Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2603

Phoenix, undying bird, Nirvana, like rebirth, like reincarnation, Su Hao bathed in evil fire and brought back to life.

The method he got was not the method of attacking, but the method of Supreme who created the fleshy body.

What he realized was the Unextinguishable Body!

As the evil fire absorbs more, the Dharma he gets can continue to be proven, from the inextinguishable body, to the realm of achieving immortality!

At this time, under Su Hao comprehend, the fleshy body has progressed again. Although the impossible has achieved real immortality overnight, it has also reached the level of Spiritual God from Divine Physique. The fleshy body is comparable to the real Spiritual God.

Originally, Su Hao had strong battle strength, but fleshy body was weaker than Spiritual God. At this time, after experiencing the tempering of evil fire, he really had the body of Spiritual God!

Get up, breathes deeply, clenched fists, felt the strength of fleshy body terrifying, coupled with the Art and Dao he mastered, the strength he showed went to a higher level.


At this time, there were voices from the outside world, filled with no doubt.

And this voice, Su Hao remembers deeply, is that Supreme Ling Xiao.

"No, absolutely impossible!" Two voices sounded at the same time, it was Bing Qinger and Ling Xue, with a strong tension in their voices.

It was obvious that Ye Xiu left and brought in two women. The original intention was to suppress Su Hao, but Supreme Ling Xiao stopped him.

Bing Qinger had no choice but to sound transmission through the temple gate.

"He is impossible comprehend, how profound and unfathomable the Heartless Dao is, Qinger, you should know this better than anyone." Ling Xiao's voice was playful.

Su Hao's mouth twitched, it seems that guy thinks that I don't have that innate talent, I can't comprehend too Heartless Dao, and I can't get the "antidote", so I will die.

But I don't know, my innate talent can be said to be invincible now. I will dominate the next three days.

In fact, when Ling Xiao's voice fell, Bing Qinger and Ling Xue in front of them had extremely ugly expressions, and there were faint sobbing sounds.

Apparently, they also tend to think this way.



The sound of the door of the palace being pushed open made the eyes of several people at the scene change immediately. Ling Xue With Bing Qinger, looking immediately,

When they saw the young man walking out, his body intact and with a faint smile on his face, their eyes froze for a moment, and there were more tears.

Ling Xiao frowned, then slowly turned around. As he saw it clearly, his pupils widened immediately, full of shock.

He's not dead.

More than that, it was intact.


At this time, Su Hao gave him the feeling that the breath was even more vast, and the whole person looked more terrifying than before.

He made progress.

Blessed in disguise!

The eyes were suddenly cold, and the palm of his sleeve was fiercely held up, and a boundless coercion surged from his body, which was violently suppressed.

This terrifying suppression is enough to make the Spiritual God fleshy body explode directly.

In this brief moment, Ling Xiao's anger, loss, drowned everything, he didn't want Su Hao to live, wished that he would explode immediately and be shattered to pieces.

What a pity!


The void around Su Hao was exploding, shattering under the mighty pressure, and he stood in the center of the shattering void, so indifferently.

No damage at all.

"This Unextinguishable Body, really terrifying, I just started cultivation, it is enough to block the power of crushing Spiritual God body, it seems that my fleshy body strength is stronger than the general Spiritual God 1st layer A lot."

Su Hao was extremely proud of himself, and thoroughly realized the terrifying. As the cultivation goes on, his fleshy body will reach an unimaginable level.

Even if you get the evil fire again, this method can continue to progress, open the Second Layer, and refine the immortal body.

"What?" Ling Xiao's pupils opened wider, his coercion, even Spiritual God's first-level Peak couldn't stop it.

And the person in front of him was unscathed.


His eyes froze for a while, and the pressure was even greater. Suddenly, Su Hao's body conveyed a sound of ka-cha ka-cha, and his flesh and bones were shaking.

But he gritted his teeth and endured, testing the strength of his fleshy body.

Even, under this kind of stimulation, Su Hao's potential was squeezed out, and the Unextinguishable Body, built even more rapidly, even improved a small level again.

So much so that Ling Xiao's coercion reached the point where he could crush the Spiritual God 2nd layer, but he still couldn't help Su Hao.

This is both an irritation and an annoyance.

The fist under his sleeve made a creak sound, and the soles of his feet were raised. Seeing that, he was going to shoot directly and destroy Su Hao.

"Neon clothes!"

Su Hao shouted, Ling Xiao's complexion changed.

After all, he's Supreme, and it's really disrespectful to shoot against a dísciple. Especially, when the selection starts, he shoots himself, which is actually against the rules.

Under this kind of psychology, he quickly withdrew his coercion.

But at this moment, Su Hao's body flashed, without saying a word, he went straight away, his fleshy body was strong, and his speed was improved to a certain extent, and he went straight into the sky.


Standing high, shouting loudly, attracted the attention of everyone watching the battle from a distance, looked towards him, with a strong suspicion.

Nishang's mouth twitched, it seems he succeeded.

Really evil Fire Phoenix!

But Ling Xiao below was a complexion changed, and then the flames in his eyes surged out with a roar, and his teeth made a creak sound.

He was tricked.

The neon clothes have not arrived yet.

At the same time, Ling Xue, Bing Qing'er, Killing God Sword, all moved towards Su Hao gathered there, stood high, forgotten far away, but were also seen by more people.

In this case, Ling Xiao was concerned about his face and rules, and impossible took the shot directly.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Su Hao's eyes looked down with playfulness, and his voice conveyed along with his eyes: "It seems that you, Supreme, are not very good."

The sound was light and fluffy, but the stimulation was huge, like a sword piercing into his heart, causing Ling Xiao to grit his teeth, and his anger reached unsurpassed.

Even, there is a desperate, direct outbreak of the idea.

He is Supreme, he is a descendant of the Great Family of Zhongsan San, he really killed Su Hao and violated the rules, who dares to say more?

Unfortunately, Su Hao had already taken Ling Xue and Bing Qinger away by the time he had this idea, and immediately appeared beside Nishang.

Ling Xiao's body rose up, and there was a feeling of being out of breath, feeling extremely depressed in his chest.

Especially, the next moment, what Su Hao did on Nishang, made the murderous intention in his eyes go crazy in an instant.

That boy is so brave!

Simply regardless of the law and of natural morality!

Even if it was neon clothes, it immediately trembled.

Blushing suddenly, she turned her head and stared at Su Hao, Nishang had only a single thought at the moment: I'll kill you!

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