Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2803

Su Hao took Luo Xueyao with great strides, stepped over the Second Layer, and entered the Third Layer, where there was an auction site, and a lot of people gathered outside the door.

In the midst of the noise, Su Hao found that most of those people were blocked, and those who were free to walk in showed their gold-plated invitations.

Or, following behind some old men, those old men made the guards blocking the door tremble and kneel on the ground.

It seems that the auction here is very high-level, and the treasure of the auction is very important. It is difficult to enter it without an invitation or a famous nearby great character.

And Su Hao felt that the white-haired man was within the portal.

His eyes flashed, and with Luo Xueyao, he strode towards there.

In any case, that person, he must keep up with, the breath of Immortal World is extremely important in his heart.

I don't know what happened to Little Monk and Tang Xiaotian.

However, before they got close, someone had already stepped forward to stop them, saying, "You are not allowed to go there. Today's auction requires at least hundreds of millions of net worth to enter."

" I have it."

Let's just drop two words, Su Hao continued to move forward, but the person who stopped him immediately extended the arm to block it, and two people came from outside the door, looking Su Hao up and down Hao.

He looked suspiciously.

Obviously don't believe it.

It's not just them, the people around who were blocked in the same way, all looked at Su Hao carefully, and when they saw his unfamiliar face and the simple clothes, they couldn't help but sneer.

However, this kid doesn't look like a rich man.

Especially one of the young men in gorgeous clothes twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer: "Nowadays, don't people make drafts for bragging? One hundred million is so easy to get? Second Young Master can't take it out, can you?"

However, the sneer fell just now, but his face changed suddenly, and then sucked in a cold breath, revealing an incomparable look of shock.

In his eyes, Su Hao, who looked like a poor boy, opened the storage ring on his finger, and a gorgeous dive light rushed out from it, and the rich essence spread along with it.

Among them, Divine Crystal stones are massive, one hundred million, definitely there are!

next moment, the sound of suck in a cold breath, broke out all around, I don't know how many people were shocked and impressed by Su Hao.

And even the guards outside the door are incredible.

However, they did not withdraw their arms, but continued: "It's not enough just to have money. This auction is a symbol of status and status. Idle people are not allowed to enter."

"No upstart!"

Su Hao is really too unfamiliar. In their eyes, he is not a great character nearby, and looking at his cultivation base, he does not appear to be superb.

Therefore, the guard outside the door, after a brief shock, turned indifferent again.

"hmph, just walked the lucky dog excrement, it's really worse than the background, he is far worse, and he has exposed hundreds of millions of net worth here, this kid is miserable."

That Qi Ershao sneered, in his eyes, Su Hao is also a nouveau riche, those treasure appearances have aroused countless greed, and once they leave this place, they will definitely be targeted.

And in his opinion, Su Hao will soon be kicked out.

In fact, the guards guarding outside the door really did act to drive Su Hao away.

"Since it doesn't work, why do you give conditions?" Su Hao looked indifferent.

"Because I think you can't do it, didn't expect you to do it, but even if you do, it's still a long way from entering here, the status is not enough, and the upstart is a country bumpkin." The guard said it directly , Undisguised, looking at Su Hao in his eyes, there is no so-called respect.

In fact, you can't even look up.

It's a particularly obvious contempt.

"Boy, hurry up and get out of here, you can't make a fool of yourself here, otherwise, be careful of losing people and money!" Qi Ershao teased.

Actually, he was waiting for Su Hao to leave.

Those Divine Crystal stones, he was very moved.

It's just...


Qi Ershao's voice just fell, and the already calm eyes are shocked again. In fact, Totally horrified.

The harsh sound was that Su Hao raised his palm and moved towards the person blocking the road in front of him. Fiercely's big mouth twitched.

Even after the draw, Su Hao continued to move forward, scolded: "Dog minions, get out!"

The arrogant demeanor and overbearing voice made the person who blocked the complexion greatly changed, with horror in his eyes, he immediately cup one fist in the other hand and bowed.

Give way!

Su Hao strode into it.

Qi Ershao's eyes widened, then his eyes flashed, so that's how it is feasible!

Got it!

He followed Su Hao and walked forward. Sure enough, the guard was blocking the road again outside the door. He angrily scolded: "Blind your dog's eyes."

Following He raised his palm and slapped him forward, but before he could fall, the three guards shot together, and with a bang, Qi Ershao flew upside down.

While flying backwards, blood was sprayed, and the screams were mournful and mournful, and the people around him were stunned for a moment.

"courting death?" The guard scolded and was slapped by Su Hao. It's already enough to feel embarrassed. Do you want to play this game too? Do you have a family for those two times?

Qi Ershao is depressed, his home in the vicinity is not bad, not a Great Family, but it is definitely medium. In his opinion, he is stronger than the strange upstart Su Hao. many.

Why other people can, but he can't?

But soon, he understood.

In fact, a lot of people get it.

After Su Hao entered it, two people came again, that was the Young Master of Zheng Family, and his girlfriend, known as the Moon Demon,

two people Along the way, the guard immediately cupped one fist in the other hand and said, "Young Master Yun, as you ordered, let them in."

"Go back to receive the reward."

Zheng Yun dropped four words and entered the auction with the Moon Demon.

This time, everyone at the scene was stunned, and their views on Su Hao changed completely. That guy's status is definitely not simple.

It's more terrifying than they thought,

Otherwise, it won't get the attention of this Zheng Family direct line, dignified Divine Sovereign expert.

Qi Ershao's complexion greatly changed. He swiped away from here. He is really a brainless person. What is his identity, can he compare?

I thought a horizontal dot would do.

Fortunately, that Zheng Yun never blamed him, otherwise he would have killed him on the spot, and his Qi Family would not have dared to say a word.

"It seems that I have to stay away when I see that kid in the future. Even Zheng Yun is afraid of his identity."

Of course, if Zheng Yun knew of his thoughts like this, I'm afraid it would become even more miserable.

Zheng Yun is not afraid. If he wants Su Hao to enter the auction, he is only temporarily controlling him. When the auction here ends, he will ask Su Hao to pay the price.

In fact, upon entering, he saw Su Hao walking up to a white-haired man, and he felt that perhaps Su Hao would be miserable until the auction was over.

The white-haired man is not accessible to everyone.

The identity of that guy is quite unusual!

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