Village, Fengshen had fewer knives.

The gods of the following countries were more miserable than the last!

In Liyue,

Zhongli has lost everything after thousands of years. I made friends one after another.

In the end I could only sigh with emotion,”I want to buy osmanthus flowers and drink with me, but it’s a pity that I will never see my old friend again.” ~

In Inazuma. I lost my sister Zhenkage, and lost my friends Kozaigiya and Ogo Chiyo. , Yuri Sasa.

In the end, she gave up on herself and entered the Pure Land alone.

In Sumeru.

The grass god Nasita was not recognized by her people and was imprisoned for five hundred years!

In the end, she had to personally erase her last memory for Sumeru. Dear Great Merciful Tree King!

Even his memory was erased…

In Fontaine.

Fufu played the role of a god alone for five hundred years, and endured five hundred years of pain as a mortal! (To read the novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the end, she did it!

Fontaine was saved!

But Fukalos and the Water God Throne were directly destroyed!

Nata and Zhidong haven’t come out yet.

But judging from Mi Huliu’s urine,

The final outcome of the gods of these two countries is probably not much better.

Even the laws of Sky Island are probably the same.

It’s all a great tragedy.~

Hall of Rebirth

“Hagentus, Marcusius, Ruotuo, Yixiao, Fushe, Minu, Fenan, Yingda……”

Zhongli looked at the light curtain and whispered the names of his friends.

Memories of time spent with them flashed through my mind.

Beautiful pictures flashed by.

When he thought about their ending, his expression became complicated[]

“I want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus and carry the wine, but it’s a pity when can I meet my old friends?……”


“Maybe today, maybe tomorrow! Or the back!”

“But in the end it won’t be a regret anymore~”

“Besides, I won’t come to accompany you, old man~”

Wendy put down the bottle, then stood up and poured a glass for the old man with a smile.

“Why just sigh?”

“How could the majestic God of War look like this?”

“I think your friends don’t want to see you like this either!”

“Come on, drink!”

“Barbatos, where’s mine?”

Tevalin was not happy.

He has such a big dragon here. Didn’t this guy see it?

After all, he is also its dependent!

After hearing this, Wendy rolled her eyes at it angrily.

“Drink, drink, drink!”

“Can’t you be as serious as me?”

But after all, he still brought Tevarin a bowl of wine.

Tevarin rolled his eyes angrily when he saw this.

He sighed every day, how could he have such a god?

And Zhongli… look After seeing this scene, I was slightly stunned, and then my expression became relieved.

“You’re right!”

“Come on, drink!”

“Hey, drink!”

“This cup, toast to the light curtain! Here’s to the friendship between us! Here’s to all the friends from the past!”

“It’s rare for Barbatos to say something serious for once, drink!”


Nearby, Hutao shook his head helplessly when he saw this scene.

These guys!

But judging from this, these wines should not be enough to drink.

“It’s rare for a guest to have such a happy side”

“Our boss must be well satisfied.”

Thinking of this, Hutao stood up and jumped outside again.

Castle tower.

After hearing Guang Mu’s narration, Ying’s expression became startled, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

On the side, Dan Fox saw this and said softly

“Remember the past?”


“Seeing Morax’s experience, I also remembered those people and things in the past.……”

Ying’s expression became complicated.

After Chunhu heard this, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

She missed that gentle true adult! ~

I also miss that arrogant Mr. Saigiya who likes to bully her!

Especially the latter!

“Mr. Saimiya, when I was young and innocent, you used fried tofu to trick me into becoming the palace minister of Narukami Taisha Shrine.”

“This will be five hundred years!”

“And you disappeared!”

“If I have a chance later, I will have to settle this account with you~”

Hearing Shenzi’s words, he froze for a moment.

Then the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a smile flashed across his face.

“That’s right~”

“Obviously I am not good at governing the country, but you have to leave it to me!”

“When I see her, I will definitely settle the score with her!”

After the words fell, the gods and their relatives looked at each other and smiled.

Then they all looked at the light screen.

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Nasida: Losing friends, sealing her comrades and family members with her own hands, losing a group of loyal subordinates, and finally she has to experience wear and tear……】

【Nasida: Did the Rock God have such an experience… (Sigh.jpg)】

【Crispy rice: 1ulu1u~】

【Funina: It’s really hard for most people to bear such a blow.】

【Navia: Yes. Compared to me, Yan Shen has to bear more. 】

Navia was a little emotional.

I thought I was already miserable.

Unexpectedly, Yan Shen was even better!

“Wait, this is not a good thing”

“What is there to compare to?”

Navia smiled bitterly.

【Ruotuo Dragon King: No, impossible! I do not believe! How could I be sealed by Morax? He was clearly the one who betrayed me!】

【Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun: Hey, Dragon King Ruotuo, everything in the light curtain is true! If you still don’t believe it, just keep reading and it will become clear.】

【Wendy: Hey, I can’t help it. I just need to be beaten twice like Tevalin! (dog head. expression)】


【Ning Guang: The emperor has paid a lot for us Liyue. We Liyue people will keep this in mind】

【Ningguang: In addition to the emperor, Hagentus, Kitchen God, Ruotuo Dragon King, Yixiao Daotianjun, Fushe, Minu, Fenan and Yingda are all worthy of our eternal memory!】

【Keqing: I will make corresponding arrangements】

【Gan Yu: Yeah, I won’t miss anyone!】

【Grandma Ping: That’s very good~】

【Mandrill: Very good!】

【Yingmei: By the way, speaking of which, what was the original decision of Yanshen in the future mentioned in the light screen? (curious.jpg)】

【Alice: Huh? Could it be related to the assassination?】

【Zhongli: Looking back, you should know. 】

Zhong Li held the wine glass and stared at the speeches in the chat group thoughtfully.

If he guessed correctly, this so-called”decision” should be his contract with the Ice Queen.

At the cost of the heart of the Rock God, Liyue was given a test.

If he is qualified, he will abdicate smoothly and completely hand over Liyue to the people of Liyue.

Zhongli did think so before. but now……

“Lets see~”

“It’s been 3700 years, so I’m not in a hurry anymore”

… villa.

Luo Chen used his water elemental ability to moisten his mouth, and then continued:

“Having said this, I think everyone in the audience has a certain understanding of the experience of Morax, the rock god.”

“It’s not that easy to be the ruler of the Seven Earthly Countries”

“Each god also paid a corresponding price for this”

“Originally, at this point, the serious comments on this item are almost over.”

“But after thinking about it for a long time, I felt that I still had to mention this demon god.”

“Although she is not considered a close friend of Morax, her experience has had a huge impact on Morax”

“What does destroying you have to do with you?”

“So I still have to say it”

“And this demon is—the Demon God of Salt, Heulia!”


Pearl Boat

“It’s coming, it’s finally coming!”

Wan Yan clenched her hands into fists after hearing the words in the light curtain, and she was so excited.

She is a descendant of a follower of Heulia, the Demon God of Salt. She also believes in this Demon God!

According to what she learned information, she discovered that the demon god was assassinated by Morax using dishonorable means.

This made Wanyan furious!

But this is Liyue!

Everyone believes in Morax!

Even if she knew that Even though he has the”truth”, he cannot reveal it.


With the light curtain, Morax’s”crime” will definitely be revealed!

By then, the name of the Salt Demon God Heulia will be rectified!

Wanyan The more I thought about it, the more excited I became.

Until the whole person looked a little crazy!

When the people nearby saw this, they quickly stayed away from this crazy woman.

…… ps: I have to take the high-speed rail in the afternoon.

This chapter was posted early..

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