113 – Gray Rat (5)

Doo doo doo doo doo!

Now that shooting with a gun was too cumbersome, Rakan built three automatic turret tanks that he saw in the game.

Each turret tank was equipped with missile equipment and a submachine gun.

It didn’t matter how strange the shape was.

Anyway, if that sub machine gun spit fire, the monsters would become rags and die, and when the missiles flew, the ground disappeared.

It also had an automatic tracking system, so there was no need for Rakan to aim.

It was important to have a convenient monster slaughter tank, and it didn’t matter if it was engineered or not.

It is a concern that came up late, but I was worried that the Somnium would think, ‘Is Rakan from another world?’ looking at this Earth weapon.

However, after thinking a little deeper, it was easy to see that such a thought was false.

Before returning, Rakan clearly explained to the Rain Rover and other important members that he was the possessor.

Still, Tigris said that Uno did not realize that he was a foreigner until the very end.

That meant that Rota and Arphem’s family had no information about the current Earth, and looking at these bizarre weapons, they wouldn’t be able to think of them as ‘weapons of another world’ at once.

You would be much more likely to think of it as a new weapon for the Dwarves.

“How great would it be if this could be done in real life?”

Steel troops in a fantasy world.

I’ve read this type of fantasy novel before, but it’s not to Rakan’s taste, as something smells like gunpowder in fantasy.

But when I actually used it, there was nothing like this honey.

Even if you just stand still, it will automatically hunt.

In this world, he was not envious of Tigris.

Rakan left the monster hunting to the automatic turret tank and looked around.

There is only one reason why Rakan came to Somnium’s shared dream world.

Finding Somnium’s memory fragments and finding the Somnium’s location in the real world.

What Rakan needs now is one thing.

More information than anything else.

Rakan built drones and monitors with cameras that fly in the sky.

Rakan flew dozens of drones in all directions.

Of course, there was no need for a drone control switch.

Like an automatic turret tank, Rakan flew in the direction he wanted.

Cameras mounted on the drone illuminated all directions, and Rakan checked it with a monitor.

“It’s really comfortable.”

After thinking a little bit, nothing was so easy.

Countless pieces of information entered Rakan’s head, and his advanced search capabilities were activated like crazy.

As it is a dream world, there are a lot of strange things, so it took a little time to sort the information, but there was no rush.

Because the monsters were no threat to Rakan.

‘Would you like some ramen?’

If you have your imagination now, you might be able to create ramen and cola.

But if he did that, it was clear that Somnium would look at Rakan very strangely, so Rakan decided to put up with it.

Not long after, an advanced search came in for information.

[Search Results]

1. Unlike other monsters, rats that do not show aggression are gathered at the Tigris statue. [Read more]

2. There is a sector where wizards fight each other. [Read more]

3. There is a mansion with exactly the same shape at every certain street. [Read more]

There were a total of three unusual things that the advanced search discovered.

Among them, it was the first item that caught Rakan’s attention.

‘A statue of Instructor Tigris?’

First of all, it was surprising that monsters without aggression were in the common dream, but I did not understand why the statue of Instructor Tigris was here.

Rakan confirmed [Read More].

[One. Unlike other monsters, rats that do not show aggression are gathered in the area where the Tigris statue is located.

The rats are being attacked by monsters and cannot even resist.

Instances killed by attack disappear like melting snow, and after a while they appear in a new shack.

The rats are believed to be beggars infected with the Nightmare.

The rats are searching for the statue of Tigris…]

Here’s a brief summary of the information that is pouring out before Rakan’s eyes.

Rats are not monsters, but like Rakan, they are citizens of Gray Town infected with Nightmare.

And they are being attacked by monsters chasing Rakan, and they are searching for the statue of Tigris.

The reason the mice wandered in search of the Tigris statue was that no monsters approached the Tigris statue.

“I see how they manipulate people.”

Somnium manipulated the dreams of the citizens of Gray Town, and instilled in them the unconscious mind that Tigris was safe.

And the reason they described them as gray rats was because they actually moved into gray rats in their dreams.

Of course, after waking up from this nightmare, you will forget about it, but it is imprinted on your unconscious so that Tigris is the savior and the imperial officials such as the police and guards are demons.

And secondly, the fact that there is a sector where wizards fight each other seemed to be known even without [Read More].

It must be the dream world of Imperial University students infected with Nightmare.

I don’t know exactly why the world of gray rats and the world of students is divided, but I could guess that it was because strange phenomena could occur when dreams overlapped.

And in the third and last, there was nothing unusual about the fact that there were houses of the same shape for each street.

Although this is a dream world, there are quite a few overlapping structures because it is a world created by people’s memories.

