Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2784

battle strength suppresses.

bloodline suppression.

Fire Spirit double, Half-Step Divine Sovereign, under Su Hao's sword, under the fist, there's no resistance, crushed to death!

At this time, Su Hao's Samsara's Eye erupted, and the black light rushed away, carrying the incomparable evil, to take her life.

This became terrifying, and countless people shouted. After all, Su Hao got this terrifying Great Divine Ability not long ago.

According to their thinking, even if terrifying, even if it can be used, it will take months, or even years.

After all, this method has proven, beyond the 9th layer Divine King method, to the point of the terrifying Divine Sovereign method, the unimaginable level of proven mystery.

It will take days to comprehend, even a demon.

And Su Hao, show it directly.



Angrily roaring, still ferocious, Su Hao strode forward, his eyes are dark, extremely deep, extremely evil, as if to absorb everything, devour everything .

In fact, at the moment he is only showing the First Layer of Samsara's Eye, black light.

This method of reincarnation has black light, dirty light, evil light, and even that... Reincarnation Light.

But this method proved, even if it is only the First Layer, it has surpassed the terrifying of imagination, and when it is displayed at this time, Fire Spirit's blood is melted.

In fact, the black light continued to move forward, approaching her body, causing her flesh to melt and her bloodline to disappear.

This made her terrified to the limit.

But Su Hao relentlessly pursued, never regretted killing, the black light continued to shine, sword light, fist light, boom again!

He must die. He must die.

He couldn't take it anymore!

As a matter of fact, Su Hao has been unable to bear it all the way to Heavenly River City. Now that the curse on him has been suppressed, bloodline has gone a step further and has the power of lore, so... never let it go!


The Fire Spirit pair retreated, causing a big wave. It turned out to be above the Tianhe River, and continued to go towards the middle of the river, where the White Jade Stone column stands. .

As they approached there, Fire Spirit's body, heart, and soul all trembled, and he felt a huge pressure, which made his face look extremely ugly.

This White Jade Stone pillar seems to be different from the past. Today's coercion has reached its limit, and even she can't get close.

Approaching, you may be crushed!

But ahead, Su Hao is chasing after him, murderous-looking, endless, and will never give up until it devours her.

With no way forward, she fell into a desperate situation. She experienced the helplessness and torture when Su Hao was chased and killed, and the fear in her heart reached an unsurpassable level.

"Su Hao." In desperation, she stopped, looked forward, and said quickly, "We can sit down and have a good discussion."

"Are you worthy? "

Three words, such as thunder, anger still, sword light slashed, fist light pressing on top, black light like magic, rolling in.

Su Hao has only one thought in his heart: fuck him!

"Your curse is temporarily suppressed. In fact, you are very dangerous, but if we work together, the chance of the water in the heart of the river will be greatly increased. If you spare me, I will help you and help each other." Fire Spirit said quickly: "I have a lot of treasures on me, all of which are in my mind."

Fire Spirit was really scared, aggrieved, and agreed to all Su Hao's demands, as long as he let go, everyone could Get along in peace and make a contract.

This shocked everyone behind him. Today, he really saw a great miracle.

trifling Divine King 2nd layer, but it pushed Half-Step Divine Sovereign, Grade 5 bloodline controller to the point of nowhere.

unheard-of, unprecedented!

Of course!

"You, don't deserve it!"

It's another three words, the voice is even colder, Su Hao holds the sword, raises his fist, the black light is transpiring in his eyes, and he never kills There is a half point weakening.

Say you die, you must die!

“cannot tell good from bad!”

shouted broke out again, not the Fire Spirit pair, but behind him, a white clothed man came quickly, and when he arrived at the scene, a vast atmosphere cover everything.

Between the time, there was each one in the audience, all trembling, all shaking, and the Law Enforcer couldn't help looking at it, the breath was...

"North Divine Palace, the first Grand Guardian, Shen Wushuang!"

Someone shouted, Feng Nishang and the others trembled fiercely in their hearts, why did this guy come here.

And, his breath emanated, it was... Divine Sovereign!

He has stepped into the realm of Divine Sovereign!

This is an entry into the inner courtyard, which can be called a not simple existence.

Divine Sovereign great expert!

"It's amazing, another terrifying existence, the young Divine Sovereign, but this situation seems to be extremely beneficial to us." Jin Nan's mouth opened, this person came, obviously targeting Su Hao .

Actually, as he spoke, the Fire Spirit pair were overjoyed immediately, and in their despairing eyes, there was an incomparably dazzling light.

Even excited.

Even, the eyes looking towards Su Hao are filled with the aloof and remote again, making compromises?

You are unworthy!



The coldly shouted belonging to Su Hao resounded again, that step on the void, setting off a vast storm, his figure continued to move forward.

His attack is on display again.

His killing intent never weakened.

He seemed to be disdainful of the people who came behind him!

"I, I want you, stop!" Behind him, Shen Wushuang shouted, Divine Sovereign breathed, moved towards Tianhe and shrouded away.

He is the first Grand Guardian, and now he has stepped into the realm of Divine Sovereign, who dares to violate his words, and who dares to disobey his orders.

He said stop, dare you say no?

"What a bum!"

However, his voice just fell, and the three words belonging to Su Hao boomed with the momentum of a thunderous explosion.

Tell you: I dare!


With those three words falling, his attack was extremely violent, desperate, crushing the Fire Spirit pair, the latter trembling and roaring, When the blood was sprinkled and merged into the Tianhe, there were huge waves.

More blood sprayed, splashed on the White Jade Stone pillar, no one noticed, the stone pillar flashed a gleaming luster at this moment, and it seemed to be changing.

But all of this, compared to Su Hao's stride approaching and violently crushing, the scene of Fire Spirit's double screams, the momentum is much worse.

"Brother Wushuang, save me, save me!" She shouted really scared, feeling the death crisis of terrifying, at the same time, threw away the heads, threatened Su Hao, and exploded at any time open.

In fact, she has already made a move.

Even, the Divine Sovereign Shen Wushuang, who was behind him, was already angry, stepped on the soles of his feet, and went straight to Su Hao.

He dared to ignore his orders, it was simply courting death!

But his figure was still moving forward, and before the head in Fire Spirit's hands exploded, Su Hao's figure had already come to him.

At the same time, that fist, under the horrified gaze of countless people outside, fell fiercely from above.

One punch, crit top of the head!



Body fried!

Fire Spirit Double, Half-Step Divine Sovereign, Blast!

But it's not the most exciting, what's more terrifying is that the moment it exploded, black light swept through, and Samsara's Eye erupted, corroding everything.

Remnant limbs, broken arms, fly ashes!

Fire Spirit double annihilation!

"You, find, die!"

Three words sounded with monstrous domineering, Divine Sovereign Shen Wushuang, set foot on the Tianhe, and went straight to Su Hao!

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