Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2782


Law Enforcer coldly shouted, his eyes were cold, he was grateful to Su Hao, the benefits he brought to Heavenly River City are indescribable.

As long as he is there, no one can move Su Hao.

At least, here, 10,000 will not work!

"This is his own courting death, publicity and provocation, what does it have to do with me?"

"Yeah, if he doesn't say such arrogant words, you think anyone will be willing To take care of this stupid shamelessly?"

"What you say is the water you pour out, since you think others can't do it, then boldly stand up and fight!"

Kim Nam and the others sarcastically leave Heavenly River City with much less fear of the Law Enforcer.

"Su Hao, let's continue." Law Enforcer's face was cold, and he ran in front of Su Hao and said, "These things will be dealt with later."

In his heart, Even though Su Hao is not simple, even getting that Samsara's Eye is still much worse than Half-Step Divine Sovereign.

After all, Samsara's Eye is not available for fusion, and the profound mystery in it also requires a long comprehend.

Therefore, in his mind, Su Hao and Fire Spirit are two, the difference is not a grade.

Accurately speaking, that is the difference between Heaven and Earth!

It's not at all reasonable!

"Su Hao, look, what is this? I think I'm tired of playing, and I plan to throw them all into my sea of flames. I don't know, how long can they last?"

Fire Spirit's eyes flashed, and in the opened storage ring, two heads appeared, it was Bing Qinger and Ling Xue.

Their eyes were filled with deep pain, and there was blood that had not completely dried up in the area where the head was severed.

Su Hao's fist under his sleeve was clenched tightly, and the eyes staring at the front were full of bloodshots.

In the next moment, under his piercing gaze, two flames burst out from the palms of Fire Spirit, wrapping the head.

Suddenly, the burning smell of one after another came out, and even, inside the head, Su Hao felt the miserable howls of Divine Soul, Qing'er and Xue'er.

Life is better than death!

"You, look for, die!"

Three words, spit out from Su Hao's mouth, the anger has reached an infinite, cold murderous aura, which makes this way. The temperature of the space dropped suddenly.

"Can't stand it anymore? Feeling distressed? I just like to see you hate me and be mad, but it looks like you can't take me. It's very happy." Fire Spirit's voice is soft and moving, in In front of Su Hao, a brilliant smile appeared.

But just like that, the anger in Su Hao's heart became exuberant and violent, like a hundred thousand volcanoes erupting.


He stepped down with a breath of fresh air, but the Law Enforcer had already stopped him and said, "Hold on, there are some things that you can't take on."

Law Enforcer When they are old enough to feel Su Hao's infinite anger, those two must have a vital relationship with Su Hao.

But the terrifying of the Fire Spirit pair is not something that Su Hao can fight against. If you go like this, you won't be able to save anyone, even yourself.

Impulse doesn't solve anything.

"I can't handle that much, I'm going to fuck her!"

Su Hao is like a madman, his eyes are bright red, like blood stained, in the palm of his hand, the sword is light flashed, Killing God Sword directly unsheathed, as if feeling his murderous intention, he clanked loudly, bursting out an extremely dazzling cold glow.


Law Enforcer said loudly: "You are not his opponent!"

Fire Spirit's smile on the corners of his mouth became more and more playful, Said: "Come, have a fight with me, as long as you can block my three moves, I promise to give them back to you."

Between the words, she picked up her fingers slightly, and suddenly became more violent The flames rushed out, and the terrifying temperature caused the head to be almost burnt out.

The struggle of Divine Soul has reached a ferocious level. In Su Hao's feeling, the Divine Soul of the two has dimmed.

Keep going, and it won't be long, even a few breaths, and they will be completely destroyed.

When the time comes, even if the gods and demons come, I am afraid it will be difficult to treat them.


Under this crisis, Su Hao desperately held the Killing God Sword in his hand, dashed out, and headed straight for the Fire Spirit. go with.

Are you going to fight?

I satisfy you!


Law Enforcer sighed, and as Su Hao rushed out, the terrifying power was also surging, moved towards the front fiercely and grabbed Su Hao pull back.

After all, he is still too young, and Dao Heart is not firm enough.

However, when he made his move, that Jin Nan and the others had already stood up, exuding all the aura of cultivation base, and firmly blocked him behind him.

"Do you think you can stop me?" Law Enforcer's face was cold, he was a Divine Sovereign existence, and Jin Nan and others were only Half-Step Divine Sovereign.

"We really can't do it, but since we are here in Heavenly River City, do you think we will be unprepared?" Jin Nan sneered.

When the smile is exposed, the palm is spread out, and the golden, like a bone burning with golden flames, is exposed.

That bone is palm-size, but the breath it exudes is so vast, even more terrifying than one of the Divine Sovereign

“Supreme Bone!”

Law Enforcer eyes flashed, annoyed endlessly, known as Supreme in the middle three days, as long as it reaches the terrifying level of the Divine Sovereign 5th layer.

In the realm of Divine Sovereign, step 1 Heavenly Layer, the gap is really huge, even a skeleton of the 5th layer Divine Sovereign is enough to suppress the 2nd layer, or even the 3rd-layer Divine Sovereign.

Law Enforcer is just entering the realm of Divine Sovereign for the first time, wanting to do anything about this bone is tantamount to... a dream!

"Just watch it carefully, that kid is courting death himself, no one can blame others." Jin Nan held the golden bone to block the Law Enforcer, and his eyes looked towards the front.

Su Hao, in his eyes, is moth flies into the flame.

Not a single move can stop it.

Actually, everyone in the audience, including Heavenly River City Law Enforcer, Chen Tian and the others, felt this way.

The gap is too big.

There is no way to make up for it.

"Su Hao!"

At this moment, the shouted sounded again, not one, but a piece, and several shouted sounded anxiously at the same time.

In the distance, several people came in a hurry.

They were doubly wounded by Fire Spirit, and they finally regained their mobility, and rushed immediately towards the direction of Heavenly River City.

The only time they got here was when they saw Su Hao rushing out desperately. In their eyes, it became a huge panic.

Their impression is still stuck in the scene of Su Hao being cursed. In front of Fire Spirit, he simply has no resistance.

In fact, even without the curse, the terrifying of the Fire Spirit pair, they don't think Su Hao can fight.

The second Grand Guardian of the North Divine Palace is definitely not in vain.

"Think about everyone's painstaking efforts, think about the sacrifices of Qing'er and Xue'er, what are they for?" Dan Wushuang shouted, his eyes wet, almost begging.

But Su Hao's steps were steady and swiftly forward, Killing God Sword lifted up, coldly shouted loudly: "That's why I want to kill her!"

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