Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2577

The thick golden giant sword shoots straight into the sky, with its extremely terrifying imposing manner and vast sword intent, giving people a terrifying feeling of penetrating the sky.

Countless dísciples, moved towards here, came madly, such a huge momentum is definitely the birth of terrifying.

You must know that this is the tomb of the Spiritual God 2nd layer, and creation is definitely not simple.

Even, many people got some gossip, this Spiritual God 2nd layer, but followed many great characters before.

The treasure on the body is unimaginable.

There are countless creations!

The top ten elder disciples could have entered the inner courtyard, but they didn't go, isn't it just to wait for the opening of this place?

At this time, Jian Yun, who was in the taboo of the hall, also noticed this scene. The endless sword qi made him tremble.

He is a sword body, sword dao Divine Physique. He is too sensitive to this kind of sword intent. He feels that if he gets this good fortune, he can definitely go further.

The eighteenth of the outer court?

He's going to be in the top ten!

And this is not the end. When those people were all shocked, the golden sword was inserted into the sky, causing a huge reaction.


A thunderstorm rolled across the sky, and then a hazy brilliance appeared above the clouds in the dark night.

next moment, that brilliance is revealed, shining thousands of miles!

Golden shines!

In the sky, a golden light curtain was spread out. On the light curtain, Dragon Soars and Tiger Leaps, Qilin Pentium, Vermilion Bird danced, and various natural phenomena appeared one after another.

"Is this the awakening of the terrifying alien physique? No, it is the emergence of good fortune, which has led to the natural phenomenon!"

"It is possible that someone got good fortune and awakened the terrifying physique , causing the terrifying Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon."

"Speed! We rush over immediately, the great good fortune is going to be taken away."

The vast voice sounded, Discovering the dísciple here, the speed is all displayed to the limit, and the potential is squeezed and goes straight there.

"Open, open, open!"

The sword cloud in the taboo made a surging shouted sound, and the sword qi kept moving towards the forbidden strikes, once , twice, three times... one after another.

After some in-depth exploration, he has picked up the loophole.

But to open it, you still need to pay certain means.

Under the stimulation of the sword intent from the outside world, his methods were extraordinary, the sword qi erupted to the greatest extent, and the hall taboo trembled wildly.

A crack appeared.


At this time, the confined space where Su Hao was located had completely disintegrated.

He who got the sword heart, was completely baptism, and he had the true meaning of Supreme sword dao in his heart, which made him feel that if he cut out his sword, he could split the sky.

This is an illusion, but it is definitely terrifying, at least, in Su Hao's view, he is more terrifying than the sword of that killer Celestial Court!

If I go now...

"Su Hao, are we... okay?" At this moment, Ye Xiu's voice sounded again. He had been completely suppressed before, and he felt that Dead.

And now wake up and feel his own safety, outside Su Hao's terrifying, his voice has a thick trembling sound.

"It's okay, go and kill!" Su Hao thought move, and was about to rush out.

However, at the same time as Su Hao moved, above the sky, there were countless sounds of vastness.

Su Hao lifts the head, and saw a few people outside, and a strong breath was approaching quickly, obviously more and more people.

"It seems to have attracted attention."

Su Hao narrowed his eyes, there was nothing he could do, the sword heart entered the body, and the moment the fusion was completed, the sword intent couldn't help it The burst, he couldn't control at all.

It's as if some Divine Physique awakens, naturally, causing the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, something that can't be hidden.

It was found, helpless.

However, Su Hao is not afraid!

He stepped into the Third Layer and got a sword heart, which was more terrifying than Sword Cloud's sword body, plus fleshy body baptism, Divine Physique was close to Peak.

At this moment, his battle strength is extremely terrifying.


A loud shout came from the direction of the hall, and then a rumbling sound exploded, and a huge Divine Physique rushed into the sky.

It was Jianyun who opened the taboo and broke free from it.

"Su Hao!"

The huge Divine Sword rushed to the sky, and in the Divine Sword, stood a silhouette, which was a ferocious sword cloud.

His eyes were like two Divine Swords, stabbing them straight down, locking onto Su Hao there.

"It seems that I can't kill you in the taboo..." Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth: "Then I will have a good reputation and chop you up!"

His soles a little , the body soared, directly to the void, the natural phenomenon of the sky, because of his actions, became more vast.

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, dazzling golden light, galloping beasts, lotus flowers.

"It's him, he's got the good fortune, which leads to the terrifying natural phenomenon."

"It's definitely not simple, what this kid has got is beyond imagination."

"It's him. p>

All around, there were bursts of discussion, all eyes were fiery and greedy staring at Su Hao, and under that greed, there was an extremely cold murderous intention.

If you want to win Fortune, you must kill Su Hao!


While they were hesitating, Jian Yun had already moved, and the most terrifying aura was exuded, and his sword moved towards Su Hao directly.

Jian Yun, the killer of Celestial Court's Inheritor, the methods he learned are not fancy, they are all killing techniques!

Killer, pay attention to one strike certain kill!

Once shot, the biggest explosion!


The thick sword light quickly approached Su Hao, and the explosion of the sword body also reached the extreme.

Even, all the people around were trembling, and the face of the seventeenth in the outer courtyard suddenly changed, and Jian Yun became even stronger.

This sword, he can't stop it!

Even, Sixteenth narrowed his eyes and his face was extremely solemn. Whether he could block this sword is unknown.

Under this kind of terrifying, Su Hao there, actually slowly raised the black iron sword in his hand, and then, under the shocked gaze of the crowd, he slashed out with a very simple sword.

"Just kidding!" Someone shouted, with a strong sarcasm.

The Su Hao and the others knew something. Although it was not simple, compared with Jianyun, in their hearts, the gap was still huge.

In addition, Jianyun is more terrifying now, and his sword is enough to compete with the sixteenth or even higher level.

Su Hao's sword looks extremely simple and has no resistance.

Almost mortal!

Even Jianyun thinks the same way. Even if Su Hao gets the good fortune, he is a sword body. Su Hao can't kill him under the taboo, can he block his sword now?

Of course!

“bang bang!”

The terrifying and violent sound resounded, next moment, under the gaze of everyone horrible to see, the thick sword light cut by the sword cloud... exploded open!

Under the seemingly powerless slash of the black iron sword, it exploded!

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