107 – The Fox and the Cat (1)

When the gun problem was settled, the sun was slowly setting in the evening.

“It’s getting late, wouldn’t it be better to eat and go?”

There was no reason to turn down Rain Rover’s offer, so Tigris decided to dine with Maleus, Tejo, Rakan and Rain Rover.


Rakan originally agreed to report to Nadal about the key figures involved in the gang investigation and drug dealings in Gray Town after the imperial work was over.

But suddenly, having dinner with the giants who move the dominion of the continent, I was a bit bewildered.

I wonder if I can fit in this place.

‘How are you?’

It was not possible to get out of this place right away, and Rakan was a thick-skinned man who took off his shirt and even shuffled in front of the emperor.

I wasn’t the type of person to be afraid of this.

[New Quest!]

Open your jacket and leave the Imperial Palace after dinner faster than anyone else.

Reward: 100 points

Time limit: 30 minutes

Rakan let out a small sigh.

I wondered why these quests didn’t appear recently.

“That princess.”

“why? Rakan?”

“Can I take off that jacket?”

At Rakan’s words, Teho and Maleus were startled.

And they met each other’s eyes.

Tigris seemed to know what Teho and Maleus were thinking without telling them.

‘Is this a quest you’ve only heard of?’

It’s called a quest, but isn’t this too cruel?

Why are you flirting in front of the princess?

If they didn’t know that this was a quest, Teho and Maleus would have wondered what kind of madman this is.

Rain Rover patted his forehead and sighed.

“It’s been a while since I thought I’d eat normally, but…”

The princess said while looking at Maleus and Teho with her face burning hot.

“Excuse me, but can I take my Rakan off?”

“ah. Yes. What. yes.”

“Wow! Well, isn’t it unavoidable?”

When Maleus and Tejo’s permission fell, Rakan took off his jacket without hesitation.


A sigh escaped the mouths of Maleus and Teho.

Without any shame or hesitation, he just chuckled.

It’s also very cool.

Teachrist let out a sigh of relief.

I know I can’t help it, but it’s such a shame in front of Teho and Maleus.

It was an international disgrace.

The Rain Rover couldn’t even raise its head at all.

I’ve experienced this kind of quest a few times in the past, but it was like that when there were court ladies or just the two of us.

At that time, I just ignored it like a passing wind, but now I can’t raise my head in shame.

“The meal came out…”

When the restaurant door opened and the court ladies with appetizers saw Rakan naked, they paused for a moment, but then delivered the food while maintaining a poker face.

The court ladies were instructed by the Emperor and the Rain Rover to pretend they didn’t see Rakan no matter what he was doing in the Imperial Palace.

So, even if Rakan was cantering the Imperial Palace in panties, even if it was hanging on the roof of the Imperial Palace, even if he cut it with a knife and cut it with a fork while eating, he looked at Rakan as if he were looking at a stone.

Adela, the court lady in charge of delivering Rakan’s meal, put the meal in front of Rakan like a professional.

“Smoked salmon salad. When eating, mix the sauce well.”


When the smoked salmon salad was served as an appetizer in front, the whole Rakan was crumpled in his mouth and eaten.

Adela’s lips twisted badly.

“Well? Adela. It’s been a while.”

“······Yes. Long time no see.”

Rakan and Adela were spherical.

It was because Adela was the court lady that Rakan had confessed to in the imperial palace in panties before.

Adela’s right hand of Justice, which had broken Rakan’s jaw, began to burn.

“Excuse me, but can you give me a course meal quickly?”

“······Yes. You must be very hungry. I will tell the chef.”

However, Adela was very professional and patient with Rakan’s considerate tone.

It was because I felt more comfortable thinking of Rakan as just an exhibitionist.

Adela took Rakan’s empty plate and left the other court ladies.


Tejo and Maleus couldn’t even taste the smoked salmon salad while watching Rakan’s journey.

Rain Rover shook his hands in embarrassment, and Tigris just ate quietly.

“I’m curious about that… is it true that if you do that, you get points?”

When Maleus couldn’t contain his curiosity and asked, Rakan nodded.

“Yes. you’re right.”

“It’s not like that, you get points… You lied.”

