Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2750

99th zhang, Su Hao stands on the black waves. It is not a generous body, but it gives people a feeling of great stalwart, firm as a mountain.

focal point of ten thousands, he is unattainable!

A miracle, this is definitely a miracle!

Since it erupted here thirty years ago, there have been many Heaven's Chosen swallowed up and down, and Divine King Peak doesn't even know how many.

There has never been a dísciple to get to that place.

The thirteen Grand Guardians in the outer courtyard are absolutely impossible!

Even, at this moment, a man from the outside leaped over and landed in front of the Ling Family Supreme Elder, staring: "This kid must have treasures, and it is extremely not simple, blocking the black fog. Erosion."

His voice was so certain and sure, it seemed that what he said was the truth, it seemed that it wasn't, Su Hao couldn't do it.

And for such a declaration, everyone did not doubt it, and even believed it immediately, and many people agreed.

This person's status is not simple. In the outer court, he belongs to one of the most terrifying descendants of the Ling Family, and is even more famous than that Ling Feiyu.

He is one of the Thirteen Grand Guardians, Ling Dao!

"Yes, otherwise, there is no way to explain his miracles. This place has undergone countless tests, and it can't be wrong." Ling Family Supreme Elder nods.

In fact, Feng Venerable and the others also came up with this idea, but their faces were full of surprises, so best.

Su Hao is as good as he can live.

But at the same time when such a surprise appeared, and even before it was completely brilliant, their complexions changed drastically again. In an instant, they have one's hair stand on end.

Even, the wind Venerable stumbled and almost collapsed to the ground.

"Don't, boy, you're already terrifying enough, get out quickly, you can't get there," he yelled, thundering.

Even his body moved forward rapidly and appeared outside the Black Valley. If Elder hadn't been restricted by the law, he would have rushed into it at this moment.

What Su Hao is doing now is courting death.

Absolute courting death!

Even if he has a great treasure, he will surely die!

Actually, everyone at the scene was like this. This guy is too restless. He has already achieved this point, and he is not satisfied. He is still provoking the terrifying in the black valley.

"hmph, don't die, he's finished, I swear!" Ling Dao's voice sounded again, more certain than before!

And his words made dísciple and Elder, who were already desperate for Su Hao, completely destroyed the only hope.

At this moment, Su Hao, at a distance of ninety-nine feet, did not turn around, but moved forward again.

It's not even a step, but a leap up, a leap of thirty zhang high, and even more slippery down, looking at it, it's enough to move forward hundred zhang!

The land of ninety-nine feet is enough to terrifying and has broken the limit in everyone's heart, and Su Hao this time, leaped up and hundred zhang directly.

The place where it falls will be close to the land of the second hundred zhang.

This is too terrifying.

In the mysterious valley of black mist, the source of the outbreak was outside the two hundred zhangs, and when Su Hao approached there, he stepped into the Death Forbidden Area.

Accurately speaking, it is a restricted area within a restricted area.

This is hopeless at all.

Even if there is no way to suppress it, Feng Venerable thinks that these people will be in danger when they go there.


Under everyone’s terrified, nervous and horrible to see gaze, Su Hao’s figure completely fell, and a big black wave rolled up.

The sound of rolling, rumbling and deafening, really seems to be a big wave, grandiose, endless.

That momentum, just for the outside world to see, is a little horrified.

Su Hao entered it, one can imagine.

"There is no doubt about death!" Ling Dao spoke again, his tone must be so strong, he almost patted his chest to promise.

In fact, he has promised that if he must die, I will die!



The huge roar vibrated, the big black waves rolled down, Su Hao’s breath exploded, and a punch moved towards all around, sweeping in imposing manner.

Suddenly, the moment Ling Dao's voice fell, the black mist there exploded.

And Su Hao is in it, perfect.

In an instant, the noise of the outside world disappeared, and Yaque was silent.

That Ling Dao widened his eyes and was greatly stimulated, but only for a moment, he said again: "Relax, this is only a short time, I said he died, he will die!"

However, before the sound had spread completely, Su Hao stepped down again, making his body completely enter the second zhang ground, and even the black mist surging all around turned towards him all around, unable to wrap him.

Su Hao is still safe.


The sound of suck in a cold breath, whistling endlessly, everyone's shock, stunned, reached inexhaustible, there is no way to describe it in words.

And the solemnly vowed, even arrogant, and even Ling Dao, who spoke with a gesture of truth, was completely dumbfounded.

After Su Hao's probing hand grabbed it and fished out a flower like a black jade stone from below, the eyeball immediately became round and almost popped out of the eye socket.

Black flowers are the specialty of this place...the flowers of death!

Even, not Futaba, but... Mitsuba!

The double-leaf rebirth flower is enough to solve the poison of Dan Wushuang, and the three-leaf effect is more terrifying, even ten times terrifying!

"This, impossible, absolutely cannot be like this. There is a place where Divine Sovereign can't even set foot. How could he be?" Ling Dao trembled, extremely violent, and almost fell to the ground.

The thirteen Grand Guardians were stimulated for unknown reasons.

As a matter of fact, people from the outside world have each one. At this moment, they are all numb to the stimulation. Miracles beat each other.

Su Hao seems omnipotent!

Until Su Hao turned back, left the second hundred zhang, surpassed the first hundred zhang, and at the end, when they appeared outside the valley, those people just woke up from the shock.

But looking at Su Hao, one by one doesn't know what to do.

I don't know how to speak.

Combining everything, they can only spit out two words to Su Hao: extraordinary!

It's really too extraordinary for his mother!

"You, what did you do, what magic tricks did you do?" Ling Dao's words were completely broken by Su Hao. Slapped, furious, and yelled loudly.

And Su Hao, turning a deaf ear, didn't even look at him, strode forward, and came to the extremely weak Dan Wushuang.

"Master, the recipe did it!" Su Hao stared at Dan Wushuang, and when he said this, he was also very angry.

Even with the twelve Ancient God decrees, Su Hao couldn't guarantee that he could complete it, and even when he arrived at the land of the Second Hundred Zhang, he really noticed the terrifying.

Fortunately, he persevered and got it.

It was even better than expected.

I couldn't speak, but Dan Wu's eyes were already flushed, with a deep sense of relief in his eyes. It was rare to call him Master. For him, regardless of life and death, Dan Wushuang was moved beyond words. , This child became the only one in his heart, no blood dissolves in water, but blood is thicker than water.

This situation is bigger than the sky!

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