Places such as the Rainbow Bridge that connect the fallen land masses and the garbage fountain square in front of the Rainbow Bridge frequented by the citizens of Gray Town were repeatedly seen.

However, each person has a different image they recognize and remember, so even the same bridge has a slightly different shape…

That the white mansion floating in the sky was exactly the same.

Rakan lifted his head and looked at the white mansion hanging upside down.

Then I saw that mansion was strange.

All the other pieces of land were connected by a rainbow bridge or a board, but nothing was connected as much as the mansion.

It was like seeing an uninhabited island completely separated from the world in this shared dream.

“Shall we go?”

Since there was no more information that the drone could find out, Rakan decided to move his body himself.

Rakan took a deep breath.

The distance to the mansion is approximately 500 m.

But Rakan believed.

He said he could go that far in one leap.


With a loud roar, Rakan’s body flew towards the mansion.

Gravity was jumbled up, and my body was spinning, but in the right direction.


Rakan arrived in the front yard of the mansion in a superhero landing position.

Once we arrived, there was one thing that was particularly different from other areas.

It was the smell.

There was a subtle smell of burning, rather than the smell of damp air everywhere.

And the mansion seemed to have been poorly maintained, with withered ivy clinging to the windows and walls, the front yard lawn was overgrown with weeds, and the swings hanging from the old trees swayed themselves even in the wind not blowing.

Among them, what caught Rakan’s eye was the pile of pink blankets in front of the swing.

The pink duvets were all full of burnt traces, and how many were piled up to form a small garden.


Rakan instinctively knew that all the secrets of Somnium were contained here.

Who is the owner of this old mansion that does not appear to be the residence of the citizens of Gray Town or the noble wizards?

In this shared dream, there is only one Somnium, the master of the world, right?

Rakan carefully opened the door of the mansion and entered.

The inside of the mansion was like a ruined front yard.

The grandfather clock stopped as if it were broken, and pieces of broken glass and pieces of wood were lined up on the floor.

The wallpaper had an old-fashioned feel, but the color had faded as if it had not been maintained at all.

Rakan made his way through the long hallway to the living room.

The living room was littered with sofas and household items as if someone had turned it upside down.

There must have been one or more valuables in this old-fashioned mansion, but none were there.

like a thief.

squeak- squeak-

Rakan raised his head at the sound of the floor being stepped on from above.

There a man was heading somewhere with a match and a barrel of oil.

The man’s face could not be seen accurately, not because Rakan’s eyesight was lacking, but because the man’s face was obscured as if someone had done a black mosaic.

As if he couldn’t see Rakan, the man ignored Rakan and trudged towards the corner room.

Rakan carefully climbed the stairs and followed the man.

The man hesitated in front of the door, and finally opened the door carefully and entered.

The door was open, so it was easy to see what was inside the door.

The shelves were full of various dolls as if it was a man’s daughter’s room, and the inside of the room was clean, unlike the tattered house and front yard.

The man stroked the hair of his little daughter, who was sleeping soundly in the bed, once, pulled the ‘Ribbon Doll’ from his arms, and poured oil on it.

The child continued to sleep even though the oil was soaking the floor, and the man sprinkled the oil on every nook and cranny of the floor and poured it over his head.

In an instant, the words ‘no’ came out of his mouth, but the man eventually lit a match.

There was no scream from the man, but it was very painful, and he rioted like an earthworm sprinkled with salt.

Then, unbelievably, the boy opened his eyes.

The child’s eye color was green.

The child rolled over the blanket and ran.

His feet caught fire and looked very painful, but without screaming, he shed tears and sprinted out of Rakan’s door.

Rakan instinctively kept the child out of the way, and the child ran without looking back.

Rakan followed the child as if possessed.

The child looked at his burning room.

Then tears flowed from the boy’s eyes.


Rakan gasped for breath at the child’s small voice.

How is this child feeling?

Do you hate your dad for trying to commit suicide with him?

Or do you hate yourself for running away from your father?

Rakan couldn’t quite figure it out.

After a while, the fire engulfed the ceiling and the child ran out the front door.

As she exited the front door, her figure disappeared, and a burnt pink blanket flew into the sky.

A pink blanket was wrapped in front of a playground with a swing.

Rakan stared at only the pile of pink duvets, with frustration piled up to the end of his neck.

‘There is no one without a story, right?’

Rakan let out her heartbreaking emotions.

It’s sad that Somnium has had an unfortunate past, but that doesn’t mean it can’t torment the thousands of people who suffer in a world of shared dreams.

Whatever the Somnium’s past, it was important that he eventually became a traitor to mankind.

“Who are you?”

