Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2568

Ling Xiao's Supreme will, although it only exudes a trace, but even an ordinary Spiritual God would be so frightened that he immediately fell to his knees, in awe.

The youngster in front of me actually blocked it, and even though it was called and collected, there was no fear at all.

Dao Heart terrifying!

"Interesting!" He twitched the corner of his mouth, playing with his taste: "Frankly, I want to kill you!"

So direct.

It also made the audience tremble, some people were happy and excited, some people were nervous and worried, and the palms under their sleeves were tightly clenched.

"However, I won't shoot directly, you don't have the qualifications, so I plan to murder a person with a borrowed knife, you are ready."

He said It's casual, but the more so, the more nervous it gets.

And everyone guessed that Su Hao must be more nervous.

Supreme let it go, I'm going to kill you!

This is tantamount to a death sentence.

Su Hao is now waiting for the moment of death to come.

Like a prisoner on death row, he went to the execution ground and waited for the sword to be raised.

At this stage, the most tortured.

However, they swept their eyes playfully, only to find that Su Hao was calm and even had a funny look.

"I'm waiting!"

The three words, so casual, made everyone at the scene tremble fiercely.

This tone, this demeanor, challenge Supreme!

The smile on Ling Xiao's face is still overflowing, this kid is really tender terrifying, in front of him, how dare you say such a thing?

Okay, I'll do it for you!

He turned his eyes, looked at the dean of the outer court, and said, "Go make arrangements, the outer court is about to open, and at that moment, the entire outer court dísciple can participate. Of course, you must have the ability to , just enter it!"

Many people were curious about the fortune-telling land he said about the foreign dean.

In fact, the top ten of the outer court have long been able to enter the Inner Sect, but they just don't go. It is secretly rumored that they are waiting for a good fortune to come.

Is it also the place that Lingxiao Supreme said?

Everyone is very curious.



Splitting heaven and earth apart With a thunder, the entire outer courtyard seemed to shake, the void trembled, and everyone turned pale in fright.

Then everyone's eyes turned towards the deepest part of the outer courtyard, where a thick beam of light appeared, dazzling.

The color of the beam of pure gold, on the golden beam of light, flamboyant, Qilin stepping on the sky... One after another terrifying natural phenomenon was born.

"Appeared, the outer court fortune opened, and all the dísciples follow me!" The president of the outer court was also excited, and the fortune opened.

At the same time, he glanced at Su Hao, full of playfulness, as if saying, you better follow, Ling Xiao Supreme will not let you go.

In fact, without his reminder, Su Hao was already looking there, and on the golden beam of light, he felt the Spiritual God-like breath.

There is related to Spiritual God.

"The tomb of Spiritual God, where there is a great good fortune left by the Spiritual God 2nd layer in the past, was sealed in the outer courtyard, and now it can be opened, let's go."

Ling Xiao smiled, The body also melted away, the outer courtyard, without his attention, he said that if Su Hao dies, he will die!


Su Hao turned around, helped Dan Wushuang up, and then went straight to the place where the golden light rose.

"Su Hao, if possible, beg Nishang for mercy and let him send you out of here, Lingxiao Supreme, I'm sorry, he is more terrifying than Nishang." Dan Wushuang said helplessly , going round and round, Su Hao's crisis still cannot be resolved.

"Relax, I have plans, and he obviously won't shoot himself. In that case, I have nothing to be afraid of." Su Hao said: "Besides, your injury is really serious, I must Find a way to find a powerful life substance for you to add vitality to you."

The few punches Dan Wushuang blocked for Su Hao had broken the structure of his body, and vitality was flowing all the time.

"It's okay, old fogey is a lot of age, in fact, life and death are not that important." Dan Wushuang laughed, he knew his injury, and there was almost no possibility of recovering completely.

He smiled bitterly, then looked towards Su Hao and said, "You know why I am, must you be my dísciple?"

Su Hao looked at him.

"Actually, I, Dan Wushuang, also have a child. His temper is very similar to yours, and his innate talent is quite good."

"At that time, I was very focused. Throwing myself into Pill Dao, seeking to enter this most holy Dao Palace, aloof and remote, I care very little about him and his mother."

"Later, I succeeded, not only entering When I got here, I was promoted step by step, even in the top ten in the outer court, and I was promoted to the Palace Lord."

"When I become famous, I plan to take my child to this Dao Palace for further studies. It's a pity..."

Speaking of this, Dan Wu's eyes showed incomparable pain, the circles of his eyes were red, and there were faint tears shining.

"Unfortunately, my child, in order to make his father look squarely, regardless of life and death, went to the restricted area and died!"

"He wanted to let me admit his game, to let me Put it down and care more about them..."

"Damn, leave some condemnation to me and say, go with my child..."

Dan Wushuang Tears fell from his eyes, and he said: "At that time, I felt that heaven falls and earth rends, everything I tried, seemed meaningless."

"Everything I pursued, for what? For myself Wise I, for myself, aloof and remote?"

"When no one can share all this with me, I feel that what I get is meaningless, I am alone, no one to rely on."

Dan Wushuang fell into deep self-blame, because of him, he killed his child!

"It's okay, it's okay..." He smiled again: "When a person dies, everything is scattered, the gas turns into the breeze, the flesh turns into mud, come in empty, go away in empty..."

"wait for me."

Su Hao listened carefully the whole time, and at the same time his body fell down, and he had reached the periphery of the giant pillar of golden light and looked there.

Here, there is no doubt that a heavenly road has been opened to the creation of Spiritual God.

Arriving here, Su Hao looked towards Ling Xue, Mo Feng, high above, and said, "You guys are in the periphery, take care of my Master, I'll come when I go."

After speaking, stride forward, Spiritual God's creation, there must be Spiritual God-level Supreme Treasure, treasure medicine, etc., that is Dan Wushuang's opportunity.

At this time, Dan Wushuang's eyes shot out an incomparably bright light, and he turned his head and looked towards Ling Xue, high above, Mo Feng said, "He, what does he call me?"

"Master, you are waiting for the old man, I have full confidence in my Husband." Ling Xue did not stop, but went to support Su Hao.

Dan Wushuang has paid too much for Su Hao. If her man doesn't do anything, then Ling Xue will look down on her.

Now it seems that her man is very domineering!

No one can compare!

Mo Feng and the high above are also heavily nodded, it must be possible!

"Since you're here, I'll leave you here." But at this moment, from the direction of Su Hao, there was another icy voice.

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