104 – Salvador

Salvador looks very similar to Allen.

His characteristic curly brown hair, hooked nose, and height were all the same.


However, even if they are twins, small marks remain on their bodies depending on the years they have lived and the people who have passed by.

Unlike Allen, Salvador had a lot of scars on his hands and the back of his neck.

His standing posture was a little crooked, and his legs looked uncomfortable with a cane.

But all those scars and disabilities did not become his complex.

Rather, he seemed to clearly show what kind of struggle he had lived and won by showing his scars and obstacles without hesitation.

“This is Tigris di Norverd.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve been to a party, so it’s late because there are a lot of people I need to meet and talk to. sorry.”

Salvador tried to gain the upper hand, speaking as if Tigris was waiting for him.

He confirmed with his own eyes at the party today that Tigris was not familiar with social parties like this, so he seemed to have decided that he would be able to make a good deal if he coaxed him.

‘I think you know what kind it is.’

Salvador couldn’t stand anyone over his head.

Although this tendency often dreamed of becoming a king, such as Marquis Lucas or Count Vinsmoke, the Inquisitor found no evidence of treachery in Salvador.

This is one case.

‘A class similar to mine.’

Like Tigris, he was arrogant, capable of supporting arrogance, and was a noble who values tradition.

The reason Allen called Salvador a merchant was because of his unwillingness to lose, and he was by no means a merchant.

“You don’t have to apologize. Count Albre’s seat is still available in Trinity.”

Salvador’s eyebrows furrowed in response to the bony answer.

If Tigris talks to Salvador in a classical way like other nobles, Tigris is likely to be dragged away.

Tigris is a solid soldier by nature.

When conversing with this type of person who makes the other person unable to choke with three tongues, it is correct to talk only using numbers and direct speech, rather than turning around.

“That’s very fortunate. Is there anything I can do to help Trinity?”

“You already know about Count Albre, don’t you?”

‘·······It will not be easy.’

If a normal person spoke like this, he might point out that he was not educated, but it would be different if he was a great aristocrat like Tigris.

Why do nobles use poetic expressions or paraphrase in vague metaphors?

Some would say that was culture, but Salvador thought differently.

It is because they are the weak who cannot take responsibility for their words.

Have you ever seen nobles give orders to their servants with meaningful words?

Bring water, bring food, clean up, etc. Use very direct speech.

No, the next 10 years will be the era of Tigris.

Tigris is a young wave leading the new era of the Empire and a monster that devours everything.

Tigris was watching Count Albres, or all the nobles here, under him.

He was convinced that he was the present and future of the Empire.

And so was reality.

‘Losing the current Tigris and Chuck is one of the best of the younger ones.’

However, he had to show Tigris that he was strong enough to bow down.

Otherwise you will be eaten by this monster or dragged away like a dog on a leash.

It wasn’t what Salvador wanted.

Salvador decided to continue speaking at his own pace.

“I have been in charge of the family business of the Count Albres for 25 years, and no matter how meticulously planned and designed, problems are bound to arise when I go out on site. In some cases, unexpected groundwater was found, or the ground was softer than expected. That’s why I always go out for field inspections with my own two feet.”

Count Albre said, looking at Tigris as leisurely as possible.

“It was a long explanation, but the point is this. Sir Tigris’ thoughts and mine may be different, so let’s try to guess.”

It was also not an easy match.

It seemed that he wanted a disappointing sound to come out of Tigris’ mouth.

If it was the Tigris before the return, it would have been painful even because of her pride.

Or get out of the way and get out of your seat.

But now it is different.

Tigris knew he needed to save the face of Count Albres as well.

Count Albre has already bowed down as much as possible.

“You don’t need gold coins. We need 3rd circle wizards.”


Count Albre clenched the hand holding the staff as it was a habit.

“Normal wizards don’t do construction work. Because I think it’s dirty and insignificant. But the wizards of the Count Albres are different.”

“We believe that strong walls are the goal that every wizard should aim for. Human history proves this.”

“If there were no walls, the dragon’s breath would not have been possible, and without the walls, the giants would not have been able to block the clubs. They even play a role in preventing monsters from approaching humans recklessly.”

