Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2757

Bing Qing'er, Ling Xue, Mo Feng, all of them are drenched with blood on their bodies, their brows are entwined with black air, and they have a cold meaning.

It can be felt that this black gas brings pain to them, seals their voices, makes them see Su Hao, their eyes are red, but they can't make a sound.

Not only that, but at the same time as those people approached and pushed the four of them to the front, the cold air burst forth from Bing Qing'er's body, and her long snow-white hair was now carrying a bewitching brilliance. .

Heartless Dao body, revive!

Su Hao's eyes turned blood red.

And this is not the end, Bing Qinger's physique recovers, Ling Xue's body also begins to change, Spiritual God's body is completely opened, making her aura suddenly violent, but her body is like a layer of shroud. flame.

This is... blood burning!

The body is changing, the bloodline is burning!

The energy of the Spiritual God body becomes the burning material.

Su Hao's fist under his sleeve clenched tightly, making a harsh ka-cha sound, Ling Xue's encounter now is like self-mutilation, self-destruct, self-destruction!

next moment, a body suddenly collapsed, rolling frantically on the ground, and bursts of blood rose from the body, as if blood energy was being released.

In the faint, it condensed into a bead, which was Mo Feng's Qi Luck Bead, which was completely exploded at this time and turned into a blood bead.

And the breath it exudes turned out to be... a royal weapon!

Divine King Blood Drops, Bloom!

And this blood bead absorbs Mo Feng's...everything!


The screams were mournful, and the aloof was like a madman.

Under the dark fog between his eyebrows, a golden drop of blood dripped down, it was... soul blood!

Burning God!

Heartless Dao body, revive!

Body of Spiritual God, burning blood!

Divine King Blood Drops, Bloom!

Golden blood in the eyebrows, burn the gods!

The four suffered the most terrifying torment, and all of them showed the demeanor that life was worse than death. The eyes that looked at Su Hao seemed to be pleading, kill me!


The breath suddenly erupted, Su Hao strode forward, but everyone in the Ling Family moved forward in unison, not afraid of Su Hao at all. exist.

even more how, with a few elders among them, and the Ling Family Supreme Elder.

"I heard that you are Spiritual God Grade 4 Pill Refinement Master. I don't know how you know about poison. I put an Insect on their body quilt. If you can burn it, destroy it. , they will be as safe as ever." The crisp voice sounded, and Xiao Yu slowly stood up.

She has a stunning face and a graceful figure. Even at this time, she is extremely tempting, standing in front of her like a beautiful scenery.

However, in the eyes of Su Hao at this moment, it is so abhorrent, so ferocious, so heart-warming as a snake and scorpion, not as good as a beast!

"However, let me give you some hints, my poison has reached Grade 5!" Xiao Yu saw Su Hao's anger, hideous, murderous intention, but he was not afraid at all, and his smile was even brighter .

At the same time, five flames appeared around her, emitting a dazzling aura. This is Spiritual God level...Grade 5!


This voice came from Ling Family Supreme Elder, with an evil spirit. In his heart, he always thought that Xiao Yu was just Spiritual God Grade 4.

didn't expect , it has already gone a step further!

Suddenly, he looked at Su Hao with a cold smile, and said: "Why don't we trade one, you hand over the method of cracking the sword seal, this poison, I want Xiao Yu to solve it, But, I won't let you go!"

Su Hao's teeth rubbed ka-cha, bully intolerably!

"Su Hao!" Feng Venerable came up and grabbed Su Hao, telling him not to be impulsive, this is not the time to compete.

After all, Xiao Yu's pill concocting accomplishments are known to everyone in the outer courtyard. When she was in Grade 4, she was already the first Dao Pill teacher in the outer courtyard dísciple.

Now that she has reached Grade 5, even those Elders who stand up, even the Medicine Pill Palace Lords of the outer court, are not necessarily comparable to her.

"Don't make a fool of yourself, you can't!"

"Do you think you're awesome? Tell you, there is Person beyond the Person, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, you It's still a long way off!"

"Come on, arrogant, continue to impudent?"

"Immediately take out the method of cracking the sword seal, otherwise, let them live It's better to die!"

Ling Family everyone shouted, staring at Su Hao with cold eyes, with arrogant and despotic, with publicity and domineering, seems to have completely settled on him.


Su Hao was indifferent to their warning, and stepped down abruptly.

In time, the noisy scene was silent again.

The clamoring people of Ling Family trembled fiercely and looked at Su Hao, as if they had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

He's also a Grade 5!

Even the Ling Family Supreme Elder squinted his eyes suddenly, this kid is really not simple, and the progress is really too fast.

He looked at Xiao Yu with a worried expression, the two were of the same level, and Xiao Yu's poison might not necessarily beat Su Hao.


"Ridiculous!" With a calm smile on Xiao Yu's face, he didn't look at Su Hao's Five Colored Spirit Light fire more than once and dismissed it.

A layman is watching the excitement, an expert is watching the doorway, and she has clearly understood everything about Su Hao.

Su Hao is indeed Grade 5, but the breath that it exudes is extremely stable, and it is very likely that... just broke through!

"Don't say that your Grade 5 has just broken through, even if it has already broken through, or even reached the level of Grade 6, so what?"

"Pill Refinement Master, not only Depending on the level, it also depends on the pill concocting method, the Pill Refinement Technique you have mastered, and your understanding of various pharmacology and toxicology. My poison, no one in the outer court can break it, and the person who can break it in the hospital, no more than... Ten!"

Inner courtyard, boundless, expert as clouds, nearly 100 Pill Refinement Masters, not a few Grade 5 people, terrifying people, have entered the king level.

And Xiao Yu's voice is extremely calm and confident!

"My poison comes from ancient times and is not visible in this world... The Black Insect King!"

As Xiao Yu's voice fell, Ling Family Supreme Elder and the others , shocked again, they knew that Xiao Yu's poison was not simple, but never expected terrifying to this point.

Even, the wind Venerable swayed violently, the despair in his eyes reached the extreme, and there was no hope at all.

That kind of poison is out of print today!

But in the ancient book, it's extremely powerful, it's really hard to crack even Grade 6!

Even with Grade 7, it's hard to do!

"There is only one way to decipher this worm, but as far as I know, no one in the world knows about it!" Xiao Yu spoke again, and his voice became louder: "Of course, except me!"


unspoken implication, the method of cracking, only I know!

Only me can be saved!

At this moment, her aura completely changed, becoming stern and domineering, even pointing at Su Hao, scolded coldly: "You, only surrender!"

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