Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2732

The scene is silent again.

Even, the time in this void seems to have stopped.

Everyone's mind went blank.

The first time was an accident.

The second time was a coincidence.

Then this third time, despite Fang Zhen's full-strength burst of cultivation base, he was still beaten so miserably, how should we explain it?

Until this moment, they knew about Su Hao's terrifying.

God spirit cultivator for, beat up Divine King!

Even, the Divine King can't fight back!

This can be said to be crushed!

It's just a fantasy story!

Even the miserable Fang Zhen was still stunned at the moment. He didn't even think of killing him in this situation.

But what happened now, even under Su Hao's punch, he felt a huge terror. If he hadn't been wearing the treasure armor, he would have exploded at this moment!

The power of others surpasses him by a factor of ten!

His Divine King first-level cultivation base is not as good as ants in the eyes of others!

Under the fear, he endured the boundless pain, splattered blood, jumped up suddenly, quickly left the Seven Stars Tower, and went straight to the direction of the Hao Shenshan.

And Su Hao didn't intend to pursue, but at this moment, a message suddenly came from the token on his waist.

The Supreme Master Jian Chi!

With a twinkle in his eyes, Su Hao waved his hand, pulled up Lin Yi and Yinzhu, stepped on the void, ascended to the sky, and then followed the direction that was really far away.

And this scene, in the eyes of everyone below, is a pursuit.

They were horrified again and almost fell to their knees.

It was enough to terrifying Fang Zhen, but at this moment, Su Hao even chased away, and the direction of the chase was North Divine Palace.

Is this kid going to rebel at the North Divine Palace?

Under such thoughts, those terrified people also rushed up, and the crowd of grandiose followed behind the people in front.

Such a huge momentum has attracted the attention of many people in Divine City, and even after the news spread, those who paid attention all changed color.

"The unknown man beat Fang Zhen and even chased him to the North Divine Palace?"

"This is too daring, could it be that the identity of that person is not simple? ?"

"That Fang really relied on his elder sister's face to do bad things, bully men and bully women, and fell into such a field today, he is also having only oneself to blame. He deserves it!"

"Let's go, let's go and see, what kind of identity is that person, who dares to go to the North Divine Palace to make trouble."

With the sound of discussion, more people rose up to join the vast In the crowd of people, at a glance, there are thousands of people in the sky wanting to think about Haoshen Mountain.

As they approached, the stalwart of the Godly Mountain had shocked everyone, and their expressions immediately became serious, with deep respect in their eyes.

North Divine Palace, North Divine Domain One of the Overlords, Supreme Path Academy, sacred and boundless, anyone who comes here must be reverent and reverent.

Even Su Hao, when he got here, became a little more low-key and restrained his breath.

Looking at the tall mountain in front of me, my eyes were not fear, but fiery, thick fiery.

This place is super not simple.

The good fortune here is just by feeling, and Su Hao also noticed the terrifying.

Here, he must be able to soar again!

"Elder, Elder, help, someone is going to kill me..." Fang Zhen, who was embarrassed, made him feel that Su Hao came to kill him after Su Hao got closer to him.

The panic at this moment has reached the extreme, and the screaming is full of misery.

And the elder who guarded the mountain below, his pupils suddenly turned cold, and his body rose up as he looked at it. Behind his head, a scarlet big sun immediately found.

The great sun is boundless, the brilliance shines in all directions, the void catches fire, the heat wave rushes, and the temperature here soars by hundreds of degrees!

This person is cultivation base terrifying, and the minimum is 5th layer Divine King!

This made the huge crowd behind them all horrified. Although they knew about the terrifying of this place, but at the moment, they were still terrified.

North Divine Palace, the lowest guardian elder, has reached such a level, how terrifying are those terrifying high level elders?

They looked at Su Hao, and felt that this time he was really going too far. It would be fine if he hit someone. It would be a heinous crime to catch up with him.

Especially this North Divine Palace, the holy academy, come here to make troubles, and it is a death penalty!

impossible to be spared!

In fact, they felt that Su Hao must be scared at the moment.

Of course!

As they looked, they found that Su Hao's speed did not decrease at all, and even turned a blind eye to the Elder and continued to move forward.

This is shocking again.

Simply regardless of the law and of natural morality!

North Divine Palace Elder was ignored.

That Fangzhen shouted again: "Elder, he is daring, act recklessly, the North Divine Palace is powerful, and there is no room for making mistakes, please kill this person immediately and protect the majesty of my Divine Palace!"

In fact, the Elder's eyes were completely cold, and he shot a cold glow as sharp as a sword, pierced through the void, and went straight to Su Hao, if he wanted to kill him with one look.

Dare to be arrogant here, really act recklessly!

However, when he looked, Su Hao's speed was still the same, and even the eyes didn't look towards him at all, but stared behind him.

The Elder narrowed his eyes, next moment, and looked back, his face was dull at first, but several silhouettes appeared in the Divine Palace.

Especially, as soon as the purple clothed old man came into view, his complexion changed drastically, and his heart skipped a beat, and he immediately fell to the ground, as if nothing had happened.

Su Hao's eyes have told him everything.

He must have something to do with the purple clothed old man!

You must know that here he is just an elder guarding the mountain, belonging to the lowest, wearing white clothed, which is far worse than the status of the purple clothed Elder.

In the North Divine Palace, white clothed Elder, purple clothed Elder, golden clothes Elder... There are strict divisions, and every step, the status is ten times higher.

It is no exaggeration to say that the purple clothed Elder wanted to abolish him, just for one sentence.

He didn't dare to provoke this muddy water.

At the next moment, Su Hao moved forward, and the purple clothed old man approached.

The old man's heart was frightened again, and he secretly swept towards Fang Zhen, almost scolding with anger.

you brat almost killed me!

No matter who you are, your brother-in-law is the King of Heaven, and I don't care about this.

And Fang Zhen was also shocked by this scene, didn't expect Su Hao to have such a relationship in the North Divine Palace.

This kid doesn't seem to have a simple origin!

But being beaten violently by Su Hao, that deep shame, like a fire burning in the body, can't be extinguished no matter what.

In annoyance, he secretly crushed a jade slip, and immediately flew into the Divine Palace with a message.

No matter what status Su Hao is, he must find his way back today.

I beat him, this debt must be repaid!

In this scene, under the impression of the purple old man, his eyes flashed without leaving a trace, and then he looked towards Su Hao again, with a smile: "It seems that you are a young genius. Did you cause a lot of trouble?"

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