Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2727

Divine City is bigger than any city Su Hao and the others have ever seen, and the streets are wide enough to accommodate dozens of horses racing side by side.

On both sides of the street, the tall shops are extraordinary in style and splendid, selling treasure, row upon row, dizzying.

After all, it is near the North Divine Domain One of the Overlords, and is sheltered by the North Divine Palace, making it one of the few cities with strict laws.

Many big Chamber of Commerce, big families, like to trade here.

Su Hao, Lin Yi, Yinzhu, after Jianchi left, they also wandered around the city. Su Hao has more than 10 million Divine Crystal stones on his body, and he can also buy some treasures. .

Not only for himself, but also for Lin Yi and Yinzhu, he bought some great cultivator for diving medicine.

In fact, they are still the main.

After all, Su Hao has essence fragments of gods and demons in his body, and there is no shortage of resources for cultivation for the time being.

There is the magic weapon Killing God Sword, and the blood pill furnace obtained from Dao Furnace Mountain.

There is no shortage of magic weapons.

However, not lacking does not mean that there is no need. After all, his Killing God Sword and blood pill furnace are all treasures that can be upgraded.

When Su Hao looked at a high tower, the Killing God Sword was shaking and the blood furnace was shaking, obviously sensing something they cared about.

Su Hao's eyes narrowed, and he moved towards the source of the induction, where there is a tower, incomparably tall, straight into the sky.

Outside the tower, on a plaque at the main entrance, there are three big characters: Seven Stars Tower!

In fact, there is also a treasure pavilion, and the level is not low. Those who enter it are dressed in extremely luxurious clothes, showing a good status.

"Go and have a look."

Su Hao took Lin Yi and Yin Zhu, moved towards there, and as they entered, they were all a little shocked.

The First Layer in this tower is extremely large. It turns out to be a place similar to a square market. There are countless people who set up stalls and sell treasures of various kinds.

However, this was not what Su Hao cared about either. After a brief shock, he stepped forward and moved towards the front. The source of the induction was not far from him.

"Look, what kind of bone is that, the color of pure gold, and the ferocious aura it exudes, makes me have one's hair stand on end."

"Look, then The knife, the murderous aura is so heavy, although the blade light is sharp, but when I look at it, I feel like a sea of corpses and blood, terrifying, terrifying."

"Hey, that's the colorful Blood Soul grass, it's Powerful blood and Supreme Treasure of Divine Soul, eating that thing is definitely good for cultivation, especially for a cultivator like me with potential but not high cultivation base..."

All the way in, Lin Yi's eyes were swept everywhere, and he was shocked when he saw anything, and even more intentionally or unintentionally, he swept towards Su Hao.

After all, he has no money, and Su Hao is the rich man.

However, Su Hao didn't seem to hear it at all, didn't even look at him, even if it was Yinzhu, he completely ignored it.

However, his performance like this caused some people around him to look at him, especially some youngsters dressed in luxury, with a strong contempt in his eyes.

"country bumpkin!" Someone even scolded coldly without shyness, seeing Lin Yi's fuss, he had never seen anything in the world.

"It's here!"

At this moment, Su Hao stopped, stopped in front of a booth, and glanced from a black, palm-size piece of The boulders swept past.

This place is one of the sources that caused the Killing God Sword to echo with the blood pill furnace.

Yes, one of them.

Not even the biggest one.

But it can cause a reaction, which proves that this thing is not simple.


Su Hao squatted down, but before he could speak, the Boss had already said with a smile: "Young Master has good eyesight, he stared at him immediately. I am the Foreign Domain meteorite..."

Su Hao heart startled, he just glanced at it casually, or even swept it away, not paying much attention at all, but the Boss noticed it clearly.

"Little Brother, to tell you the truth, this thing of mine may be the treasure from the last three days." Boss lowered his voice and continued.

Su Hao is more vigilant in his heart. The people here are really not simple, they are careful, and they are observant. As long as they pay a little attention, they will be caught immediately.

Don't guess, this Boss is definitely a profiteer, he knows this well, first draw a big cake and do enough foreplay, when the time comes Su Hao, even if he bargains, he can't guarantee not to be slaughtered.

“Sorry, I’m just looking around, this thing is so precious, I can’t afford it.” Su Hao laughed, standing up.

The Boss's eyes flashed, and he said, "Don't, since you like it, then look at it more. This thing is not too expensive, it's just a few million Divine Crystal stones."

Su Hao showed a very surprised expression, and even waved his hand: "sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Speaking, he seemed to be frightened and quickly retreated. After a few steps, it seemed that several millions were an astronomical number in his mind.

This made the Boss feel bad about it, he was really a country bumpkin, he secretly sighed then said, but with the same smile on his face, he said, "Actually, there is still room for negotiation, one million, you Take it."

Su Hao waved his hand again, this time he didn't speak at all, there was only one word in his eyes, expensive!

"Boss Liu, these two country bumpkins are from a corner town. Do you think they look like rich guys?"

"You hack them, I'm afraid it won't be black, but your stuff is not worth the price, so don't be too outrageous, I want it."

A white clothed man came over with a proud look, See everyone with a smell of aloof and remote.

"Oh, Seventh Young Master, what you said, how can I ask for more if I sell it to you, 50,000 Divine Crystal, if you want, take it."

The Boss immediately changed his face, this is the dísciple of the North Divine Palace, and the Seventh Young Master of the Fang Family.

Fang Family's reputation is not big, but the elder sister of Seventh Young Master is married into Ling Family, and she is also the direct line of Ling Family, which is a big relationship.

Boss doesn't dare to talk nonsense.

Besides, the Seventh Young Master in front of him is not a good thing. He hacked his money and made trouble for you everywhere.

"50,000? It seems that this thing is really rubbish. This Young Master can't afford to throw that person. The treasure I bought is not less than 100,000."

Seventh When Master Young waved his hand, he gave up, and the reason for the boss was stunned for a moment. His grandmother's, is this disgusting and cheap?

In fact, his treasure is asking for 50,000 yuan, completely out of the Young Master Fang's face.

If it were someone else, 100,000 would be the lowest.

Boss scolded in his heart, nothing to do nonsense.

The price has already been said, and if someone else buys it again, how can he cheat?

Isn't this delaying my business?

In fact, when the Seventh Young Master gave up, Su Hao looked back again, staring at the Boss with a playful look in his eyes.

You're so rude, how many tens of thousands of dollars are you asking me for?

Do you really think I'm a fool?

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