At that moment, Rakan looked back in surprise at the woman’s voice from behind.

The woman had black hair and green eyes just like a child.

The woman’s eyes were very frightening, but it was full of life, as if to tear Rakan to death at any moment.

Rakan looked up reflexively.

Rakan’s automatic turrets, which were supposed to be on the other side of the land, were all gone.

It was the first time Rakan had seen that woman, but he knew immediately who it was.

This woman is Rota’s Eye Somnium.

“It looks like a face I’ve seen somewhere, but it doesn’t seem like the beggars of Gray Town, and being a simple wizard, I can’t explain how they made those chunks of scrap metal that dwarves could use.”

Somnium took out a small human-shaped doll and a needle from her arms.

“Would you mind telling me? Otherwise, I might do something very bad.”

“Even if you tell me, you’re going to do something bad.”

Somnium grinned.

“I know very well.”

Somnium took a needle and tapped the doll’s arm.

[Immune to the ‘Curse of Phantom Pain’ by the effect of Myeonggyeong Jisoo’s spirit.]

Rakan looked at Somnium as if puzzled.

“What are you doing?”


Somnium hit the doll with a needle again.

This time it was the heart.

[Immune to the ‘Curse of Phantom Pain’ by the effect of Myeonggyeong Jisoo’s spirit.]

Somnium was greatly perplexed.

“You… what are you? Why doesn’t the cursed doll go through?!”

“I do not know?”

Somnium continued to hit the cursed doll, but Rakan did no damage.

I don’t know what the Somnium’s curse doll is, but it was clear that it was attacking by shaking Rakan’s mind.

However, this did not work at all because Rakan had the spirit of Myunggyeongjisu.

Instead, Rakan made a ‘ribbon doll’ by hand.

Somnium’s eyes widened when she saw that Rakan had made a ribbon doll.

“you······! you!”

Then Rakan made a barrel of oil and poured it into the ribbon doll.

Somnium threw away the cursed doll and ran with a needle.

“Stop it now!”

Finally, when the fire was ignited by fire magic, the ribbon doll was lit with fire.

Then Somnium trembled and screamed like a child.


Eventually, he fell to the floor and grabbed his foot.

There were burn marks on Somnium’s calf.

Again, the child of Nok-an seen in the mansion was Somnium’s past, and this mansion was the trauma of Somnium itself.

But why did Somnium plant his trauma in the world in this shared dream?

‘Is it because of the price of magic?’

Rakan had heard from Nadal about witchcraft.

I was clearly told that in order to use magic, you have to pay for something precious to a human being, such as pain, blood, or life.

It seemed clear that Somnium maintained the magical space of this shared dream by planting this memory in the shared dream.

As Somnium suffered from trauma, the world shook like an earthquake.

And the new buildings and signs poured down, tearing the air.

Rakan was instinctively convinced that these were the fragments of memories Tigris spoke of from Somnium in the real world.

Rakan quickly looked at those fragments of memory.

A lot of garbage came down, but Rakan was able to get meaningful information.

‘Is that the Norbert Tower?’

Along with the Norbert Tower, plaques with the word ‘Bayton’, teacups and tables were also poured.

Does that mean the Somnium is now in the Norbert Tower?

But Rakan’s worries melted away like snow.

The sign saying ‘Continental Hotel’, the door 707 and the card key 707 fell down.

The Continental Hotel is a luxury hotel directly opposite the Norverd Tower.

Somnium was staying in a hotel opposite the Norbert Tower to observe Tigris.


Now, all that is left for Rakan is to get out of this common dream.

But how do you get out of here?

“You… yes. I remember you.”

Somnium raised the needle and shot Rakan terrifyingly.

“You are Rakan. An Imperial University student that Tigris Gnome uses strangely often.”

Somnium was holding on as if it was okay to see a burning ribbon rabbit.

“I know you won’t die well. This world is my world.”


A bridge began to be built in an instant on this uninhabited mansion.

The bridge climbed high into the sky and continued towards the monsters staring at them as if to tear Rakan to death.

The monsters ran like crazy dogs on connected legs.

“Damn it!”

Rakan immediately made a gun and tried to fire it, but the gun disappeared as soon as Somnium waved his hand.

“Do you think such a thing is possible in my world? You died here and you can’t get out of it even when you wake up. I’ll play with you until you go crazy.”

Somnium’s threat made my spine shiver.

Rakan’s heart raced.

How did Tigris get out of this situation?

What the heck is it?

The monsters cross the bridge all of a sudden.

As Rakan’s lips were dry, a strange hallucination could be heard in Rakan’s ear.

“Wake up! Rakan!”

Rakan’s cheeks turned quickly.

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