Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2771

The stone as white as jade was exposed, not to mention Master Chen, there was one at the scene, almost all of them decided that Su Hao lost.

This is an extremely cheap water jade, not to mention 300,000 yuan, it is only such a big piece, and it is only ten Divine Crystal stones at most.

"I thought he was solemnly vowed, that he could still write a treasure of 108,000, didn't expect...hahaha."

"There is no worst , only worse, with such eyesight, he dares to provoke Master Chen, it makes people laugh when he says it, and I feel ashamed for him!"

"Boy, you are finished, if you agree to bet you You must accept to lose, this time, your life is gone!"

The harsh sarcasm, after seeing the white jade stone completely, surged up, reaching an incomparable level boiling point.

And the Fire Spirit pair couldn't wait, pointed at Su Hao and said, "Take your life! Here, although you can't fight privately, if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, since you lose, no one will care if you kill you."


The laughter was harsh and loud, she looked at Su Hao, as if Looking at a corpse, he said judgingly: "Don't worry, you go on the road first, and I will send your friends, one, one, to find you."

Master Chen also meant this, but he was impossible Taking action personally, after winning Su Hao, he strode forward, intending to leave this place directly.

Since he wins, then Su Hao will die. Without his help, someone will kill him.

This time he came here for the River God Artifact on the top floor. Someone summoned a trace of the River God Spirit and obtained terrifying treasure.

The treasure is rumored to be 50 million, but in fact, the value may far surpasses, not even in this layer, but in the highest place in the Ninth Layer.

However, when he stepped forward, the voice belonging to Su Hao sounded faintly, and even that voice was full of strong confidence.

"Actually, I won!"

The voice sounded, making the noisy scene immediately silent, and Master Chen, who was about to leave, also stopped.

next moment, a more piercing laughter surged up, and the intensity was such that he would overturn the roof of this hall.

"Boy, don't play stupid here, you win or lose, we can all see clearly."

"This is not a place where you can be fooled, you lose If you lose, you must pay the price, and there is a terrifying Dao in this river building, which can record the flow of pictures."

In fact, after those people spoke, the steward was already open. There was a mirror that was condensed like water, and pictures flashed in the mirror.

From Su Hao to here, to pit the Fire Spirit pair, to provoking Master Chen, to the boosted shamelessly, and to the gambling agreement, all are clearly recorded.

"What do you have to say?"

Everyone looked at Su Hao with a playful smile and a deep contempt. This kid made them even more disdainful, and he went on and on. All the means were used.

"It turns out that the pictures can still be recorded here, and the agreement on gambling must be fulfilled?" Su Hao's eyes lit up, and he didn't know what to think.

But everyone didn't think he was indifferent and proud, but felt that at this moment he was desperate, and there was no more sophistry.

And the Fire Spirit pair took a few steps forward and said, "Master Chen, in your capacity, personally executing him is too much for him, why don't I do it for you..."

Master Chen smiled playfully and said: "Okay, I'll give you this right..."


The voice has not yet fallen, Su Hao The white jade stone in his hand made the sound of ka-cha again, and cracks quickly emerged on the surface of the jade stone.

And as the cracks appeared, there was actually a faint golden brilliance in it, which shot out, and a strong essence burst out.

Chen Master complexion greatly changed, the inner beauty?

This jade stone is not a treasure, there is...

"dressed up as God, playing the Devil, kill!"

Fire Spirit's eyes are also With a sudden flash, she felt that the essence was extremely not simple, she didn't dare to wait any longer, raised her palm, and suddenly moved towards Su Hao strikes.

Master Chen's eyes were gloomy, but he did not stop it. From this essence, he felt extraordinary, the treasure was more than 300,000, and even 3 million was enough.

And even, he gave birth to a kind of terrifying guess, in the golden brilliance in the water jade, he once met, that is...

If this is the case, he will lose a mess !

Not allowed!

After all, he has been immersed in this way for hundreds of years, and he is a generation of Master. If he loses to such a hairless brat, he will be really ashamed and unable to show one's face.

Also, the bet of the two is... life!

"Kill him! can't tell good from bad!"

Master Chen yelled, even more hurriedly.

The fists of Fire Spirit had already reached in front of Su Hao. With the terrifying force of Half-Step Divine Sovereign, they slammed down and the hall was shaking.

Such a terrifying punch, even if it encounters the same level, I am afraid that it will be killed in seconds.

"It's dead."

More in this brief moment, the double playful voice of Fire Spirit entered Su Hao's mind, as if he knew that his treasure was not simple, but Want him to die.

Death is wronged and suffocated, but you have nothing to do!


Unfortunately, no one will stand up for you!


Su Hao's eyes were suddenly cold.

next moment, the fist approached quickly, one meter, half a meter, and it seemed to fall.

That mighty Su Hao's flesh and blood were shaking.

But also in this brief moment, Su Hao's eyes flickered coldly, opened his mouth, pu' sound, spit a mouthful of blood, dazzlingly scattered.

Suddenly, the audience shook their heads, this kid is so far away, he's finished, he can't even stop the aftermath of that punch and will die.

Master Chen hands behind ones back with a proud expression. Once this kid dies, this kid will lose as well as win.

The Fire Spirit pair was so proud that they almost laughed out loud, killed Su Hao and took his head, but it was worth a Divine Sovereign Dan.

It's worth it!



The fist fell completely and burst out violently, but in the imagination, the scene of Su Hao's explosion did not happen.

In fact, that fist never landed on Su Hao at all.

Instead, there was a sound like a bell.

A large blood-colored pill furnace stood in front of Su Hao at a critical moment.

It is the blood furnace!

The king furnace!

However, Su Hao is cursed, summon this thing, needs a strong cultivator, his current strength, simply does not allow it.

Even after spitting out a mouthful of blood essence and squeezing out the few potentials, it still made Wang Furnace tremble, and his body quickly retreated.

While retreating, Su Hao's second mouthful and the third a mouthful of blood spurted out continuously, his breath suddenly wilted, looking pale like paper.

And under this circumstance, the curse on him broke out even more terrifying. It had three days, but now it's only one day at most.

Even a few hours.

The curse broke out!

It's impossible to stop!

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