Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2775

Cut out your eyes!

Jin Wu's very ruthless voice sounded, accompanied by his hideous face, and immediately made everyone have one's hair stand on end, the cool air from the soles of the feet, straight to the top of the head.

Some people looked at Su Hao with deep contempt and sneer, like Na Jinnan, like the other contestants in Great City.

They feel that Su Hao is just grandstanding, and standing up is equivalent to courting death.

After all, in the vicinity of tens of thousands of miles, there are only a few famous treasure appraisers, and there are not many young talents. This Jinwu is definitely at the forefront.

And Su Hao, very strange, unheard-of, unprecedented.

Of course, some people looked at Jin Wu with contempt. After all, on Second Layer, Su Hao even defeated Master Chen with no difficulty.

Although Jin Wu is the grandson of Jin Nan, there is still a huge gap compared to Chen Tian.

"If you agree to bet you must accept to lose, this is Heavenly River City, and I won't give you a chance to go back." Law Enforcer opened his mouth, he was not sure against Jin Nan, but against Jin Wu In his mind, Su Hao is a must-win.

This voice sounded, and the noisy scene was startled immediately, followed by a more harsh sneer, and roared, in their hearts, this was simply ridiculous.

The Law Enforcer from Heavenly River City is also stupid.

In fact, next moment they knew that the stupid person is not just Law Enforcer, Chen Tian seems to have cramps too, and strongly supports Su Hao.

"If you lose, you will not only have to gouge out your eyeballs, but also donate 50 million Divine Crystal!"

This time, sneered harshly, but some people's eyes flickered, these People are behaving so abnormally, the exact opposite of what they expected.

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

Is this kid any different?

That Jin Nan also narrowed his eyes and scanned Su Hao carefully, except for the indifferent expression, he really didn't see any difference in Su Hao.

This kid doesn't even have the temperament that a Treasure Appraiser should have.

"Your last name?"

He looked at Su Hao and asked two words again.


Su Hao answered without hesitation, and at the same time took a step forward, his playful gaze was already on Jin Wu's face.

I've seen a person who was killed, but I've never seen a person who was killed to this extent.

"Su? unheard-of!" Jin Nan secretly said in his heart, the nearby Jianbao Aristocratic Family, stone gamble Aristocratic Family, did not have this surname at all.

"Who do you learn from?" He asked again: "Since you are gambling, you naturally have to know yourself and know your enemy, at least know who our opponent is and where did he come from?"

"Who did you learn from?" p>

"Self-taught!" Su Hao replied casually, and he did not have a master. If he were to say a master, then the sword master of the sky would be considered.

His stone gamble accomplishments are all in Su Hao's mind

apart from this, as well as bloodline, dragon soul.

But these things can't be said, can't be said, and don't need to be said.

"Hahaha." Jin Wu laughed and said: "grandfather, no matter who he is, I want his eyes today, plus fifty million Divine Crystal!"

In Su Hao Under the answer, Jin Wu was no longer worried, he contempt for him more, and despised him more. This is a wild boy who does not know the immensity of Heaven and Earth.

How can there be any ability?

Above the stone gamble, self-taught?

If you have lived for thousands of years, experienced and knowledgeable, and explored for yourself, there is still a possibility.

And how old are you?


You're afraid that you haven't even figured out what a treasure is and what a stone gamble is.

People around me also feel the same way.

However, Jin Nan always felt that something was wrong. Su Hao's self-confidence didn't seem to be pretended, and seemed to be very confident.

His eyes flashed and said, "Okay, let's get started."

With this sound, Jin Wu, who couldn't wait, immediately burst into laughter and turned to Su Hao. He hooked his fingers and said, "Boy, let's die!"

Then he stepped down and came to the stone tablet. At the same time as Su Hao followed, he immediately stood on the stone tablet. With one finger, an area is selected.

This stone tablet is two people tall, three meters wide, and thick, and on it, the areas are marked with numbers, from one to thirty.

These thirty areas are thirty stone gambles.

Actually, this stone tablet is composed of multiple stone gambles.

The river god Supreme Treasure is surrounded in the center.

"Wait!" However, just as Jin Wu's gaze was about to fall, Jin Nan's voice sounded again and dispersed with a ray of magnificent light.

The brilliance radiated like jade stone, and as it radiated, it flashed forward, and when everyone saw it clearly, the complexion greatly changed immediately.

Even the Law Enforcer, Master Chen, is the same.

Even, there was sweat on his forehead.

The jasper brilliance fell on Jin Wu's shoulder and turned into a dark green turtle, crystal clear and near-transparent, extremely holy, carrying Spiritual Qi.

This is the tortoise.

He is also a treasure hunter and his favorite pet beast. He has a natural sense of Heaven and Earth Treasure, like a treasure detector.

Even, the treasure in the stone gamble, all kinds of almighty, can't penetrate, but this day, Spirit Beast has a slight sense of induction.

It can be said that even a person without stone gamble experience can choose a stone beyond the ordinary.

"No!" Law Enforcer angrily scolded: "Jin Nan, you are going too far, which violates the fairness and justice of this grand competition."

Chen Heavenly Dao: " Yes, this beast is attached, as you mentioned, that is Su Hao betting with you, not your grandson."

"How come I didn't know there was such a rule?" Jin Nan looked Indifferently, he said: "I only remember that in this grand competition, whoever has the highest treasure value in the bet will be the winner. As for the means, we don't seem to have stipulated that we can't use Spirit Beast."

"Besides, he even dares to provoke me, what's the point of trifling a tortoise to assist?"

His voice fell, and he didn't look at the people in Heavenly River City, but stared at the others. The people of Great City, said: "What do you think of what I said?"

"Master Jin is not bad. We stipulate that gambling is determined by winning or losing, and we have never stipulated what means to use."

“Yes, if you are not satisfied, at worst will also take out a Spirit Beast, even if we take out a more terrifying existence than this Spirit Beast, we will definitely have nothing to say.”

"Being able to get the Spirit Beast is already someone's ability. If you are not as good as others, you are not as good as others. Don't make any excuses. If you are afraid, then kneel down and admit defeat, and you can avoid the misery of having your eyes gouged out."

"Yes, Heavenly River City should be like this."

Those people spoke one after another, which made the Law Enforcer's face even more ugly, and the fist under his sleeve clenched tightly, Simply shameless.

How rare is the Spirit Beast on this day, let alone several tens of thousands of li nearby, how many of them can you find?

may come by with luck, but not by searching for it!

In the entire Heavenly River City, no one masters this thing.

Isn't this an obvious bully?

"It's okay, come on!"

Under his ugly face, Su Hao's calm voice sounded again, and he didn't feel any worries and fears.

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