【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: Good news – our protagonist Tevalin is finally out!】

【Alice: Hey, bad news – Tevalin is the villain, coming to attack Inazuma Castle!】

【Paimon: Wow, it turns out you were the one who attacked Inazuma Castle in the end! Tevalin, you had the nerve to talk to me before! (Hands on hips.jpg)】

【Wendy: That’s right! I have long seen that something is wrong with your dragon! It doesn’t look like he’s doing anything serious! (Serious.jpg)】

【Wendy: I declare that this matter has nothing to do with me. Please don’t involve me! (Serious.jpg)】


Others in the chat group were also speechless.

Although they were also shocked by Tevalin’s appearance, they were even more shocked by the style of this wind god.

First, it was speculated that Tevalin was the dragon that attacked Inazuma Castle.

Then he found out that it was not the case, and immediately said that he believed Tvarin was a serious dragon.

Now that the truth has come out, he changed his story and said that something was wrong with the dragon.

Even started to”draw a clear line”!

Are you really just jumping horizontally over and over again?

It’s hard to describe Tevalin as your dependent.~

Mondstadt, high in the sky.

Tevarin was dumbfounded at this time.

At first, it thought about unilaterally defeating little Paimon.

Later, I found that they were evenly matched.

And now, the roles have been reversed and he has become the villain?

Has Mondstadt’s Guardian of the Four Winds become a villain?

Isn’t this too inappropriate?

At this time, seeing Wendy still teasing it, it suddenly became unhappy.

But there is nothing we can do.

Who asked him to laugh at the other party first?

“Hey, the attack on Mondstadt is understandable, but why did he go to Daozhu?”

“It can’t be because of the food, right?”

Tvarin couldn’t help but sigh.


In the light curtain.

After observing the giant dragon in the sky, Inazuma fired directly.

Boom~ boom~ boom~

It worked this time.

After a series of bombings, Tevalin was knocked down from the air.

Tvarin was angry.


With a roar, he directly killed the cannon on the ground.

But this time, Kage had a way to deal with it.

She directly dispatched the”Thunderbolt General No. 1″”

“”Thunderbolt General Unit-0″ is a robot doll about the same size as Tevalin.

It carries weapons on its back and looks majestic.

It looks very capable.

However, because there is no pilot… the plan failed!


Teaching Order.

The great sage Azar had been rescued at this time.

As soon as he woke up, he was ready to recruit people.

He can’t scold those people in ordinary chat groups by himself, why don’t he know how to find someone?

However, after seeing the huge”Thunderbolt General Unit-1” in the light curtain, his eyes lit up

“This seems somewhat similar to our plan”

“Yes, great sage”

“And we also have a shortage of drivers here.”

“Additionally, there is the Heart of God.”

Besides, a member of the Order Council replied.

The great sage nodded slightly.

The Grass God’s God’s Heart is used to maintain the operation of the void, and it certainly cannot be used.

So we can only find solutions from the outside world.

And driving The same is true for members!

It is difficult for ordinary people to control this kind of god-creating thing!

For all this, we can only rely on another ally.

Then he waved his hand and said

“Don’t worry, continue your research”

“Just leave the rest to that person”

“Yes, Great Sage!”


Rice Wife, there is a base of fools somewhere.

The skirmisher looked at the scene in the light screen with a flash of interest in his eyes.

“Unit 1?”

“This is somewhat similar to something the doctor mentioned to me earlier.~”

“It’s a pity that I didn’t get to experience its power.”

As he said that, he looked a little regretful.

If he really has the power to reach the gods, then it is not impossible to agree to the doctor’s cooperation.

But the heart of gods is difficult…

Thinking of the current situation of Inazuma, the stragglers His face doesn’t look very good


In the light curtain. in the video screen.

After the failure of Unit 1, Inazuma found other solutions.

But all failed!

Seeing that Tewarin was about to”kill everyone” in Inazuma,

Kujo Sora approached Dr. Ying who was fishing leisurely again.

“Dr. Ying,……”

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Dr. Ying.


After signaling the other party to calm down, she stared at the water, but her tone became more meaningful.

“Shanluo, do you know?”

“Although we launched the Jade Pavilion three years ago, we did not completely eliminate Paimon.”

“She just sank to the bottom of the sea”

“Now the new monsters seem to be heading towards the food court”

“If we wake up Paimon at this time, then……”

“Then they might kill each other!”

Hearing this, Kujo Sanra understood instantly

“That’s right!”

“So come on, Paimon!”

“We need your power!”

Speaking of this, Yingmei stood up and used her hand holding the fishing rod hard.