Even before returning, Rakan endured this shame and broke the quest, so when the jungle was devastated and the beasts and dwarves were in danger of annihilation, Rakan saved them.

“Great. I would never do it.”

As Teho and Maleus looked at each other with sincere respect, Rakan smiled mischievously.

“no. All I can do is this. What.”

“If there is a quest you need my help with, please let me know. I will help you.”

“yes. Okay. thank you.”


“The meal has arrived.”

As Adela set the cream pasta down in front of Rakan, Rakan quickly shoved the hot pasta into his mouth.



Of course, Maleus and Teho had no idea what kind of quest they would bring when Rakan asked for their help.

You’re not asking us to take it off, are we?

* * *

Rakan ate all of the course dishes in 15 minutes and left the show splendidly.

Of course, the course meal took longer to come out, and it took less than two minutes to eat.

Teho glanced at the door Rakan had left and said.

“He is such a wonderful young man. ha ha ha. Isn’t it?”

Maleus nodded his head as Teho struggled to relieve Rain Rover’s expression of embarrassment.

“Of course. Who could do such a thing? Of course, why the hell is that guy giving me such a quest… Great! Anyway, he’s a great young man.”

At the clumsy performances of Teho and Maleus, Rain Rover took a deep breath.

Because I can’t keep my head down with my face blushing forever.

“Thank you so much for your understanding.”

Tejo immediately realized that it was best not to mention Rakan’s story, so he decided to turn to another story.

“By the way, I forgot that I have something to ask you, Sir Tigris and Princess Rain Rover.”

Tigris said, wiping his mouth with a towel.

“Speak at ease.”

“Aren’t the beasts also educated at Trinity? In order for those young beauties to adapt to the imperial education system, it seemed that they would need instructors from the beastin side as well.”

I knew at once what Teho was worried about.

From the perspective of the prisoners entering Trinity, they leave their families and live in a completely different human society.

If the genius of these young beasts is not fully unfolded due to the culture and way of life of the Empire, the purpose of Trinity’s establishment will be tarnished.

So when they were having a hard time, they needed an instructor who could support and help them.

Rain Rover nodded.

“yes. Anyway, I was going to tell the story. Principal Bastian had the same concerns.”

“The Empire seems to think so too. Fortunately, the.”

“Then, how many instructor positions do you want?”

“For now, there are two.”

“Does that mean that there is already a designated number of people?”

“yes. you’re right. Actually, it’s because of that problem… I’d like to get help from Sir Tigris before the two of them begin their full-fledged instructor duties. Can I take a close look at Sir Tigris’ curriculum, even just for this semester? It would be better if I worked as an assistant instructor.”

Tigris thought for a moment and then opened his mouth.

“If there are no problems on the school side, I don’t think it matters. But I’m not sure if there is anything I can teach you as an instructor. It’s been half a year since I’ve been an instructor.”

“Still, I don’t think anyone can be trusted except for Sir Tigris. The two of them have very… no, they are a little rough.”


Before returning, I know the T-Christ prisoners.

Beasts are very warlike, so they don’t stand it when they hear things that scratch their pride or come into a fight.

Especially during the war, the stress was extremely high, so if you touched it, a fight started immediately.

After how many fights have occurred, did the guidelines come down to set up separate barracks for prisoners and humans and to keep them at least 300m apart?

Even if it was not necessary, there was hardly any joint operation between the beasts and humans.

“Who are those two?”

“Nemesis and Sora.”

Nemesis knew a little bit about Tigris.

Before her return, she had a relationship when she became a golden knight, and had experience working together once or twice, so she knew her personality and skills.

That’s why I entrusted Morita’s follow-up request.

“I remember Sora as a feline beast escorting Maleus-sama, right?”

Maleus nodded.

“Yes. I looked in the directory, but there was very little written about Sora.”

“I had a connection with Nemesis because I had two experiences to rescue the beasts. But I personally don’t know anything about Sora except that she uses a needle.”

“Sora is just like a cat. He’s the kind of guy who plays on his own and sometimes comes up to him and jokes around and runs away. Of course, if you touch your personality, it’s a flaw to throw the needle first.”

Tigris seemed to have a headache already.

It was because he knew very well how trivial the ordinary nobles and people looked at the prisoners.

