Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2791

Amid the thunder and lightning, Su Hao held swords in both hands. Under the gaze of everyone horrible to see, a dazzling sword light moved towards the front and slashed away.

Suddenly, the thunder and lightning exploded, and Shen Wushuang in front of him, the complexity greatly changed, and at the same time with horror, he went deep again, twenty-five feet, twenty-eight feet, thirty feet.

This is his limit.

But when he stabilized, the thunder and lightning rumbled, Su Hao strode forward, his breath emanated, blocking the deep thunder with his terrifying fleshy body.

This scene shocked too many people. People from the outside world saw a miracle. Divine King cultivation base, with a fleshy body to block thunder and lightning, has never been seen before.

The person in the depths was so frightened that he was sweating profusely. Under the thunder and lightning, he seemed to have fallen into the World of Ice and Snow, and his whole body was shaking.

In this brief moment, Su Hao reached twenty-eight zhang, surpassed twenty-nine zhang, the sword in his hand was raised again, and then fiercely beheaded.

"Don't, Su Hao, let's talk to the Divine Palace from the north, everything can be discussed..." Shen Wushuang shouted, thirty feet, his limit, even he felt holding a purple electric flower, here All are somewhat unbearable, and it is difficult to penetrate deeply.

It's a pity that his words never fell. Su Hao's sword has arrived, and the sword light is so sharp that if he wants to destroy everything he has.

Suddenly, Shen Wushuang roared, and under the crisis of life and death, his figure retreated again, surpassing the limit, reaching the thirty-one zhang, but at the same time, the lightning strikes down, and his body immediately exploded , the blood splattered.

And this was not the end, because Su Hao came again, the sword light exploded under the thunder and lightning, and his second sword followed.

"Why, why, don't give me a chance, must kill me?" Shen Wushuang shouted, he felt that he was low enough, why did that guy have no feelings at all.

"Because when you wanted to kill me, you never gave me a chance." Su Hao's voice fell, like a sword light.

On Shen Wushuang, whose body was already drenched with blood, a more terrifying wound was opened, and blood was sprayed frantically.

The tragic howls erupted, with grief and savagery, and Shen Wushuang felt that the vitality was passing rapidly, and this passing was like a flood.

Can't stop, time is running out, he's dying.

Under this circumstance, his eyes turned blood red, he lost all hope, and became very ruthless to the limit.

"Dead, die, I, Shen Wushuang, would rather die than have you... be buried with you!"

The last two words fell, and his body did not wait for Su Hao to use his sword again. Exploding directly, the explosion of the Divine Sovereign cultivation base makes the thunder inside, setting off a terrifying thunder waterfall.

The terrifying momentum of Heaven and Earth turning upside down makes people outside tremble, and even people who are separated by several dozen li tremble.

It's too terrifying, the sound is too deafening.

From the vibrations, one can feel the terrifying of the scene there.

At the same time, the thunder and lightning area was also violently tossing, and the big waves rolled up in the aftermath surged toward the depths, as if breaking some taboos, making the thunder and lightning like an ocean under howling wind and torrential rain.

The waves continued.

Under the surging waves, a rude and incomparable roar sounded suddenly, followed by a ferocious head that came out from under the thunder.

When the time came, Su Hao complexion greatly changed, and with a fiercely step, the figure bounced back like a sharp arrow, swiped, and left the lightning area.

And when he left, the feeling of danger came quickly, and under the cover again, a streak of divine light burst out from the lightning area.


complexion greatly changed, Su Hao flashed suddenly, and it was fifty feet again, but this fifty feet made the crisis not weakened, but superimposed again .

Even, at this moment, Su Hao looked at the streamer, and his expression suddenly reached the limit of fear.

It wasn't just him, the outside world who were watching the melon-eating crowd were all shocked, trembling, and fleeing frantically.

"Run fast, the taboo has been violated, and the Leihuang bloodline broke out."

"Leihuang Mountain contains a trace of Leihuang bloodline, but as time goes by, this place The bloodline has completely lost its will, like a demon, once it is violated, the demon blood will erupt, if a Person blocks, then kill the Person, the Buddha will block the Buddha!"

In a panic, countless people outside moved towards both sides dodge, and then run wildly, it is really too dangerous here, it will really kill people.

And Su Hao, also desperate, ran fast, he meandered forward, dodging the streamer behind him.

But others can, and the crisis seems to follow him, the streamer locks him firmly, no matter how many people outside, only stare at him.


"Your uncle's!"

Su Hao cursed at a faster speed. This is definitely his extreme speed so far. The feeling of galloping vastness.

Following this, his body sprang up, rushed into the sky, turned into a streamer, and went straight to the end of the world.

However, the streamer behind him is faster, pursues him relentlessly, and the murderous aura is galloping. If Su Hao is not buried, the ends of the earth will not give up.

Furiously chasing several hundred li, that streamer is still there, terrifying has not weakened in the slightest.

At the end, the distance between the two is rapidly approaching, and Su Hao's speed is not as terrifying as this streamer.

In fact, to be precise, that streamer is a... tiger head!

This tiger head, golden, densely covered with golden thunder, extremely hideous.

As it approached, the thunder and lightning exploded, the continuous strikes, the terrifying tiger head, also opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, moved towards Su Hao and swallowed it.

This is the Divine Sovereign bloodline, the bloodline that reverses the transformation of demons. It has no will, no virtuousness, it is demon blood!

Divine Sovereign!

And this demon blood gave Su Hao the feeling that it surpassed his Golden Lotus Grade 4, and even as he approached, it was terrifying compared to his fateful Grade 6.


That formidable power is definitely enough to kill... Divine Sovereign Second Layer!


The speed is approaching, there is no way to go, Su Hao's eyes are very ruthless, he draws out the Killing God Sword, and at the same time he turns around, he cuts down with a sword fiercely.

At that moment, with a bang, the tiger's head exploded.

But instead of disappearing, it quickly reorganized and engulfed again.

The crisis is even bigger!


Su Hao cursed, scalp tingling, this is really dangerous, life and death threat!

Also in the midst of his changes, the tiger head, swallowing up even closer, is already a stone's throw away.


With a loud roar, Su Hao turned into a Golden Lotus, and his blood was burning rapidly. In his madness, he hit his second sword and slammed into the tiger's head.


A violent explosion exploded in the sky, the surrounding void collapsed inch by inch, and Su Hao's body was also cracking, and blood was almost everywhere.

The skeleton kept making harsh noises and exploded.

What's even more terrifying is that this blow caused the lotus to be severely damaged, causing the bloodline to burn against fate, all going backwards by a level.

The lotus is Grade 3, and the blood is against life, reaching Grade 5.

bloodline hits hard!

Even so, at the critical moment, Su Hao, summon came out of the royal blood furnace, blocking most of the impact.

If not, this blood explosion would be enough to smash him to ashes.

This thing is more terrifying than he imagined.

Facing the Divine Sovereign 3rd-layer, I'm afraid it can be crushed!

Under such terrifying injuries, his body fell uncontrollably, and along with that, the tiger's head exploded, and a drop of golden blood fell.

In the golden blood, there are thunderous flashes, but it exudes an extremely terrifying essence. It is demon blood, and it is also... a spiritual liquid!

"This thing is very useful!"

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