Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2718

Number One Person stands on the top of the mountain, and the colorful light rains down. His cultivation base completely breaks through the Divine King Third Layer.

Above the sky, because of his terrifying, Summon has created eleven illusory shadows.

All kinds of terrifying make Number One Person's scenery infinite, completely suppressing Su Hao's limelight.

Even, the Number One Person himself was arrogant, turned around in the light and rain, looked at Su Hao below, loudly said: "You can't do it yet!"

Seemingly unhappy, he raised his finger, pointed down, and said proudly: "You, and I, Shenguyang, are far from each other!"

Number One Person, it will always be him.

His status, his excellence, no one can provoke.

Even if you are as evil as the sky, under my hands, merely this!

“Merely this!”

At the foot of the mountain, countless people followed Shouted, the Sect Master, the Medicine Pill Palace Vice Palace Lord, the Qian Sun, the Xu Jian, the North Divine Palace Great Heaven's Chosen Ling wyvern.

All kinds of terrifying that Su Hao had done before, left them speechless, and they felt a lot of anger in their hearts, and they seemed to be burning with anger.

At this moment, with the shuttered exit, the suffocating air is also relieved for most of it.

The whole person was relieved.

Even, the Supreme Elder snake old man smiled coldly, Number One Person was very proud, and cleaned up all the previous humiliation.


"You've done your best, but I haven't done your best yet!" A faint voice spewed out of Su Hao's mouth, calm, as if everything was under control.

But this remark made many people laugh at the foot of the mountain.

From here, Su Hao's body is trembling, like the withered yellow leaves in the autumn wind, which may be blown down at any time, which is very difficult.

He said he has not exerted his strength yet?

This kind of joke is really not funny at all.

And they really didn't laugh out loud, Su Hao's feet moved, and on the 97th stairway, he lifted up again.

Even, the lift this time was very decisive, the soles of his feet exploded, and Su Hao never hesitated, and went straight to the 98th road.


The roar exploded, blood splattered, Su Hao's feet were completely cracked, and his body also appeared on the 98th stairs.

When he got here, Su Hao didn't even wait for the essence of the Furnace Mountain to be sprinkled, and without waiting for the strength to recover Peak, he was impatient and went towards the 99th staircase.

This made the people below, after being slightly shocked, couldn't help sneering, and it became more and more intense. In the end, the sneer turned into ridicule and boiled.


"I'm really convinced. Number One Person has to work hard to attack the 99th stairway. He is so impatient and blood is still spilling, so he dares to sprint to the 99th stairway?"

"Even if he is eager to succeed, he will fail miserably in the end. I think he may be directly crushed!"

"Even if it is unhurried, my hope for him to succeed is close to Zero, that's not something he can do at his level."

"Yes, Number One Person is so terrifying, even he has to brew for a long time and use everything, so it is still dangerous and dangerous and reluctantly kicks up, Can he do it?"

Countless voices of disapproval spread below, they felt that Su Hao was too aggressive, his strength has not recovered, his injuries have not been completely recovered, and he sprinted up the 99th stairs, like courting death .

Even the blood sages, Lin Yi, Yinzhu, Qi Lao, couldn't help but sighed at the moment, Su Hao's heart in chaos.

Seeing Number One Person reach the top, he has lost his ego and lost his rhythm. If this goes on, there is no other way but defeat.

As for the Vice Sect Master, he cursed again in his heart, because he was too lazy to look at Su Hao, the high opinion of Su Hao before was gone at this moment.

Even, the Number One Person, standing on the Peak and looking down at Su Hao, couldn't help but shook the head and said, "Your Dao Heart is too bad!"

"Get up!"

But at this moment, Su Hao's shouted boomed, and the sole of his foot, which had been completely exploded, was still going up continuously.

Despite everything, blood was sprayed at will, no pain could be seen on his face, and there was no hesitation in his movements.

There is only one brilliance in his eyes. , as if to say: I'm going to the top!

However, as he went up, his right leg was cracking apart. Whether it was from the top of the mountain or from the bottom of the mountain, one could see his misery at the moment.

This makes more people shake their heads, what's the use of fighting like this, except death, or death.

The best ending is also to play with yourself!

"You have already lost the qualification to compete." Number One Person dropped a sentence and stopped looking at Su Hao, he had no chance at all.

It's just that his voice didn't completely fall, but it stopped abruptly, and then the eyes that were about to avert focus on Su Hao again, even with a strong surprise.

Even everyone on the mountain is like this.

At the next moment, after they all looked at each other, the accident turned into shock, it reached shock, and in the end everyone trembled.

"Get up!"

Blood and flesh splattered everywhere, but Su Hao's voice is still loud, with confidence, with determination, with recklessness, and even death No regrets!

After the shout, Su Hao's right leg exploded completely, his body was unstable, but it fell forward.

His hands, pressing down, touched the 99th stairway.

In this brief moment, Su Hao's body, not just his right leg, was exploding, skeletons rubbed, and blood sprayed.

But under such terrifying, Su Hao pressed his hands on the 99th stairway, but turned over, his hands replaced his feet, and supported his entire body.


Appearing on the 99th stairway!

He's there!


Perpetual silence!

Even the Number One Person never imagined that what Su Hao always wanted was not to step on the 99th stairway, but to find a height and use one leg Bear all the pressure, pay the price of crushing, in exchange for the qualification to go up with both hands.

Absolutely cruel!

But also surprisingly successful!

"I'm here!"

As he stepped up the 99th stairway, his upside-down body turned over again, and Su Hao stood there leaning on one left leg.

At the same time, staring at Number One Person, he took a step forward.

This step, his body appeared on the furnace mountain.

Completely flatten Shenguyang.

At the same time as it was even, the sky split open, and the rain of light poured down towards Su Hao, completely wrapping his body.

"Kill him, he is robbing good fortune!" Zhan heavenly thunder shouted, didn't expect Su Hao really did it, even if he was embarrassed, it was a real move.

And even, when he got there, he accepted the baptism of the colorful light rain, the lost right leg, and the terrifying scar on his body that everyone would see, would quickly recover completely.

All that, on the top of the mountain, is no problem!

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