Some nobles even thought that the prisoners were savage and should be enslaved to them.

Because of this perception, the Empire is working to improve the image of the beasts, but if Nemesis and Sora work as assistant instructors at the Imperial University, they will face a lot of hardship.

Teho said with an apologetic expression.

“So I hope that Lord Tigris will teach you two well up close. When the two of them blend well into human society, other young beasts will also be able to adapt well.”

Maleus nodded as if in agreement with Teho.

“And Sora and Nemesis need to learn how to kill some personality. Usually it’s fine, but when it comes to problems with prisoners, I’m very picky…”

“I don’t know Sora, but I know that Nemesis has a good reason.”

“Among the prisoners belonging to River, there is not a beast without wounds. But to become an instructor, you must also learn to be patient.”

This was a more important task than I thought.

If the two of them grow up as true educators, Trinity will be able to emerge as a place of pure education where there is no conflict between species.

Tigris’ shoulders became slightly heavy at Teho’s gaze, who was looking at him.

If he told me to teach swordsmanship, he would be able to do well.

However, Tigris alone was not enough to make him grow as an educator.

I don’t know if the two of us will be able to withstand the unreasonable accusations and quarrels pouring in from all directions.


At that moment, a good idea flashed through Tigris’ mind.

“Do I really need to control their personalities?”

Maleus tilted his head as if he did not understand Tigris’ words.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t think we’ll be able to put up with all the quarrels the two of us face. And just being patient will never solve the problem.”

“I do, but do you have any other thoughts?”

Tigris nodded.

“yes. There is one. You will be my knight.”

A class and profession that thinks it’s rather stupid to put up with quarrels and defamation.


There was no need to put up with such humiliation as long as the two became knights of Tigris.

“If that’s the case, I won’t have to put up with the quarrels I’m getting, but are you okay? Nemesis and Sora may defame Lord Tigris.”

“That is my job. And if you become my knight, you have a legitimate reason to control them.”

A knight must obey his master’s orders.

If Sora and Nemesis do not obey Tigris’ orders, there is another way.

Rain Rover said in a worried tone.

“But will other knights accept knights from Suin? You may not want to admit it at all.”

“In the past, Pereira-sama accepted a knight from Suin. If you don’t admit it, Pereira-sama will not approve either.”

An eerie energy circulated in Tigris’ eyes.

“Of course, if you don’t recognize my articles, I won’t recognize them either.”

Who wouldn’t be afraid to hear that?

Maleus and Teho also drooled slightly at the sight of those lively eyes for a moment.

“For now, let’s hear if you two want to be my knights. And before I can become a knight, I will have to take a driver’s qualification test.”

“Is there a driver qualification test?”

“There is no such thing, but I will do a test to see if I am qualified to be a knight by my standards.”

“Did Trisha also take that test?”

“Trisha did not have to take the exam because she was a princess of the Kingdom of Godiva in the past. Because I knew the etiquette, basic culture, and basic common sense.”

Teho scratched his cheek.

“So, does that mean that they must meet the standards of Lord Tigris to become knights?”

“Yes. That’s right. It is a test that must be passed for their honor and for my honor.”


Teho thought for a moment and then nodded.

“All right. I’ll try to talk to both of them.”

* * *

The next day, Sora and Nemesis visited Tigris’ study.

Nemesis said with his eyes twinkling.

“So, if I become your knight, you can legally beat all those who argue with me?”


Sora said while sucking on the cookie crumbs on her fingers.

“no? Did we hear that?”

“Didn’t Elder Teho say anything other than that?”

“Uh, I heard you have to take a test?”

“okay. If I don’t pass that test, I won’t be able to become a knight or even my assistant instructor. That is the condition.”

Nemesis shrugged.

“Well, that’s about it, gum. What can I do?”

“That’s what Trisha and Jane will tell you.”

Trisha placed four thick books in front of Nemesis and Sora.


Nemesis and Sora swallowed their breath as they looked at the dusty books.

“…do you think I should study all of these?”

“I’m not studying.”

“It’s not like that….”

“You have to memorize it.”


Trisha chuckled.

“I always said that living as a princess of a country is really suffocating, right? Let me tell you very well why.”

Nemesis and Sora stood upright at that vicious smile.

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