The next second~ whoosh~ a giant Paimon emerged from the sea.


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Walnut: The snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman wins! Yes, executioner!】

【Paimon: It’s bad, he was plotted by a yellow-haired fool! (Abominable.jpg)】

【Tevalin: That’s bad, he was plotted by a yellow-haired fool! (Abominable.jpg)】

【Yingmei: How can you call it a calculation? Without me, you would still be sinking at the bottom of the sea!】

【Yingmei: It’s okay now. Not only can you come out, but you also have the opportunity to determine the strongest monster. There is also a delicious meal waiting for you.~】

【Barbara: By the way, why was Paimon fished out?】

【Yingmei: Haha, this is how I fished this little guy out when I first met him.】

【Arataki Yidou: I understand, it turns out that this little guy is actually a fish!】

【Paimon: Damn it, I’m not a fish! I’m going to give you a nasty nickname! Just call… call……】

Paimon was momentarily stuck.

But when I think about the photos of cows that this guy posted in the chat group during his free time.

An idea suddenly flashed in her mind

【Paimon: I asked you to herd the cows!】

【Arataki Yidou: What? Cattle herder? I’m so angry, I’m going to give you an unpleasant nickname too! Just call… call you flying dwarf melon!】

【Paimon: What? Damn it, you herders!】

【Arataki fights: Flying dwarf melon!】


For a moment, the two people started to quarrel.

Others also looked helpless.

Fortunately, at this time, Wendy rushed to the rescue

【Wendy: Hey, let’s talk later, we have to watch Paimon and Tvarin fight.~】

【Alice: Hehe, I’ll open the market. If you’re passing by, don’t miss it.~】

【Arataki fights: I press 1 Morat Varin to win!】

【Xiang Ling: Then I’ll press 1 Mora Paimon to win!】

【Yae Shenzi: I will crush them both and die together.~】

【Funina: I forced the two of them to form an alliance, and finally attacked Inamazu together.~】


Tvarin and Paimon looked at this scene with speechless faces.

Thank you so much~


In the light curtain, the picture continues


After Paimon landed handsomely, he started to attack Tevalin.

Bump~ he punched twice.

Tevalin was not to be outdone and directly fought back.

For a moment, one dragon and one emergency food stood The battle began on the sea surface.

You slap me, and I circle.

You shoot a blue cannon light wave.

I spit out a yellow powerful beam.




There were sudden bursts of huge roars in the light curtain.

This is the only serious battle video since the light curtain review!

If you ignore the combatants, it will definitely be an exciting battle!

But now one is Tvarin and the other is Mega Paimon.

Coupled with the strange painting style and expressions, it makes people feel extremely raw!

It’s indeed an inappropriate video from the light screen.

Back to topic.

After a fierce battle.

Tevarin relies on its strong air superiority.

After seizing the opportunity, he took Paimon directly into the air.

Then came a landing dive.

Paimon was knocked unconscious instantly.


Mondstadt, high in the sky.

While watching the video, Tewarin was on tenterhooks the whole time.

It was even more tense than the battle with the demon dragon Dulin five hundred years ago. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There is no way!

Who let the opponent be Paimon~

He was afraid that he would be expelled from the dragon status by accident.

It didn’t relax until it saw Paimon knocked unconscious by himself in the light curtain.

Then he shouted excitedly to Wendy

“Look, look!”

“Barbatos, I win!”


I saw Wendy lying down, crossing her legs and waving her hands casually.

“Tvarin, you can’t say that.~”

“After all, you are playing the role of a villain this time~”

Tevalin’s heart suddenly trembled when he heard this.

No way?

Thinking of this, it quickly looked at the light screen


In the light curtain.

In the picture, after the giant Paimon fell to the ground, a burst of Tiga’s sad music began to play.

Next, the narration follows

【Paimon lost his light and turned into stone again. 】

In the nearby area,

Kujo Sora and the people were constantly cheering and praying.

“Paimon, come on!”

“Paimon, don’t lose!”



At this time, Dr. Ying rushed over

“Paimon, look what this is?”

As he said that, he threw a bunch of three-color dumplings in his hand.


The three-color dumplings floating in the air instantly turned into dots of golden light, and then poured into the giant Paimeng body.

After that, others They also started to learn in a decent manner.

One by one they threw all kinds of delicacies.

In an instant, the air was enveloped by the entire golden ocean.


Tvarin’s eyes widened.

He was obviously confused by this scene.

And the giant Paimon recovered again with the influx of golden light.

Even more powerful than before!