“In a nutshell, the wall is the framework and foundation that sustains human life. I think the Norberts know best.”

Tigris looked straight into the eyes of Count Albres and said.

“So what’s the point?”

“The magicians of the Count Albre family have many talents who can be put into the field at any time. And there are even wizards who specialized in architectural engineering despite being wizards. Just like me.”

Count Albre decided to show his desire first.

“I don’t want enforcement rights. Please only give me the exclusive construction right.”

Execution rights and construction rights are distinctly different.

The right to implement means to have the authority to take charge of the entire process from the purchase of the entire land to the completion of the building, like ‘The Norverd’ operated by Bayton.

On the other hand, the construction right meant having the right to simply construct by receiving an order from a developer such as ‘The Norverd’.

“As far as I know, the developer has been decided on ‘The Norberd’, but I understand that the contractor has not been decided yet. We, the Albre family, would like to take over the position alone.”

What Albre was aiming for was not just the position of a simple construction company.

The idea was to make the Count Albres soar even more by successfully creating a cradle to teach the geniuses who will be responsible for the future of the empire.

“It’s important to build a building quickly, but more importantly, it needs to be sturdy. Because it is a place where talented people who will be responsible for the future of the empire will go, it should be built strong enough to be comparable to the imperial palace.”

“So, wouldn’t it be more appropriate to entrust it to the Albre family? Our Albre family built a golden wall around the Imperial Palace. It means that His Majesty the Emperor believes in the Albres family.”

“Buildings and walls are different structures, can you build a building within half a year?”


‘Your Majesty’s prediction was correct.’

Rain Rover set the contractor as ‘The Norverd’, but did not deliberately select the contractor.

It was because Count Albre could have asked for the exclusive construction rights.

If so, there is one issue to consider.

Is it desperate enough to give the construction rights to Count Albres?

Currently, the required 3rd circle wizard is at least 50.

Among them, the number secured by the imperial side was 31.

However, I know that the number of magicians specializing in architecture in the 3rd circle owned by the Count Albre family and their subordinate families is over 20.

If the Count Albre family participates as a construction company, there is no room for problems in the middle because they will mobilize all resources to proceed with construction.

Tigris looked into Count Albre’s strong eyes and nodded.

“See you tomorrow at the Norverd Tower. We will discuss the details at that time.”

“Yes. All right.”

* * *


A gray land where a single green grass that is often seen does not grow.

Extinction was all harmful to humans.

Breathing in the air of annihilation, it transforms into an unidentified chimera.

The monsters that live in extinction cannot be classified by the monster class set by the Empire because each one has a different appearance.

Various unexplained disasters were common.

Therefore, extinction was set as a barren area in which humans could hardly live.

Among them, people teleported to the Demon King Castle, the deepest part of the annihilation and the birthplace of the Demon King.

Pelen, the slayer of pride.

Feira, the one who shreds anger.

Kyra, the one who shaves off lust.

Tempe the gluttony eater.

Oslo the Sloth Slayer.

Rota’s hand spades.

Rota’s foot satyr.

Somnium, Eye of Rota.

Rota’s nose Poeto.

Rota’s Ear Vibrato.

A total of 10 people gathered in one place, but no one spoke.

Because no one was unaware of the seriousness of the current situation.

It was clear that the moment anyone opened their mouth, it would escalate into a big fight, so they just stared at each other.

Then, the huge gate of the Demon King opened.

Two white-skinned men walked out the door.

It was Rota and Arpem.


One of them was very unwell, his legs trembling like a newborn calf, and his whole body was as dry as a piece of dried wood in the desert.

Rota’s Hand Speth quickly approached and tried to support Rota, but Rota threw her hand away.

“Let go!”

Speth knew instantly.

Rota’s physical condition is worse than ever.

If Speth didn’t release power in the middle, it would have been Rota who was pushed back.

Rota passed Speth and sat down in an old chair.

Rota opened her mouth after examining her family one by one.

“Where is Schwitz?”

Pelen the Pride Slayer answered.