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Tvarin:? ? ?】

【Tvarin: Is that okay? I’m not convinced! ]

Not to mention myself in the light curtain, even the dragon in reality feels too outrageous.

Why did Paimon fall down and then recover with delicious meals?

Even more powerful!

That is to say, it didn’t know what Blue Star was saying, otherwise it would have pointed at the giant Paimon and cursed.

Damn it, are you cheating?!

Paimon himself thought it was outrageous.

But when Tevalin said this, it was not happy.

【Paimon: As a foodie, it makes sense for me to use delicious food to replenish my strength! What’s wrong with it? (Hands on hips.jpg)】

【Yingmei: That’s right! I can attest to this! 】

Dr. Ying in the light curtain has been fooled, so she has to help too!

Anyway, there will still be opportunities for fun in the future!

【Tvarin:? ? ?】

【Tevalin: Everyone, please comment, is there such an outrageous operation?】

【Wendy: Although Tevalin is my kin, you know me, I am a serious person and I never tell lies. So this polling station is Paimong! (Serious.jpg)】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, although it is a bit abstract, considering that it is not a serious comment, it is also very reasonable.】

【Shadow: Ridiculous? Is it possible that you really want to attack my rice wife? (Drawing the sword.jpg)】

【Nacida: Paimon is a foodie, so it makes sense!】

【Funina: You, a villain, still want to argue with others when you can’t defeat him? What did you do early? (Standing hands.jpg)】

【Alice: Turning into light, this is so normal~ Isn’t it just cheating~ Paimon is already very proud even if she doesn’t rub the light with her hands.~】

【Tvarin: You… you……】

Tevalin felt sad.

Why is everyone siding with Paimon?


Just because it’s a villain?

Damn it!

Can’t you just stay in Mondstadt peacefully?

Why don’t you think about running away to Dao Wife?……


In the light curtain, the picture continues.

After Paimon was resurrected, he began to show his power.

Facing Tevalin’s boulder attack, she directly took the crown off her head.

Then, it was quickly thrown over in the form of an eight-point light wheel.


The boulder was shattered instantly

Liyue, Qunyu Pavilion


“This move works!”

Paimon’s eyes lit up when he saw this.

Not only is he handsome, but he also has long-range attacks!

Well, you can study hard in the future!


In the light curtain, the picture continues.

After splitting the boulder, Paimon took advantage of the victory and went straight over to start a fight.

Tevarin is obviously no match for Paimon after cheating.

After enduring a wave of atomic breath, he fainted and fell to the ground.

There was no movement.

At this point, Paimon fought against Tevarin, and Paimon won the final victory!

Ina Wife also ushered in peace


Mondstadt, high in the sky

“I lost……”

Tvarin looked sad.

After reading so many unfair reviews, this is the most outrageous.

Not to mention being a villain.

He clearly had more strength than his opponent, but he was defeated by outrageous cheating!

“Don’t be sad, it’s just a failure.”

Wendy said with a smile at this time. Tewarin felt warm in his heart after hearing it.


Although Barbatos is not doing anything serious, although he complained about it, he still cares about it… and the next words, let The corners of its mouth couldn’t help but twitch

“Hey, once you fail a lot, you will get used to it.”


Then I really thank you~


Qunyu Pavilion

“Wow hahaha, not only was I not beaten, I also won!”

“Ying, did you see it?”

“In the end, I defeated Tevarin with a swish of a swish!”

Paimon flew in front of Yingmei and started gesticulating with a proud look on his face.

“Yes, yes, you are the best!”

“I don’t know why the light curtain is so supportive of you this time~”

Yingmei was dumbfounded.

She guessed everything wrong this time. She originally thought it was Paimon, the Tevalin Hammer.

But she never expected the opposite!

Paimon opened He defeated the attacker Tevalin!

He is really not serious~

There is a saying that the speaker has no intention and the listener has the intention.

After hearing this, Paimon suddenly felt guilty and his eyes became erratic.

The light screen was so straight She… could it be that she really took a fancy to her prayer?

If so, was she going to sacrifice her younger sister or her younger sister?


Just when everyone thought the video was over, the light curtain continued to flash.

In the picture, Tevalin was beaten to the ground.

At this time, it pointed in a certain direction with its left hand and said in a hoarse voice:

“I…I just came…to take him back……”

Dr. Ying and others were shocked.

One by one, they looked in the direction of the finger.

I saw a wooden box at the end of my line of sight.

At this time, the wooden box was opened, and a bard wearing a green hat came out of it.

“Hey, hug…I’m sorry…I played…too much……”

Looking at him dizzy, he obviously drank too much.

At this point, the video ends.

Chatting people:? ? enter?.

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