“I went to the laboratory where Schwitz of Rota-sama’s family was located, but… he was hanging himself.”

Lota’s Horn Schwyz could not withstand the pain of burning his soul, and eventually committed suicide.

Schwitz would not have known what had happened to Schwyz if he had not written down why he committed suicide in his will.

Rota, who lost two members of her family in an instant, clenched her fists.

“What the hell is this? Not a single memory from Rota’s mouth comes in.”

Rota’s Mouth Levis is no different from Rota’s clone.

It is a new personality created by weaving Rota’s sadism, subtlety, and coldness, and when Levis died, all his memories were supposed to come into Rota.

However, no matter how much he thought about it, he had no memory of Levis.

Arpem opened her mouth.

“Because of a person named Tigris.”

“Tigris? It’s not the name of the dog, so is it a person’s name? It’s the first time I’ve heard that bastard’s name?”

“Of course. You weren’t that famous until you fell asleep.”

Arfem decided to explain briefly.

“Tigris is said to be the greatest swordsmanship genius in the history of the Empire. He’s only 20 years old now, but he says he’s reached the point of being a five-star knight and putting images on his sword.”

“…it’s surprising that he’s a 5-star knight, but he says he puts images on his sword? Isn’t that the Sword Master?”

“I don’t know. But he beheaded every nobleman we had captured, and even killed Schwyz and your puppets.”

Rota strongly slammed the arm of the chair.

“When Levis dies, memories must flow into my head?! Levis isn’t dead yet!”

“Then how can you wake up? Don’t you think Levis should die before you wake up?”

“…the soul connected with Levis has been cut off. Maybe it was sealed or something like that. How did he seal up Levis when he said Tigris was a swordsman?”

No one answered Rota’s question.

Rota looked at the family members as if it was ridiculous.

“You don’t know anything about getting things to this point. Useless bastards.”

Members of the family trembled at Rota’s enraged voice.

However, to give an excuse, Rota’s family cut ties in different areas and conducted research according to Rota’s command.

The reason was simple.

Even if one was captured by the Empire, it was like sausages in order to keep the labs of other families undetected.

“So what are you going to do now? It seems that the plan has already gone awry, and I think we should start with a blank sheet of paper.”

Pelen the Pride Slayer opened his mouth.

“What we lack right now is information about Tigris. Will you figure out the level of Tigris and create an adversary to kill it, or will you use all the resources you have to kill it? I think we have to make a decision.”

“You don’t know enough about Tigris to get to this point? Does that make sense?!”

Arfem said, calming Lota’s excitement.

“Tigris is growing in real time. Although it is a 5-star knight, it can be seen as a sword master who falls in love with a 7-star knight, but no one knows how powerful he will become when he becomes a 6-star knight and a 7-star knight. So Levis and Schwitz must have suffered.”

“I think I’m going to go crazy. So what’s the plan?”

“Currently, members of the lesser-legged family will have to move on their own to gather information about Tigris. Instead of taking it as a request, you will have to run on your own two feet and gather information.”

Arphem scanned the families.

“So who is going to go out?”

However, the family members did not move their feet easily.

It was because of the fear that they, like Schwitz and Levis, might lose their lives.

At that moment, Pelen the Pride Slayer took a step forward.

“I will go. And if I get a chance, I’ll bring him and Bastian’s head as well. We need to break the momentum once and for all.”

Felen is the strongest 8th circle archmage among Arphem’s clan.

If Pelen went out on his own, he didn’t know if it would really be possible to bring the heads of Bastian and Tigris.

“It is dangerous to be alone. Schwitz and Levis were also hit while moving alone. Anyone else volunteering?”

At Arphem’s words, Rota’s family began to pay attention.

One of Arphem’s clan came out, so it was right that one of Rota’s clan came out.

Eventually, a woman came forward.

“I’ll do it.”

It was Rota’s Eye Somnium.

“Nothing is better than my ability to spot someone’s weaknesses.”

Somnium’s ability is ‘trauma’.

It was the ability to amplify and glimpse the trauma of the other person.

“I will try to figure out what the psychological weakness of the Tigris is.”

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